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Agenda for the March 6th video call of WebAssembly's Community Group

  • Host: Google Hangouts
  • Dates: Tuesday March 6th, 2018
  • Times: 17:00–18:00 UTC (9AM–10AM Pacific Time)
  • Location: same Google Hangouts link as before
  • Contact:


None required if you've attended before. Email JF Bastien to sign up if it's your first time. The meeting is open to CG members only.


The meeting will be a Google Hangouts call.

Agenda items

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call
    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. Introduction of attendees
  2. Find volunteers for note taking (acting chair to volunteer)
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Proposals and discussions
    1. Review of action items from prior meeting.
    2. Future in-person meeting: hosted by Fastly in San Francisco in April
    3. maintenance (Alex Danilo)
    4. Rename memory operations
    5. Annotation syntax for the text format (Andreas Rossberg)
    6. ES module integration (Lin Clark)
    7. WebAssembly BigInt integration (Daniel Ehrenberg)
    8. HTML serialization of WebAssembly.Module objects (Daniel Ehrenberg)
  5. Closure

Agenda items for future meetings


Schedule constraints


Meeting Notes

Roll Call

  • Arun Purushan
  • Ben Smith
  • Ben Titzer
  • Brad Nelson
  • Dan Gohman
  • Daniel Ehrenberg
  • Deepti Gandluri
  • Derek Schuff
  • Eric Holk
  • Heejin Ahn
  • JF Bastien
  • Jacob Gravelle
  • Keith Miller
  • Lars Hansen
  • Limin Zhu
  • Lin Clark
  • Luke Wagner
  • Malcolm White
  • Marcos Diaz
  • Michael Ferris
  • Michael Holman
  • Paolo Severini
  • Pat Hickey
  • Richard Winterton
  • Robert Hitchcock
  • Sam Clegg
  • Sean Larkin
  • Sergey Rubanov
  • Sven Sauleau
  • Till Schneidereit
  • William Maddox

Find volunteers for note taking (acting chair to volunteer)

JF volunteers

Adoption of the agenda

Brad seconds

Proposals and discussions

Review of action items from prior meeting.

Future in-person meeting

Hosted by Fastly in San Francisco in April maintenance

Alex Danilo maintenance

Let’s move forward with it.

Rename memory operations

Ben Smith

   * (short names)
   * (long names)


Annotation syntax for the text format

Andreas Rossberg

Provide generic notation to represent custom (section) information in text format


POLL: We should create an annotations repo to hold a Phase 0 proposal to define annotation syntax for the text format.

Unanimous consent

AI: JF to create repo and tracking issue. Andreas to populate.

ES module integration

Lin Clark

   * Discussion with webpack:

SlidesSlides with presenter notes

  • Brad: how do we cope with deciding how a module is being loaded? MIME type?
  • Lin: yes. Byte-sniffing could also work.
  • Andreas: why cycling linking?
  • Lin: expect very close dependencies between JS and wasm. Acting as a wrapper. Also because ESM allows them, would be a stumbling block.
  • Andreas: difference with wasm and JS is types. Might paint us in corner.

POLL: create a stage 0 proposal for ESM integration, with Lin as champion.

Unanimous consent

AI: JF to create repo, link tracking issue. Lin to fill repo.

WebAssembly BigInt integration

Daniel Ehrenberg

   * Where should this be in the process?
  • JavaScript has BigInt at stage 3. Shipping in Chrome soon. Being implemented for other browsers.
  • Have spec text.
  • Have some tests.
  • Michael: which stage is this in TC39?
  • JF: I’d be uncomfortable in moving to WebAssembly stable if it weren’t in stage 4 for TC39. I don’t think we’ll be in that position.
  • Dan: Note that other specs are making BigInt integrations already, e.g., HTML.

POLL: vote to move to stage 2.

Unanimous consent

AI: JF to update repo and tracking issue.

HTML serialization of WebAssembly.Module objects

Daniel Ehrenberg

   * Where should this be in the process?
  • Only issue encountered was Brad’s PR disallowed posting to other agent clusters, e.g. service workers. Should we lift it?
  • Brad: was a restriction for SharedArrayBuffer. Trying to mimic.
  • Dan: you can’t serialize SAB though.
  • Brad: should be at least available in same places. No objection to having more.
  • Dan: previous spec also prevented IDB storage from HTTP, only allowed HTTPS.
  • Brad: I think for Chrome we’ll restrict this.
  • JF: I’d rather add restrictions in well thought-out manner, not ad-hoc.
  • Dan: this proposal was left out of the JS Web API specification by accident.
  • JF: not editorial change, so this affects first working draft.
  • Michael: we don’t do IDB at all right now.

Continue next meeting
