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Exercise 2: Continuous Delivery

Duration: 40 minutes

The Fabrikam Medical Conferences developer workflow has been improved. We are ready to consider migrating from running on-premises to a cloud implementation to reduce maintenance costs and facilitate scaling when necessary. We will take steps to run the containerized application in the cloud as well as automate its deployment.

Task 1: Set up Cloud Infrastructure

  1. In your Labvm open file explorer, navigate to C:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files\infrastructure and open the deploy-infrastructure.ps1 PowerShell script. In deploy-infrastructure.ps1 replace studentprefix value with . After updating the student prefix save the file using CTRL+S.

    $studentprefix = "hbs"                                  # <-- Modify this value
    $resourcegroupName = "fabmedical-rg-" + $studentprefix
    $cosmosDBName = "fabmedical-cdb-" + $studentprefix
    $webappName = "fabmedical-web-" + $studentprefix
    $planName = "fabmedical-plan-" + $studentprefix
    $location1 = "westeurope"
    $location2 = "northeurope"
  2. Note the individual calls to the azcli for the following:

    • Creating a Resource Group

      # Create resource group
      az group create `
          --location $location1 `
          --name $resourcegroupName
    • Creating a CosmosDB Database

      # Create CosmosDB database
      az cosmosdb create `
          --name $cosmosDBName `
          --resource-group $resourcegroupName `
          --locations regionName=$location1 failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False `
          --locations regionName=$location2 failoverPriority=1 isZoneRedundant=True `
          --enable-multiple-write-locations `
          --kind MongoDB
    • Creating an Azure App Service Plan

      # Create Azure App Service Plan
      az appservice plan create `
          --name $planName `
          --resource-group $resourcegroupName `
          --sku S1 `
    • Creating an Azure Web App

      # Create Azure Web App with NGINX container
      az webapp create `
          --resource-group $resourcegroupName `
          --plan $planName `
          --name $webappName `
          --deployment-container-image-name nginx
  3. In your Powershell Terminal log in to Azure by running the following command:

    az login
  4. Run the deploy-infrastructure.ps1 PowerShell script.

    cd ./infrastructure

Note: A resource group with name fabmedical-rg-uniqueID will be pre-created for you. If you see an authorization error you can ignore it and wait for the script execution to be completed. This can take few minutes to complete the script execution.

  1. Browse to the Azure Portal and verify the creation of the resource group, CosmosDB instance, the App Service Plan, and the Web App.

    Azure Resource Group containing cloud resources to which GitHub will deploy containers via the workflows defined in previous steps.

  2. Open the seed-cosmosdb.ps1 PowerShell script in the C:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files\infrastructure folder of your lab files GitHub repository and replace $studentprefix variable value with .

    Update the $githubAccount, $githubRepo variables with your GitHub account name, GitHub lab files repository name and include :main at the end of the file.

    $studentprefix = "hbs"
    $githubAccount = "hatboyzero"
    $githubRepo = "mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files"
    $resourcegroupName = "fabmedical-rg-" + $studentprefix
    $cosmosDBName = "fabmedical-cdb-" + $studentprefix

    Azure Resource Group containing cloud resources to which GitHub will deploy containers via the workflows defined in previous steps.

  3. Observe the call to fetch the MongoDB connection string for the CosmosDB database.

    # Fetch CosmosDB Mongo connection string
    $mongodbConnectionString = `
        $(az cosmosdb keys list `
            --name $cosmosDBName `
            --resource-group $resourcegroupName `
            --type connection-strings `
            --query 'connectionStrings[0].connectionString')
  4. Note the call to seed the CosmosDB database using the MongoDB connection string passed as an environment variable (MONGODB_CONNECTION) to the fabrikam-init docker image we built in the previous exercise using docker-compose.

    # Seed CosmosDB database
    docker run -ti `
        -e MONGODB_CONNECTION="$mongodbConnectionString" `$githubAccount/$githubRepo/fabrikam-init
  5. Before you pull this image, you may need to authenticate with the GitHub Docker registry. To do this, run the following command before you execute the script. Fill the placeholders appropriately.

    Username is case sensitive make sure you enter the exact username and personal access token.

    docker login -u USERNAME -p PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN 
  6. Run the seed-cosmosdb.ps1 PowerShell script. Browse to the Azure Portal and navigate to fabmedical-cdb-SUFFIX Cosmos DB resource and and verify that the CosmosDB instance has been seeded.

  7. Once the script execution is completed, Browse to the Azure Portal and navigate to fabmedical-cdb-SUFFIX Cosmos DB resource and select Data Explorer from the left menu and verify that the CosmosDB instance has been seeded.

    Azure CosmosDB contents displayed via the CosmosDB explorer in the Azure CosmosDB resource detail.

  8. Below the sessions collection, select Scale & Settings (1) and Indexing Policy (2).

    Opening indexing policy for the sessions collection.

  9. Create a Single Field indexing policy for the startTime field (1). Then, select Save (2).

    Creating an indexing policy for the startTime field.

  10. Open the configure-webapp.ps1 PowerShell script in the C:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files\infrastructure folder of your lab files GitHub repository and replace $studentprefix variable value with on the first line. Once the changes is done, make sure to save the file.

    $studentprefix = "hbs"                                  # <-- Modify this value
    $resourcegroupName = "fabmedical-rg-" + $studentprefix
    $cosmosDBName = "fabmedical-cdb-" + $studentprefix
  11. Observe the call to configure the Azure Web App using the MongoDB connection string passed as an environment variable (MONGODB_CONNECTION) to the web application.

    # Configure Web App
    az webapp config appsettings set `
        --name $webappName `
        --resource-group $resourcegroupName `
        --settings MONGODB_CONNECTION=$mongodbConnectionString
  12. Run the configure-webapp.ps1 PowerShell script.

    cd C:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files\infrastructure
  13. Once the script execution is completed, Browse to the Azure Portal and search for fabmedical-web-SUFFIX App service and select Configuration from left side menu and verify that the environment variable MONGODB_CONNECTION has been added to the Azure Web Application settings.

    Azure Web Application settings reflecting the MONGODB_CONNECTION environment variable configured via PowerShell.

  14. Take the GitHub Personal Access Token you obtained in the Before the Hands-On Lab guided instruction and assign it to the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable in PowerShell. We will need this environment variable for the deploy-webapp.ps1 PowerShell script, but we do not want to add it to any files that may get committed to the repository since it is a secret value.

    $env:GITHUB_TOKEN="<GitHub Personal Access Token>"

Task 2: Deployment Automation to Azure Web App

  1. Open the deploy-webapp.ps1 PowerShell script in the infrastructure folder of your lab files GitHub repository and replace $studentprefix variable value with on the first line and add your GitHub account name for the $githubAccount variable on the second line. Once the changes is done make sure to save the file.

    $studentprefix = "hbs"                                  # <-- Modify this value
    $githubAccount = "hatboyzero"                           # <-- Modify this value
    $resourcegroupName = "fabmedical-rg-" + $studentprefix
    $webappName = "fabmedical-web-" + $studentprefix
  2. Note the call to deploy the Azure Web Application using the docker-compose.yml file we modified in the previous exercise.

    # Deploy Azure Web App
    az webapp config container set `
        --docker-registry-server-password $env:GITHUB_TOKEN `
        --docker-registry-server-url `
        --docker-registry-server-user $githubAccount `
        --multicontainer-config-file ./../docker-compose.yml `
        --multicontainer-config-type COMPOSE `
        --name $webappName `
        --resource-group $resourcegroupName
  3. Run the deploy-webapp.ps1 PowerShell script.


    Note: Make sure to run the deploy-webapp.ps1 script from the infrastructure folder

  4. Browse to the Azure Portal and verify that the Azure Web Application is running by checking the Log stream blade of the Azure Web Application detail page.

    Azure Web Application Log Stream displaying the STDOUT and STDERR output of the running container.

  5. Browse to the Overview blade of the Azure Web Application detail page and find the web application URL. Browse to that URL to verify the deployment of the web application. It might take few minutes for the web application to reflect new changes.

    The Azure Web Application Overview detail in Azure Portal.

    Note: If you see any nginx error while browsing the App URL, that's fine as it will take a few minutes to reflect the changes.

    The Contoso Conference website hosted in Azure.

(Optional) Task 3: Branch Policies in GitHub

Note: This task is optional, and it can be performed only with GitHub Premium accounts.

  1. In your lab files GitHub repository, navigate to the Settings tab and select the Branches blade.

    GitHub Branch settings for the repository

  2. Select the Add rule button to add a new branch protection rule for the main branch. Be sure to specify main in the branch name pattern field. Enable the following options and choose the Create button to create the branch protection rules:

     - Require pull request reviews before merging
     - Require status checks to pass before merging
         - Require branches to be up to date before merging

    Branch protection rule creation form

  3. With the branch protection rule in place, direct commits and pushes to the main branch will be disabled. Verify this by making a small change to your and attempt to commit it to main in your local repository and attempt to push it to the remote repository.

    PS D:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files> git add .
    PS D:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files> git commit -m "Updating"
    [main cafa839] Updating
    1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
    PS D:\Workspaces\lab\mcw-continuous-delivery-lab-files> git push  
    Enumerating objects: 5, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Delta compression using up to 32 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 315 bytes | 315.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
    remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/main.
    remote: error: At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access.
    ! [remote rejected] main -> main (protected branch hook declined)
    error: failed to push some refs to ''
  4. Create a new issue for modifying the in Azure Boards

    "New issue for updating added to Azure Boards"

  5. Create a branch from main and name it feature/update-readme. Push the changes to the to the remote repository.

    git checkout main
    git checkout -b feature/update-readme  # <- This creates the branch and checks it out
    git push --set-upstream origin feature/update-readme

    Note: Because the changes had already been committed locally to the main branch in step 3, the changes already exist in the feature/update-readme branch - this is why we issue a git push immediately after branching from the local main branch.

  6. Create a pull request to merge feature/update-readme into main in GitHub. Add the annotation AB#2 in the description of the pull request to link it with the new Azure Boards issue in step 4.

    Note: The Docker build workflow executes as part of the status checks.

  7. Select the Merge pull request button after the build completes successfully to merge the Pull Request into main.

    "Pull request for merging the feature/update-main branch into main"

    Note: Under normal circumstances, this pull request would be reviewed by someone other than the author of the pull request. For now, use your administrator privileges to force merge of the pull request.

  8. Observe in Azure Boards the Issue is appropriately linked to the GitHub comment.

    "The Update issue with the comment from the pull request created in step 6 linked"