Translations are managed by .po
files, via the transifex platform.
The keys for all the translations are the strings in English.
When a feature branch is merged into master, the new strings are automatically sent on Transifex (using Travis, .tx/ and
We gather all the new translations from Transifex before releasing the feature on
- An API Token is required (create one here)
- Open a terminal
- Run
tx pull -af
- All PO files will be force-pulled, except en-US that is not present on TF but present in the project
- Enter your API token when asked
- If "tx" is unknown: run
sudo apt install transifex-client
- To rebuild erdapfel with the new translations:
npm run build
andnpm run i18n
. - Commit and push the updated PO files
For debug purposes only:
Download and install poedit.
Add a new parser in File > Preferences > Parsers > New:
- Language:
- List of extensions:
*.js, *.yml
- Parser command:
xgettext --language=Python --force-po -o %o %C %K %F
- Item in Keyword List:
- Item in input files list:
- Source code charset:
Add another parser, same settings as before except:
- Language:
- List of extensions:
You can open and edit the PO files in /language/message/, or parse the project to find new untranslated strings