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String and Image Localization guide


This document describes how to localize your Tizen Xamarin.Forms application.

String Localization

You can begin with reading the following how-to article of Xamarin.Forms Localization.

For more information on String Localization, see Xamarin.Forms Localization.

Explain how to create a resource file

  1. Add the RESX resource files that will be used to store all the text used in the your application. local_resx


  2. Change the string visibility from internal to public. Select your resx file and click Properties. In the Configuration Properties, change Custom Tool to PublicResXFileCodeGenerator as shown in the following image:



  3. Add language-specific resource files, which must follow a specific naming convention and use the same filename as the base resources file.


Explain how to use a resource file

  • Use name of texts with String type in the RESX files in your user interface code.

    C# file

    var speedLabel = new Label ();
    var maximumLabel = new Label ();
    speedLabel.Text = AppResources.Speed;
    maximumLabel.Text = AppResources.Maximum;
  • Use name of texts with String type in the RESX files in the your xaml code.

    XAML file

                            AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.5, 0.3"
                            Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle-Base}"
                            Text="{x:Static resx:AppResources.Speed}" />
                            AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.2, 0.7"
                            Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle-Base}"
                            Text="{x:Static resx:AppResources.Average}" />

Display the correct Language

To display the correct language, you must implement additional code in your project to determine which language the user has selected.

Please refer to following Xamarin.Forms article. For more information, see Display the correct Language.

  1. Define an interface to use your DependencyService:

    public interface ILocalize
        CultureInfo CurrentCultureInfo { get; }
        void SetLocale(CultureInfo ci);
  2. Implement the DependencyService in Tizen platform project for getting current system language setting.(SystemSettings API is included in Tizen.Net nuget package)

    [assembly: Dependency(typeof(LocaleService))]
    namespace Speedmeter.Tizen.Wearable.DependencyService
        class LocaleService : ILocalize
            CultureInfo _currentCultureInfo;
            public LocaleService()
                _currentCultureInfo = GetCurrentCultureInfo();
                // To get notified when system locale settings has been changed
                SystemSettings.LocaleLanguageChanged += LanguageChanged;
            public CultureInfo CurrentCultureInfo
                    return _currentCultureInfo;
            public void SetLocale(CultureInfo info)
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info;
            CultureInfo GetCurrentCultureInfo()
                var netLanguage = "en";
                var TizenLocale = SystemSettings.LocaleLanguage;
                netLanguage = TizenToDotnetLanguage(TizenLocale.ToString().Replace("_", "-"));
                CultureInfo info = null;
                    info = new CultureInfo(netLanguage);
                catch (CultureNotFoundException e1)
                    Console.WriteLine("cannot find the current cultureInfo. so use 'en'. (" + e1.Message + ")");
                    info = new CultureInfo("en");
                return info;
            private void LanguageChanged(object sender, LocaleLanguageChangedEventArgs e)
                CultureInfo info = GetCurrentCultureInfo();
                _currentCultureInfo = info;
                // Notify the change of locale information
                MessagingCenter.Send<ILocalize, CultureInfo>(this, "LanguageChanged", info);
            string TizenToDotnetLanguage(string tizenLanguage)
                var netLanguage = tizenLanguage;
                //certain languages need to be converted to CultureInfo equivalent
                switch (tizenLanguage)
                    case "zh-CN":   // Chinese Simplified (People's Republic of China)
                        netLanguage = "zh-Hans"; // correct code for .NET
                    case "zh-HK":  // Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong)
                    case "zh-hk":
                    case "zh-tw":  // Chinese Traditional (Taiwan)
                    case "zh-TW":
                        netLanguage = "zh-Hant"; // correct code for .NET
                Console.WriteLine("[Speedmeter] .NET Language/Locale:" + netLanguage);
                return netLanguage;
  3. Use the DependencyService in the Xamarin.Forms application to call the interface and set your RESX resource culture to the correct value. You can receive the culture information using MessagingCenter. You can also update your application UI when your application is running and system language has been changed.

    var ci = DependencyService.Get<ILocalize>().CurrentCultureInfo;
    Resx.AppResources.Culture = ci; // set the RESX for resource localization
    // Whenever language has been changed, CurrentCulture will be updated.
    MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ILocalize, CultureInfo>(this, "LanguageChanged", (obj, culture) =>
        Resx.AppResources.Culture = culture;
        //update your App UI

Image Localization

Tizen project supports localized images(resources) using different resource directories. Tizen uses res.xml file to specify the information about the directory, which contains the localized resources(For example, Image, Sound, and so on). The res.xml file is automatically generated when you build your application.

To add the localized resource directories in your application in Visual Studio:

  • In Solution Explorer, select Tizen project. Go to Tools > Tizen > Resource Manager


  • Resource Manager window appears. In Configuration tab, select from the language drop-down list.


  • Select the language, Click Add.



  • Resource directories are automatically created in Tizen project as res.xml file. This file is generated in res directory of Tizen project after building an application as:


    res.xml code


    Your application can sometimes run in a locale, for which you have not provided images. In that case, Tizen loads the default image from the resource content directory (yourApp.Tizen/res/content/). If there is no default image within resource content directory and the device sets the locale, for which you have not provided images, an error occurs.


    When you detect locale changes, you must update the resource culture. Then you must update the texts and images, which you want to localize. As for localized images, you can make custom image renderer to load the proper locale-specific images.

    Tizen provides the path of locale-specific images via ResourceManager.TryGetPath and ResourceManager.GetPath methods. With this, you can change

    class LocalizedImageRenderer :ImageRenderer

    using TizenResourceManager = Tizen.Applications.ResourceManager;
    public LocalizedImageRenderer() : base()
        SystemSettings.LocaleLanguageChanged += SystemSettings_LocaleLanguageChanged;
    // Invoked every time the language setting has been changed
    private void SystemSettings_LocaleLanguageChanged(object sender, LocaleLanguageChangedEventArgs e)
        // Get the path of a proper image based on locale and update the source of an image
        Element.Source = TizenResourceManager.TryGetPath(TizenResourceManager.Category.Image, fileName);

Application Name Localization

You can add localized application name and icon using tizen-manifest.xml in the Tizen project.

  • Open the tizen-manifest.xml, select the Localization tab and click Add to add Name.

  • Add application names for languages you want to support.
