Affects the Inversion of Control subsystem.
Affects the Mathematics subsystem.
Affects the Messaging subsystem.
Affects the Object Composition subsystem.
Affects the Serialization subsystem.
Affects the Service subsystem.
Affects the Signal Processing subsystem.
Affects the Text Encoding subsystem.
Warrants addition of a release note.
Has been backmerged to child branches.
Has external blocking factors.
Represents a bot-authored backmerge.
Represents a bot-authored dependency update.
Is appropriate for new/casual contributors.
Requires additional information.
Has been tested and reproduced.
Awaiting final resolution.
Describes a deliberate design.
Duplicates another issue/request.
Describes an obsolete issue.
Is impertinent to the defined scope of work.
Fails to follow guidelines/procedures.
Successfully backmerged to target branch.
Included in a completed production release.
Was addressed via communication.
Released with or planned for version 1.0.23.
Released with or planned for version 1.0.24.
Released with or planned for version 1.0.25.
Released with or planned for version 1.0.26.