If you already have a working version of snakemake, consider to skip this:
module load tools
module load anaconda3/2019.10
conda init bash
conda env create -f hela_data/workflows/maxquant/environment.yml
# ~/.conda/envs/snakemake
conda activate snakemake
# untrack changes to config
git update-index --assume-unchanged workflows/maxquant/config.yaml
Here the username is henweb
and the group is Simon Rasmussen's group cpr_10006
DATADIR: /home/projects/cpr_10006/people/henweb/hela/
SCRIPTDIR: /home/projects/cpr_10006/people/henweb/hela_data/workflows/maxquant/
#Either your own or (see below)
MAXQUANTEXE: /home/projects/cpr_10006/people/henweb/MaxQuant_1.6.12.0/MaxQuant/bin/MaxQuantCmd.exe
# MAXQUANTEXE: /services/tools/maxquant/
MQ_PAR_TEMP: /home/projects/cpr_10006/people/henweb/hela_data/workflows/maxquant/mqpar_template_1.6.xml
REMOTE_OUT: io.erda.dk
# Remote name for fetching files and list of all files
FILES: ../hela_files.txt
FILES_EXCLUDED: log_excluded_files.txt
FILES_FAILED: log_failed.txt
You have to specify the fasta file paths manually in the parameter template file referenced in MQ_PAR_TEMP, e.g.
If you specify passwords in your config file you might want to restrict permissions to your user
chmod 600 config.yaml
You can either use a pre-exisiting MaxQuant installation or a new one. Once you know the path, you do not need to load the module explicitly into your set of environment variables.
module load mono/ maxquant/
export | grep MAXQUANT # find path to MaxQuant executable
It seems that also on minor version updates the parameter file of MaxQuant is not preserved. Make sure that your template parameter file is working together with your MaxQuant version
Make sure to be in the MaxQuant workflow folder workflows/maxquant/
have a session which you can reconnect to (using e.g. screen
or tmux
This workflow uses in the current implementation a password protected sftp
connection. In order to login your local environment in which you run
snakemake has to have a password, <PASSWORD>
If you don't, snakemake will remind you.
Howwever, snakemake cannot check if the password is correct
before execution, so best verify yourself that it works in the shell you execute.
is the same you specified in the config.yml
sshpass -e sftp -B 258048 REMOTE <<< "pwd"
If you set up a SSH connection for your REMOTE_IN
, you can just set SSHPASS
anything or comment the two line in the Snakefile
snakemake -n
snakemake -n --report
Either on your computer or in an interactive shell (iqsub
Running snakemake with many repeated sample which might fail, you can type:
snakemake -k
qsub -V run_sm_on_cluster.sh
The -V
options passes the current environment variables to the shell started by the
run, see here
The script itself contains the cluster execution. Please change the number of parallel jobs
in run_sm_on_cluster.sh
snakemake --jobs 6 -k --latency-wait 30 --use-envmodules \
--cluster "qsub -l walltime={resources.walltime},nodes=1:ppn={threads},mem={resources.mem_mb}mb"\
" -W group_list=cpr_10006 -A cpr_10006 -m f -V "\
"-e {params.logdir} -o {params.logdir}" -n
Once you are sure, remove the dryrun flag
. Dry runs do not necessarily have to be sent to the queue.
Alternatively invoked a profile defined from a template.
Using the profile, the configuration
defined in config.yaml
and in the Snakefile
will be used.
snakemake --profile pbs-torque --jobs 10 --latency-wait 10 -k
All files resulting from executions are stored under the .snakemake
. See the last file
in the .snakemake/log
folder for inspecting the process of the currently executed
snakemake job.
The file names can be changed in the
After snakemake execution of the files in `hela_files.txt you should find new files in the workflow folder maxquant:
The log_excluded_files.txt
will be discarded in further workflow runs
(due to being too small) and log_failed.txt
files which failed although their size is sufficient. The ladder are not automatically
excluded when you re-run snakemake, as the reason for the failure might be on the
server side.
The sftp_commands
file is the set of commands for batch-mode execution for
transferring files to erda.dk. Assuming the server was reachable when executing the
job, the files should have been transferred during the run. Otherwise you can re-run
the transfer again:
If you set up access to your erda folder appropriatly
you should be able to connect to erda <your-hostname>
. I named it erda io.erda.dk
If you can connect using this command, execute the sftp command in batch mode providing
as an argument in order to store the files in a hela
folder on your
erda root directory.
sftp -B 258048 -b sftp_commands io.erda.dk
afterwards one should rename the sftp_commands file or move it to an archive folder.
Look up only for now Find MQ output files in
folder and remove them by age:
find ./hela/ -name '*txt*' -type d -print
find ./hela/ -path ./*/combined/txt -type d
ls ./hela/ -ltr # check for old files
find ./hela/ -mtime +2
#find ./hela/ -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
#find ./hela/ -mtime +2 -exec rmdir {} \; -type d
#find ./hela/ -type d -empty -delete
#find ./hela/ -mtime +2 -exec rm -r {} \;
In order to see if a corresponding folder on exists on erda.dk
, you can get a dump of the
files in the output folder. First get a list of all files in the mq_out
folder on erda
(the default folder for storing results, but choose what is in config.yaml
) :
sftp -q io.erda.dk:mq_out/ <<< "ls" | grep -v '^sftp>' > hela_processed.txt
this could be integrated into snakemake target rule.
The hela_processed.txt
is then the input of the small script check_current_files.py
python check_current_files.py -f ../hela_processed.txt -v
which dumps the missing, not excluded or failed files into current_files_to_do.txt
This comparison only checks it the folder for a file exists on the REMOTE if it should be
completed. current_files_to_do.txt
can then itself be a new input file or used to remove
some output files. If you are sure set the forceall
option in snakemake,
e.g. in run_sm_on_cluster.sh