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MRS1000 Connection problem with ROS #168

omerdurmus61 opened this issue Mar 2, 2023 · 2 comments

MRS1000 Connection problem with ROS #168

omerdurmus61 opened this issue Mar 2, 2023 · 2 comments


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Hi, I am trying to use MRS1000 LIDAR with ROS Melodic. I am using this repository as ROS driver. I can get PointCLoud from LIDAR on SOPAS-ET software. . I connected the LIDAR to PC via ethernet cable. When i tried to use the LIDAR on ubuntu 18.04 i set a static IP from settings->network->wired settings->IPv4->manual. After IP configuration I changed "hostname" parameter with my IP from launcher file. I got some errors when i run this command "roslaunch sick_scan sick_mrs_1xxx.launch". First of all the LIDAR stopped working. There was no sound (originating from the motor) from LIDAR. After that i got an error like below. After about a minute the LIDAR worked and i was able to get PointCLoud from topics. The LED's on the LIDAR are always red during this procces. I think all of these and the output is not normal for the LIDAR. Maybe this error is related to PLL. How can i fix this output?

Thanks for your held and advice.



  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.13
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/cloud_topic: cloud
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/frame_id: cloud
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/hostname:
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/intensity_resolution_16bit: False
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/max_ang: 2.3998277
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/min_ang: -2.3998277
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/min_intensity: 0.0
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/port: 2112
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/scanner_type: sick_mrs_1xxx
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/sw_pll_only_publish: True
  • /sick_mrs_1xxx/timelimit: 5

sick_mrs_1xxx (sick_scan/sick_generic_caller)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [9138]

setting /run_id to 75642072-b887-11ed-b7e8-1063c839b2b1
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [9156]
started core service [/rosout]
process[sick_mrs_1xxx-2]: started with pid [9159]
[ INFO] [1677712746.355909896]: sick_generic_caller V. 1.12.1
[ INFO] [1677712746.356159268]: Program arguments: /home/omer/sick_ws/devel/lib/sick_scan/sick_generic_caller
[ INFO] [1677712746.356191594]: Program arguments: __name:=sick_mrs_1xxx
[ INFO] [1677712746.356209087]: Program arguments: __log:=/home/omer/.ros/log/75642072-b887-11ed-b7e8-1063c839b2b1/sick_mrs_1xxx-2.log
[ INFO] [1677712746.402732625]: Start initialising scanner [Ip:] [Port: 2112]
[ INFO] [1677712746.503684173]: Publishing laserscan-pointcloud2 to cloud
[ INFO] [1677712746.534694183]: Parameter setting for <active_echo: 0>
[ INFO] [1677712746.738815807]: Sending : <Len=0023>sMN SetAccessMode 0x03 0xf4 0x72 0x47 0x44 CRC:<0xb3>
[ERROR] [1677712752.324726453]: no answer received after 5000 ms. Maybe sopas mode is wrong.

[ INFO] [1677712752.324875251]: sendSOPASCommand: no full reply available for read after 5000 ms
[ INFO] [1677712752.325096468]: Receiving:
[ INFO] [1677712752.325142404]: SOPAS Communication -Error unexpected Sopas Answer for request <Len=0023>sMN SetAccessMode 0x03 0xf4 0x72 0x47 0x44 CRC:<0xb3>

[ INFO] [1677712752.325372993]: Sending : sMN SetAccessMode 3 F4724744
[ INFO] [1677712752.326613729]: Receiving: sAN SetAccessMode 1
[ INFO] [1677712752.526922325]: Sending : sWN EIHstCola 1
[ INFO] [1677712752.528310754]: Receiving: sWA EIHstCola
[ INFO] [1677712752.528493124]: Failed to init scanner Error Code: 1
Waiting for timeout...
If the communication mode set in the scanner memory is different from that used by the driver, the scanner's communication mode is changed.
This requires a restart of the TCP-IP connection, which can extend the start time by up to 30 seconds. There are two ways to prevent this:

  1. [Recommended] Set the communication mode with the SOPAS ET software to binary and save this setting in the scanner's EEPROM.
  2. Use the parameter "use_binary_protocol" to overwrite the default settings of the driver.
    [ INFO] [1677712752.529825343]: Start initialising scanner [Ip:] [Port: 2112]
    [ WARN] [1677712752.529945316]: Disconnecting TCP-Connection.
    1677712753.5288 Info: Tcp::readInputData: Read 0 bytes - connection is lost!
    sick_scan driver exiting.
    [ INFO] [1677712753.611058357]: Publishing laserscan-pointcloud2 to cloud
    [ INFO] [1677712753.618120464]: Parameter setting for <active_echo: 0>
    [ INFO] [1677712753.818770860]: Sending : <Len=0023>sMN SetAccessMode 0x03 0xf4 0x72 0x47 0x44 CRC:<0xb3>
    [ INFO] [1677712753.820100513]: Receiving: sAN SetAccessMode \x01
    [ INFO] [1677712754.020570475]: Sending : <Len=0015>sWN EIHstCola 0x01 CRC:<0x09>
    [ INFO] [1677712754.021828503]: Receiving: sWA EIHstCola
    [ INFO] [1677712754.222240106]: Sending : <Len=0015>sMN LMCstopmeas CRC:<0x10>
    [ INFO] [1677712754.243096889]: Receiving: sAN LMCstopmeas \x00
    [ INFO] [1677712754.444086917]: Sending : <Len=0033>sWN SetActiveApplications 0x00 0x01 0x46 0x45 0x56 0x4c 0x00 CRC:<0x35>
    [ INFO] [1677712754.446451942]: Receiving: sWA SetActiveApplications
    [ INFO] [1677712754.647707972]: Sending : <Len=0033>sWN SetActiveApplications 0x00 0x01 0x52 0x41 0x4e 0x47 0x01 CRC:<0x37>
    [ INFO] [1677712754.649267273]: Receiving: sWA SetActiveApplications
    [ INFO] [1677712754.849627892]: Sending : <Len=0015>sRN DeviceIdent CRC:<0x25>
    [ INFO] [1677712754.851064813]: Receiving: sRA DeviceIdent \x00\x08\x4d\x52\x53\x31\x78\x78\x78\x78\x00\x08\x31\x2e\x33\x2e\x31\x2e\x30\x52
    [ INFO] [1677712754.851403040]: Deviceinfo MRS1xxxx V1.3.1.0R found and supported by this driver.
    [ INFO] [1677712755.051660208]: Sending : <Len=0016>sRN SerialNumber CRC:<0x4c>
    [ INFO] [1677712755.052913290]: Receiving: sRA SerialNumber \x00\x08\x31\x38\x30\x33\x30\x30\x31\x36
    [ INFO] [1677712755.253187327]: Sending : <Len=0019>sRN FirmwareVersion CRC:<0x24>
    [ INFO] [1677712755.254671384]: Receiving: sRA FirmwareVersion \x00\x09\x56\x20\x31\x2e\x33\x2e\x31\x2e\x30
    [ INFO] [1677712755.455385521]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
    [ INFO] [1677712755.457528566]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
    [ERROR] [1677712755.457983993]: Laser reports error state : sRA SCdevicestate \x02
    [ERROR] [1677712890.696949518]: no answer received after 120000 ms. Maybe sopas mode is wrong.

[ INFO] [1677712890.697076530]: sendSOPASCommand: no full reply available for read after 120000 ms
[ERROR] [1677712890.697244602]: SOPAS - Error setting access mode
[ INFO] [1677712890.897683525]: Sending : <Len=0010>sRN ODoprh CRC:<0x41>
[ INFO] [1677712890.899097972]: Receiving: sRA ODoprh \x00\x00\x00\x64
[ INFO] [1677712891.102026229]: Sending : <Len=0010>sRN ODpwrc CRC:<0x52>
[ INFO] [1677712891.103453348]: Receiving: sRA ODpwrc \x00\x00\x00\xfc
[ INFO] [1677712891.305547564]: Sending : <Len=0016>sRN LocationName CRC:<0x55>
[ INFO] [1677712891.306976663]: Receiving: sRA LocationName \x00\x0b\x53\x4e\x20\x31\x38\x30\x33\x30\x30\x31\x36
[ INFO] [1677712891.308908503]: Sending : <Len=0018>sRN LMPoutputRange CRC:<0x5e>
[ INFO] [1677712891.310277494]: Receiving: sRA LMPoutputRange \x00\x01\x00\x00\x09\xc4\xff\xf8\xc0\x88\x00\x22\xb6\xb8
[ INFO] [1677712891.310497253]: Angle resolution of scanner is 0.25000 [deg] (in 1/10000th deg: 0x9C4)
[ INFO] [1677712891.310581465]: [From:To] -47.50000 [deg] to 227.50000 [deg] (in 1/10000th deg: from 0xFFF8C088 to 0x22B6B8)
[ INFO] [1677712891.310663263]: MIN_ANG: -2.400 [rad] -137.500 [deg]
[ INFO] [1677712891.310731781]: MAX_ANG: 2.400 [rad] 137.500 [deg]
[ INFO] [1677712891.344706462]: Sending : <Len=0033>sWN LMPoutputRange 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x09 0xc4 0xff 0xf8 0xc0 0x88 0x00 0x22 0xb6 0xb8 CRC:<0xd4>
[ INFO] [1677712891.346113734]: Receiving: sWA LMPoutputRange
[ INFO] [1677712891.346334943]: Sending : <Len=0018>sRN LMPoutputRange CRC:<0x5e>
[ INFO] [1677712891.347708487]: Receiving: sRA LMPoutputRange \x00\x01\x00\x00\x09\xc4\xff\xf8\xc0\x88\x00\x22\xb6\xb8
[ INFO] [1677712891.347899118]: Angle resolution of scanner is 0.25000 [deg] (in 1/10000th deg: 0x9C4)
[ INFO] [1677712891.350971318]: MIN_ANG (after command verification): -2.400 [rad] -137.500 [deg]
[ INFO] [1677712891.351099122]: MAX_ANG (after command verification): 2.400 [rad] 137.500 [deg]
[ INFO] [1677712891.351226081]: MRS 1xxx detected overwriting resolution flag (only 8 bit supported)
[ INFO] [1677712891.351505998]: Sending : <Len=0032>sWN LMDscandatacfg 0x07 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01 CRC:<0x44>
[ INFO] [1677712891.352839977]: Receiving: sWA LMDscandatacfg
[ INFO] [1677712891.353079713]: Sending : <Len=0018>sRN LMDscandatacfg CRC:<0x67>
[ INFO] [1677712891.354375597]: Receiving: sRA LMDscandatacfg \x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01
[ INFO] [1677712891.357795569]: Sending : <Len=0018>sWN FREchoFilter 0x01 CRC:<0x7e>
[ INFO] [1677712891.359135869]: Receiving: sWA FREchoFilter
[ INFO] [1677712891.360460851]: Sending : <Len=0016>sMN LMCstartmeas CRC:<0x68>
[ INFO] [1677712891.375555150]: Receiving: sAN LMCstartmeas \x00
[ INFO] [1677712891.375870179]: Sending : <Len=0007>sMN Run CRC:<0x19>
[ INFO] [1677712891.377182281]: Receiving: sAN Run \x01
[ INFO] [1677712891.377497261]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712891.379987584]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712891.380155862]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 0 secs
[ INFO] [1677712892.380593563]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712892.382056510]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712892.382253082]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 1 secs
[ INFO] [1677712893.382682844]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712893.384124114]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712893.384288914]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 2 secs
[ INFO] [1677712894.384686141]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712894.386067895]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712894.386271084]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 3 secs
[ INFO] [1677712895.386712424]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712895.388179027]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712895.388379816]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 4 secs
[ INFO] [1677712896.388810471]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712896.390241142]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712896.390429225]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 5 secs
[ INFO] [1677712897.390815236]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712897.392227444]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712897.392405993]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 6 secs
[ INFO] [1677712898.392807354]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712898.394237009]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712898.394344519]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 7 secs
[ INFO] [1677712899.394744397]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712899.396214275]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712899.396329204]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 8 secs
[ INFO] [1677712900.396576288]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712900.397854593]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712900.398028024]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 9 secs
[ INFO] [1677712901.398571892]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712901.399901437]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712901.399996599]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 10 secs
[ INFO] [1677712902.401166673]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712902.402907399]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712902.403090196]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 11 secs
[ INFO] [1677712903.403427209]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712903.404887708]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712903.405065060]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 12 secs
[ INFO] [1677712904.405353643]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712904.406603870]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712904.406692290]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 13 secs
[ INFO] [1677712905.406961349]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712905.408157342]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712905.408233735]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 14 secs
[ INFO] [1677712906.408548064]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712906.409981968]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712906.410150688]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 15 secs
[ INFO] [1677712907.410657217]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712907.412086047]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712907.412269127]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 16 secs
[ INFO] [1677712908.412750218]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712908.414148309]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x02
[ INFO] [1677712908.414316607]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 17 secs
[ INFO] [1677712909.414682529]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712909.416116342]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712909.416340990]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 18 secs
[ INFO] [1677712910.416881281]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712910.418304380]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712910.418531249]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 19 secs
[ INFO] [1677712911.418939957]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712911.420337543]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712911.420555193]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 20 secs
[ INFO] [1677712912.420988478]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712912.422372416]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712912.422512005]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 21 secs
[ INFO] [1677712913.422760345]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712913.423978354]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712913.424033899]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 22 secs
[ INFO] [1677712914.424394012]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712914.425774520]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712914.425919137]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 23 secs
[ INFO] [1677712915.426246878]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712915.427495442]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x00
[ INFO] [1677712915.427553169]: Waiting for scanner ready state since 24 secs
[ INFO] [1677712916.427906339]: Sending : <Len=0017>sRN SCdevicestate CRC:<0x30>
[ INFO] [1677712916.429369782]: Receiving: sRA SCdevicestate \x01
[ INFO] [1677712916.429579533]: Scanner ready for measurement after 25 [sec]
[ INFO] [1677712916.429896933]: Sending : <Len=0017>sEN LMDscandata 0x01 CRC:<0x33>
[ INFO] [1677712916.431182428]: Receiving: sEA LMDscandata \x01
[ INFO] [1677712916.449885581]: 1 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.469185072]: 2 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.489379076]: 3 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.508842005]: 4 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.528956256]: 5 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.548932293]: 6 / 6 Packet dropped Software PLL not yet locked.
[ INFO] [1677712916.548981438]: Software PLL is expected to be ready now!

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BeSeeTek commented Mar 2, 2023

Have you configured the scanner in sopasET before? Using ASCI command mode?
It looks like that.
Does this happen all the time?

Any ways sick_scan_xd is the recommended driver instead of sick_scan

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Have you configured the scanner in sopasET before? Using ASCI command mode? It looks like that. Does this happen all the time?

Any ways sick_scan_xd is the recommended driver instead of sick_scan

I just configured the IP. Should i use ASCI command mode? And how can i cahange it on SOPAS software.

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