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240 lines (195 loc) · 9.06 KB

Annotation Service REST API

The REST API is provided by the annotation service. Its purpose is to allow querying the annotation database by concept (represented by a UMLS concept id called a 'CUI') or free text. The latter has less support, CUIs are the primary search term. There is also the concept of using a mapping which is the use of a user-specified name that expands to a list of CUIs.

A concept (CUI) can refer to a body part, disease, condition, drug, treatment, etc and a metathesaurus (dictionary) is maintained by UMLS. The dictionary contains mappings from SNOMED identifiers, so for convenience the query API will accept a SNOMED id instead of a CUI.

A concept (CUI) can refer to an extremely specific part of the body so there is the option of expanding a given CUI into a list of related CUIs, all of them being 'children' (narrower) concepts. As a simple example think of specifying the CUI for the eye, and having it expanded to search for eye, retina, cornea, iris, etc.

API calls

A list of API calls (note that if a trailing slash is shown below then it is mandatory):

/api/docs - return a list of documents (not useful)
/api/need_passphrase/ - returns true or false to indicate whether a passphrase is needed for all API calls
/api/check_phrase/PHRASE/ - returns true or false, checks if the password is correct
/api/doc_detail/DOCID/ - returns the annotations on the document
/api/search_docs/QUERY/ - search within documents
/api/search_anns/QUERY/ - search within annotations
/api/mappings/ - return list of mapping names, eg. ["mapping 1", "mapping 2"]


If a password is needed (need_passphrase returns true) then you can check a given password using check_phrase which should return true if correct. After that all API calls must have a password in the query string, for example ?passphrase=PHRASE. Note that PHRASE is the sha256-encoded version of the password. You can test this on the command line with printf "passphrase" | sha256sum.

jQuery callback syntax

The query string can have a callback= parameter if called from jQuery. This is used by the /vis/ web application. Return values will be wrapped with the callback function name.

Query API

The most common use of the API is to make a database query with /api/search_anns followed by retrieving the annotations and content of a document with /api/getDocDetail.

The API has been extended for use within SMI by adding additional query terms. Alongside the query terms are filtering terms which reduce the scope of the search to specific modalities or a range of dates.

The query is encoded as a JSON object string, not a traditional HTML form.

The reason for doing it this way is because it has to be submitted as a GET query string not a POST due to CORS (although see below). Also GET has a low limit on length. The JSON format allows a much more flexible set of query terms.

Most items are optional. Optional fields should not be transmitted, so that the server can determine a sensible default value.

/api/search_anns/term/?j=JSON - where JSON is a structure like this:

"terms" = [
  { "q" = "QUERY", (free text or comma-separated list of CUIs or SNOMED codes, possibly preceded by - to negate?)
    "qdepth" = N, (limit the query expansion to depth N)
    "qstop" = [ "Cnnnnn", ], (remove CUIs from the expanded list)
    "negation = "Any" or "Negated" or "Affirmed",
    "experiencer" = "Patient" or "Other",
    "temporality" = ["Recent" or "historical" or "hypothetical"]
"filter" = {
  "start_date" = "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "end_date" = "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "modalities" = [ "CT", "MR", "US", "PT", "CR", "OT", "XA", "RF", "DX", "MG", "PR", "NM" ],
  "sopinstanceuid" = [ "nnn", ... ],
  "seriesinstanceuid" = [ "nnn", ... ],
  "studyinstanceuid" = [ "nnn", ... ]
"returnFields" = [ "SOPInstanceUID", "SeriesInstanceUID", "StudyInstanceUID", "PatientID" ]

Note that the JSON structure will obviously have to be a single line of text encoded suitably for a GET URL.

Alternatively the query can be submitted using POST if it is large. The content needs to be a dictionary containing "terms" at the top level along with optional "passphrase", "filter" and "returnFields". The passphrase has to be in here and not in the URL.

All fields except "terms[q]" are optional (omit them rather than trying to provide a default value, so that the API itself can choose a suitable default value).

The query terms for negation, experiencer and temporality should not be specified unless necessary. In particular note the difference between negation=Negated, which means that the query term must be present in a negative context, vs the term not being mentioned in the document.

The returnFields typically is only used for returning the SOPInstanceUID but if more than one field is requested then each row in the results will have an array of the values in the same order as requested. (To be confirmed: the result could be a dict instead to prevent confusion).

The CUI to search for is typically something like Cnnnnnnn where n is a digit, eg. C0205076 (which is "Chest Wall"), but can also be a SNOMED code which is a string of only digits. The given code will be expanded in the dictionary to include all sub-codes. If given free-text then it will currently only be matched against the 'pref' field in the database using a full-string case-sensitive match (to be confirmed).

The date range will query the DICOM tag ContentDate (which is not the same as StudyDate unfortunately). Note that the date format in the query is "YYYY-MM-DD" but the date stored in the database is in DICOM format which is YYYYMMDD. If any dates are returned they will be in DICOM format.

The modality will query the DICOM tag ModalitiesInStudy and will look for each of the terms in the query list inside the list in the DICOM tag, i.e. if any of the given list are found anywhere in the tag then it matches.

The uid lists will restrict the query to only the given instances.

The response is a dictionary of the form:

  "success": true,
  "num_results": 2,
  "results": [ ... ]

Each element of results will be a single string value, when the query requests a single element, for example, if requesting SOPInstanceUID, "results": [ "1.2.3", "3.4.5", ... ] or will be a dictionary when the query requests multiple elements, for example, if requesting SOPInstanceUID,SeriesInstanceUID, "results": [ { "SOPInstanceUID": "1.2.3", "SeriesInstanceUID": "3.4.5" }, ... ]

Error response

If an error occurs the response is:

  "success": false,
  "message": "..."


Use --insecure to ignore certificate errors with HTTPS. Use sha256sum to encode your password.

curl --insecure \
     --get \
     --data-urlencode 'passphrase=aa06b3414d1ef012810cff0cfa1e459318ebcdf033af6044bdde7533566b2c23' \
     --data-urlencode 'j={"terms":[{"q":"C0205076"}],"filter":{"start_date":"2017-01-01","end_date":"2017-01-03"}}' \

or using POST

curl --insecure \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"passphrase":"aa06b3414d1ef012810cff0cfa1e459318ebcdf033af6044bdde7533566b2c23","terms":[{"q":"C0205076"}],"returnFields":"SeriesInstanceUID"}' \

Example with R

#install.packages('httr') # may need OS packages libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

api_url=paste0("https://", hostname, ":", port, "/api/")

# PicturesDevAB =
# curl -g -k '{"terms":[{"q":"C0205076"}]}'

# Allow insecure requests (as the certificate is self-signed)
httr::set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))

# Check password
enc_pass=digest(password, algo="sha256", serialize=F)
need_pass=content(GET(paste0(api_url, "need_passphrase/")), as="parsed")
pass_ok=content(GET(paste0(api_url, "check_phrase/", enc_pass, "/")), as="parsed")

# Simple request for code C0205076 in January 2018
query_json = '{"terms":[{"q":"C0205076"}], "filter":{"start_date":"2018-01-01", "end_date":"2018-02-01"}}'
# More complex request
query_json = '
  "terms": [
    { "q": "C0205076", "negation": "Any" }
  "filter": {
    "start_date": "2018-01-01",
    "end_date": "2018-02-01",
    "modalities": [ "CT", "MR" ]
  "returnFields": [ "SeriesInstanceUID" ]
# Execute the query
rc <- GET(paste0(api_url, 'search_anns/json/'),
    query = list(j = query_json,
        passphrase = enc_pass))
# Check the response
http_type(rc)    # should be "application/json"
http_error(rc)   # should be FALSE
rcJsonText <- content(rc, as="text")
rcJsonParsed <- content(rc, as="parsed")
# You can see num_results, results, transactionId
# Results should be an array of document identifiers:
result_list <- rcJsonParsed$results