- Optimize Regular Expressions.
- Adding a method to change router password.
- Option to change frequency 2.4 Ghz or 5 Ghz.
- Option to change router transmission power.
- Formatting output.
- Exclude android devices from station info and dhcp info.
- Reboot router from script.
- Time restriction for user (by specifying or choosing from station info) device mac address or hostname.
- Adding URL to block unnecessary use for a website, also time limit for a site usage.
- Monitor devices connection info i.e., when they connect to the router and disconnect. Also devices uptime of the day.
- Block devices who remain connected to the router for x time (6 hours). Unblock them after 6 hours.
- Searching suspected users in the station info (Currently Active Devices) when speed is slow.
- Getting device connection info in a nice CSV file.
- Uploading CSV on a cloud everyday.