California Air Resource Board (CARB)
from import call_command
call_command('loaddata', 'fixtures/sensors.yaml')
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant.
Get the code
host:~/dev$ git clone [email protected]:SJVAir/
host:~/dev$ cd
- Provision the vagrant box
host:~/dev/$ vagrant up
This will automatically install Python dependencies and run database migrations.
- Shell in and navigate to the project directory
host:~/dev/$ vagrant ssh
vagrant:~$ cd /vagrant
- Create an admin user
vagrant:/vagrant$ python createsuperuser
6a. Build the front-end
vagrant:/vagrant$ invoke build
6b. Run the development server
vagrant:/vagrant$ python runserver 0:8000
6c. Run the task workers
vagrant:/vagrant$ python run_huey
- Visit localhost:8000 in your web browser
vagrant:/vagrant$ pytest
vagrant:/vagrant$ pip install -r requirements/develop.txt
vagrant:/vagrant$ python migrate
Suspend the box without fully shutting it down (makes vagrant up
host:~/dev/$ vagrant suspend
Fully shut down the box:
host:~/dev/$ vagrant halt
This happens because of a gap in time and data. The server will try to backfill sensor entries to the last point in time in which it was running. If you have the patience, you can wait for the server to process all of that missing data, and then everything should work as expected. For the rest of us who can't wait, we can start fresh by flushing the task queue and deleting the old sensor entries like so:
host:~dev/$ python clear_huey_and_entries
If you're wanting to access the database in your Vagrant box, e.g., with PgAdmin on your host machine, you'll need to tell Postgres to accept external connections.
Tell Postgress to listen on all interfaces
sudo sed -i "s/listen_addresses = 'localhost'/listen_addresses = '*'/g" /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
Tell Postgress to accept connections from all interfaces
echo "host all all trust" | sudo tee -a /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf