A simple template for making nice-looking Dapps FAST. Provides a ready-made frontend and simple Ethereum contract interaction.
The template is based on CryptoPrimitve's Crowdserve Dapp https://cryptoprimitive.github.io/crowdserve-debut/
You can add contracts through the loadContracts function in web3_contractsLoader.js
For each contract deployed, you must provide a contract address and an ABI.
loadContracts(contract1Address, contract1Abi , contract2Address, contract2Abi, etc...);
Each contract can then be accessed with loadedContracts[i] where i is the ith contract loaded.
By default, a getAllEvents() function is added to the contract that fetches all the events in the contract.
You can easily add blocks of content to the Dapp by copying the default empty block and filling it with what you wish. You can set the amount of space occupied by content by using bootsrap colums (EG: col-3-md, col-6-md, etc...).
<!-- What follows is an examples of an empty block ready to be filled -->
<h2>This is a custom block</h2>
<div class="mainBlock">
<div class="row well well-sm">
<div class="col-md-12">
<p>You can fill me with content!</p>