NIO offers extensions to provide first-class support for Apple platforms (iOS
12+, macOS 10.14+, tvOS 12+, watchOS 6+) via NIO Transport Services.
NIO Transport Services uses Network.framework and
s to schedule tasks.
To use NIO Transport Services in gRPC Swift you need to provide a
to the configuration of your server or client connection.
gRPC Swift provides a helper method to provide the correct EventLoopGroup
based on the network preference:
PlatformSupport.makeEventLoopGroup(loopCount:networkPreference:) -> EventLoopGroup
Here networkPreference
defaults to .best
, which chooses the
implementation if it is available (iOS 12+, macOS 10.14+,
tvOS 12+, watchOS 6+) and uses .posix
Using the TLS provided by Network.framework
via NIO Transport Services is not
currently supported. Instead, TLS is provided by NIOSSL