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Input Files

Cundo Arellano edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 55 revisions

The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execute the SANDAG travel model. Click on file names for more details on all variables in each input file. Navigate to Input Files Data Dictionary to browse through all input files and their respective attribute details.

When creating scenarios for different years, refer to the Year Specifc Inputs page for a complete list of model inputs that vary across years.

Input Files Contents

File Name Purpose File Type Prepared By
Land Use
mgra13_based_input<<SCENARIO_YEAR>>.csv Land use forecast of the size and structure of the region’s economy and corresponding demographic forecast CSV Land Use Modelers, Transportation Modelers, and GIS
activity_code_indcen_acs.csv PECAS activity code categories mapping to Census industry codes; This is used for military occupation mapping. CSV Land Use Modelers
pecas_occ_occsoc_acs.csv PECAS activity code categories mapping to Census industry codes CSV Lande Use Modelers
mobilityHubMGRA.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
mobilityHubTAP.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
Synthetic Population
households.csv Synthetic households CSV Transportation Modelers
persons.csv Synthetic persons CSV Transportation Modelers
Network: Highway
hwycov.e00 Highway network nodes from GIS ESRI input exchange Transportation Modelers
hwycov.e00 Highway network links from GIS ESRI input exchange Transportation Modelers
turns.csv Highway network turns file CSV Transportation Modelers
LINKTYPETURNS.dbf Highway network link type turns table DBF Transportation Modelers
LINKTYPETURNSCST.DBF DBF Transportation Modelers
vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv Relative toll values by six vehicle classes by Facility name. Used to identify "free for HOV" type managed lane facilties. CSV Transportation Modelers
off_peak_toll_factors.csv Relative toll values for the three off-peak times-of-day (EA, MD, EV) by Facility name. Multiplied together with the values from vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv to get the final toll. CSV Transportation Modelers
vehicle_class_availability.csv The availability / unavailability of six vehicle classes for five times-of-day by facility name. CSV Transportation Modelers
Network: Transit
trcov.e00 Transit network arc data from GIS ESRI input exchange Transportation Modelers
trcov.e00 Transit network node data from GIS ESRI input exchange Transportation Modelers
trlink.csv Transit route with a list of links file CSV Transportation Modelers
trrt.csv Transit route attribute file CSV Transportation Modelers
trstop.csv Transit stop attribute file TCSV Transportation Modelers
tapcov.dbf Transit access points (TAP) in the network DBF Transportation Modelers
mode5tod.csv Transit mode parameters table CSV Transportation Modelers
modexfer.dbf Transit mode transfer prohibition table DBF Transportation Modelers
timexfer_XX.csv Transit timed transfers table between COASTER and feeder buses; XX is the TOD (EA, AM, MD, PM, and EV) CSV Transportation Modelers
special_fares.txt Fares to coaster Text File Transportation Modelers
passes.csv Transit pass cost CSV Transportation Modelers
tap.ptype TAP Parking type file Space Delimited Text File Transportation Modelers
Network: Active Transportation
SANDAG_Bike_Net.dbf Bike network links DBF GIS
SANDAG_Bike_Node.dbf Bike network nodes DBF GIS
bikeTazLogsum.csv Bike TAZ logsum CSV Transportation Modelers
bikeMgraLogsum.csv Bike MGRA logsum CSV Transportation Modelers
(not saved in inputs, instead, run at the beginning of a model run)
Walk, in minutes, between MGRAs CSV
(not saved in inputs, instead, run at the beginning of a model run)
Walk, in minutes, between MGRAs and TAPs CSV
Visitor Model (Derived from visitor survey)
visitor_businessFrequency.csv Visitor model tour frequency distribution for business travelers CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_personalFrequency.csv Visitor model tour frequency distribution for personal travelers CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_partySize.csv Visitor model party size distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_autoAvailable.csv Visitor model auto availability distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_income.csv Visitor model income distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_tourTOD.csv Visitor model tour time-of-day distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_stopFrequency.csv Visitor model stop frequency distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_stopPurpose.csv Visitor model stop purpose distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_outboundStopDuration.csv Visitor model time-of-day offsets for outbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
visitor_inboundStopDuration.csv Visitor model time-of-day offsets for inbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
Airport Model (Derived from airport survey)
airport_purpose.csv Airport model tour purpose frequency table CSV Transportation Modelers
airport_party.csv Airport model party type frequency table CSV Transportation Modelers
airport_nights.csv Airport model trip duration frequency table CSV Transportation Modelers
airport_income.csv Airport model trip income distribution table CSV Transportation Modelers
airport_departure.csv Airport model time-of-day distribution for departing trips CSV Transportation Modelers
airport_arrival.csv Airport model time-of-day distribution for arriving trips CSV Transportation Modelers
Cross-Border Model (Derived from cross-border survey)
crossBorder_tourPurpose_control.csv CSV
crossBorder_tourPurpose_nonSENTRI.csv Cross Border Model tour purpose distribution for Non-SENTRI tours CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_tourPurpose_SENTRI.csv Cross Border Model tour purpose distribution for SENTRI tours CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_tourEntryAndReturn.csv Cross Border Model tour entry and return time-of-day distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_supercolonia.csv Cross Border Model distance from Colonias to border crossing locations CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_pointOfEntryWaitTime.csv Cross Border Model wait times at border crossing locations table CSV GIS - Pat L vtsql
crossBorder_stopFrequency.csv Cross Border Model stop frequency data CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_stopPurpose.csv Cross Border Model stop purpose distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_outboundStopDuration.csv Cross Border Model time-of-day offsets for outbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_inboundStopDuration.csv Cross Border Model time-of-day offsets for inbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
External Models (Derived from SCAG survey)
(raw inputs have these by year)
External origin-destination station trip matrix CSV Transportation Modelers
(raw inputs have these by year)
External Internal station control totals read by GISDK CSV Transportation Modelers
internalExternal_tourTOD.csv Internal-External Model tour time-of-day frequency distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
Special Event Model (Derived from special event survey)
specialEvent_eventData.csv Special events model event data CSV Transportation Modelers
specialEvent_partySize.csv Special events model party size frequency distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
specialEvent_income.csv Special events model income distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
Commercial Vehicle Model
tazcentroids_cvm.csv Zone centroid coordinates in state plane feet and albers CSV Transportation Modelers
commVehFF.csv Commercial Vehicle Model friction factors CSV Transportation Modelers
OE.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for off-peak early (OE) period CSV Transportation Modelers
AM.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for AM period CSV Transportation Modelers
MD.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for mid-day (MD) period CSV Transportation Modelers
PM.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for PM period CSV Transportation Modelers
OL.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for off-peak late (OL) period CSV Transportation Modelers
FA.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for fleet allocator (FA) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
GO.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for government/ office (GO) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
IN.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for industrial (IN) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
FA.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for fleet allocator (FA) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
RE.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for retail (RE) industry CSV Transportation Modeler
SV.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file for service (SV) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
TH.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file transport and handling (TH) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
WH.csv Commercial vehicle model parameters file wholesale (WH) industry CSV Transportation Modelers
Truck Model
TruckTripRates.csv Truck model data: Truck trip rates CSV Transportation Modelers
regionalEItrips<year>.csv Truck model data: Truck external to internal data CSV Transportation Modelers
regionalIEtrips<year>.csv Truck model data: Truck internal to external data CSV Transportation Modelers
regionalEEtrips<year>.csv Truck model data: Truck external to external data CSV Transportation Modelers
specialGenerators.csv Truck model data: Truck special generator data CSV Transportation Modelers
parametersByYears.csv Parameters by scenario years. Includes AOC, aiport enplanements, cross-border tours, cross-border sentri share. CSV
Non_Mand_Tours_ArrDep_Distbn.csv Arrival and departure distribution by non-mandatory tour purpose. Used in time of day sampling instead of logsums. CSV Transportation Modelers
trip_XX.omx Warm start trip table; XX is the TOD (EA, AM, MD, PM, and EV) OMX Transportation Modelers
luzToTazSeries13.xls Mapping between LUZ to TAZ Excel File GIS
zone.term TAZ terminal times Space Delimited Text File Transportation Modelers
Intermediate Files
accessam.csv Specifies TAPs within drive distance from TAZS for AM period. Space Delimited Text File Transportation Modelers
accessibilities.csv Origin-based accessibilities CSV CT-RAMP Resident Model
Zonal Properties CVM.csv Zonal data for commercial vehicle model CSV Commercial Vehicle Model
CVMToursAccess.csv CSV Commercial Vehicle Model

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Input Files Data Dictionary

Master Geographic Reference Areas Inputs


Column Name Description
mgra MGRANumber
taz TAZ Number
hs housing structures
hs_sf single family structures
hs_mf multi family structures
hs_mh mobile homes
hh total number of households
hh_sf number of households - single family
hh_mf number of households - multi family
hh_mh number of mobile homes
gq_civ GQ civilian
gq_mil GQ military
i1 Number of households with income less than $15,000 ($2007)
i2 Number of households with income $15,000-$29,999 ($2007)
i3 Number of households with income $30,000-$44,999 ($2007)
i4 Number of households with income $45,000-$59,999 ($2007)
i5 Number of households with income $60,000-$74,999 ($2007)
i6 Number of households with income $75,000-$99,999 ($2007)
i7 Number of households with income $100,000-$124,999 ($2007)
i8 Number of households with income $125,000-$149,999 ($2007)
i9 Number of households with income $150,000-$199,999 ($2007)
i10 Number of households with income $200,000 or more ($2007)
hhs household size
pop total population
hhp total household population (exclude gq pop)
emp_ag Agriculture
emp_const_non_bldg_prod Construction Non-Building production (including mining)
emp_const_non_bldg_office Construction Non-Building office support (including mining)
emp_utilities_prod Utilities production
emp_utilities_office Utilities office support
emp_const_bldg_prod Construction of Buildings production
emp_const_bldg_office Construction of Buildings office support
emp_mfg_prod Manufacturing production
emp_mfg_office Manufacturing office support
emp_whsle_whs Wholesale and Warehousing
emp_trans Transportation Activity
emp_retail Retail Activity
emp_prof_bus_svcs Professional and Business Services
emp_prof_bus_svcs_bldg_maint Professional and Business Services (Building Maintenance)
emp_pvt_ed_k12 Private Education K-12
emp_pvt_ed_post_k12_oth Private Education Post-Secondary (Post K-12) and Other
emp_health Health Services
emp_personal_svcs_office Personal Services Office Based
emp_amusement Amusement Services
emp_hotel Hotels and Motels
emp_restaurant_bar Restaurants and Bars
emp_personal_svcs_retail Personal Services Retail Based
emp_religious Religious Activity
emp_pvt_hh Private Households
emp_state_local_gov_ent State and Local Government Enterprises Activity
emp_fed_non_mil Federal Non-Military Activity
emp_fed_mil Federal Military Activity
emp_state_local_gov_blue State and Local Government Non-Education Activity production
emp_state_local_gov_white State and Local Government Non-Education Activity office support
emp_public_ed Public Education K-12 and other
emp_own_occ_dwell_mgmt Owner-Occupied Dwellings Management and Maintenance Activity
emp_fed_gov_accts Federal Government Accounts
emp_st_lcl_gov_accts State and Local Government Accounts
emp_cap_accts Capital Accounts
emp_total Total employment
enrollgradekto8 Grade School K-8 enrollment
enrollgrade9to12 Grade School 9-12 enrollment
collegeenroll Major College enrollment
othercollegeenroll Other College enrollment
adultschenrl Adult School enrollment
ech_dist Elementary school district
hch_dist High school district
pseudomsa Pseudo MSA
parkarea Category determining functionality of parking models –
parkarea field codes
1: Trips with destinations in this MGRA may choose to park in a different MGRA, parking charges apply (downtown)
2: Trips with destinations in parkarea 1 may choose to park in this MGRA, parking charges might apply (quarter mile buffer around downtown)
3: Only trips with destinations in this MGRA may park here, parking charges apply (outside downtown paid parking, only show cost no capacity issue)
4: Only trips with destinations in this MGRA may park here, parking charges do not apply (outside downtown, free parking)
hstallsoth Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
hstallssam Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
hparkcost Average cost of parking for one hour in hourly stalls in this MGRA, dollars
numfreehrs Number of hours of free parking allowed before parking charges begin in hourly stalls
dstallsoth Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
dstallssam Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
dparkcost Average cost of parking for one day in daily stalls, dollars
mstallsoth Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in other MGRAs
mstallssam Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in the same MGRA
mparkcost Average cost of parking for one day in monthly stalls, amortized over 22 workdays, dollars
zip09 2009 Zip Code
parkactive Acres of Active Park
openspaceparkpreserve Acres of Open Park or Preserve
beachactive Acres of Active Beach
budgetroom Number of budget hotel rooms
economyroom Number of economy hotel rooms
luxuryroom Number of luxury hotel rooms
midpriceroom Number of midprice rooms
upscaleroom Number of upscale rooms
hotelroomtotal Total number of hotel rooms
milestocoast Distance (miles) to the nearest coast
acres Total acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
effective_acres Effective acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
land_acres Acres of land in the mgra (used in CTM)
MicroAccessTime Micro-mobility access time (mins)
remoteAVParking Remote AV parking available at MGRA:
0 = Not available
1 = Available
refueling_stations Number of refueling stations at MGRA
totInt Total intersections
duden Dwelling unit density
empden Employment density
popden Population density
retempden Retail employment density
totintbin Total intersection bin
empdenbin Employment density bin
dudenbin Dwelling unit density bin
PopEmpDenPerMi Population and employment density per mile

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Activity Mapping to Industry Codes


Column Name Description
indcen Industry code defined in PECAS: They are about 270 industry categories grouped by 6-digit NAICS code (North American Industrial Classification System)
activity_code Activity code defined in PECAS. They are about 30 types of activities grouped by the industry categories:
1 = Agriculture
3 = Construction Non-Building office support (including mining)
5 = Utilities office support
9 = Manufacturing office support
10 = Wholesale and Warehousing
11 = Transportation Activity
12 = Retail Activity
13 = Professional and Business Services
14 = Professional and Business Services (Building Maintenance)
16 = Private Education Post-Secondary (Post K-12) and Other
17 = Health Services
18 = Personal Services Office Based
19 = Amusement Services
20 = Hotels and Motels
21 = Restaurants and Bars
22 = Personal Services Retail Based
23 = Religious Activity
24 = Private Households
25 = State and Local Government Enterprises Activity
27 = Federal Non-Military Activity
28 = Federal Military Activity
30 = State and Local Government Non-Education Activity office support
31 = Public Education

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PECAS SOC-Defined Occupational Codes


Column Name Description
occsoc5 Detailed occupation codes defined by the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system
commodity_id Commodity code defined in PECAS. The detailed SOC occupations are grouped into 6 types of laborers, which are included as part of commodity:
51 = Services Labor
52 = Work at Home Labor
53 = Sales and Office Labor
54 = Natural Resources Construction and Maintenance Labor
55 = Production Transportation and Material Moving Labor
56 = Military Labor

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Listing of External Zones Attributes


Column Name Description
Internal Cordon LUZ Internal Cordon Land use zone
External LUZ External land use zone
Cordon Point Cordon Point description
Destination Approximation Name of approximate city destination
Miles to be Added to Cordon Point Miles to be added to cordon point
Travel Time Travel time to external zone
Border Delay Border delay time
Minutes to be Added to Cordon Point Minutes to be added to cordon point
MPH Average miles per hour based on miles and minutes to be added to cordon point

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Population Synthesizer Household Data


Column Name Description
hhid Unique Household ID
household_serial_no Household serial number
taz TAZ of household
mgra MGRA of household
hinccat1 Household income category:
1 = <$30k
2 = $30-60k
3 = $60-100k
4 = $100-150k
5 = $150k+
hinc Household income
hworkers Number of workers in household
veh Number of vehicles in household
persons Number of persons in household
hht Household/family type:
0 = Not in universe (vacant or GQ)
1 = Family household: married-couple
2 = Family household: male householder, no wife present
3 = Family household: female householder, no husband present
4 = Nonfamily household: male householder, living alone
5 = Nonfamily household: male householder, not living alone
6 = Nonfamily household: female householder, living alone
7 = Nonfamily household: female householder, not living alone
bldgsz Building size - Number of Units in Structure & Quality:
1 = Mobile home or trailer
2 = One-family house detached
3 = One-family house attached
4 = 2 Apartments
5 = 3-4 Apartments
6 = 5-9 Apartments
7 = 10-19 Apartments
8 = 20-49 Apartments
9 = 50 or more apartments
10 = Boad, RV, van, etc.
unittype Household unit type:
0 = Non-GQ Household
1 = GQ Household
version Synthetic population run version. Presently set to 0.
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

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Column Name Description
hhid Household ID
perid Person ID
Household_serial_no Household serial number
pnum Person Number
age Age of person
sex Gender of person
1 = Male
2 = Female
military Military status of person:
0 = N/A Less than 17 Years Old
1 = Yes, Now on Active Duty
2 = Yes, on Active Duty in Past, but Not Now
3 = No, Training for Reserves/National Guard Only
4 = No, Never Served in the Military
pemploy Employment status of person:
1 = Employed Full-Time
2 = Employed Part-Time
3 = Unemployed or Not in Labor Force
4 = Less than 16 Years Old
pstudent Student status of person:
1 = Pre K-12
2 = College Undergrad+Grad and Prof. School
3 = Not Attending School
ptype Person type:
ptype_desc age work_status school_status
1 = Full-time Worker
2 = Part-time Worker
3 = College Student
4 = Non-working Adult
5 = Non-working Senior
6 = Driving Age Student
7 = Non-driving Student
8 = Pre-school
educ Educational attainment:
0 = N/A (Under 3 years)
1 = No schooling completed
2 = Nursery school to 4th grade
3 = 5th grade or 6th grade
4 = 7th grade or 8th grade
5 = 9th grade
6 = 10th grade
7 = 11th grade
8 = 12th grade no diploma
9 = High school graduate
10 = Some college but less than 1 year
11 = One or more years of college no degree
12 = Associate degree
13 = Bacehlor's degree
14 = Master's degree
15 = Professional degree
16 = Doctorate degree
grade School grade of person:
0 = N/A (not attending school)
1 = Nursery school/preschool
2 = Kindergarten
3 = Grade 1 to grade 4
4 = Grade 5 to grade 8
5 = Grade 9 to grade 12
6 = College undergraduate
7 = Graduate or professional school
occen5 Occupation:
0 = Not in universe (Under 16 years or LAST-WRK = 2)
1..997 = Legal census occupation code
occsoc5 Detailed occupation codes defined by the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system
indcen Industry code defined in PECAS: They are about 270 industry categories grouped by 6-digit NAICS code (North American Industrial Classification System)
weeks Weeks worked in 2010:
0 = N/A (less than 16 years old/did not work in past 12 months)
1 = 50 to 52 weeks
2 = 48 to 49 weeks
3 = 40 to 47 weeks
4 = 27 to 39 weeks
5 = 14 to 26 weeks
6 = 13 weeks or less
hours Hours worked in 2010:
0 = Not in universe(Under 16 years)
1..99 = 1 to 99 hours worked per week
race1p Race of person:
1 = White Alone
2 = Black or African American Alone
3 = American Indian Alone
4 = Alaska Native Alone
5 = American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes specified; or American Indian or Alaska Native, not specified and no other races
6 = Asian Alone
7 = Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
8 = Some Other Race Alone
9 = Two or More Major Race Groups
hisp Hispanic flag:
version Synthetic population run version. Presently set to 0.
timeFactorWork Mode chocie factor for the in-vehicle time coefficient; drawn from a lognormal distribution. If value does not exist, it is calculated in the CT-RAMP Java software and appended to the person CSV file.
timeFactorNonWork Mode choice factor for the in-vehicle time coefficient; drawn from a lognormal distribution. If value does not exist, it is calculated in the CT-RAMP Java software and appended to the person CSV file.

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ESRI Highway Network Node Input


Column Name Description
ARC# ESRI-assigned ID
HWYCOV# ESRI-assigned link ID ( for shape files this field is: HWYCOV_ )
HWYCOV-ID SANDAG-assigned link ID ( for shape files this field is: HWYCOV_ID )
XNM1 First cross street name
XNM2 Second cross street name
TEMP Temporary field
X-COORD Coordinate value of the node in the X direction (east-west)
Y-COORD Coordinate value of the node in the Y direction (north-south)
Z-COORD Coordinate value of the node in the Z direction (elevation)
IUCNT Program-assigned initial/upgrade control code for plotting
SPHERE Jurisdiction sphere of influence
HNODE Node number that corresponds to link AN and BN fields
IYR The year the node opened to traffic
IJUR Initial intersection control jurisdiction where:
1 = State facilities
2 = Congestion Management Plan (CMP)
3 = Regional Arterial System (RAS)
4 = Regionally Significant Arterials
5 = Local facilities
ICNT Intersection control type where:
0 = No Control
1 = Traffic Control
2 = All-Way Stop Sign
3 = Two-Way Stop Sign
4 = Ramp Meter
5 = Ramp Meter with HOV lane meter
6 = Light Rail Crossing
7 = Toll Booth
8 = Prevent Control

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ESRI Highway Network Link Input


Column Name Description
FNODE# ESRI-assigned FROM node number
TNODE# ESRI-assigned TO node number
LPOLY# ESRI-assigned left polygon number
RPOLY# ESRI-assigned right polygon number
LENGTH Length of link in feet
HWYCOV# ESRI-assigned link ID ( for shape files this field is: HWYCOV_ )
HWYCOV-ID SANDAG-assigned link ID ( for shape files this field is: HWYCOV_ID )
QID Queue backup (bottleneck) ID: QID > 0 = the bottleneck
CCSTYLE Functional classification
UVOL Unadjusted 24-hour forecasted volume
AVOL Adjusted 24-hour forecasted volume
TMP1 Temporary field
TMP2 Temporary field
PLOT Scalable freeway plotting code
SPHERE Jurisdiction sphere of influence, combination of city code and community planning area code: 1438, 14 for City of San Diego, 38 for College Area)
RTNO Program assigned route number
LKNO Program assigned sequential link number
NM Street name
FXNM Cross street name at the FROM end of the link
TXNM Cross street name at the TO end of the link
AN A node number
BN B node number
COJUR Count jurisdiction code
Sphere and count code jurisdictions where:
1 = Carlsbad
2 = Chula Vista
3 = Coronado
4 = Del Mar
5 = El Cajon
6 = Encinitas
7 = Escondido
8 = Imperial Beach
9 = La Mesa
10 = Lemon Grove
11 = National City
12 = Oceanside
13 = Poway
14 = San Diego City
15 = San Marcos
16 = Santee
17 = Solana Beach
18 = Vista
19 = San Diego County
20 = Caltrans
COSTAT Count station number
COLOC Count locations
Count location code where:
0 = The count was taken on another link but is being applied to this link
1 = The count was taken on this link
RLOOP Freeway Count Station Number where:
1 - 999 = Traffic census stations
5000 - 5999 = Ramp meter freeway stations
ADTLK Link number for ADT use
ADTVL Observed base year ground count (in hundreds)
PKPCT Peak hour percentage
TRPCT Truck percentage
SECNO Section number for level of service analysis
DIR Link direction where:
1 = Northbound
2 = Westbound
3 = Southbound
4 = Eastbound
FFC Federal function class
CLASS It stores the zone number where the TO node is in
ASPD Adjusted (during calibration) link speed (miles/hour)
IYR The year the link opened to traffic
IJUR Link jurisdiction type where:
1 = State facilities
2 = Congestion Management Plan (CMP)
3 = Regional Arterial System (RAS)
4 = Regionally Significant Arterials (RSA)
5 = Local facilities
IFC Initial functional classification where:
1 = Freeway
2 = Prime arterial
3 = Major arterial
4 = Collector
5 = Local collector
6 = Rural collector
7 = Local (Non-Circulation Element) road
8 = Freeway connector ramps
9 = Local ramps
10 = Zone connectors
IHOV Link operation type where:
1 = General purpose
2 = 2+ HOV (Managed lanes if lanes > 1)
3 = 3+ HOV (Managed lanes if lanes > 1)
4 = Toll lanes
ITRUCK Truck restriction code (ITRUCK) where:
1 = All Vehicles Classes
2 = HHDT Excluded
3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded
4 = LDT & MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks Excluded)
5 = HHDT Only
6 = MHDT & HHDT Only
7 = LHDT & MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
ISPD Posted speed limit
ITSPD Not currently in use
IWAY One or two way operations
IMED Median type where:
1 = No median
2 = Raised or fixed median
3 = Continuous left turn center lane
COST Link auto operating cost
ITOLLO Off-Peak toll cost (cent)
Link toll costs with a value range of 1-200 where:
1 = $0.01 per mile
200 = $2.00 per mile
ITOLLA AM Peak toll cost (cent)
Link toll costs with a value range of 1-200 where:
1 = $0.01 per mile
200 = $2.00 per mile
ITOLLP PM Peak toll cost (cent)
Link toll costs with a value range of 1-200 where:
1 = $0.01 per mile
200 = $2.00 per mile
ABLNO * Off-Peak number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLNA * AM Peak number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLNP * PM Peak number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABAU * Number of auxiliary lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABPCT * Directional split in the FROM-TO direction
ABPHF * Peak hour factor in the FROM-TO direction
ABCNT * Intersection control type at the TO end of the link:
0 = No Control
1 = Traffic Signal
2 = All-Way Stop Sign
3 = Two-Way Stop Sign
4 = Ramp Meter
5 = Ramp Meter with HOV lane meter
6 = Light Rail Crossing
7 = Toll Booth
9 = Prevent Control
ABTL * Intersection approach through lanes at the TO end of the link:
0~4 = number of through lanes
7 = Free
8 = Prohibited
9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABRL * Intersection approach right-turn lanes at the TO end of the link:
0~2 = number of through lanes
7 = Free
8 = Prohibited
9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABLL * Intersection approach left-turn lanes at the TO end of the link:
0~2 = number of through lanes
7 = Free
8 = Prohibited
9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABTLB * Link ID (hwycov#) of through-connected link
ABRLB * Link ID (hwycov#) of right turn-connected link
ABLLB * Link ID (hwycov#) of left turn-connected link
ABGC * Intersection green-to-cycle ratio at the TO end of the link (%)
ABPLC * Per-lane capacity per hour
ABCPO * Off-Peak period mid-link capacity (18 hours)
ABCPA * AM Peak period mid-link capacity (3 hours)
ABCPP * PM Peak period mid-link capacity (3 hours)
ABCXO * Off-Peak period intersection-approach capacity (18 hours)
ABCXA * AM Peak period intersection-approach capacity (3 hours)
ABCXP * PM Peak period intersection-approach capacity (3 hours)
ABCHO * Off-Peak hourly mid-link capacity
ABCHA * AM Peak hourly mid-link capacity
ABCHP * PM Peak hourly mid-link capacity
ABTMO * Off-Peak link time in minutes in the FROM-TO direction
A standard calculation is speed (mph) using time and length:
Speed(mph) = [length(ft)*1(mi)/5280(ft)]/[abtmo(min)*1(hr)/60(min)]
ABTMA * AM Peak link time in minutes in the FROM-TO direction
A standard calculation is speed (mph) using time and length:
Speed(mph) = [length(ft)*1(mi)/5280(ft)]/[abtmo(min)*1(hr)/60(min)]
ABTMP * PM Peak link time in minutes in the FROM-TO direction
A standard calculation is speed (mph) using time and length:
Speed(mph) = [length(ft)*1(mi)/5280(ft)]/[abtmo(min)*1(hr)/60(min)]
ABTXO * Off-Peak intersection delay time
ABTXA * AM Peak intersection delay time
ABTXP * PM Peak intersection delay time
ABCST * Total link cost, generalized cost (in cents) of 19cents/mile + 35cents/minute
ABVLA * Adjusted AM Peak hour volume in the FROM-TO direction
ABVLP * Adjusted PM Peak hour volume in the FROM-TO direction
ABLOS * Directional daily Level of Service (LOS) where:
1 = LOS A
2 = LOS B
3 = LOS C
4 = LOS D
5 = LOS E
6 = LOS F
7 = LOS F for 1 hour
8 = LOS F for 2 hours, etc.
LNMI Lane Miles for 2-ways
*Each of these fields are duplicated with the prefix "BA" for the opposite (TO-FROM) direction
*Turn link arrows on to reveal directionality:
*A (FROM) -----------------------------> B (TO)

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Highway Network Turns File


Column Name Description
from_id The link id where to prohibit the turn from
to_id The link id where to prohibit the turn to
penalty The additional time (in minutes) added to the turn. the value "null" means no turn allowed.

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Highway Network Link Type Turns Table


Column Name Description
FROM from link class of 1 or 9
TO to link class of 9 or 1
LEFT additional time added to left turn movement (in mins)
RIGHT additional time added to right turn movement (in mins)
STRAIGHT additional time added to straight turn movement (in mins)
UTURN additional time added to u-turn movement (in mins)

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Highway Network Link Type Turns Cost Table


Column Name Description
FROM from link class of 1 or 9
TO to link class of 9 or 1
LEFT additional cost added to left turn movement (in cents)
RIGHT additional cost added to right turn movement (in cents)
STRAIGHT additional cost added to straight turn movement (in cents)
UTURN additional cost added to uturn movement (in cents)

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Highway Network Vehicle Class Toll Factors File


Required file. Used to specify the relative toll values by six vehicle classes by Facility name, scenario year and time of day. Can be used, for example, to identify "free for HOV" type managed lane facilties. Used by the Import network Modeller tool.


Facility_name, Year, Time_of_Day, DA_Factor, S2_Factor, S3_Factor, TRK_L_Factor, TRK_M_Factor, TRK_H_Factor
I-15,          2016,          EA,       1.0,       0.0,       0.0,          1.0,         1.03,         2.33
SR-125,        2016,         ALL,       1.0,       1.0,       1.0,          1.0,         1.03,         2.33
I-5,           2035,         ALL,       1.0,       1.0,       0.0,          1.0,         1.03,         2.33

The toll values for each class on each link are calculated by multiplying the input toll value from hwycov.e00 (ITOLLA, ITOLLP, ITOLLO) by this factor, matched by the Facility name (together with the toll factors from off_peak_toll_factors.csv in converting ITOLLO to the off-peak times-of-day).

The network links are matched to a record in this file based on the NM, FXNM or TXNM values (in that order). A simple substring matching is used, so the record with Facility_name "I-15" matches any link with name "I-15 SB", "I-15 NB", "I-15/DEL LAGO DAR NB" etc. The records should not be overlapping: if there are two records which match a given link it will be an arbitrary choice as to which one is used.

Note that if a link does not match to a record in this file, the default factors (specified in the table below) will be applied to said link. It is OK if there are records for which there are no link tolls.

Column Name Description
Facility_name Name of the facility, used in the substring matching with links by NM, FXNM or TXNM fields
Year Scenario year
Time_of_Day Time of day period:
EA = Early morning
AM = AM peak
MD = Mid-day
PM = PM peak
EV = Evening
ALL = All time of day periods
DA_Factor Positive toll factor for Drive Alone (SOV) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
S2_Factor Positive toll factor for Shared 2 person (HOV2) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
S3_Factor Positive toll factor for Shared 3+ person (HOV3) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
TRK_L_Factor Positive toll factor for Light Truck (TRKL) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
TRK_M_Factor Positive toll factor for Medium Truck (TRKM) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.03
TRK_H_Factor Positive toll factor for Heavy Truck (TRKH) vehicle classes. The default value is 2.03

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Highway Network Off-Peak Toll Factors File


Optional file. Used to specify different tolls in the off-peak time-of-day scenarios based on the single link ITOLLO field, together with the tolls by vehicle class from vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv. Used by the Import network Modeller tool.


Facility_name, OP_EA_factor, OP_MD_factor, OP_EV_factor
I-15,                  0.75,          1.0,         0.75
SR-125,                1.0 ,          1.0,         1.0
SR-52,                 0.8 ,          1.0,         0.8

See note re: network link matching under vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv. Note that all facilities need not be specified, links not matched will use a factor of 1.0.

Column Name Description
Facility_name Name of the facility, used in the substring matching with links by NM, FXNM or TXNM fields
OP_EA_FACTOR Positive toll factor for Early AM period tolls
OP_MD_FACTOR Positive toll factor for Midday period tolls
OP_EV_FACTOR Positive toll factor for Evening period tolls

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Highway Network Vehicle Class Toll Factors File


Optional file. Specifies the availability / unavailability of six vehicle classes for five times-of-day by Facility name. This will override any mode / vehicle class availability specified directly on the network (hwycov.e00), via ITRUCK and IHOV fields. Used in the generation of time-of-day Emme scenarios in the Master run Modeller tool.


Facility_name, vehicle_class, EA_Avail, AM_Avail, MD_Avail, PM_Avail, EV_Avail
I-15,                     DA,        1,        1,        1,        1,        1
I-15,                     S2,        1,        1,        1,        1,        1
I-15,                     S3,        1,        0,        1,        0,        1
I-15,                  TRK_L,        1,        1,        1,        1,        1
I-15,                  TRK_M,        1,        0,        0,        0,        1
I-15,                  TRK_H,        1,        0,        0,        0,        1

See note re: network link matching under vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv. Note that all facilities need not be specified, links not matched will use the availability as indicated by the link fields in hwycov.e00.

Column Name Description
Facility_name Name of the facility, used in the substring matching with links by NM, FXNM or TXNM fields
Vehicle_class Name of the vehicle class, one of DA, S2, S3, TRK_L, TRK_M, or TRK_H
EA_Avail For this facility and vehicle class, is available for Early AM period (0 or 1)
AM_Avail For this facility and vehicle class, is available for AM Peak period (0 or 1)
MD_Avail For this facility and vehicle class, is available for Midday period (0 or 1)
PM_Avail For this facility and vehicle class, is available for PM Peak period (0 or 1)
EV_Avail For this facility and vehicle class, is available for Evening period (0 or 1)

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ESRI Transit Network Arc Attributes Input


Column Name Description
FNODE# Arc/Info assigned node number at "from" end of arc.
TNODE# Arc/Info assigned node number at "to" end of arc.
LPOLY# Arc/Info assigned left polygon number.
RPOLY# Arc/Info assigned right polygon number.
LENGTH Arc/Info computed length of arc (feet).
TRCOV# Arc/Info assigned unique, sequential ID number.
TRCOV-ID User assigned unique, fixed ID number.
VOL1 Forecasted Daily Ridership (Whole Numbers)
VOL2 Program assigned volume.
FX Arc/Info assigned x-coordinate at FNODE#.
FY Arc/Info assigned y-coordinate at FNODE#.
TX Arc/Info assigned x-coordinate at TNODE#.
TY Arc/Info assigned y-coordinate at TNODE#.
TMP1 Temporary variable.
TMP2 Temporary variable.
RTNO Program assigned route number.
LKNO Program assigned sequential link number.
NM Road name.
FXNM Program assigned cross street name at "from" end of arc.
TXNM Program assigned cross street name at "to" end of arc.
AN Tranplan highway node number at "from" end.
BN Tranplan highway node number at "to" end.
DIR Link direction, where:
1 = Southbound
2 = Eastbound
3 = Northbound
4 = Westbound
OSPD Observed speed.
IYR Initial year that the arc is first opened to traffic
IJUR Initial jurisdiction controlling arc, where:
1 = State facility
2 = Non-state Congestion Management Program (CMP) route
3 = Regional Arterial System
4 = Other Major roads
5 = Local road
IFC Initial circulation element functional classification, where:
1 = Freeway
2 = Prime Arterial
3 = Major Arterial
4 = Collector
5 = Local Collector
6 = Rural Collector
7 = Local Street
8 = Freeway to Freeway Ramp
9 = Ramp
10 = Zone Connector
11 = Rail Line
12 = Bus Street
13 = ADT Link
IHOV HOV indicator where:
1 = Non-HOV facility
2 = HOV facility
ISPD Initial posted speed (miles per hour)
IWAY Initial one- or two-way operation, where:
1 = One-way 2 = Two-way
IMED Initial median condition, where:
1 = No Median
2 = Raised Median
3 = Center Left Turn Lane
FWYLEN Length of the segment the route travels on freeway (in miles)
ABLNO Initial mid-block lanes in "from-to" direction for the off-peak hours.
ABLNA Initial mid-block lanes in "from-to" direction for the AM peak.
ABLNP Initial mid-block lanes in "from-to" direction for the PM peak.
ABAU Initial auxiliary lanes in "from-to" direction.
ABCNT Initial intersection control type at "to" end, where:
0 = No Control
1 = Traffic Signal
2 = All-way Stop Sign
3 = Two-way Stop Sign
4 = Ramp Meter
5 = Ramp Meter with HOV Bypass
6 = LRT Crossing
7 = Toll Booth
8 = Prevent Control
ABTL Initial intersection approach through lanes at "to" end.
ABRL Initial intersection approach right turn lanes at "to" end.
ABLL Initial intersection approach left turn lanes at "to" end.
ABTMO Overall arc offpeak travel time in "from-to" direction.
ABTMA Overall arc AM peak travel time in "from-to" direction.
ABTMP Overall arc PM peak travel time in "from-to" direction.
ABSTP Transit stop restriction indicator where:
0 = No restriction
2 = Restricted transit stop in "from-to" direction
BALNO...BASTP Data in "to-from" direction
SRT1...SRT20 Transit Routes on arc, sorted on route number
MINMODE Transit type where:
4 = Coaster Rail Line
5 = Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line
6 = Yellow Car Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
7 = Red Car Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
8 = Limited Express Bus
9 = Express Bus
10 = Local Bus
LRTZONE LRT fare zone, used for zone-based fare alternatives
CRZONE Commute Rail fare zone, used for zone-based alternatives

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ESRI Transit Network Node Attributes Input


Column Name Description
ARC# Arc/Info assigned TRCOV# of an arc at the node.
TRCOV# Arc/Info assigned unique, sequential node identification number.
TRCOV-ID User assigned unique node identification number.
XNM1 Program assigned cross street name.
XNM2 Program assigned cross street name.
TEMP Temporary variable.
X-COORD X coordinate in California State Plane coordinate system (in feet).
Y-COORD Y coordinate in California State Plane coordinate system (in feet).
Z-COORD Z coordinate – elevation (in feet).
IUCNT Program assigned initial/upgrade control code for plotting.
SPHERE Sphere number, where:
100 = Carlsbad
200 = Chula Vista
300 = Coronado
400 = Del Mar
500 = El Cajon
600 = Encinitas
700 = Escondido
800 = Imperial Beach
900 = La Mesa
1000 = Lemon Grove
1100 = National City
1200 = Oceanside
1300 = Poway
1400-1499 = City of San Diego Planning Areas
1500 = San Marcos
1600 = Santee
1700 = Solona Beach
1800 = Vista
1900-1999 = County of San Diego Planning Areas
HNODE Unique node number for Tranplan highway models
IYR Initial year that the node first exists
IJUR Initial jurisdiction controlling intersection, where:
1 = State facility
2 = Non-state Congestion Management Program (CMP) route
3 = Regional Arterial System
4 = Other Major roads
5 = Local road
ICNT Initial intersection control at node, where:
0 = No Control
1 = Traffic Signal
2 = All-way Stop Sign
3 = Two-way Stop Sign
4 = Ramp Meter
5 = Ramp Meter with HOV Bypass
6 = LRT Crossing
7 = Toll Booth
8 = Prevent Control
TAP Transit Access Point, where:
0 = Not a transit access point
1-2500 = Transit access point
TNODE Unique node number for Tranplan transit models.
FZONE4 Fare zone for commuter rail.
FZONE6 Fare zone for limited bus.
FZONE7 Fare zone for express bus.
ISTOP Initial stop type, where:
0,1 = No Stop
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Yellow Car BRT
7 = Red Car BRT
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
ITT Initial timed-transfer conditions, where:
0 = Route not timed
1 = Routes timed
7 = San Ysidro Border
USTOP Upgrade stop type.
WVOL Walk Access On/Offs; not used in input;
AVOL Auto Access On/Offs; not used in input;
XVOL Transfer Access On/Offs; not used in input;
TVOL Total Access On/Offs; not used in input;

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Transit Binary Link File


Column Name Description
Route_id: Sequential route number
Link_id Link id associated with route
Direction + or -

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Transit Binary Route Table


Column Name Description
Route_id Sequential route number
Route_name Route name and configuration
Mode Line Haul Mode of route:
4 = coaster
5 = sprinter/trolley
8 = prem express
9 = regular express
10 = local bus
AM_Headway AM Period Headway
PM_Headway PM Period Headway
OP_headway Off-peak period headway
Config Same as route_name
Fare Route fare

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Transit Binary Stop Table


Column Name Description
Stop_id Unique stop ID
Route_id Sequential route number
Link_id Link id associated with route
Pass_count Number of times the route passes this stop. Most of value is one, some value is 2
Milepost Stop mile post
Longitude Stop Longitude
Latitude Stop Latitude
NearNode Node number that stop is nearest to
FareZone Zones defined in Fare System
StopName Name of Stop
MODE_NAME Line haul mode name:
Center City Walk
Walk Access
Commuter Rail
Light Rail
Regional BRT (Yellow)
Regional BRT (Red)
Limited Express
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
PREMODE Premium Transit mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
EXPBSMODE Express bus mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
LOCMODE Local bus mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
OP_TRNTIME Off peak transcad matrix used by mode:
AM_TRNTIME AM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
PM_TRNTIME PM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
MODE_ACCES Mode of access (1)
MODE_EGRES Mode of egress (1)
WT_IVTPK Weight for peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.8
WT_FWTPK Weight for peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTPK Weight for peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREPK Weight for peak fare: 0.46, 0.60, 0.63, 0.67, 1
WT_IVTOP Weight for off-peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.6
WT_FWTOP Weight for off-peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTOP Weight for off-peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREOP Weight for off-peak fare: 0.23, 0.51, 0.52, 0.54, 0.58, 1
FARE Transit fare: $0, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
DWELLTIME Dwell time: 0, 0.3, 0.5
1 = Bus
2 = Rail
coaster fare
lightrail fare
CRMODE Boolean if Commuter rail available
LRMODE Boolean if light rail available
XFERPENTM Transfer Penalty time: 5 minutes
WTXFERTM Transfer Wait time: 1 minute
TRNTIME_EA Early AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_AM AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_MD Midday transit time impedance
TRNTIME_PM PM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_EV Evening transit time impedance

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Transit Mode Transfer Prohibitions


Column Name Description
FROM From mode code:
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
TO To mode code:
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
PROHIBITIO Prohibit transfer:
0 = No
1 = Yes
XFER_PENAL Transfer Penalty
WAIT_TIME Wait time

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Transit Timed Transfers Between COASTER and Feeder Buses


Column Name Description
FROM_LINE From Route Number
TO_LINE To Route Number
WAIT_TIME Wait time in minutes

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Transit Fares


Transit fares between TAP pairs

Table Name
Coaster fare
Lightrail fare

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Bike Network Link Field List


Column Name Description
Roadsegid Road Segment ID
Rd20full Road Name
A Foreign key of first node
B Foreign key of second node
Distance Arc length of link (ft)
AB_Gain Cumulative non-negative increase in elevation from A to B nodes (ft)
BA_Gain Cumulative non-negative increase in elevation from B to A nodes (ft)
ABBikeClas Type of Bike Facility in AB direction
BABikeClas Type of Bike Facility in BA direction
AB_Lanes Presence of vehicle Lanes in AB direction
BA_Lanes Presence of vehicle Lanes in BA direction
Func_Class Type of Road Facility
Bike2Sep Physically-separated on-street bike lane
Bike3Blvd Bicycle boulevards
SPEED bike speeds in miles/hour
Scenicldx Scenic index represents the closeness to the ocean and parks
Path Null
Shape_Leng length of the link (ft)

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Bike Network Node Field List


Column Name Description
NodeLev_ID Node Unique Identifier
MGRA MGRA ID for Centroids
TAZ TAZ ID for Centroids
XCOORD X Coordinate of Node in NAD 1983 State Plane California Region VI FIPS: 0406 (ft)
YCOORD Y Coordinate of Node in NAD 1983 State Plane California Region VI FIPS: 0406(ft)
ZCOORD Elevation (ft)
Signal Traffic Signal Presence:1: Presence; 0: Absence

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Transit Drive Access TAPs for AM Period


The file is organized into two sections for each TAZ. The first section is a TAZ and the number of TAPs with PNR lots that are auto accessible from the TAZ. The second section is the TAP, travel time (min) *100 and distance (mile) *100.

Column Name Description
TAP Transit access point
Time Minutes in hundreds
Distance Miles in hundreds
Mode 4 = Commuter Rail
5 = LRT
6 = Freeway Rapid
7 = Arterial Rapid
8 = Premium Express
9 = Express
10 = Local

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Column Name Description
TAP Transit access point
Lot_id Parking lot id
ptype Parking type:
1 = formal parking
2 = other parking
3 = other light rail trolley parking
4 or 5 = non-formal parking area based on the on-board survey
TAZ TAZ where the P&R lot is located
capacity Number of stalls in the parking lot
distance Distance from lot to TAP (feet)
mode Mode ID

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Zone Terminal Time


Column Name Description
Zone TAZ number
Terminal time Terminal time (3, 4, 5, 7, 10 minutes)

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Column Number(s) Column Name(s) Description Model Utilization Attraction Size Variable Travel Cost Dispersion Coefficient
1 NONMAN_AUTO Access to non-mandatory attractions by SOV in off-peak Car ownership Total weighted employment for all purposes Generalized SOV time including tolls -0.05
2 NONMAN_TRANSIT Access to non-mandatory attractions by transit in off peak Car ownership Total weighted employment for all purposes Generalized best path walk-to-transit time including fares -0.05
3 NONMAN_NONMOTOR Access to non-mandatory attractions by walk Car ownership Total weighted employment for all purposes SOV off-peak distance (set to 999 if >3) -1
4-6 NONMAN_SOV_0, NONMAN_SOV_1, NONMAN_SOV_2 Access to non-mandatory attractions by all modes except HOV CDAP Total weighted employment for all purposes Off-peak mode choice logsums (SOV skims for ipersons) segmented by 3 car-availability groups 1
7-9 NONMAN_HOV_0, NONMAN_HOV_1, NONMAN_HOV_2 Access to non-mandatory attractions by all modes except SOV CDAP Total weighted employment for all purposes Off-peak mode choice logsums (HOV skims for interaction) segmented by 3 car-availability groups 1
10-12 SHOP_HOV_0, SHOP_HOV_1, SHOP_HOV_2 Access to shopping attractions by all modes except SOV Joint tour frequency Weighted employment for shopping Off-peak mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 HH adult car-availability groups 1
13-15 MAINT_HOV_0, MAINT_HOV_1, MAINT_HOV_2 Access to maintenance attractions by all modes except SOV Joint tour frequency Weighted employment for maintenance Off-peak mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
16-18 EAT_HOV_0, EAT_HOV_1, EAT_HOV_2 Access to eating-out attractions by all modes except SOV Joint tour frequency Weighted employment for eating out Off-peak mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 adult HH car-availability groups 1
19-21 VISIT_HOV_0, VISIT_HOV_1, VISIT_HOV_0 Access to visiting attractions by all modes except SOV Joint tour frequency Total households Off-peak mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
22-24 DISCR_HOV_0, DISCR_HOV_1, DESCR Access to discretionary attractions by all modes except SOV Joint tour frequency Weighted employment for discretionary Off-peak mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
25-27 ESCORT_HOV_0, ESCORT_HOV_1, ESCORT_HOV_2 Access to escorting attractions by all modes except SOV Allocated tour frequency Total households AM mode choice logsum (HOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
28-30 SHOP_SOV_0, SHOP_SOV_1, SHOP_SOV_2 Access to shopping attractions by all modes except HOV Allocated tour frequency Weighted employment for shopping Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
31-33 MAINT_SOV_0, MAINT_SOV_1, MAINT_SOV_2 Access to maintenance attractions by all modes except HOV Allocated tour frequency Weighted employment for maintenance Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by 3 adult car-availability groups 1
34-36 EAT_SOV_0, EAT_SOV_1, EAT_SOV_2 Access to eating-out attractions by all modes except HOV Individual tour frequency Weighted employment for eating out Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by 3 car-availability groups 1
36-39 VISIT_SOV_0, VISIT_SOV_1, VISIT_SOV_2 Access to visiting attractions by all modes except HOV Individual tour frequency Total households Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by 3 car-availability groups 1
40-41 DISCR_SOV_0, DISCR_SOV_1, DISCR_SOV_2 Access to discretionary attractions by all modes except HOV Individual tour frequency Weighted employment for discretionary Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by 3 car-availability groups 1
43-44 ATWORK_SOV_0, ATWORK_SOV_2 Access to at-work attractions by all modes except HOV Individual sub-tour frequency Weighted employment for at work Off-peak mode choice logsum (SOV skims) segmented by adult 2 car-availability groups (0 cars and cars equal or graeter than workers) 1
45 TOTAL_EMP Access to all attractions by all modes of transport in the peak Work location, CDAP Total weighted employment for all purposes Peak mode choice logsums 1
46 ATWORK_NM Access to at-work attractions by walk Individual sub-tour frequency Weighted employment for at work SOV off-peak distance (set to 999 if >3) 1
47 ALL_HHS_TRANSIT Access to all households by all modes of transport in the peak Not currently used Total weighted households for all purposes Generalized best path walk-to-transit time including fares 1
48 NONMAN_MAAS Access to non-mandatory attractions by MAAS in off-peak

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Bike TAZ Logsum


Column Name Description
i Origin TAZ
j Destination TAZ
Logsum Logsum - a measure of the closeness of the origin and the destination of the trip
time Time (In minutes)

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Bike MGRA Logsum


Column Name Description
i Origin of MGRA
j Destination of MGRA
Logsum Logsum - a measure of the closeness of the origin and the destination of the trip
time Time (in minutes)

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Walk MGRA Equivalent Minutes


Column Name Description
i Origin (MGRA)
j Destination (MGRA)
percieved Percieved time to walk
actual Actual time to walk (minutes)
gain Gain in elevation

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Walk MGRA TAP Equivalent Minutes


Column Name Description
mgra Origin (MGRA)
TAP Transit access point
boardingPerceived Boarding TAP perceived time
boardingActual Boarding TAP actual time
alightingPerceived Alighting TAP perceived time
alightingActual Alighting TAP actual time
boardingGain Boarding gain in elevation
alightingGain Alighting gain in elevation

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Airport Trip Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Trip Purpose:
0 = Resident Business
1 = Resident Personal
2 = Visitor Business
3 = Visitor Personal
4 = External
Percent Distribution of Trips in trip purpose

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Airport Party Size by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Party Party size (0 through 5+)
purp0_perc Distribution for Resident Business purpose
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

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Airport Number of Nights by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Nights Number of Nights stayed (0 through 14+)
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

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Airport Income by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Income group Household income:
0 = Less than $25K
1 = $25K – $50K
2 = $50K – $75K
3 = $75K – $100K
4 = $100K – $125K
5 = $125K – $150K
6 = $150K – $200K
7 = $200K plus
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

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Airport Departure Time by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Period Departure Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

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Airport Arrival Time by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Period Arrival Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

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Commercial Vehicle Friction Factors Lookup Table


Column Name Description
Time Travel time between TAZs in minutes
FF Friction factors used in gravity model

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Cross Border Model Tour Purpose Distribution for Non-SENTRI Users


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
Percent Distribution of Tours by tour purpose for non-sentri users

Cross Border Model Tour Purpose Distribution for SENTRI Users


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
Percent Distribution of Tours by tour purpose for sentri users

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Cross Border Model Tour Entry and Return Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
EntryPeriod Entry Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Return Period Return Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Percent Distribution of tours in entry and return period time slots

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Cross Border Model Supercolonia


Column Name Description
Supercolonia_ID Super colonia ID
Population Population of the super colonia
Distance_poe0 Distance from colonia to point of entry 0 (San Ysidro)
Distance_poe1 Distance from colonia to point of entry 1 (Otay Mesa)
Distance_poe2 Distance from colonia to point of entry 2 (Tecate)

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Cross Border Model Point of Entry Wait Time


Column Name Description
poe Point of Entry number:
0 = San Ysidro
1 = Otay Mesa
2 = Tecate
3 = Otay Mesa East
4 = Jacumba
StartHour Start Hour (1 through 12)
EndHour End Hour (1 through 12)
StartPeriod Start Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
EndPeriod End Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
StandardWait Standard wait time
SENTRIWait SENTRI users wait time
PedestrianWait Pedestrian wait time

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Cross Border Model Stop Frequency


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
DurationLo Lower bound of tour duration (0, 4, or 8)
DurationHi Upper bound of tour duration (4, 8, or 24)
Outbound Number of stops on the outbound (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Inbound Number of stops on the inbound (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Percent Distribution of tours by purpose, duration, number of outbound/inbound stops

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Cross Border Model Stop Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
TourPurp Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
Inbound Boolean for whether stop is inbound (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopNum Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
Multiple Boolean for whether there are multiple stops on tour (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopPurp0 Distribution of Work stops
StopPurp1 Distribution of School stops
StopPurp2 Distribution of Cargo stops
StopPurp3 Distribution of Shopping stops
StopPurp4 Distribution of Visiting stops
StopPurp5 Distribution of Other stops

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Cross Border Model Outbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure is in same period as last outbound trip
1 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 1
2 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 2
3 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 3
4 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 4
5 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 5
6 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 6
7 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 7
8 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 8
9 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 9
10 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 10
11 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 11

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Cross Border Model Inbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure period is same as tour arrival period
-1 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 1
-2 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 2
-3 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 3
-4 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 4
-5 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 5
-6 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 6
-7 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 7

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External Trip Table


Column Name Description
originTAZ External origin TAZ
destinationTAZ External destination TAZ
Trips Number of trips between external TAZs

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External Internal Control Totals


Column Name Description
Taz External TAZ station
Work Number of work vehicle trips
Nonwork Number of non-work vehicle trips

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Internal External Tours Time of Day Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = All Purposes
EntryPeriod Entry Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
ReturnPeriod Return Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Percent Distribution of tours by entry and return periods

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Special Event Information Data


Column Name Description
EventNumber Sequential number of Event
MGRA MGRA event held in
Attendance Attendance of event
EventType Type of event (Sporting, concert, etc.)
StartPeriod Start time period of event (one day = 48 time periods)
EndPeriod End time period of event (one day = 48 time periods)
ParkingCost Parking cost at event (in cents)
ParkingTime Time to part at event (in hours)

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Special Event Party Size Distribution


Column Name Description
Party Size Party size (1 through 8)
Sporting Distribution of party size for sporting events
Other Distribution of party size for all other events

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Special Events Model Income Distribution


Column Name Description
Income Household Income category:
1 = <$30k
2 = $30-60k
3 = $60-100k
4 = $100-150k
5 = $150k+
Sporting Distribution of income for sporting events
Other Distribution of income for all other events

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Visitor Business Frequency Distribution


Column Name Description
WorkTours Number of work tours (0, 1, 2+)
RecreationTours Number of recreation tours (0, 1, 2+)
DiningTours Number of dining tours (0, 1+)
TotalTours Total number of tours
Percent Distribution of tours by purpose frequency

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Visitor Personal Frequency Distribution


Column Name Description
WorkTours Number of work tours (0, 1+)
RecreationTours Number of recreation tours (0, 1, 2+)
DiningTours Number of dining tours (0, 1, 2+)
TotalTours Total number of tours
Percent Distribution of tours by purpose frequency

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Visitor Party Size Distribution


Column Name Description
Party Size Party Size (1 through 10+)
Work Distribution of visitor work tours by party size
Recreate Distribution of visitor recreation tours by party size
Dining Distribution of visitor dining tours by party size

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Visitor Auto Availability


Column Name Description
autoAvailable Is auto available for visitor tour?
Work Percentage of visitor work tours where auto is available
recreate Percentage of visitor recreation tours where auto is available
dining Percentage of visitor dining out tours where auto is available

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Visitor Income Distribution


Column Name Description
Income Visitor income:
0 = < $30K
1 = $30K-$60K
2 = $60K-100K
3 = $100K-$150K
4 = $150K+
Work Distribution of visitors work tours by income
recreate Distribution of visitor recreation tours by income
dining Distribution of visitor dining tours by income

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Visitor Tour Time of Day Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Visitor tour purpose:
0 = Work
1 = Recreation
2 = Dining Out
EntryPeriod Entry Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
ReturnPeriod Return Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Percent Distribution of visitor tours by time of day

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Visitor Stop Frequency Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Visitor tour purpose:
0 = Work
1 = Recreation
2 = Dining Out
DurationLo Lower bound of tour duration
DurationHi Upper bound of tour duration
Outbound Number of stops on the outbound (0, 1+)
Inbound Number of stops on the inbound (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Percent Distribution of tours by purpose, duration, number of outbound/inbound stops

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Visitor Stop Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Visitor tour purpose:
0 = Work
1 = Recreation
2 = Dining Out
Inbound Boolean for whether stop is inbound (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopNum Stop number on tour
Multiple Boolean for whether there are multiple stops on tour (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopPurp0 Distribution of Work stops
StopPurp1 Distribution of School stops
StopPurp2 Distribution of Cargo stops

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Visitor Outbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure is in same period as last outbound trip
1 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 1
2 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 2
3 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 3
4 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 4
5 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 5
6 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 6
7 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 7
8 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 8
9 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 9
10 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 10
11 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 11

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Visitor Inbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure period is same as tour arrival period
-1 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 1
-2 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 2
-3 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 3
-4 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 4
-5 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 5
-6 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 6
-7 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 7
-8 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 8
-9 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 9

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Truck Trip Rate Table


Column Name Description
RegionType Region (1 through 8)
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Households Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Households
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Ag/Min/Constr Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Agriculture, Mining, and Construction
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Retail Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Retail
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Government Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Government
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Manufacturing Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Manufacturing
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Transp/Utilities Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Transportation Utilities
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Wholesale Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Wholesale
<<PA>>_<<Truck Type>>_Other Truck Productions/Attractions (P/A) for Truck type (L, M, or H) for Other
Note: <<PA>>> TG = Truck Productions, TA = Truck Attractions, <<Truck Type>> L = Light Heavy Duty, M = Medium Heavy Duty, H = Heavy Heavy Duty

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Truck Model Regional External to Internal Trips by Year


Column Name Description
fromZone Zone trucks coming from
EITrucks Number of External to Internal Truck Trips
Note: <year> designates the year for data file

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Truck Model Regional Internal to External Trips by Year


Column Name Description
toZone Zone trucks going to
IETrucks Number of Internal to External Truck Trips
Note: <year> designates the year for data file

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Truck Model Regional External to External Trips by Year


Column Name Description
fromZone Zone trucks coming from
toZone Zone trucks going to
EETrucks Number of External to External Truck Trips
Note: <year> designates the year for data file

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Special Generator Data


Column Name Description
TAZ Zone
Type Type of special generator (Military employees, Daily air mail tons, daily cruise ships)
Y<<year>> Number of trips for <<year>>, year is between 2000 and 2050
Year - columns correspond to the type
trkProduction Rate
trkAttraction Rate
lhdShare Light heavy duty share truck trips
mhdShare Medium heavy duty share truck trips
hhdShare Heavy heavy duty share truck trips

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Temporary Static Transponder Model Input


Column Name Description
AVGTTS Average travel time savings in minutes
DIST Distance to facility in miles

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Mapping Table Between LUZ and TAZ


Column Name Description
luz_id Land Use Zone ID
taz Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ), which is the representative TAZ of the LUZ where it is located for purpose to create the LUZ skim using the TAZ skims

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Transit Access Points


Column Name Description
XNM1 Program assigned cross street name.
XNM2 Program assigned cross street name.
TEMP Temporary variable.
X_COORD X coordinate in California State Plane coordinate system (in feet).
Y_COORD Y coordinate in California State Plane coordinate system (in feet).
Z_COORD Z coordinate - evalation (in feet).
IUCNT Program assigned initial/upgrade control for plotting.
SPHERE Jurisdiction sphere of influence, where:
100 = Carlsbad
200 = Chula Vista
300 = Coronado
400 = Del Mar
500 = El Cajon
600 = Encinitas
700 = Escondido
800 = Imperial Beach
900 = La Mesa
1000 = Lemon Grove
1100 = National City
1200 = Oceanside
1300 = Poway
1400-1499 = City of San Diego Planning Areas
1500 = San Marcos
1600 = Santee
1700 = Solona Beach
1800 = Vista
1900-1999 = County of San Diego Planning Areas
HNODE Unique node number for Tranplan highway models.
IYR Initial year that node first exists.
IJUR Initial intersection control jurisdiction where:
1 = State facilities
2 = Congestion Management Plan (CMP)
3 = Regional Arterial System (RAS)
4 = Regionally Significant Arterials
5 = Local facilities
ICNT Intersection control type where:
0 = No Control
1 = Traffic Control
2 = All-Way Stop Sign
3 = Two-Way Stop Sign
4 = Ramp Meter
5 = Ramp Meter with HOV lane meter
6 = Light Rail Crossing
7 = Toll Booth
8 = Prevent Control
TAP Transit Access Point, where:
0 = Not a transit access point
1-2500 = Transit access point
TNODE Unique node number for Tranplan transit models.
FZONE4 Fare zone for commuter rail.
FZONE6 Fare zone for limited bus.
FZONE7 Fare zone for express bus.
ISTOP Initial stop type, where:
0,1 = No Stop
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Yellow Car BRT
7 = Red Car BRT
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
ITT Initial timed-transfer conditions, where:
0 = Route not timed
1 = Routes timed
7 = San Ysidro Border
USTOP Upgrade stope type.
WVOL Walk Access On/Offs; not used in input.
AVOL Auto Access On/Offs; not used in input.
XVOL Transfer Access On/Offs; not used in input.
TVOL Total Access On/Offs; not used in input.

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Transit Mode Parameters


Column Name Description
MODE_NAME Line haul mode name:
Center City Walk
Walk Access
Commuter Rail
Light Rail
Regional BRT (Yellow)
Regional BRT (Red)
Limited Express
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
PREMODE Premium Transit mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
EXPBSMODE Express bus mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
LOCMODE Local bus mode?
0 = No
1 = Yes
OP_TRNTIME Off peak transcad matrix used by mode:
AM_TRNTIME AM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
PM_TRNTIME PM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
MODE_ACCES Mode of access (1)
MODE_EGRES Mode of egress (1)
WT_IVTPK Weight for peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.8
WT_FWTPK Weight for peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTPK Weight for peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREPK Weight for peak fare: 0.46, 0.60, 0.63, 0.67, 1
WT_IVTOP Weight for off-peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.6
WT_FWTOP Weight for off-peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTOP Weight for off-peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREOP Weight for off-peak fare: 0.23, 0.51, 0.52, 0.54, 0.58, 1
FARE Transit fare: $0, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
DWELLTIME Dwell time: 0, 0.3, 0.5
1 = Bus
2 = Rail
coaster fare
lightrail fare
CRMODE Boolean if Commuter rail available
LRMODE Boolean if light rail available
XFERPENTM Transfer Penalty time: 5 minutes
WTXFERTM Transfer Wait time: 1 minute
TRNTIME_EA Early AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_AM AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_MD Midday transit time impedance
TRNTIME_PM PM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_EV Evening transit time impedance

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Fares to Coaster


       - {line: "398104", cost: 3.63}
       - {line: "398204", cost: 3.63}
       - {line: "398104", stop: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.46}
       - {line: "398204", stop: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.46}
   - {line: "398104", from: "SOLANA BEACH", cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398104", from: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398204", from: "OLD TOWN",  cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398204", from: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.45}
day_pass: 4.54
regional_pass: 10.90

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Transit Pass Cost


Column Name Description
pass_type Pass category
cost Cost of pass

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Cross Border Model Tour Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Cross border tour purpose, where:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
Description Description of cross border tour purpose.

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Zone Centroid Coordinates


Column Name Description
taz TAZ ID for Centroids
x_coord_spft X coordinate for centroid in state plane feet.
y_coord_spft Y coordinate for centroid in state plane feet.
x_coord_albers X coordinate for centroid in albers.
y_coord_albers Y coordinate for centroid in albers.

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Commercial Vehicle Model Parameters

Typical structure for Commercial Vehicle Model Parameters file

Column Name Description

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Parameters by Scenario Years


Column Name Description

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Arrival and Departure Distribution by Non-Mandatory Tour Purpose


Column Name Description

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Zonal Data for Commercial Vehicle Model


Column Name Description

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Tour Access Data for Commercial Vehicle Model


Column Name Description

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TAPs at Mobility Hubs


Column Name Decription
FID_MoHubs Mobility Hub field ID
MoHubName Mobility Hub name
MoHubType Mobility Hub type:
Major Employment Center

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MGRAs at Mobility Hubs


Column Name Decription
MoHubName Mobility Hub name
MoHubType Mobility Hub type:
Major Employment Center

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Next Section: Output Files