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Releases: ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020

v0.19.1 - Bugfix - TemperatureConfigure, ChargeBreakWindowsConfigure

06 Nov 19:35
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  • Rear seats can't be configured with HA action TemperatureConfigure
  • Error "startTimeMinute unknown" when using the HA action ChargeBreakWindowsConfigure


v0.19.0 - Features, Fixes and some dark clouds

17 Oct 21:47
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The good news: Welcome to the next release, this is quite a big one - with a lot of new stuff.

The bad news: There are some hard signs that the MB-team is implementing a new authentication procedure and this could/would kill the integration.

Special thanks to @philippwaller. He added new stuff and improved the overall quality!


  • Binary sensor "preclimateStatus" - This binary sensor combines the different precond status attributes into one and shows if a Pre-Entry Climate Action is running or not. (Thanks @philippwaller)

    precondState, precondActive, precondError, precondNow, precondNowError, precondDuration, precondatdeparture, precondAtDepartureDisable, precondSeatFrontLeft, precondSeatFrontRight, precondSeatRearLeft, precondSeatRearRight, temperature_points_frontLeft, temperature_points_frontRight, temperature_points_rearLeft, temperature_points_rearRight,
  • Sensor "wiperHealthPercent" - This sensor shows the status of your wipers. (For a limited set of cars - My dev cars GLA, GLC, EQB, EQV, EQS don't have it, ... but some cars are showing the data) (Thanks @philippwaller)

    wiperLifetimeExceeded [EXPERIMENTAL, user feedback wanted]
  • Sensor "auxheatstatus" and "preclimateStatus" have new attributes: temperature_points_*

  • Switch "Pre- entry climate" - To switch on/off the pre-entry climate function. (Thanks @philippwaller)

  • [experimental] Service/Action "preconditioning_configure_seats" - Configure which seats should be preconditioned of a car defined by a vin. (Please share your feedback in the HA Forum).

  • [experimental] Service/Action "temperature_configure" - Configure the target preconditioning/auxheat temperatures for zones in a car defined by a VIN. (Please share your feedback in the HA Forum).

  • Binary Sensor "theftsystemarmed"

    carAlarmLastTime, carAlarmReason, collisionAlarmTimestamp, interiorSensor, interiorProtectionStatus, interiorMonitoringLastEvent, interiorMonitoringStatus, exteriorMonitoringLastEvent, exteriorMonitoringStatus, lastParkEvent, lastTheftWarning, lastTheftWarningReason, parkEventLevel, parkEventType, theftAlarmActive, towProtectionSensorStatus, towSensor,

Breaking Changes

  • Attributes "value_short", "value_description" removed from the sensors ignitionstate, starterBatteryState, auxheatstatus - these are handled via frontend translation now


  • Update MB Backend websocket-url in the US/CA, APAC region, fixes Other error 418, message='Invalid response status', url='wss://'
  • Improve handling of accounts with no cars
  • PositionLat was removed from the diagnostic report to improve data privacy (Thanks @philippwaller)

v0.18.1 - Fix HA-Action ChargeBreakWindowsConfigure

10 Sep 17:12
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  • Charge Break Windows can‘t be activated

v0.18.0 - ChargeBreakConfigure, Default Value handling

07 Sep 17:32
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  • (experimental) - HA-Action (Service) to configure the charge break windows (AC only)
    • The action is the same like the option in your MB-App (if available for your car, tested with EQE and EQS)
    • The complete config gets overwritten, so you can't just manipulate on slot (problem of the API)
    • image
    • There is currently no sensor to read the current config, but you can find the values in the diagnostic report.
    • Check the attributes of the car-sensor to monitor progress. (API sends a timeout message after ~5min)
    • This is the first time that I had to adjust the last known API description files, therefor: highly experimental


  • The sensor Charging Power is set to "0" instead of unknown if the value is temp. not reported by the car (Status: 3) (fixes #261 )
  • The sensor ElectricConsumptionStart has a new default of "0" - Important for Hybrid cars when the current/last ride was without electric usage. (In the past the sensor showed unknown or was not created on HA startup

v0.17.0 - DistanceZEstart, Translations...

14 Aug 12:50
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  1. New translations: Polish, Czech, Hebrew (thanks to @piotrgt, @tomasz-soltysik, @ngocjohn, @avielj )
  2. The range_electric senor got two new attributes distanceZEReset and distanceZEStart - this is for hybrid cars only.
  3. New sensor distanceZEStart. Shows the distance driven since last start (or whatever start means for MB). This is for hybrid cars only.

Breaking Changes

Hopefully none


Enhance your experience with this integration by using VEHICLE INFO CARD. This card is designed to work seamlessly with the integration, providing a beautiful and intuitive interface to display the data in your Home Assistant dashboard.

Key Features

  • Seamless Integration: Automatically pulls in data from the integration.
  • Customizable: Easily modify the card’s appearance to fit your theme.
  • Interactive: Includes controls to interact with the data directly from your dashboard.
  • Multilingual Support: The card includes various translations, making it accessible in multiple languages.

Check out the Custom Lovelace Card for more details and installation instructions.

Thanks @ngocjohn - Great work...

v0.16.0 - Sunroof lift, Max soc for charging programs, Cleanup

02 Jul 07:06
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  • New service sunroof_tilt to tilt/lift the sunroof (Pin setup required) (Thanks @es-que)
  • The service max_soc_configure has an optional parameter for the charging program now (Thanks @josephdouce)
  • New sensor "tirewarningsdk", Esp. for Smart-cars or older MB-cars.
    NO_WARNING = 0
    UNKNOWN = -1

Breaking changes:

  • The attributes "rangeelectric", "chargingPower" are removed from the "soc"-sensor as they are available as sensors. (Thanks @Thomas55555 )
  • The attributes "electricconsumptionstart", "electricconsumptionreset", "soc", "chargingPower" are removed from the "rangeElectricKm"-sensor as they are available as sensors. (Thanks @Thomas55555)
  • The load mechanism of the component on HA-startup was changed. In the past, the component was loaded outside of the HA-startup environment. The result was that for the first 3-6 seconds the sensor went to unknown. Now, the component is loaded in a way that the last values are available until the states are available. Whenever you have automations/scripts in place that are dependent on that "old"-procedure you need to be adjust these.


  • Some changes to be inline with the upcoming HA 2024.07 release
  • Frontend translation for the chargeflap[a/d]cstatus sensors


You can improve the translations of the other languages with the translation tool webplate. I will extend the translatable sensors in the next release.

v0.16.0-beta.1 - Sunroof lift, Max soc for charging programs, HA Core changes, Cleanup

26 Jun 19:00
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  • New service sunroof_tilt to tilt/lift the sunroof (Pin setup required) (Thanks @es-que)
  • The service max_soc_configure has a optional parameter for the charging program now (Thanks @josephdouce)
  • New sensor "tirewarningsdk", Esp. for Smart-cars or older MB-cars.
    NO_WARNING = 0
    UNKNOWN = -1

Breaking changes:

  • The attributes "rangeelectric", "chargingPower" are removed from the "soc"-sensor as they are available as sensors. (Thanks @Thomas55555 )
  • The attributes "electricconsumptionstart", "electricconsumptionreset", "soc", "chargingPower" are removed from the "rangeElectricKm"-sensor as they are available as sensors. (Thanks @Thomas55555)


  • Some changes to be inline with HA 2024.07
  • Frontend translation for the chargeflap[a/d]cstatus sensors

v0.15.0 - HA Core changes, Cleanup, Auth-Handler

04 Jun 18:15
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This release is a maintenance and clean-up release to be in-line with the upcoming HA core version 2024.06. It contains breaking changes. Please read the release notes... Thanks for the cocktails and beers last week :-)

Breaking Changes:

  • Attributes removed from the tirewarninglamp-binary-sensor as we have own sensors since some months: tirepressureRearLeft, tirepressureRearRight, tirepressureFrontRight, tirepressureFrontLeft, (Thanks @Thomas55555 for the PR #238)



  • Multiple warnings [homeassistant.util.loop] Detected blocking call... (#228)
  • Service windows_open has no optional pin field (#233)
  • Error lastParkEvent sensor (NoneType check, #230)
  • The authentication tokens are stored in the HA core registry and the tokens are not stored in the file system anymore. (the old mercedes-token-cache... files are not updated anymore and can be deleted manually). This could be a breaking change for users with custom scripts. (Next and hopefully last try on the ReAuth issue)

Other Notes:

  • The change log of v0.14.0 missed one change: The state_class of the sensor odometer is now total_increasing to better support statistics. (Thanks @thomasdelaet for the PR #225)

v0.15.0-beta.2 - HA Core changes, Cleanup, Auth-Handler

04 Jun 07:54
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This release is a maintenance and clean-up release to be in line with the upcoming HA core version 2024.06. It contains breaking changes. Please read the release notes... Thanks for the cocktails and beers last week :-)

Breaking Changes:

  • Attributes removed from the tirewarninglamp-binary-sensor as we have own sensors since some months: tirepressureRearLeft, tirepressureRearRight, tirepressureFrontRight, tirepressureFrontLeft, (Thanks @Thomas55555 for the PR #238)



  • Multiple warnings [homeassistant.util.loop] Detected blocking call... (#228)
  • Service windows_open has no optional pin field (#233)
  • Error lastParkEvent sensor (NoneType check, #230)
  • The authentication tokens are stored in the HA core registry and the tokens are not stored in the file system anymore. (the old mercedes-token-cache... files are not updated anymore and can be deleted manually). This could be a breaking change for users with custom scripts. (Next and hopefully last try on the ReAuth issue)

Other Notes:

  • The change log of v0.14.0 missed one change: The state_class of the sensor odometer is now total_increasing to better support statistics. (Thanks @thomasdelaet for the PR)

v0.15.0-beta.1 - HA Core changes, Auth-Handler

02 Jun 08:26
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This release is more a maintenance release to be in line with the upcoming HA core version 2024.06


  • Multiple warnings [homeassistant.util.loop] Detected blocking call... (#228)
  • Service windows_open has no optional pin field (#233)
  • Error lastParkEvent sensor (NoneType check, #230)
  • The authentication tokens are stored in the HA core registry and the tokens are not stored in the file system anymore. (the old mercedes-token-cache... files are not updated anymore and can be deleted manually). This could be a breaking change for users with custom scripts. (Next and hopefully last try on the ReAuth issue)

Other Notes:

  • The change log of v0.14.0 missed one change: The state_class of the sensor odometer is now total_increasing to better support statistics. (Thanks @thomasdelaet for the PR)