A server for executing workbench notebook code fragments
python2.7 server.py --port 8000
This is a temporary interface with some crazy simplifying assumptions:
- There is no authentication or security (so we only listen on localhost!)
- Only one notebook is active at a time
- Only one HTTP request is active at a time
Requests must include a Content-Length
Request body: {}
Response body: {}
Request body:
"inputs": [
"stuff = {}",
Response body:
"execution_results": [
"microseconds": 39,
"result": {"type": "NullValue"}
"microseconds": 47,
"result": {
"type": "ErrorValue",
"name": "KeyError",
"message": "k"
Context: .run_code(), .reset(), maintain locals and globals
Video, Image: these get added to Context's globals
value_repr: Python value -> {"type": "FooValue", ...}
StringValue value
NumberValue value
BooleanValue value
ArrayValue value: [...value representations...]
DictionaryValue value: {unicode -> value representations}
ReprValue repr
ImageValue image_id, width, height
VideoValue video_id, width, height, first_frame_index, num_frames, fps
InlineImageValue width, height, data64, ext: "png"
matplotlib is not required.
But if the final line of an evaluated code fragment evaluates to any of the following forms, the figure will be rendered and returned as a high-resolution InlineImageValue
<matplotlib.figure.Figure object ...> e.g. from "fig"
<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object ...> e.g. from "ax"
<matplotlib.text.Text object ...> e.g. from "ax.set_title('foo')"
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object...>] e.g. from "ax.plot(x, y, 'r')"
Pull requests welcome. This ought to support both, but that's far from the top of my TODO list.
Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Schaaf and https://github.com/ReclaimSoftware/workbench-kernel contributors.
All contributions from Andrew Schaaf are released under the AGPLv3 (see the license file).
All contributions from other project contributors are released under both the AGPLv3 and the Apache 2 license.
This project might become 100% Apache-licensed in the future, but it hasn't yet.