Problem: How do we pick a product id so that products are searchable by name or keywords?
- Option 1: Use plaintext names
- Option 2: Use a random id and an external resolver contract
- Solution: Go with option 1 for simplicity Problem: How to search metadata?
- Since metadata is stored off-chain it needs to be searchable off-chain
- Solution: Store metadata in a MongoDB and reference it by its hash Problem: How to tie the product id to the real product in a reliable way?
- Option 1: Pick a plaintext name same as the real product name and verify its developer’s identity
- Solution: Postpone to v2 or delegate to an external service Problem: How to verify developers identity?
- Solution: Use GitHub verification (GitCoin approach [link?]) Problem: How to verify auditors identity?
- Use GitHub verification (GitCoin approach [link?])
- Solution: Postpone to v2 or delegate to an external service
The developer adds a new initial record that refers to a new product with its new GitHub:
- Go to the system web UI
- Press “Add new project”
- Provide a name for the product
- Provide a name for the first record
- Provide an optional note
- Press Record
- Approve Metamask pop-up
The developer adds a new record for an existing product:
- Go to the system web UI
- Select the product from the owned products list
- Press “Add new record”
- Provide a name for the new record
- Provide an optional note
- Press Record
- Approve Metamask pop-up
The developer requests a third-party verification:
- Go to the system web UI
- Select the product from the owned products list
- Select record
- Press “Request verification”
- Provide the address of the third-party
- Provide the email of the third-party
- Press “Request”
- Approve Metamask pop-up
A third-party verifies the record:
- Open email with the verification request
- Click on the link in the email
- Look at the record name and note and make sure it’s all good
- Set up Metamask to use the branding wallet
- Press “Verify Record”
- Approve Metamask pop-up
A user looks up a product:
- Go to the system web UI
- Enter product real name or part of it in a search field
- Select the product from results
- Observe developer address
- Observe the list of records each containing:
- Record name
- Record note
- Optional signature of a third-party
- Make a smart contract
- Make truffle tests
- Home scene
- Search field with clickable suggestions. Enter goes to first suggestion.
- List of owned products
- Add product button
- Product scene
- Product name
- Developer address
- List of records. Each row contains:
- Record name
- Verification signature with the address of the verifier (if present)
- Add record button (only for the owner)
- Record scene
- Record name
- Product name
- Developer Address
- Verificator Address (if present)
- Record note
- “Verify” button (if approved)
contract Wayback {
mapping(bytes32 => address) projectToOwner;
mapping(bytes32 => address) eventTxHashToApproved;
event action(bytes32 projectId, bytes32 metaData);
function writeEvent(
bytes32 projectId,
bytes32 metaData
) external {}
function writeAndApprove(
bytes32 projectId,
bytes32 metaData,
bytes32 eventTxHash,
address thirdParty
) external {}
function sign(
bytes32 projectId,
bytes32 metaData,
bytes32 eventTxHash
) external {}