This document describes how to collect feedback for SemEHR annotations for training machine learning models for improving baseline results.
The user interface is provided by eHOST which can display a document with markup taken from an XML file. The markup shows where the desired phenotypes have been detected. eHOST allows users to make corrections, removing incorrect phenotypes or added ones that were missed. A config file defines which phenotypes can be added. For simplicity, rather than allowing a full set of phenotypes to be defined, the config can contain just 'correct', 'incorrect' and 'add new'. (The reason for this is that the learning process can find out the phenotype from the original annotations so the user does not need to specify it).
The learning process will take the corrections and look at the phenotypes in context, using word2vec or similar, looking at surrounding words or previous two sentences. It will then build a binary classifier which can be run on a larger set of results. The output provides a confidence level for how relevant the phenotypes are for the study. The researcher can then make a decision about selecting documents based on these sets of confidence levels. Ideally documents themselves could be filtered out of the search results to make the results more relevant. Note that the marked-up (corrected) annotations and the learned models are study-specific but contain valuable manually-curated information so they form the most important part of the system.
eHOST is available from two places
- (the original location)
- (an improved fork)
Download from
Unpack the zip to get the executable ehost-1.31-SNAPSHOT.jar
Convert SemEHR annotation results to eHOST format.
The eHOST input needs xml, see
for convert_csv_annotations
at the root folder of the CogStack-SemEHR repository.
python text_file semehr_ann_file cui2label_mapping_file output_xml_file
python config_file
config file
is a JSON file containing:
"full_text_folder": directory of txt files,
"ann_folder": directory of json annotation files,
"output_folder": output directory,
"full_text_file_pattern": eg. "(%s).txt"
"ann_file_pattern": eg. "se_ann_%s.json"
"output_file_pattern": eg. "%s.txt.knowtator.xml"
These are optional:
"anns_simplification": True or false to simplify labels
"simplified_label": class label for all annotations
is the full text filesemehr_ann_file
is the SemEHR result json file with annotationscui2label_mapping_file
is a json file to map UMLS CUI to a label, see below as an example for mapping two CUIs toIschemic stroke
. It can also be in the same format as nlp2phenome's mapping file; see the second example:
"C0948008": "Ischemic stroke",
"C3178801": "Ischemic stroke",
"C0859253": "Haemorrhage stroke"
"Ischemic stroke": [
"C0948008\tPreferred label",
"C3178801\tPreferred label\tSemantic type"
"Haemorrhage stroke": [
"C0859253\tPreferred label"
The label mapping file contains mappings from the CUI into a label to be used as the class in eHOST. Multiple CUIs may map to the same label. The file format is normally JSON dictionary of CUIs, but the program has been extended to allow the format which nlp2phenome uses which is a dict of labels having an array of CUIs (with the CUI's label and type after tabs).
Label simplification: normally each annotation would be
written in the XML using a class for each type. For the purpose
of training it is easier for users to see only two classes,
relevant or not relevant, so the labels can be simplified.
: string, the label to be used as the class in eHOST. Every annotation will be labelled as this class. When it does not present, the conversion will use: pref
attribute for UMLS mentions or minor_type
of customised dictionary term (see the annotation doc for details of customised dictionaries).
Simplified conversion will ignore all annotations which are:
- negated,
- with an experiencer who is not the patient, and
- ruled out by any rules. It is possible to use label simplification and also have a label mapping file if you want this behaviour and more than one label.
Remember that the eHOST config file will have to be provided containing a negative ("not relevant") entry if you wish this to be an option for the user, as it won't be present if you let eHOST generate the config from the input xml files.
The eHOST program requires two directories, corpus and saved.
- corpus is the text documents
- saved is the knowtator.xml documents
The xml filename is just the document txt filename with
appended. - eHOST will create a config directory and file if none is given.
It also uses a config directory containing projectschema.xml
The config file contains the 'classMentions' which are the classes that
can be assigned to words in the document, for example
. If no config file is provided it will
create one by looking for the classMentions inside the document xml files.
However, if you rely on that you won't be able to add other classMentions.
If the config file is missing a classMention that appears in an XML file
then it is added to the config so you could just populate the config with
the negative value and have the positives added automatically.
Use eHOST to load the outputs and ask the annotators to do three things:
not relevant annotationsadd
missed annotations using relevant labels from the mapping filecorrect
mislabelled annotations by changing the class to a correct label
The user then saves the results which updates the XML files (sadly eHOST updates the timestamp on all files even those not modified).
The eHOST program in nsh-smi05 is:
The annotationadmin.xml file contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><catalog><server url="localhost" port="8080"/></catalog>
The eHOST.sys file contains
// =================== These are comments ===================
The workspace/project contains:
- corpus is the text documents
- saved is the knowtator.xml documents
The projectschema.xml
file defines the annotation/mention classes
which the user will use to mark up or correct the document.
An empty version looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eHOST_Project_Configure Version="1.0">
<PreAnnotated_Dictionaries Owner="NLP_Assistant" />
<attributeDefs />
<Relationship_Rules />
<classDefs />
The anonymisation training looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eHOST_Project_Configure Version="1.0">
<PreAnnotated_Dictionaries Owner="NLP_Assistant" />
<attributeDefs />
<Relationship_Rules />
The body parts training (v3) looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eHOST_Project_Configure Version="1.0">
<PreAnnotated_Dictionaries Owner="NLP_Assistant" />
<attributeDefs />
<Relationship_Rules />
<Name>Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component</Name>
<Name>Body Space or Junction</Name>
<Name>ANN: Body part</Name>
<Name>ANN: NOT a body part</Name>
<Name>Body Location or Region</Name>
<Name>Diagnostic Procedure</Name>