The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
For older change log history see the historic changelog.
- xExchange
- Update CI pipeline files.
- Fixing xExchSendConnector ExtendedRight functionality by moving the test function to the helper module and setting explicit Deny permissions, instead of removing the marked as 'Deny' entries.
- A remote implicing module with all Exchange cmdlets will be created under $env:Temp and reused every time DSC check runs, instead of creating a new module every time.
- Added AD Permissions parameter for xExchReceiveConnector.
- xExchAddressList: Removing the scriptblock creation for RecipientFilter property in Get-TargetResource.
- Adding missing TlsAuthLevel to xExchSendConnector Get-TargetResource function.
- Small bug fix in xExchangeHelper module.
- Added xExchAddressList ressource
- Added xExchSendConnector resource
- Added additional parameters to the MSFT_xExchImapSettings resource
- Added additional parameters to the xExchMailboxTransportService resource
- Fixed unit test it statement for MSFT_xExchAutodiscoverVirtualDirectory\Test-TargetResource
- Migrated to Azure DevOps Release model
- Added xExchAcceptedDomain resource
- Added xExchRemoteDomain resource
- Resolved custom Script Analyzer rules that was added to the test framework.
- Resolved hashtable styling issues