Very simple Intl support for NodeJS Applications
The intention behind this repository is to always maintain a viable and simple internationalization package to use in any type of NodeJS Framework
To use the high potential from this package you need to install first this other packages from SecJS, it keeps as dev dependency because one day
will install everything once.
npm install @secjs/contracts @secjs/exceptions @secjs/utils
npm install @secjs/intl
Format messages using json files inside resources/locales folder. Is extremely important to create the folder resources/locales in the project root, and inside you need to create the folders for each language, example: resources/locales/en-us.
"greeting": "Hello!, my name is {{name}}!"
"greeting": "Olá!, meu nome é {{name}}!"
import { Sntl } from '@secjs/intl'
// First set the defaultLocale and call load,
// to get all files inside resources folder.
// Now you can call Sntl anywhere and use as you want.
await new Sntl.setDefaultLocale('en-us').load()
Sntl.formatMessage('messages.greeting', { name: 'João' })
// 'Hello!, my name is João!'
// Use forLocale to call for a specific locale in runtime
Sntl.forLocale('pt-br').formatMessage('messages.greeting', {
name: 'João',
}) // 'Olá!, meu nome é João!'
Sntl.forLocale('en-us').formatMessage('messages.greeting', {
name: 'João',
}) // 'Hello!, my name is João!'
// Use changeLocale to change the defaultLocale in runtime
Sntl.changeLocale('pt-br').formatMessage('messages.greeting', {
name: 'João',
// 'Olá!, meu nome é João!'
Sntl.forLocale('en-us').formatMessage('messages.greeting', {
name: 'João',
}) // 'Hello!, my name is João!'
// Use list to get all keys inside the json file
Sntl.list('stub', { name: 'João' }) // { test: 'Hello!, my name is João!' }
Made with 🖤 by jlenon7 👋