First trial
Macro steps:
- ML part:
- There is a huge work of organizing the data first. It is necessary to finally get 680 rows with each row being a complex. Features should be meaningful for the algorithm.
- Once the df is ready with 680 features, data augmentation should be performed to let the algorithm generelize better
- DL part:
- Try to treat the protein and ligand as human text with NLP (look at tokenize, encoder, word embedding, text similarities, TF-IDF, word embedding)
- ML part:
Next steps :
- Download PDBBind data : done
- Check what is molecular docking and write a slide on it : done
- Think about how to organize the data with the different data I have :
- try to concatenate the protein df with the ligands df horizontally
- think about choosing the data coming from MD calculations or initial structures
- Data structuration:
- Build two dataframes with 680 rows each:
- one based on _WAT.pdb files organized with protein features next to ligand features
- on based on _WAT.pdb, protein.pdb and .mol2 files to get individual protein features next to individual ligand features next to complex features
- Build two dataframes with 680 rows each:
- Deal with missing values within df_wat_total and df_ligands_bonds
- Choose the metric to use (check litterature)
- Perform feature engineering on df_lig_bonds to calculate the number of bond_types in each ligand : v
- Try to perform word embedding to give a direction from an atom to another within each ligand (read the paper)
- Perform some feature engineering to calculate distances between atoms and complexes on df_wat_total (check biopandas and start with df_lig_bonds)
- Transform df_wat_total to get protein and ligands features (df with 680 rows and x columns)
- Do some feature engineering on df_lig_bonds and join the aggregated form of this df with the aggregated form of df_wat_total
Tasks done:
Downloaded PDBBind data
Created 5 different dataframes :
- one with 3D structures of proteins
- one with 3D structures of ligands
- one with bond structures of ligands
- one with 3D structures of complexes surrounded by water molecules (which were deleted subsequently)
- one with the dissociation rate constants
Creation of unique keys to make joins simpler:
- protein_id ranging from 0 to 679
- ligand_id ranging from 0 to 679
- complex_id ranging from 0 to 679
Deleting unuseful columns / Dealing with missing values :
- Deletion:
- blank_1,2,3,4 ==> total empty column
- alt_loc, insertion, segment_id ==> total empty column
- charge ==> too much missing value, 98% even if I take ligands charges from df_lig_atoms
- Deletion:
Choice of the metric ?
Feature engineering :
- Ligands:
- Number of bonds (with respect to bond types) within each ligand organised in dataframes within 680 rows to make the join easy with df_wat_total
- Average number of bonds (with respect to bond types) within each ligand organised in dataframes within 680 rows to make the join easy with df_wat_total
- Difference between number of bonds and the mean for each ligand
- Average distances between atoms within a ligand
- Total charge by ligand + average charge for each atom within a ligand
- Proteins:
- Average distances between atoms within a protein
- Not taking into account b_factor and occupancy features bc always the same value
- Ligands:
Related to the CASF-2016 paper:
Found the same values than the table S4 in the SI for power scoring using miniconda command line
Second trial: for the first trial, I used wrong data
General steps performed
- Train set: Refined 2020 dataset
- Test set: CASF-2016 coreset
1- Remove the comon complexes between the train and test from the train set to avoid data leakage : done
2- Need to perform clustering based on sequence alignment or structures to decrease the bias within the data
- Sequence clustering has been performed using CD-HIT with a 90% cutoff and I got a total of 1591 clusters with different size
3- Generate 3 different datasets by choosing from each cluster 3, 5 and 10 complexes with different binding affinity constants distributions
- dataset 1: choose clusters with minimum, median and maximum Kd
- dataset 2: choose clusters with minimum, 25th centile, median, 75th centile and maximum kd
- dataset 3: choose the 10 clusters based going from minimum to maximum Kds breaking down into 10 centiles
The idea being to keep 3 datasets with different binding affinity distributions, to test each of those against the ML algorithms and compare the results to a baseline we'd define to find out which dataset is less biased and would therefore give more reliable results.
4- Perform feature engineering on the 3 different datasets and create 3 final datasets - Be careful to perform the same feature engineering on the protein dataframes for the train and test
5- Perform feature selection if doable
6- Split the datasets into train/validation datasets and find the best CV (do not perform as not enough rows)
7- Try different algorithms with a baseline score to compare different algorithms (check which algo are used in the litterature and which one to use when small number of rows are used)
8- Fine tune the best algorithm
Feature engineering performed
- df_lig_bonds: (no preprocessing)
- nb of simple, double, ar, am bonds with their means and differences
- df_ligand_atoms:
- lig_distances: calculation of euclidian distances between atoms from the origin of the orthogonal axis (preprocessing: shift of the values to get minimum to 1 + log)
- charges: (no preprocessing)
- sum
- median
- mean
- difference between sum and mean
- difference between sum and median
- atom_type (no preprocessing):
- nb and average nb of atom types for each ligand
- df_proteins:
- feature eng on residue_name ==> number of residues by proteins and number of residues by proteins - average number of residues(and median)
- calculate the distances between atomic proteins with x,y and z
- feature eng on occupancy (check EDA, no preprocessing) ==> check the meaning of the feature on pdb files
- feature eng on b_factor (check EDA,no preprocessing) ==> check the meaning of the feature on pdb files
- The term B-factor, sometimes called the Debye-Waller factor, temperature factor, or atomic displacement parameter, is used in protein crystallography to describe the attenuation of X-ray or neutron scattering caused by thermal motion
- Add noisy feature to perform feature selection
These results come from the pythons scipt given with the CASF-2016 paper:
Date | Features | Models | Hyperparameters | Performance |
30/10/2022 | No feature selection | linear regresion | Default | Dataset 1: N: 245 Peason's: 0.198 RMSE: 2.15 |
Dataset 2: N: 266 Peason's: 0.318 RMSE: 2.04 | ||||
Dataset 3: N: 247 Peason's: 0.219 RMSE: 2.16 | ||||
Average: N: 97 Peason's: 0.117 RMSE: 2.04 | ||||
01/11/2022 | Feat sel with RFE | linear regresion | Default | Dataset 1: N: 279 Peason's: 0.134 RMSE: 2.15 |
Dataset 2: N: 265 Peason's: 0.307 RMSE: 2.04 | ||||
Dataset 3: N: 267 Peason's: 0.106 RMSE: 2.14 | ||||
Average: N: 267 Peason's: 0.305 RMSE: 2.05 | ||||
==> Dataset 2 gives the best results, the remaining will be performed using the latter | ||||
07 | /11/2022 | Feat sel with RFE with noise feature | linear regresion | Default |