Hide stackoverflow copy sites(e.g. stackoverrun) with browser plugins from search results.
Currently supports Google and DuckDuckGo.
Issues and PRs are always welcome
- Please modify only the files below.
will be generated automatically.
- Please modify only the files below.
Tested plugins
- Adguard
- uBlock Origin
- Personal Blocklist(not by Google)
- Adblock Plus
- AdBlock
- If you allow "acceptable ads" in Adblock Plus or subscribe "acceptable ads" filter, filters will not apply on google. You need to turn it off in order to use only-stackoverflow filter.
Click me to use filters and subscribe the latest changes.
Tutorials on AdGuard
Like the video in the example above, please add the link below and use it. The latest changes may not be reflected, so We recommend using them only if the above does not work.