diff --git a/src-lsp/LspShims.ml b/src-lsp/LspShims.ml
index e79cb07..24f49e0 100644
--- a/src-lsp/LspShims.ml
+++ b/src-lsp/LspShims.ml
@@ -10,11 +10,7 @@ struct
let lsp_range_of_range (r : Asai.Range.t option) =
match r with
| Some r ->
- let (start , stop) =
- match Asai.Range.view r with
- | `Range (start, stop) -> start, stop
- | `End_of_file pos -> pos, pos
- in
+ let (start, stop) = Asai.Range.split r in
~start:(lsp_pos_of_pos start)
~end_:(lsp_pos_of_pos stop)
diff --git a/src/Explication.ml b/src/Explication.ml
index f2c4ded..f3add5b 100644
--- a/src/Explication.ml
+++ b/src/Explication.ml
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
include ExplicationData
-let dump_seg dump_tag = Utils.dump_pair (Utils.dump_option dump_tag) Utils.dump_string
+let dump_marker dump_tag fmt =
+ function
+ | RangeBegin tag -> Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>RangeBegin@ @[%a@]@]|} dump_tag tag
+ | RangeEnd tag -> Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>RangeEnd@ @[%a@]@]|} dump_tag tag
+ | Point tag -> Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>Point@ @[%a@]@]|} dump_tag tag
-let dump_line dump_tag fmt {tags; segments} =
- Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>{@[<2>tags=@,@[%a@]@];@ @[<2>segments=@ @[%a@]@]}@]|}
- (Utils.dump_list dump_tag) tags
- (Utils.dump_list (dump_seg dump_tag)) segments
+let dump_token dump_tag fmt =
+ function
+ | String str -> Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>String@ "%s"@]|} (String.escaped str)
+ | Marker m -> Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>Marker@ @[<1>(%a)@]@]|} (dump_marker dump_tag) m
+let dump_line dump_tag fmt {markers; tokens} =
+ Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>{@[<2>markers=@,@[%a@]@];@ @[<2>tokens=@ @[%a@]@]}@]|}
+ (Utils.dump_list dump_tag) markers
+ (Utils.dump_list (dump_token dump_tag)) tokens
let dump_block dump_tag fmt {begin_line_num; end_line_num; lines} =
Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>{begin_line_num=%d;@ end_line_num=%d;@ @[<2>lines=@ @[%a@]@]}@]|}
diff --git a/src/Explication.mli b/src/Explication.mli
index 9956454..0b2193e 100644
--- a/src/Explication.mli
+++ b/src/Explication.mli
@@ -5,5 +5,8 @@ include module type of ExplicationData
(** {1 Debugging} *)
-(** Ugly printer for debugging *)
+(** Ugly printer for {!type:marker} *)
+val dump_marker : (Format.formatter -> 'tag -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'tag marker -> unit
+(** Ugly printer for {!type:t} *)
val dump : (Format.formatter -> 'tag -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'tag t -> unit
diff --git a/src/ExplicationData.ml b/src/ExplicationData.ml
index 29947cc..98f47e6 100644
--- a/src/ExplicationData.ml
+++ b/src/ExplicationData.ml
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
-(** A segment is an optionally tagged string from the user content. (Note the use of [option].) *)
-type 'tag segment = 'tag option * string
+(** A marker is a delimiter of a range or a specific point. *)
+type 'tag marker =
+ | RangeBegin of 'tag
+ | RangeEnd of 'tag
+ | Point of 'tag
+(** A token is either a string or a marker. *)
+type 'tag token =
+ | String of string
+ | Marker of 'tag marker
(** A line is a list of {!type:segment}s along with tags. *)
type 'tag line =
- { tags : 'tag list
- ; segments : 'tag segment list
+ { markers : 'tag list (** All tags in this line *)
+ ; tokens : 'tag token list
(** A block is a collection of consecutive lines. *)
diff --git a/src/Explicator.ml b/src/Explicator.ml
index 9bba26d..dc4249c 100644
--- a/src/Explicator.ml
+++ b/src/Explicator.ml
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ let print_invalid_range fmt : UserContent.invalid_range -> unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "its@ beginning@ position@ is@ invalid;@ %a" print_invalid_position r
| `End r ->
Format.fprintf fmt "its@ ending@ position@ is@ invalid;@ %a" print_invalid_position r
- | `Not_end_of_file (l, l') ->
- Format.fprintf fmt "its@ offset@ %d@ is@ not@ the@ end@ of@ file@ (%d)." l l'
- | `End_of_file r -> print_invalid_position fmt r
let () = Printexc.register_printer @@
@@ -45,12 +42,11 @@ let () = Printexc.register_printer @@
| _ -> None
let to_start_of_line (pos : Range.position) = {pos with offset = pos.start_of_line}
-let default_blend ~(priority : _ -> int) t1 t2 = if priority t2 <= priority t1 then t2 else t1
module Make (Tag : Tag) = struct
type position = Range.position
- (** Skip the newline sequence, assuming that [shift] is not zero. (Otherwise, it means we already reached eof.) *)
+ (** Skip the newline sequence, assuming that [shift] is not zero. (Otherwise, it means we already reached EOF.) *)
let eol_to_next_line shift (pos : position) : position =
assert (shift <> 0);
{ source = pos.source;
@@ -65,9 +61,8 @@ module Make (Tag : Tag) = struct
type explicator_state =
{ lines : Tag.t line bwd
- ; segments : Tag.t segment bwd
- ; remaining_tagged_lines : (Tag.t * int) list
- ; current_tag : Tag.t option
+ ; tokens : Tag.t token bwd
+ ; remaining_line_markers : (int * Tag.t) list
; cursor : Range.position
; eol : int
; eol_shift : int option
@@ -76,96 +71,95 @@ module Make (Tag : Tag) = struct
module F = Flattener.Make(Tag)
- let explicate_block ~line_breaks (b : Tag.t Flattener.block) : Tag.t block =
- match b.tagged_positions with
- | [] -> invalid_arg "explicate_block: empty block"
- | ((_, ploc) :: _) as ps ->
- let source = SourceReader.load ploc.source in
+ let explicate_block ~line_breaks source (b : Tag.t Flattener.block) : Tag.t block =
+ match b.markers with
+ | [] -> invalid_arg "explicate_block: empty block; should be impossible"
+ | ((first_loc, _) :: _) as markers ->
+ let source = SourceReader.load source in
let eof = SourceReader.length source in
let find_eol i = UserContent.find_eol ~line_breaks (SourceReader.unsafe_get source) (i, eof) in
- let rec go state : (Tag.t option * Range.position) list -> _ =
+ let rec go state : (Range.position * Tag.t marker) list -> _ =
- | (ptag, ploc) :: ps when state.cursor.line_num = ploc.line_num ->
- if ploc.offset > eof then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: beyond eof; use the debug mode";
- if ploc.offset > state.eol then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: unexpected newline; use the debug mode";
- if ploc.offset = state.cursor.offset then
- go {state with cursor = ploc; current_tag = ptag} ps
- else
- (* Still on the same line *)
- let segments =
- state.segments <:
- (state.current_tag, read_between ~source state.cursor.offset ploc.offset)
- in
- go { state with segments; cursor = ploc; current_tag = ptag } ps
- | ps ->
+ | (loc, marker) :: markers when state.cursor.line_num = loc.line_num (* on the same line *) ->
+ if loc.offset > eof then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: position beyond EOF; use the debug mode";
+ if loc.offset > state.eol then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: unexpected newline; use the debug mode";
+ let tokens =
+ if loc.offset = state.cursor.offset then
+ state.tokens <: Marker marker
+ else
+ state.tokens <: String (read_between ~source state.cursor.offset loc.offset) <: Marker marker
+ in
+ go { state with tokens; cursor = loc } markers
+ | markers ->
(* Shifting to the next line *)
- let lines, remaining_tagged_lines =
- let segments =
+ let lines, remaining_line_markers =
+ let tokens =
if state.cursor.offset < state.eol then
- state.segments
- <: (state.current_tag, read_between ~source state.cursor.offset state.eol)
- else if Option.is_none state.eol_shift && Option.is_some state.current_tag then
- state.segments
- <: (state.current_tag, "‹EOF›")
+ state.tokens <: String (read_between ~source state.cursor.offset state.eol)
- state.segments
+ state.tokens
+ in
+ let line_markers, remaining_line_markers =
+ Utils.span (fun (line_num, _) -> line_num = state.line_num) state.remaining_line_markers
- let tagged_lines, remaining_tagged_lines = Utils.span (fun (_, i) -> i = state.line_num) state.remaining_tagged_lines in
- (state.lines <: {segments = Bwd.to_list segments; tags = List.map fst tagged_lines}), remaining_tagged_lines
+ (state.lines <:
+ { tokens = Bwd.to_list tokens
+ ; markers = List.map snd line_markers
+ }),
+ remaining_line_markers
- (* Continue the process if [ps] is not empty. *)
- match ps, state.eol_shift with
+ (* Continue the process if [markers] is not empty. *)
+ match markers, state.eol_shift with
| [], _ ->
assert (state.line_num = b.end_line_num);
- | _ :: _, None -> invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: beyond eof; use the debug mode"
- | (_, ploc) :: _, Some eol_shift ->
- if ploc.offset > eof then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: beyond eof; use the debug mode";
- if ploc.offset <= state.eol then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: expected newline missing; use the debug mode";
- if ploc.offset < state.eol + eol_shift then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: offset within newline; use the debug mode";
+ | _ :: _, None -> invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: position beyond EOF; use the debug mode"
+ | (loc, _) :: _, Some eol_shift ->
+ if loc.offset > eof then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: position beyond EOF; use the debug mode";
+ if loc.offset <= state.eol then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: expected newline missing; use the debug mode";
+ if loc.offset < state.eol + eol_shift then invalid_arg "Asai.Explicator.explicate: offset within newline; use the debug mode";
(* Okay, p is really on the next line *)
let cursor = eol_to_next_line eol_shift {state.cursor with offset = state.eol} in
let eol, eol_shift = find_eol (state.eol + eol_shift) in
{ lines
- ; segments = Emp
- ; remaining_tagged_lines
- ; current_tag = state.current_tag
+ ; tokens = Emp
+ ; remaining_line_markers
; cursor
; eol
; eol_shift
; line_num = state.line_num + 1
- ps
+ markers
- let begin_pos = to_start_of_line ploc in
- let eol, eol_shift = find_eol ploc.offset in
let lines =
+ let begin_pos = to_start_of_line first_loc in
+ let eol, eol_shift = find_eol first_loc.offset in
{ lines = Emp
- ; segments = Emp
- ; remaining_tagged_lines = b.tagged_lines
- ; current_tag = None
+ ; tokens = Emp
+ ; remaining_line_markers = b.line_markers
; cursor = begin_pos
; eol
; eol_shift
; line_num = b.begin_line_num
- ps
+ markers
{ begin_line_num = b.begin_line_num
; end_line_num = b.end_line_num
; lines = Bwd.to_list @@ lines
- let[@inline] explicate_blocks ~line_breaks = List.map (explicate_block ~line_breaks)
+ let[@inline] explicate_blocks ~line_breaks source ranges =
+ List.map (explicate_block ~line_breaks source) ranges
let[@inline] explicate_part ~line_breaks (source, bs) : Tag.t part =
- { source; blocks = explicate_blocks ~line_breaks bs }
+ { source; blocks = explicate_blocks ~line_breaks source bs }
let check_ranges ~line_breaks ranges =
- (fun (_, range) ->
+ (fun (range, _) ->
let source = SourceReader.load @@ Range.source range in
let read = SourceReader.unsafe_get source in
let eof = SourceReader.length source in
@@ -173,8 +167,7 @@ module Make (Tag : Tag) = struct
with UserContent.Invalid_range reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (range, reason))
- let explicate ?(line_breaks=`Traditional) ?(block_splitting_threshold=5)
- ?(blend=default_blend ~priority:Tag.priority) ?(debug=false) ranges =
+ let explicate ?(line_breaks=`Traditional) ?(block_splitting_threshold=5) ?(debug=false) ranges =
if debug then check_ranges ~line_breaks ranges;
- List.map (explicate_part ~line_breaks) @@ F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold ~blend ranges
+ List.map (explicate_part ~line_breaks) @@ F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold ranges
diff --git a/src/Explicator.mli b/src/Explicator.mli
index 68c44a8..aa101eb 100644
--- a/src/Explicator.mli
+++ b/src/Explicator.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
include module type of ExplicatorSigs
-(** The default tag blending algorithm that chooses the more important tag based on priority. *)
-val default_blend : priority:('tag -> int) -> 'tag -> 'tag -> 'tag
(** Making an explicator. *)
module Make : functor (Tag : Tag) -> S with module Tag := Tag
diff --git a/src/ExplicatorSigs.ml b/src/ExplicatorSigs.ml
index 4f0fd22..f005b43 100644
--- a/src/ExplicatorSigs.ml
+++ b/src/ExplicatorSigs.ml
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ module type Tag = sig
(** The abstract type of tags. *)
type t
- (** Get the priority number of a tag. We followed the UNIX convention here---a {i smaller} priority number represents higher priority. The convention works well with {!val:List.sort}, which sorts numbers in ascending order. (The more important things go first.) *)
+ (** Get the priority number of a tag. A {i smaller} priority number represents higher priority.
+ The convention works well with {!val:List.sort}, which sorts numbers in ascending order: the more important things go first. *)
val priority : t -> int
(** Ugly printer for debugging *)
@@ -19,12 +21,11 @@ end
module type S = sig
module Tag : Tag
- val explicate : ?line_breaks:[`Unicode | `Traditional] -> ?block_splitting_threshold:int -> ?blend:(Tag.t -> Tag.t -> Tag.t) -> ?debug:bool -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> Tag.t t
+ val explicate : ?line_breaks:[`Unicode | `Traditional] -> ?block_splitting_threshold:int -> ?debug:bool -> (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> Tag.t t
(** Explicate a list of ranges using content from a data reader. This function must be run under [SourceReader.run].
@param line_breaks The set of character sequences that are recognized as (hard) line breaks. The [`Unicode] set contains all Unicode character sequences in {{:https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode15.0.0/ch05.pdf#G41643}Unicode 15.0.0 Table 5-1.} The [`Traditional] set only contains [U+000A (LF)], [U+000D (CR)], and [U+000D U+000A (CRLF)] as line breaks. The default is the [`Traditional] set.
@param block_splitting_threshold The maximum number of consecutive, non-highlighted lines allowed in a block. The function will try to minimize the number of blocks, as long as no block has too many consecutive, non-highlighted lines. A higher threshold will lead to fewer blocks. When the threshold is zero, it means no block can contain any non-highlighted line. The default value is zero.
- @param blend The algorithm to blend two tags on a visual range. The default algorithm chooses the more important tag based on priority.
@param debug Whether to enable the debug mode that performs expensive extra checking. The default is [false].
@raise Invalid_range See {!exception:Invalid_range}.
diff --git a/src/Flattener.ml b/src/Flattener.ml
index 9d17038..6d5e0ba 100644
--- a/src/Flattener.ml
+++ b/src/Flattener.ml
@@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
open Bwd
open Bwd.Infix
+open Explication
open ExplicatorSigs
type 'tag block =
{ begin_line_num : int
; end_line_num : int
- ; tagged_positions : ('tag option * Range.position) list
- ; tagged_lines : ('tag * int) list}
+ ; markers : (Range.position * 'tag marker) list
+ ; line_markers : (int * 'tag) list}
type 'tag t = (Range.source * 'tag block list) list
-let dump_block dump_tag fmt {begin_line_num; end_line_num; tagged_positions; tagged_lines} : unit =
+let dump_block dump_tag fmt {begin_line_num; end_line_num; markers; line_markers} : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<1>{" ^^
"begin_line_num=%d;@ " ^^
"end_line_num=%d;@ " ^^
- "@[<2>tagged_positions=@ @[%a@]@];@ " ^^
- "@[<2>tagged_lines=@,@[%a@]@]}@]"
+ "@[<2>markers=@ @[%a@]@];@ " ^^
+ "@[<2>marked_lines=@,@[%a@]@]" ^^
+ "}@]"
begin_line_num end_line_num
- (Utils.dump_list (Utils.dump_pair (Utils.dump_option dump_tag) Range.dump_position)) tagged_positions
- (Utils.dump_list (Utils.dump_pair dump_tag Format.pp_print_int)) tagged_lines
+ (Utils.dump_list (Utils.dump_pair Range.dump_position (dump_marker dump_tag))) markers
+ (Utils.dump_list (Utils.dump_pair Format.pp_print_int dump_tag)) line_markers
let dump dump_tag =
Utils.dump_list @@ Utils.dump_pair Range.dump_source (Utils.dump_list (dump_block dump_tag))
@@ -32,152 +34,162 @@ struct
type unflattened_block =
{ begin_line_num : int
; end_line_num : int
- ; ranges : (Tag.t * Range.t) list}
+ ; ranges : (Range.t * Tag.t) bwd}
+ let compare_position (p1 : Range.position) (p2 : Range.position) =
+ Int.compare p1.offset p2.offset
+ (* Stage 1: group ranges into blocks *)
module Splitter :
- val partition : block_splitting_threshold:int -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> unflattened_block list
+ val partition : block_splitting_threshold:int -> (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> unflattened_block bwd
- let compare_range (s1 : Range.t) (s2 : Range.t) =
- Utils.compare_pair Int.compare Int.compare
- (Range.end_offset s1, Range.begin_offset s1)
- (Range.end_offset s2, Range.begin_offset s2)
- let compare_range_tagged (t1, sp1) (t2, sp2) =
- Utils.compare_pair compare_range Int.compare
- (sp1, Tag.priority t1)
- (sp2, Tag.priority t2)
- let sort_tagged = List.stable_sort compare_range_tagged
- let block_of_range ((_, sloc) as s) : unflattened_block =
- { begin_line_num = Range.begin_line_num sloc
- ; end_line_num = Range.end_line_num sloc
- ; ranges = [s]}
- let partition_sorted ~block_splitting_threshold l : unflattened_block list =
- let rec go rs block (blocks : unflattened_block list) =
- match rs with
- | Emp -> block :: blocks
- | Snoc (rs, ((_, rloc) as r)) ->
- if block.begin_line_num - Range.end_line_num rloc > block_splitting_threshold then
- go rs (block_of_range r) (block :: blocks)
+ (* Sort the ranges by their beginning positions;
+ if equal sort them by their ending positions in reverse (larger ranges go first);
+ if still equal, sort them by priority (important ones go first) *)
+ let sort_tagged =
+ let compare_range (s1 : Range.t) (s2 : Range.t) =
+ Utils.compare_pair compare_position (Utils.compare_opposite compare_position)
+ (Range.split s1) (Range.split s2)
+ in
+ let compare_range_tagged (sp1, t1) (sp2, t2) =
+ Utils.compare_pair compare_range Int.compare
+ (sp1, Tag.priority t1) (sp2, Tag.priority t2)
+ in
+ List.stable_sort compare_range_tagged
+ let singleton ((range, _) as r) : unflattened_block =
+ { begin_line_num = Range.begin_line_num range
+ ; end_line_num = Range.end_line_num range
+ ; ranges = Emp <: r
+ }
+ let partition_sorted ~block_splitting_threshold l : unflattened_block bwd =
+ let rec go (blocks : unflattened_block bwd) block =
+ function
+ | [] -> blocks <: block
+ | ((range, _) as r) :: rs ->
+ if Range.end_line_num range - block.end_line_num > block_splitting_threshold then
+ go (blocks <: block) (singleton r) rs
- let begin_line_num = Int.min block.begin_line_num (Range.begin_line_num rloc) in
- go rs {block with begin_line_num; ranges = r :: block.ranges} blocks
+ let end_line_num = Int.max block.end_line_num (Range.end_line_num range) in
+ go blocks {block with end_line_num; ranges = block.ranges <: r} rs
- match Bwd.of_list l with
- | Emp -> []
- | Snoc (rs, r) ->
- go rs (block_of_range r) []
+ match l with
+ | [] -> Emp
+ | r :: rs ->
+ go Emp (singleton r) rs
let partition ~block_splitting_threshold l =
partition_sorted ~block_splitting_threshold (sort_tagged l)
+ (* Stage 2: flatten out ranges into markers
+ The code needs to handle several subtleties, using the XML-like notation to demonstrate:
+ 1. The ordering of markers and text strings should be ordered like this:
+ ......
+ Note that, in the middle, RangeEnd goes first, and then Point, and then RangeBegin.
+ 2. If the set of ranges is "well-scoped" (that is, a range is always completely included in,
+ completely including, or being disjoint from another range), then matching beginning and
+ ending markers will have the expected nested structures, like this:
+ ......
+ 3. For two ranges marking the same text with different priorities, the prioritized one goes inside.
+ For two ranges with the same text and priority, the order of beginning markers will follow
+ the order of the original input list. This is to reduce interruption of the prioritized highlighting.
+ ...
+ *)
module BlockFlattener :
- val flatten : blend:(Tag.t -> Tag.t -> Tag.t) -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> (Tag.t option * Range.position) list
+ val flatten : (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> (Range.position * Tag.t marker) list
- type t = (Tag.t option * Range.position) bwd
+ type t =
+ { begins : (Range.position * Tag.t marker) bwd
+ ; points : (Range.position * Tag.t marker) bwd
+ ; ends : (Range.position * Tag.t marker) list
+ }
- (* precondition: x1 < x2 and there are already points at x1 and x2 *)
- let impose ~blend xtag (x1 : int) (x2 : int) : t -> t =
- let blend_opt =
- function
- | None -> Some xtag
- | Some t -> Some (blend t xtag)
- in
- let[@tail_mod_cons] rec go2 : t -> t =
- function
- | Snoc (ps, (ptag, ploc)) when ploc.offset >= x1 ->
- Snoc (go2 ps, (blend_opt ptag, ploc))
- | ps -> ps
- in
- let[@tail_mod_cons] rec go1 : t -> t =
- function
- | Snoc (ps, ((_, ploc) as p)) when ploc.offset >= x2 ->
- Snoc (go1 ps, p)
- | ps -> go2 ps
- in
- go1
+ let add {begins; points; ends} (range, tag) =
+ let b, e = Range.split range in
+ if compare_position b e = 0 then
+ {begins; points = points <: (b, Point tag); ends}
+ else
+ {begins = begins <: (b, RangeBegin tag); points; ends = (e, RangeEnd tag) :: ends}
- let ensure_point (x : Range.position) =
- let[@tail_mod_cons] rec go : t -> t =
+ let sort_marker =
+ let marker_order =
- | Snoc (ps, ((_, ploc) as p)) when ploc.offset > x.offset ->
- Snoc (go ps, p)
- | Emp -> Emp <: (None, x)
- | Snoc (_, (ptag, p)) as ps ->
- if p.offset = x.offset then
- ps
- else
- ps <: (ptag, x)
+ | RangeEnd _ -> -1
+ | Point _ -> 0
+ | RangeBegin _ -> 1
- go
+ let compare_marker m1 m2 = Int.compare (marker_order m1) (marker_order m2) in
+ List.stable_sort (Utils.compare_pair compare_position compare_marker)
- let add ~blend l (tag, value) =
- match Range.view value with
- | `Range (x1, x2) ->
- impose ~blend tag x1.offset x2.offset @@ ensure_point x2 @@ ensure_point x1 l
- | `End_of_file x ->
- impose ~blend tag x.offset Int.max_int @@ ensure_point x l
+ let merge_marker {begins; points; ends} =
+ begins @> points @> ends
- let flatten ~blend l =
- Bwd.to_list @@ List.fold_left (add ~blend) Emp l
+ let flatten l =
+ sort_marker @@ merge_marker @@
+ List.fold_left add {begins = Emp; points = Emp; ends = []} l
- module File :
+ module FileFlattener :
- val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> blend:(Tag.t -> Tag.t -> Tag.t) -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> Tag.t block list
+ val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> Tag.t block list
- let flatten_block ~blend ({begin_line_num; end_line_num; ranges} : unflattened_block) =
- { begin_line_num
- ; end_line_num
- ; tagged_positions = BlockFlattener.flatten ~blend ranges
- ; tagged_lines = List.map (fun (tag, value) -> tag, Range.end_line_num value) ranges
- }
+ let flatten_block ({begin_line_num; end_line_num; ranges} : unflattened_block) =
+ let markers = BlockFlattener.flatten @@ Bwd.to_list ranges in
+ let line_markers =
+ List.filter_map
+ (function
+ | (_, RangeBegin _) -> None
+ | (p, RangeEnd tag) | (p, Point tag) -> Some (p.Range.line_num, tag))
+ markers
+ in
+ { begin_line_num; end_line_num; markers; line_markers }
- let flatten ~block_splitting_threshold ~blend rs =
- List.map (flatten_block ~blend) @@ Splitter.partition ~block_splitting_threshold rs
+ let flatten ~block_splitting_threshold rs =
+ List.map flatten_block @@ Bwd.to_list @@ Splitter.partition ~block_splitting_threshold rs
module Files :
- val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> blend:(Tag.t -> Tag.t -> Tag.t) -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> (Range.source * Tag.t block list) list
+ val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> (Range.source * Tag.t block list) list
module FileMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = Range.source
- let compare : t -> t -> int = Stdlib.compare
+ let compare = Stdlib.compare
- let add m data =
+ let add m ((range, _) as data) =
m |>
- FileMap.update (Range.source (snd data)) @@ function
+ FileMap.update (Range.source range) @@ function
| None -> Some (Emp <: data)
| Some rs -> Some (rs <: data)
- let priority l : int = List.fold_left (fun p (tag, _) -> Int.min p (Tag.priority tag)) Int.max_int l
+ let priority l : int = List.fold_left (fun p (_, tag) -> Int.min p (Tag.priority tag)) Int.max_int l
- let compare_part (p1 : Range.source * int * Tag.t block list) (p2 : Range.source * int * Tag.t block list) =
- match p1, p2 with
- | (_, pri1, _), (_, pri2, _) when pri1 <> pri2 -> Int.compare pri1 pri2
- | (s1, _, _), (s2, _, _) -> Option.compare String.compare (Range.title s1) (Range.title s2)
+ let compare_part (source1, priority1, _) (source2, priority2, _) =
+ Utils.compare_pair Int.compare (Option.compare String.compare)
+ (priority1, Range.title source1) (priority2, Range.title source2)
- let flatten ~block_splitting_threshold ~blend rs =
+ let flatten ~block_splitting_threshold rs =
|> List.fold_left add FileMap.empty
|> FileMap.bindings
- |> List.map (fun (src, rs) -> let rs = Bwd.to_list rs in src, priority rs, File.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold ~blend rs)
- |> List.filter (fun (_, _, l) -> l <> []) (* filter out sources with only empty ranges *)
+ |> List.map
+ (fun (src, rs) ->
+ let rs = Bwd.to_list rs in
+ (src, priority rs, FileFlattener.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold rs))
|> List.stable_sort compare_part
|> List.map (fun (src, _, part) -> src, part)
diff --git a/src/Flattener.mli b/src/Flattener.mli
index 47f2b7f..21caba6 100644
--- a/src/Flattener.mli
+++ b/src/Flattener.mli
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
+open Explication
type 'tag block =
{ begin_line_num : int
; end_line_num : int
- ; tagged_positions : ('tag option * Range.position) list
- ; tagged_lines : ('tag * int) list
+ ; markers : (Range.position * 'tag marker) list
+ ; line_markers : (int * 'tag) list (* should be sorted by line numbers *)
type 'tag t = (Range.source * 'tag block list) list
val dump_block : (Format.formatter -> 'tag -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'tag block -> unit
val dump : (Format.formatter -> 'tag -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'tag t -> unit
module Make (Tag : ExplicatorSigs.Tag) : sig
- val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> blend:(Tag.t -> Tag.t -> Tag.t) -> (Tag.t * Range.t) list -> Tag.t t
+ val flatten : block_splitting_threshold:int -> (Range.t * Tag.t) list -> Tag.t t
diff --git a/src/Range.ml b/src/Range.ml
index ba5ee35..4d36229 100644
--- a/src/Range.ml
+++ b/src/Range.ml
@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ type position = {
line_num : int;
-type t =
- | Range of position * position
- | End_of_file of position
+type t = position * position
type 'a located = { loc : t option; value : 'a }
@@ -33,14 +31,7 @@ let dump_position fmt {source; offset; start_of_line; line_num} =
Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>{@[<2>source=@[%a@]@];@ offset=%d;@ start_of_line=%d;@ line_num=%d}@]|}
dump_source source offset start_of_line line_num
-let dump fmt =
- function
- | Range (begin_, ending_) ->
- Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>Range@ %a@]|}
- (Utils.dump_pair dump_position dump_position) (begin_, ending_)
- | End_of_file pos ->
- Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<2>End_of_file@ %a@]|}
- dump_position pos
+let dump = Utils.dump_pair dump_position dump_position
let title : source -> string option =
@@ -57,25 +48,20 @@ let make (begin_ , end_ : position * position) : t =
invalid_arg @@
Format.asprintf "make: the ending position comes before the starting position"
- Range (begin_, end_)
+ (begin_, end_)
-let eof pos = End_of_file pos
+let eof pos = make (pos, pos)
-let view =
- function
- | Range (p1, p2) -> `Range (p1, p2)
- | End_of_file p -> `End_of_file p
+let view (p1, p2) =
+ if p1 <> p2 then `Range (p1, p2) else `End_of_file p1
-let split =
- function
- | Range (p1, p2) -> p1, p2
- | End_of_file _ -> invalid_arg "Asai.Range.split"
-let source = function Range (x, _) | End_of_file x -> x.source
-let begin_line_num = function Range (x, _) | End_of_file x -> x.line_num
-let begin_offset = function Range (x, _) | End_of_file x -> x.offset
-let end_line_num = function Range (_, x) | End_of_file x -> x.line_num
-let end_offset = function Range (_, x) | End_of_file x -> x.offset
+let split r = r
+let source (x, _) = x.source
+let begin_line_num (x, _) = x.line_num
+let begin_offset (x, _) = x.offset
+let end_line_num (_, x) = x.line_num
+let end_offset (_, x) = x.offset
let locate_opt loc value = {loc; value}
let locate loc value = {loc = Some loc; value}
diff --git a/src/Range.mli b/src/Range.mli
index 04b6082..cf173ff 100644
--- a/src/Range.mli
+++ b/src/Range.mli
@@ -50,22 +50,15 @@ type 'a located = { loc : t option; value : 'a }
val make : position * position -> t
-(** [eof pos] builds a special range referring to the end of the source. The input [pos] must be pointing at the end position; for example, if the position referring to a string source, [pos.offset] should be the length of the string.
- @since 0.3.0
+(** [eof pos] builds a special range referring to the end of the source. The input [pos] must be pointing at the end position; for example, if the position referring to a string source, [pos.offset] should be the length of the string. *)
val eof : position -> t
+[@@ocaml.alert deprecated "Use Range.of_pos instead"]
-(** [view range] returns a {i view} of the range.
- @since 0.3.0
+(** [view range] returns a {i view} of the range. *)
val view : t -> [`Range of position * position | `End_of_file of position]
+[@@ocaml.alert deprecated "Use Range.split instead"]
-(** [split range] returning the pair of the beginning and ending positions of [range]. It is the left-inverse of {!val:make}.
- @raise Invalid_argument if range is a special range marking the end of the source. See {!val:eof}.
+(** [split range] returning the pair of the beginning and ending positions of [range]. It is the left-inverse of {!val:make}. *)
val split : t -> position * position
(** [source range] returns the source associated with [range]. *)
diff --git a/src/UserContent.ml b/src/UserContent.ml
index 14e1323..c7a952d 100644
--- a/src/UserContent.ml
+++ b/src/UserContent.ml
@@ -80,13 +80,9 @@ let check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read pos =
raise @@ Invalid_position (`Incorrect_start_of_line (pos.start_of_line, new_pos.start_of_line))
let check_range ~line_breaks ~eof read range =
- match Range.view range with
- | `Range (p1, p2) ->
- (try check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read p1 with Invalid_position reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (`Begin reason));
- (try check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read p2 with Invalid_position reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (`End reason))
- | `End_of_file p ->
- if p.offset <> eof then raise @@ Invalid_range (`Not_end_of_file (p.offset, eof));
- (try check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read p with Invalid_position reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (`End_of_file reason))
+ let p1, p2 = Range.split range in
+ (try check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read p1 with Invalid_position reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (`Begin reason));
+ (try check_pos ~line_breaks ~eof read p2 with Invalid_position reason -> raise @@ Invalid_range (`End reason))
let replace_control ~tab_size str =
let tab_string = String.make tab_size ' ' in
diff --git a/src/UserContentData.ml b/src/UserContentData.ml
index 86c1eb5..394d59a 100644
--- a/src/UserContentData.ml
+++ b/src/UserContentData.ml
@@ -16,6 +16,4 @@ type invalid_position =
type invalid_range =
[ `Begin of invalid_position (** The first position of a range is invalid. *)
| `End of invalid_position (** The second position of a range is invalid. *)
- | `End_of_file of invalid_position (** The range is a special end-of-file marking, but the position is invalid. *)
- | `Not_end_of_file of int * int (** The range is a special end-of-file marking, but the offset of the position is not at the end of file. The pair [(m, n)] means that the current offset is [m] but the length or size of the source is [n]. *)
diff --git a/src/Utils.ml b/src/Utils.ml
index 795c15a..c6ba491 100644
--- a/src/Utils.ml
+++ b/src/Utils.ml
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ let dump_option dump fmt =
let dump_pair dump_x dump_y fmt (x, y) =
Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>(%a,@ %a)@]|} dump_x x dump_y y
+let dump_triple dump_x dump_y dump_z fmt (x, y, z) =
+ Format.fprintf fmt {|@[<1>(%a,@ %a,@ %a)@]|} dump_x x dump_y y dump_z z
let dump_list p fmt l =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[[%a]@]"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ";@,") p)
@@ -62,6 +65,8 @@ let compare_pair c1 c2 (x1, y1) (x2, y2) : int =
| 0 -> c2 y1 y2
| r -> r
+let compare_opposite c x y = - c x y
let span p =
let rec go acc =
diff --git a/src/tty/Ansi.ml b/src/tty/Ansi.ml
index 2e5e597..c9d7bab 100644
--- a/src/tty/Ansi.ml
+++ b/src/tty/Ansi.ml
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct
let guess ?use_ansi ?use_color o =
if use_color = Some true && use_ansi = Some false then
- invalid_arg "Ansi.Tty.display: called with use_color=true but use_ansi=false";
+ invalid_arg "Asai.Tty.S.display: called with use_color=true but use_ansi=false";
let enabled = match use_ansi with Some a -> a | None -> rich_term && is_tty o in
let color = enabled && match use_color with Some c -> c | None -> not no_color in
{enabled; color}
diff --git a/src/tty/Tty.ml b/src/tty/Tty.ml
index 27ecd93..8a185dc 100644
--- a/src/tty/Tty.ml
+++ b/src/tty/Tty.ml
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ let indentf ~param fmt =
(* different parts of the display *)
let render_code ~param ~severity fmt short_code =
- let st = TtyStyle.code severity ~param in
+ let style = TtyStyle.code severity ~param in
Format.fprintf fmt (" @<1>%s " ^^ highlight "%s[%s]" ^^ "@.")
- (Ansi.style_string ~param st)
+ (Ansi.style_string ~param style)
(string_of_severity severity)
- (Ansi.reset_string ~param st)
+ (Ansi.reset_string ~param style)
(* explication *)
@@ -83,35 +83,60 @@ struct
| None -> ()
| Some title -> Format.fprintf fmt " @<1>%s %s@." "■" title
- let render_segment ~param fmt (tag, seg) =
- let st = TtyStyle.highlight ~param:param.ansi param.severity tag in
- Format.fprintf fmt (highlight "%s")
- (Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi st)
- (UserContent.replace_control ~tab_size:param.tab_size seg)
- (Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi st)
- let render_line_tag ~param fmt ((_, text) as tag) =
- let st = TtyStyle.message ~param:param.ansi param.severity tag in
+ let render_line_marker ~param fmt ((_, text) as tag) =
+ let style = TtyStyle.message ~param:param.ansi param.severity tag in
Format.fprintf fmt (" %*s " ^^ highlight "^" ^^ " " ^^ highlight "@[%t@]" ^^ "@.")
param.line_number_width ""
(Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi TtyStyle.fringe)
(Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi TtyStyle.fringe)
- (Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi st)
+ (Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi style)
- (Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi st)
+ (Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi style)
- let render_line ~line_num ~param fmt Explication.{segments; tags} =
+ let render_styled_segment ~param fmt tag segment =
+ let style = TtyStyle.highlight ~param:param.ansi param.severity tag in
+ Format.fprintf fmt (highlight "%s")
+ (Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi style)
+ (UserContent.replace_control ~tab_size:param.tab_size segment)
+ (Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi style)
+ type state = TtyTagSet.t
+ (* Current design:
+ ‹let x◂POS₀▸ = 1› in let ‹x› = «1 + ‹x›»◂POS₁▸
+ ‹let x◂POS₀▸ = 1›₀ in let ‹x›₁ = «1 + ‹x›₂»◂POS₁▸
+ *)
+ let render_line ~line_num ~param fmt init_tag_set Explication.{tokens; markers} =
+ let rec go set =
+ function
+ | Explication.String s ->
+ render_styled_segment ~param fmt (TtyTagSet.prioritized set) s; set
+ | Explication.Marker RangeEnd t ->
+ render_styled_segment ~param fmt (Some t) "›"; TtyTagSet.remove t set
+ | Explication.Marker Point t ->
+ render_styled_segment ~param fmt (Some t) "◂POS▸"; set
+ | Explication.Marker RangeBegin t ->
+ render_styled_segment ~param fmt (Some t) "‹"; TtyTagSet.add t set
+ in
Format.fprintf fmt (" " ^^ highlight "%*d |" ^^ " ")
(Ansi.style_string ~param:param.ansi TtyStyle.fringe)
param.line_number_width line_num
(Ansi.reset_string ~param:param.ansi TtyStyle.fringe);
- List.iter (render_segment ~param fmt) segments;
+ let end_tag_set = List.fold_left go init_tag_set tokens in
Format.fprintf fmt "@.";
- List.iter (render_line_tag ~param fmt) tags
+ List.iter (render_line_marker ~param fmt) markers;
+ end_tag_set
let render_lines ~param ~begin_line_num fmt lines =
- lines |> List.iteri @@ fun i line ->
- render_line ~line_num:(begin_line_num + i) ~param fmt line
+ ignore @@ List.fold_left
+ (fun (line_num, set) line ->
+ let set = render_line ~line_num ~param fmt set line in
+ (line_num+1, set))
+ (begin_line_num, TtyTagSet.empty)
+ lines
let render_block ~param fmt Explication.{begin_line_num; end_line_num=_; lines} =
render_lines ~param ~begin_line_num fmt lines
@@ -125,12 +150,12 @@ struct
let render_unlocated_tag ~severity ~ansi fmt ((_, text) as tag) =
- let st = TtyStyle.message ~param:ansi severity tag in
+ let style = TtyStyle.message ~param:ansi severity tag in
Format.fprintf fmt (" @<1>%s " ^^ highlight "@[%t@]" ^^ "@.")
- (Ansi.style_string ~param:ansi st)
+ (Ansi.style_string ~param:ansi style)
- (Ansi.reset_string ~param:ansi st)
+ (Ansi.reset_string ~param:ansi style)
module DiagnosticRenderer :
@@ -173,7 +198,7 @@ struct
| (tag, Range.{loc = None; value = text}) -> Either.Right (tag, text)
- | (tag, Range.{loc = Some r; value = text}) -> Either.Left ((tag, text), r))
+ | (tag, Range.{loc = Some r; value = text}) -> Either.Left (r, (tag, text)))
(main :: extra_remarks)
let explication =
diff --git a/src/tty/TtyTag.ml b/src/tty/TtyTag.ml
index 132cc7e..f0928c5 100644
--- a/src/tty/TtyTag.ml
+++ b/src/tty/TtyTag.ml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ let priority =
| Main, _ -> -1
| Extra i, _ -> i
+let compare t1 t2 =
+ Utils.compare_pair Int.compare Stdlib.compare
+ (priority t1, t1) (priority t2, t2)
let dump fmt =
| Main, _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Main"
diff --git a/src/tty/TtyTagSet.ml b/src/tty/TtyTagSet.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d3bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tty/TtyTagSet.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module TagMap = Map.Make(TtyTag)
+type t = int TagMap.t
+let empty : t = TagMap.empty
+let is_empty : t -> bool = TagMap.is_empty
+let add t =
+ TagMap.update t @@ function
+ | None -> Some 1
+ | Some n -> Some (n+1)
+let remove t =
+ TagMap.update t @@ function
+ | None -> failwith "Asai.Tty.S.display: removing a non-existing tag from a tag set"
+ | Some 1 -> None
+ | Some n -> Some (n-1)
+let prioritized s = Option.map fst @@ TagMap.min_binding_opt s
diff --git a/test/TestExplicator.ml b/test/TestExplicator.ml
index 9d1c9c4..fb68d18 100644
--- a/test/TestExplicator.ml
+++ b/test/TestExplicator.ml
@@ -7,52 +7,58 @@ let test_explication = Alcotest.of_pp (Explication.dump IntTag.dump)
let single_line mode eol () =
let source = `String {Range.title = None; content = "aaabbbcccdddeee" ^ eol} in
let begin_of_line1 : Range.position = {source; offset = 0; start_of_line = 0; line_num = 1} in
- let range1 = 1, Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 3}, {begin_of_line1 with offset = 9}) in
- let range2 = 2, Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 6}, {begin_of_line1 with offset = 12}) in
+ let range1 = Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 3}, {begin_of_line1 with offset = 9}) in
+ let range2 = Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 6}, {begin_of_line1 with offset = 12}) in
let expected : _ Explication.t =
blocks =
[{begin_line_num = 1;
end_line_num = 1;
lines =
- [{tags = [1; 2];
- segments =
- [(None, "aaa");
- (Some 1, "bbb");
- (Some 2, "ccc");
- (Some 2, "ddd");
- (None, "eee");
+ [{markers = [1; 2];
+ tokens =
+ [String "aaa";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 1);
+ String "bbb";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 2);
+ String "ccc";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 1);
+ String "ddd";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 2);
+ String "eee";
] in
- let actual = E.explicate ~line_breaks:mode [range1; range2] in
+ let actual = E.explicate ~line_breaks:mode [(range1, 1); (range2, 2)] in
Alcotest.(check test_explication) "Explication is correct" expected actual
let multi_lines_with_ls () =
let source = `String {Range.title = None; content = "aabbbbb\u{2028}bbbbccc"} in
let begin_of_line1 : Range.position = {source; offset = 0; start_of_line = 0; line_num = 1} in
let begin_of_line2 : Range.position = {source; offset = 10; start_of_line = 10; line_num = 2} in
- let range = 1, Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 2}, {begin_of_line2 with offset = 14}) in
+ let range = Range.make ({begin_of_line1 with offset = 2}, {begin_of_line2 with offset = 14}) in
let expected : _ Explication.t =
blocks =
[{begin_line_num = 1;
end_line_num = 2;
lines =
- [{tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "aa");
- (Some 1, "bbbbb");
+ [{markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "aa";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 1);
+ String "bbbbb";
- {tags=[1];
- segments=
- [(Some 1, "bbbb");
- (None, "ccc");
+ {markers=[1];
+ tokens=
+ [String "bbbb";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 1);
+ String "ccc";
- let actual = E.explicate ~line_breaks:`Unicode [range] in
+ let actual = E.explicate ~line_breaks:`Unicode [range, 1] in
Alcotest.(check test_explication) "Explication is correct" expected actual
let multi_lines () =
@@ -83,11 +89,11 @@ ggggghh
let begin_of_line15 : Range.position = {source; offset = 51; start_of_line = 51; line_num = 15} in
let ranges =
- 2, Range.make ({begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+1}, {begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+4});
- 1, Range.make ({begin_of_line2 with offset = 1+2}, {begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+4});
- 4, Range.make ({begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+2}, {begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+7});
- 8, Range.make ({begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+4}, {begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+7});
- 16, Range.make (begin_of_line15, {begin_of_line15 with offset = 51+5});
+ Range.make ({begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+1}, {begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+4}), 2;
+ Range.make ({begin_of_line2 with offset = 1+2}, {begin_of_line4 with offset = 17+4}), 1;
+ Range.make ({begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+2}, {begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+7}), 4;
+ Range.make ({begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+4}, {begin_of_line9 with offset = 33+7}), 8;
+ Range.make (begin_of_line15, {begin_of_line15 with offset = 51+5}), 16;
let expected : _ Explication.t =
@@ -96,42 +102,52 @@ ggggghh
- [{tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "aa");
- (Some 1, "bbbbb")]};
- {tags=[];
- segments=
- [(Some 1, "bbbbbbb")]};
- {tags=[1;2];
- segments=
- [(Some 1, "b");
- (Some 2, "*cc");
- (None, "ddd")]};
- {tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "1")]};
- {tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "2")]};
- {tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "3")]};
- {tags=[];
- segments=
- [(None, "4")]};
- {tags=[4; 8];
- segments=
- [(None, "ee");
- (Some 4, "++");
- (Some 8, "fff")]}]};
+ [{markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "aa";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 1);
+ String "bbbbb"]};
+ {markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "bbbbbbb"]};
+ {markers=[2; 1];
+ tokens=
+ [String "b";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 2);
+ String "*cc";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 2);
+ Marker (RangeEnd 1);
+ String "ddd"]};
+ {markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "1"]};
+ {markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "2"]};
+ {markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "3"]};
+ {markers=[];
+ tokens=
+ [String "4"]};
+ {markers=[8; 4];
+ tokens=
+ [String "ee";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 4);
+ String "++";
+ Marker (RangeBegin 8);
+ String "fff";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 8);
+ Marker (RangeEnd 4)]}]};
- [{tags=[16];
- segments=
- [(Some 16, "ggggg");
- (None, "hh")]}]}]}]
+ [{markers=[16];
+ tokens=
+ [Marker (RangeBegin 16);
+ String "ggggg";
+ Marker (RangeEnd 16);
+ String "hh"]}]}]}]
let actual = E.explicate ~line_breaks:`Traditional ~block_splitting_threshold:5 ranges in
Alcotest.(check test_explication) "Explication is correct" expected actual
diff --git a/test/TestFlattener.ml b/test/TestFlattener.ml
index 918a572..27820ab 100644
--- a/test/TestFlattener.ml
+++ b/test/TestFlattener.ml
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ let single_line_flatten () =
{begin_of_line1 with offset = 9},
{begin_of_line1 with offset = 12}
- let range1 = 1, Range.make (pt1, pt3) in
- let range2 = 2, Range.make (pt2, pt4) in
+ let range1 = Range.make (pt1, pt3) in
+ let range2 = Range.make (pt2, pt4) in
let expected : _ Flattener.t =
- tagged_positions=[(Some 1, pt1);(Some 2, pt2);(Some 2, pt3);(None, pt4)];
- tagged_lines=[(1,1);(2,1)]}])]
+ markers=[(pt1, RangeBegin 1); (pt2, RangeBegin 2); (pt3, RangeEnd 1); (pt4, RangeEnd 2)];
+ line_markers=[(1,1);(1,2)]}])]
- let actual = F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold:5 ~blend:(Explicator.default_blend ~priority:IntTag.priority) [range1; range2] in
+ let actual = F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold:5 [range1, 1; range2, 2] in
Alcotest.(check test_flattened) "Flattener is correct" expected actual
let multi_lines () =
@@ -59,38 +59,41 @@ ggggghh
let ranges =
- 2, Range.make (pt18, pt21);
- 1, Range.make (pt3, pt21);
- 4, Range.make (pt35, pt40);
- 8, Range.make (pt37, pt40);
- 16, Range.make (begin_of_line15, pt56);
+ Range.make (pt18, pt21), 2;
+ Range.make (pt3, pt21), 1;
+ Range.make (pt35, pt40), 4;
+ Range.make (pt37, pt40), 8;
+ Range.make (begin_of_line15, pt56), 16;
let expected : _ Flattener.t =
- tagged_positions=
- [(Some 1, pt3);
- (Some 2, pt18);
- (None, pt21);
- (Some 4, pt35);
- (Some 8, pt37);
- (None, pt40)];
- tagged_lines=
- [(1, 4);
- (2, 4);
- (4, 9);
- (8, 9)]};
+ markers=
+ [(pt3, RangeBegin 1);
+ (pt18, RangeBegin 2);
+ (pt21, RangeEnd 2);
+ (pt21, RangeEnd 1);
+ (pt35, RangeBegin 4);
+ (pt37, RangeBegin 8);
+ (pt40, RangeEnd 8);
+ (pt40, RangeEnd 4);
+ ];
+ line_markers=
+ [(4, 2);
+ (4, 1);
+ (9, 8);
+ (9, 4)]};
- tagged_positions=
- [(Some 16, begin_of_line15);
- (None, pt56)];
- tagged_lines=
- [(16, 15)]}])]
+ markers=
+ [(begin_of_line15, RangeBegin 16);
+ (pt56, RangeEnd 16)];
+ line_markers=
+ [(15, 16)]}])]
- let actual = F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold:5 ~blend:(Explicator.default_blend ~priority:IntTag.priority) ranges in
+ let actual = F.flatten ~block_splitting_threshold:5 ranges in
Alcotest.(check test_flattened) "Flattener is correct" expected actual
let () =
diff --git a/test/TestTty.expected b/test/TestTty.expected
index 84e14b8..2157851 100644
--- a/test/TestTty.expected
+++ b/test/TestTty.expected
@@ -8,109 +8,109 @@
→ [41;30mbug[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;41;30maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;41;30m‹[m[4;41;30maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;41;30mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;41;30mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;41;30mcccc[m[4;41;30m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [41;30mthis is a bug[m
→ [31merror[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;31maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;31m‹[m[4;31maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;31mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;31mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;31mcccc[m[4;31m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [31mthis is an error[m
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33m‹[m[4;33maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;33mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[m[4;33m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [33mthis is a warning[m
→ [32minfo[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;32maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;32m‹[m[4;32maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;32mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[m[4;32m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [32mthis is an info[m
→ [34mhint[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;34maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;34m‹[m[4;34maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;34mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;34mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;34mcccc[m[4;34m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [34mthis is a hint[m
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
[2mꭍ[m ○ [33mwhen peaking into the abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33m‹[m[4;33maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;33mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[m[4;33m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [33mhello from here[m
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
[2m╭[m ○ [33mwhen peaking into the abyss[m
[2m╯[m ○ [33mwhen peaking into the deep abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33m‹[m[4;33maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;33mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[m[4;33m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [33mhello from here[m
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
[2m╭[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;33maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;33m‹[m[4;33maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;33mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[m[4;33m›[mcccccc
[2m╯[m [2m^[m [33mwhen stepping into the abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;33m‹[m[4;33maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;33mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;33mcccc[m[4;33m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [33mhello from here[m
→ [32minfo[hello][m
[2m╭[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;32maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;32m‹[m[4;32maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;32mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[m[4;32m›[mcccccc
[2m┆[m [2m^[m [32mwhen stepping into the abyss[m
[2m┆[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;32maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;32m‹[m[4;32maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;32mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[m[4;32m›[mcccccc
[2m╯[m [2m^[m [32mwhen stepping into the deep abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;32maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;32m‹[m[4;32maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;32mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;32mcccc[m[4;32m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [32mhello from here[m
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
- [2m 1 |[m aaa[4maaaaaaa[m
- [2m 2 |[m [4mb[mbb[4;33mbbbb[mb[4mb[mb
+ [2m 1 |[m aaa[4m‹[m[4maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4m›[mbb[4;33m‹[m[4;33mbbbb[m[4;33m›[mb[4m‹[m[4mb[m[4m›[mb
[2m^[m message 6
[2m^[m [33mthis is the main message[m
[2m^[m message 5
- [2m 3 |[m cccc[4mc[mccccc
+ [2m 3 |[m cccc[4m‹[m[4mc[m[4m›[mccccc
[2m^[m message 4
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m 1 |[m aaa[4maaaaaaa[m
- [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4mbbbbbbbbb[m
+ [2m 1 |[m aaa[4m‹[m[4m‹[m[4maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4m›[m[4mbbbbbbbbb[m
[2m^[m message 7
- [2m 3 |[m [4mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m 3 |[m [4mcccc[m[4m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m message 2
- [2m10 |[m jjjjjjjjjj
+ [2m10 |[m [4m◂POS▸[mjjjjjjjjjj
[2m^[m message 8
○ message 1
○ message 3
→ [33mwarning[hello][m
- [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4;33m‹EOF›[m
+ [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4;33m◂POS▸[m
[2m^[m [33mthis is the main message[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4m‹EOF›[m
+ [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4m◂POS▸[m
[2m^[m ending of another file
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
@@ -123,109 +123,109 @@
→ [1mbug[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mthis is a bug[m
→ [1merror[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mthis is an error[m
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mthis is a warning[m
→ [1minfo[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mthis is an info[m
→ [1mhint[hello][m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mthis is a hint[m
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
[2mꭍ[m ○ [1mwhen peaking into the abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mhello from here[m
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
[2m╭[m ○ [1mwhen peaking into the abyss[m
[2m╯[m ○ [1mwhen peaking into the deep abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mhello from here[m
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
[2m╭[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m╯[m [2m^[m [1mwhen stepping into the abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mhello from here[m
→ [1minfo[hello][m
[2m╭[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m┆[m [2m^[m [1mwhen stepping into the abyss[m
[2m┆[m ■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
+ [2m┆[m [2m1 |[m a[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaaaa[m
[2m┆[m [2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m┆[m [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m╯[m [2m^[m [1mwhen stepping into the deep abyss[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m1 |[m aaa[4;1m‹[m[4;1maaaaaaa[m
[2m2 |[m [4;1mbbbbbbbbbb[m
- [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m3 |[m [4;1mcccc[m[4;1m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m [1mhello from here[m
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
- [2m 1 |[m aaa[4maaaaaaa[m
- [2m 2 |[m [4mb[mbb[4;1mbbbb[mb[4mb[mb
+ [2m 1 |[m aaa[4m‹[m[4maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4m›[mbb[4;1m‹[m[4;1mbbbb[m[4;1m›[mb[4m‹[m[4mb[m[4m›[mb
[2m^[m message 6
[2m^[m [1mthis is the main message[m
[2m^[m message 5
- [2m 3 |[m cccc[4mc[mccccc
+ [2m 3 |[m cccc[4m‹[m[4mc[m[4m›[mccccc
[2m^[m message 4
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m 1 |[m aaa[4maaaaaaa[m
- [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4mbbbbbbbbb[m
+ [2m 1 |[m aaa[4m‹[m[4m‹[m[4maaaaaaa[m
+ [2m 2 |[m [4mb[m[4m›[m[4mbbbbbbbbb[m
[2m^[m message 7
- [2m 3 |[m [4mcccc[mcccccc
+ [2m 3 |[m [4mcccc[m[4m›[mcccccc
[2m^[m message 2
- [2m10 |[m jjjjjjjjjj
+ [2m10 |[m [4m◂POS▸[mjjjjjjjjjj
[2m^[m message 8
○ message 1
○ message 3
→ [1mwarning[hello][m
- [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4;1m‹EOF›[m
+ [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4;1m◂POS▸[m
[2m^[m [1mthis is the main message[m
■ /path/to/file.cool
- [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4m‹EOF›[m
+ [2m23 |[m wwwwwwwwww[4m◂POS▸[m
[2m^[m ending of another file
→ warning[hello]
@@ -238,108 +238,108 @@
→ bug[hello]
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ this is a bug
→ error[hello]
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ this is an error
→ warning[hello]
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ this is a warning
→ info[hello]
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ this is an info
→ hint[hello]
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ this is a hint
→ warning[hello]
ꭍ ○ when peaking into the abyss
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ hello from here
→ warning[hello]
╭ ○ when peaking into the abyss
╯ ○ when peaking into the deep abyss
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ hello from here
→ warning[hello]
╭ ■ /path/to/file.cool
- ┆ 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ ┆ 1 | a‹aaaaaaaaa
┆ 2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- ┆ 3 | cccccccccc
+ ┆ 3 | cccc›cccccc
╯ ^ when stepping into the abyss
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ hello from here
→ info[hello]
╭ ■ /path/to/file.cool
- ┆ 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ ┆ 1 | a‹aaaaaaaaa
┆ 2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- ┆ 3 | cccccccccc
+ ┆ 3 | cccc›cccccc
┆ ^ when stepping into the abyss
┆ ■ /path/to/file.cool
- ┆ 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ ┆ 1 | a‹aaaaaaaaa
┆ 2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- ┆ 3 | cccccccccc
+ ┆ 3 | cccc›cccccc
╯ ^ when stepping into the deep abyss
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
2 | bbbbbbbbbb
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ hello from here
→ warning[hello]
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
- 2 | bbbbbbbbbb
+ 1 | aaa‹aaaaaaa
+ 2 | b›bb‹bbbb›b‹b›b
^ message 6
^ this is the main message
^ message 5
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc‹c›ccccc
^ message 4
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 1 | aaaaaaaaaa
- 2 | bbbbbbbbbb
+ 1 | aaa‹‹aaaaaaa
+ 2 | b›bbbbbbbbb
^ message 7
- 3 | cccccccccc
+ 3 | cccc›cccccc
^ message 2
- 10 | jjjjjjjjjj
+ 10 | ◂POS▸jjjjjjjjjj
^ message 8
○ message 1
○ message 3
→ warning[hello]
- 23 | wwwwwwwwww‹EOF›
+ 23 | wwwwwwwwww◂POS▸
^ this is the main message
■ /path/to/file.cool
- 23 | wwwwwwwwww‹EOF›
+ 23 | wwwwwwwwww◂POS▸
^ ending of another file
diff --git a/test/TestTty.ml b/test/TestTty.ml
index 72e99f1..b90da4d 100644
--- a/test/TestTty.ml
+++ b/test/TestTty.ml
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ let exec handler =
Loctext.make ~loc:(Range.make (~@ s2 10 0, ~@ s2 10 0)) "message 8";
- Reporter.emit ~loc:(Range.eof (~@ s1 23 width)) Hello "this is the main message"
+ Reporter.emit ~loc:(Range.make (~@ s1 23 width, ~@ s1 23 width)) Hello "this is the main message"
- Loctext.make ~loc:(Range.eof (~@ s2 23 width)) "ending of another file";
+ Loctext.make ~loc:(Range.make (~@ s2 23 width, ~@ s2 23 width)) "ending of another file";
let () =