It is a group project with the aim of developing a website accessible via HTTPS that hosts the classic game PONG.
The BackEnd must be built using Python(Django), the FrontEnd made with HTML, CSS(Bootstrap toolkit) and JavaScript and the database must be PostgreSQL.
There are no restraints in regards to external libraries and the website but it needs to be a single-page application. It should be compatible with Google Chrome.
The user must log in using after doing the registration in the system and be able to use a two-factor authentication method, for which we chose the Google Authenticator App.
Overall, the platform should have a ranking system, profile editing, AI opponent, tournament system ,view users status, friend features and some profile customization options.
The main purpose is to play an implementation of Pong, as if it was 1972. all over again
Finally, the server structure must be containerized using docker and available with a single call of: docker-compose up --build.
In this project we need to choose 7 major modules (2 minor module = 1 major), the picked ones where the following:
Major module: Use a Framework as backend. Minor module: Use a front-end framework or toolkit. Minor module: Use a database for the backend.
Major module: Standard user management, authentication, users across tournaments.
Major module: Remote players
Major module: Introduce an AI Opponent.
Major module: Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and JWT.
Major module: Designing the Backend as Microservices.
Follow the steps below
# Clone the project and access the folder
git clone && cd Ft_Transcendence/
# create a .env file in your root
# examples are given in .env.example in each folder
# Run make to install the packages and create the Docker containers (this may take a while)
# Run make up so you can build the images
# and run the containers
make up
# Access the login page using the URL below
# Create a account
# Run make down to stop running containers
make down
# Alert!
# This will clean up all your docker related files and containers
# Use this if you really want to clean your machine
make fclean
# Well done!
Made by:
Gabriel Scaramal 👋 See my github
Yannick Jorus 👋 See my github
Sandra Munyanshoza 👋 See my linkedin