- xclip
- ripgrep
- sd (sed Alternative)
- Notes should ideally have unique and descriptive names like a Zettelkasten
- Directories are fine
- There's no need for UUID's, descriptive file names are much easier.
Put the following in your bash
Make a bash
script, an alias or a function in
for the following piece of
function BackLinks() {
## If your using fish
## set term "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o | xargs basename | cut -f 1 -d '.')"
## If your using bash/zsh
term=$(xclip -selection clipboard -o | xargs basename | cut -f 1 -d '.')
## The Grep
rg -e "\[.*\]\(.*$term\.md\)" -e "\[\[$term\]\]" -e "\[\[$term.*\]\]" \
~/Notes/ -t markdown -ol
## If you want to preview the Backlinks
## rg -e "\[.*\]\(.*$term\.md\)" -e "\[\[$term\]\]" -e "\[\[$term.*\]\]" \
## ~/Notes/ -t markdown -ol \
## fzf --bind pgup:preview-page-up,pgdn:preview-page-down --preview "mdcat {}"
alias bl='BackLinks'
- Make some
files in~/Notes
that are interlinked with[[wiki-links]]
- Copy the note path to the clipboard
- I bind this to
SPC f y
in VSCode and Vim, Check out my DotFiles here
- I bind this to
- Run the command from above
- Anything that contains links to the current note should be returned.
You can get creative and turn these into wiki-links as well.
bl | sed s/^/basename\ / | bash | cut -f 1 -d '.' | sed s/^/\[\[/ | sed s/\$/\]\]/