The U°OS community is a mix of professionals and individuals working on creating the best possible U°OS protocol. Collaboration, community, and governance are key.
To this end, there a few ground rules to engage in the community.
This code of conduct is and will always be a work in progress as, again, community governance is key and no single authority must enforce the rules.
Having an amicable attitude towards new and existing members contributes to a healthy community.
Be patient in sharing the knowledge, helping others, and in hearing opposing views.
When proposing a change or voicing a view, think of all the work and views that other community members have.
Having opposing views on anything is no excuse for malbehavior.
Transparent and open collaboration reduces redundancy. Communicate.
Disagreements are natural. Always strive to understand differing views and resolve disagreements constructively.
Communication is key, and communication is as simple as it sounds. When you need help, ask the community.