Please follow the below rules while contributing your build script to this repo.
- Always start your build-script with shabang statement (#!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/ksh). Shabang statement should be at first line of your build-script, otherwise, travis check will fail with
exec user process caused "exec format error"
error. - Below header is mandatory for the build-script:
If the build-script doesn't contain any of the field in above header, that leads to
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Package : <Package-Name> # Version : <Default package version current build-script is going to support/validate> # Source repo : <Package source repo URL> # Tested on : <Linux OS distribution details on which build-script implemented/validated> # Language : <Programming language in which Package is implemented> # Travis-Check : <True: If build-script can be validated via travis build on docker container.> # Script License: Apache License, Version 2 or later # Maintainer : <Maintainer name along with official email-id> # # Disclaimer: This script has been tested in **root/non-root** mode on given # ========== platform using the mentioned version of the package. # It may not work as expected with newer versions of the # package and/or distribution. In such case, please # contact "Maintainer" of this script. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
in travis check. - Please mention in notes that, whether the script is made for root user or non-root user.
- Always keep the package version/commitID in variable. Try to take version as parameter otherwise take a default version number you are working on. Below is the example:
VERSION=${1:-v5.0.2} # v5.0.2 is the default version, in case of no parameter passed to the script.
- Check if package/component directory already exists and add new file into it. If not, create a directory for new package/component and place LICENSE file into it.
- Package name & Filenames must be in lowercase.
- Get Legal approvals incase of any code change/patch.
- Build script templates can be found here.
- Test the build script on clean UBI container before raising PR. Include test logs as part of PR.
- Try to create a branch on your forked repo for each PR.