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522 lines (493 loc) · 23.1 KB

File metadata and controls

522 lines (493 loc) · 23.1 KB


  • Potentially BREAKING behavior: innerJoin now has another parameter commonColumns, which handles how columns that are common to both dataframes are handled. Previously, we wrongly assumed that the data in all common columns must match exactly. In that case it didn’t matter which column to take. However, if they did not match, the data for the common columns (including the one we joined by) was corrupted and left at default initialization from the first mismatch in a common column. There are now 3 different ways:
    • ccLeft: keep the data of the left input
    • ccRename: Rename the common columns to *_left and *_right (default)
    • ccDrop: Drop common columns that are not the joined one.

    We choose to use ccRename as the default, because it keeps all information. It is a breaking change however, because the common columns now have a different name. But imo it’s better here to make people aware that this change happened instead of giving them wrong data. Feel free to conflict me on this.


  • prepare Datamancer for -d:nimPreviewHashFarm


  • fix an issue in arrange, which could lead to calls with more than 2 columns to result in bad sorting from the 3rd column on.


  • remove toHashSet from Datamancer, as it is now part of Arraymancer directly


  • fix issue #65 where not enough identifier hygiene in formula macros could cause CT errors if user variable of same name as column name appeared and accented quoting was used
  • allow a title for the page in showBrowser
  • add option to exclude columns when using fromH5 serialization


Add experimental support for the JS backend!

Not everything works, but the most important parts are there. The basic idea is that we have a non arraymancer data storage for columns, simply a wrapper around seq[T].

Some basic features related to IO are currently not supported. And on older Nim versions (older than current devel), it may be required to be more explicit in f{} formulas in terms of type hints.


  • remove our len for Tensor due to addition in arraymaner now (update arraymancer dep to >= 0.7.28)
  • improvement to formula logic to detect procedures with {.error: "".} pragma usage and ignore them for type matching (necessary due to forbidding e.g. + in arraymancer for Tensor + Scalar now)

Note: If you are on Nim 1.6 or 2.0 (but not after) and you are using a formula with max(c"foo") where foo is a column name, you will have to replace that by max(col("foo")). Due to a new addition of a max(varargs[Tensor]]): Tensor type procedure in arraymancer, for some reason older Nim versions bind the symbol max fully to that varargs version. That breaks previous formulas. In formulas using max (or similarly min) it may also be necessary to supply type hints, even if they were not required previously for related reasons. E.g. replace: f{ max(idx("a"), 2) } by f{int: max(idx("a"), 2) } to indicate the column "a" should be treated as integers. Given that this is fixed on Nim devel, I won’t attempt a hacky workaround. Please just update your Nim version or your formulas. :(


  • add shuffle to shuffle a DF. Either using stdlib global RNG or given RNG
  • add extend helpers for seq/Tensor/Column to add a single element to any collection and return the extended version
  • throw custom OSError if CSV file cannot be read
  • add %~ for (string, T) to construct a VObject Value
  • fix spread implementation if more keys are present
  • correctly handle quoted fields in CSV files, fixes issue #58
  • add allowLineBreaks option to also allow for line breaks in quoted fields. It’s an optional option (despite being commonly useful for files with quotes), because counting the lines is otherwise a useful sanity check the parsing worked successfully.
  • [IO] fix for space separated files with quoted fields as columns


  • handle DF construction from an empty seq or tensor
  • hotfix for assignStack fix of previous version


  • handle empty datasets in assignStack
  • add overload for innerJoin for more than two arguments


  • fix potential segfault when calling pretty on nil DF
  • allow count to take multiple arguments to group by and count
  • add equal procedure for Columns and DataFrames for comparison of values


  • add optional serialize submodule to serialize to / from HDF5 files
  • allow tilde ~ in paths for readCsv
  • add rows iterator to get rows of DF as single row DF
  • add [] with single int index to get single row of DF
  • add dropNaN helper to remove rows of DF that contain NaNs
  • minor fixes for regressions appearing in newer nim (duplicate case & generic type resolution issue)


  • [io] add emphStrNumber arg to writeCsv, pretty to disable highlighting of strings that look like numbers via explicit "
  • do not lift control flow out of loop bodies even if they do not touch DF colums / indices
  • improve error message for add of two DataFrames, prints the mismatching columns
  • fix Column conversion to string column from char input
  • add item to retrieve the single element of a Column and Tensor


  • replace all doAssert calls that really should be exceptions by exceptions so that --panics:on is saner. Fixes issue #51


  • use contains from the macrocache module if available, PR #49


  • add toOrgTable to convert a DF into an Org style table
  • fixes a reference semantic bug when slicling a DF containing a constant column, e.g. by using head or tail (or manually)
  • small improvements to non generic generics (make them usable for filter if used with dfFn for example)
  • memory optimize construction of groupMap in group_by call


  • toDf now degensyms identifiers so the name of the column is the same as the variable name also in templates (PR #45 by @hugogranstrom)
  • implement lifting out nodes in formulas that perform calculations on full columns to avoid the extreme performance penalty of writing something like f{"foo" ~ `x` + sum(col("y"))} where previously the calculation of the sum would have been performed in line in the loop. Now these are lifted out of the loop body and assigned to a single let variable that is injected instead
  • add maxLines option to CSV parser, useful to only read the first N lines
  • fix extraction of idx/col references in nnkCall arguments
  • fix type determination for procedures with default arguments of type bool


  • refactor toHtml out of showBrowser to access raw generated HTML table


  • fix regression for bool columns, by handling ntyBool in gencase. Fixes the ggplotnim CI, as noticed by Vindaar/ggplotnim#151.


  • fix similar issue to gather with innerJoin by also binding items for sets & calling items directly


  • fix reference semantics bugs for constant columns for filter calls
  • fix issue with gather in files that do not import sets by binding the items iterator in the scope


  • fix issues with toDf if only single argument given (with and without string names) not setting DF length / raising CT error
  • add to option to convert type of data frame
  • some more internal macro logic cleanup


  • define ScalarLike concept to match types that can be converted to float via .float for e.g. units to have a %~ Value conversion for them
  • minor cleanup of macro logic
  • rename genColumn to defColumn
  • toDf now supports assignment of generic arguments as well, as long as the column types required have been generated already.
  • defColumn now generates all combinations of the given types
  • fixes some issues with unionType getting confused
  • makes toColumn work correctly with array


  • fix regression in ggplotnim formula due to badly determined result type. Only use resulting type of Preface if type acceptable (e.g. not generic)
  • fix toColumn for single element Column construction


  • keep conversions from other number types to int and float after all in the context of toDf and toColumn.


MAJOR, POSSIBLY BREAKING: Add experimental support for “non-generic generic Columns”.

See the bottom for a list of known breaking changes.

What does that mean?

First of all the DataFrame type is now an alias to DataTable[Column]. DataTable is a new name for a generic version of DataFrame to avoid breaking changes when making DataFrame generic. Current code should just continue to work fine.

The existing ColumnKind enum now has an additional member called colGeneric. This value is used in other variants of a Column like type, defined by a ColumnLike concept. Essentially, these types are equivalent to Column, but contain additional fields in the colGeneric branch. For example consider an extended ColumnLike type that can also store KiloGram and Meter units (from unchained):

  ColumnKiloGram|Meter = ref object
    len*: int
    case kind*: ColKind
    of colFloat:
      fCol*: Tensor[float]
    of colInt:
      iCol*: Tensor[int]
    of colBool:
      bCol*: Tensor[bool]
    of colString:
      sCol*: Tensor[string]
    of colObject:
      oCol*: Tensor[Value]
    of colConstant:
      cCol*: Value
    of colNone:
    # up to here the same type as `Column`
    of colGeneric:
      # depending on the instance it the generic stores `KiloGram` or `Meter` data
      case gkKind: GenericKiloGram|MeterKind # an auto generated enum for gen eric types
      of gkKiloGram:
        gKiloGram: Tensor[KiloGram] 
      of gkMeter:
        gMeter: Tensor[Meter]

This generalizes to any number of generics.

Such a new Column type is generated using the genColumn macro:

genColumn(KiloGram, Meter)

to generate the above.

After generating the new type, it can be accessed using:

colType(KiloGram, Meter) # <- returns the type 

To construct a DataTable of this type, you can do:

let df = colType(KiloGram, Meter).newDataTable() # or `newDataTable(colType(KiloGram, Meter))` of course

Further an existing DataTable can be extended by a new type column using:

let df = newDataFrame() # construct an old school data frame
# ... put in some data
let dfKg = df.extendDataFrame("foo" # <- column name
                              @[,]) # <- fill with kilo gram data

if the ColumnKiloGram type has been generated before using genColumn(KiloGram) this will return a DataTable[KiloGram] containing the old data of df as well as a new column called "foo" of type KiloGram.

mutate also works with formulas that access generic types or generate columns of new generic types. There are certain limitations currently though. In some cases the formula may need to be aware of the type of the DataTable it acts on. For this there is a new macro, dfFn, which wraps around a regular f{} macro and receives the DataTable it should act on:

genColumn(KiloGram, KiloGram²)
let dfKg2 = dfKg.mutate(dfFn(dfKg, f{KiloGram -> KiloGram²: "kg2" ~ `kg` * `kg`}))

as this is a bit annoying, there is a mutate2 (the name is consciously stupid, as a proper name still hasn’t been chosen) that does this automatically:

genColumn(KiloGram, KiloGram²)
let dfKg2 = dfKg.mutate2(f{KiloGram -> KiloGram²: "kg2" ~ `kg` * `kg`})

Columns of course only have to be generated once.

Note: one thing when dealing with multiple columns of different types to keep in mind (as this surely will come up more now): The idx and col helpers in formulas, support explicit type annotations for individual columns:

f{float -> Meter: "foo" ~ `x` * idx(`y`, Meter)}
# where `x` will be read as `float` and `y` as `Meter`!

Many things are likely to break… :)

See the playground/non_generic_generics.nim for a few examples for usage.

The release is a bit less refined than I would have liked, but as the code is (as far as I can tell), not breaking existing code and mostly working, I want to merge it now, to test it properly in real usage and fix things along the way. Otherwise it will be on ice forever.

The commit that contains the added code is squashed as the development code is ultra messy. Check out the nonGenericGenerics branch (or PR) or the cleanUpCommitsForRebase branch (or PR) for the full history.

Known breaking changes and issues:

  • assigning data of types that can be converted to int or float (e.g. int8) to a DF does not auto convert them anymore. This was always a helper to store them, but in the future once this feature is more refined, it’ll be better to store them as is
  • colGeneric is a new enum field for ColumnKind and thus has to be handled in code dealing with the enum manually


  • remove outdated warning about failed type deduction in formulas


This release gets rid of all hints during compile time, afaict.

  • remove unused imports
  • make sure variables follow same naming
  • remove dead code
  • add styles:usage to nim.cfg


  • BREAKING: change semantics of assignment formula (using <-) in the context of mutate. Previously, using such formulas in a mutate (or transmute) call would end up renaming a column from RHS to LHS. However, this was never clearly communicated & was a bit unclear. In particular it made it impossible to generate a constant column in a mutate call, which seems much more useful to me. To rename a column, simply use the rename procedure as before. Note that a f{"bar" <- "foo"} formula is required in that case.
  • raise an exception in rename if a formula of different kind than fkAssign is given
  • change default printing width of columns in a DF. Make them a bit wider to accommodate float columns printed in exp notation.


  • another quick release to help with some windows line ending CSV files
    • adds a lineBreak and eat option to readCsv to help with certain windows style line ending CSV files in which otherwise we might miscount the number of lines


  • hotfix release fixing an issue with readCsv.
    • if a file contained columns that do not allow us to determine types, fixes an issue in which parsing of them failed, due to a missing reset of col
    • add a maxGuesses argument to readCsv to stop guessing types after this many rows (set to ‘object’ columns in that case)
    • fix a small issue in which we always entered the skipLines loop, even if we didn’t have to skip any lines


  • add support for reading CSV files from http and https URLs.
  • do not ignore `skipInitialSpace` and `quote` readCsv arguments.


  • replace an assertion by a proper check in summarize if user hands a non reducing formula to it
  • replace usages of seqsToDf in the docs
  • BREAKING: in readCsv the colNames argument, if any are given, now implies we skip the parsing of the header completely. If there is a header in the file that is to be ignored, colNames must be combined with skipLines! See also the updated docstring.
  • possibly breaking: when parsing CSV files with space / tab separators, spacing at the end of the lines does not cause issues anymore (they previously caused us to count them as real columns, meaning possible crashes due to number of column mismatches). This can be breaking for a user, but in that case they relied on unspecified behavior. Empty columns at the beginning or ending in the file are a bit crazy for space based seps. However, we might add a skipInitialSpace equivalent for this in the future.


  • select now respects the order of the given columns, i.e. the order of the columns in the resulting DF are in the order of the given columns
  • add relocate to change the column order of one or more keys
  • add experimental operation to access column at index i using df[[i]] syntax


  • fix CSV parsing for files with fully empty columns
  • allow printing of columns of kind colNone
  • add filename as title to showBrowser calls


  • fix regression when calling arrange with purely column references to constant columns


  • constant DataFrame columns have seen improvements. Before most operations on them would convert them to a non-constant column, often forced to convert to an object column. Now, most operations (that make sense) are supported on constants themselves and if a non-constant conversion is required, it aims to use the type corresponding to the underlying Value kind of the constant. That way conversions of constants to full columns should now lead to native (float, int, string, bool) tensors (unless an operation with another native, incompatible type is performed)
  • some bugs were fixed that could cause reference semantics of dataframes to shine through when using filter
  • BREAKING: the toValueKind procedure now takes a Column instead of a ColumnKind. This is to be able to handle the constant to full conversion properly. Note: A deprecated variant of the former version is still around!
  • add filterToIdx, which takes a DF and a sequence / tensor of integers. The procedure will keep only those rows of the DF whose indices are part of the seq/Tensor
  • slight performance improvements for the parsing of CSV files (larger for string heavy files) by avoiding an unnecessary newString call (yeah, setLen resizes for you if needed…)
  • allow more valid Nim code inside of f{} formulas, e.g. if expressions and block statements
  • fix type determinations in f{} formulas, if a procedure with default parameters, but no explicit type information is given.
  • certain expressions in f{} formulas (for example isNaN(idx("foo"))) could produce unintended CT errors and work now (sorry, had to add a when compiles check :( ).
  • experimental support for “full formulas” as I call them that allow to have more control over variables in the scope of the formula:
        foo in df["Foo", float]
        bar in baz(df["Bar", int])
        bar^2.float + foo  

    allows for custom variable names inside of the context (and more importantly) to perform a full column operation (e.g. baz) on a column before the loop and use the elements of that operation inside of the loop. Note that this is not for reducing operations on columns (i.e. mean(df["Bar", float]))! It is still planned to lift reducing operations out of the loop body, but that is still pending.

  • SEMI-BREAKING: add preliminary support for reducing formulas that require a for loop. This (currently) allows for res += <formula> like statements inside of a loop instead of just res = <formula> where in the latter the formula must produce a scalar by itself (i.e. does not allow element wise access to columns). Now a formula that accesses a single element via idx(...) will produce a loop with an accumulation. Note: to make use of this feature you must use the full formula syntax, as otherwise the default value of res is unclear.
        var res = 1.0
        Bidx in df["B", float]
        res *= Bidx * 1.5
  • add lag, lead procedures that take a Tensor/Column and return a new Tensor/Column that is shiftet forward / backward N elements (the left overs are zeroed by default, but adjustable using fill argument)
  • the showBrowser helper to view a DataFrame in the browser now adds an additional “index” column
  • improve performance of groups iterator (particularly in cases where the DF is already sorted / the sorting is cheap)
  • fix type deduction issues in formulas using dot expressions for certain cases


  • add convenience comparison operators for Value elements of a column with regular types within a =f{}= formula (they are emitted as templates into the closure scope to avoid having them available in all scopes). Use the convenienceValueComparisons template to emit them to a local scope if desired outside formula scopes.


  • make sure to only import and export arraymancer/tensor submodule
  • fix CSV parsing wrt. empty fields (treated as NaN) and explicit NaN & Inf values
  • fix CSV parsing of files with extraneous newlines
  • fix CSV parsing with missing values at the end of a line (becomes NaN)
  • fix CSV parsing of empty fields if missing in first row and element is not float
  • add more parsing tests


  • add basic implementation of spread (inverse of gather; similar to dplyr pivot_wider). The current implementation is rather basic and performance may be suboptimal for very large data frames.
  • add null helper to create a VNull Value
  • significantly improve the docs of the dataframe.nim module.
  • fixes an issue where unique column reference names were combined into the same column due to a bad name generation algorithm
  • significantly improves performance in applications in which allocation of memory is a bottleneck (tensors were zero initialized).
  • disable formula output at CT by default. Compile with -d:echoFormulas to see the output.
  • remove CT warnings for unrelated stuff (node kinds)


  • avoid some object conversions in column operations (ref #11)
  • add []= overloads for columns for slice assignments
  • significantly improve performance of mutate/transmute operations for grouped dataframes (O(150,000) groups in < 0.5 s possible now)
  • fixes #12 by avoiding hashing of columns. Some performance regression in innerJoin, setDiff (~2x slower in bad cases).


  • allow assignment of constants in seqsToDf
  • allow assignment of scalars to DF as column directly
  • add filename argument to showBrowser
  • make compileFormulaImpl actually typed to make formulas work correctly inside of generics (ref ggplotnim Vindaar/ggplotnim#116
  • change internal macro type logic to use strings


  • fix slicing of constant columns


  • fully qualify Value on scalar formula construction


  • fix formulas (and type deduction) for certain use cases involving nnkBracketExpr that are not references to columns


  • improve type deduction capabilities for infix nodes
  • add overload for drop that doesn’t just work on a mutable data frame
  • fix reference semantics issues if DF is modified and visible in result (only data is shared, but columns should be respected)
  • arrange now also takes a varargs[string] instead of a seq. While there is still a bug of not properly being able to use varargs, at least an array is possible (and hopefully at some point proper varargs).


  • CSV parser is more robust, can handle unnammed columns
  • explicit types in idx, col column reference finally works (e.g. idx("foo", float) accesses the column “foo” as a float tensor overwriting type deductions and type hints)


  • allow nnkMacroDef in findType
  • add development notes and ideas about rewrite of formula macro in notes/


  • initial version of Datamancer based on ggplotnim data frame with major formula macro rewrite