In this session, you'll setup your machine for Blazor development and build your first Blazor app.
Install the following:
.NET Core 2.1 SDK (2.1.500 or later).
Visual Studio 2017 (15.9 or later) with the ASP.NET and web development workload selected.
The latest Blazor Language Services extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
The Blazor templates on the command-line:
dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates
To create a Blazor project in Visual Studio:
Select File > New > Project. Select Web > ASP.NET Core Web Application. Name the project "BlazorApp1" in the Name field. Select OK.
The New ASP.NET Core Web Application dialog appears. Make sure .NET Core is selected at the top. Also select ASP.NET Core 2.1. Choose the Blazor template and select OK.
Once the project is created, press Ctrl-F5 to run the app without the debugger. Running with the debugger (F5) isn't supported at this time.
If not using Visual Studio, create the Blazor app at a command prompt on Windows, macOS, or Linux:
dotnet new blazor -o BlazorApp1
cd BlazorApp1
dotnet run
Navigate to the app using the localhost address and port provided in the console window output after dotnet run
is executed. Use Ctrl-C in the console window to shutdown the app.
The Blazor app runs in the browser:
Congrats! You just built and ran your first Blazor app!
If you have more time, try out the rest of the introductory Blazor tutorial
Next up - Components and layout