####Credits - Staff:
- AlexALX - Coding, The Group System, Fixes, Mapping
- Locutus_1 - Sounds
- Orrila - Wiki, site administration
- Rafaël De Jongh - Texturing, Shaders, Modeling, Uv-mapping, (V)GUI, Site Administrating
- Assassin21 - Code, Models
- Iziraider - Models, Textures
- Llapp - Code, SFX, Site Administrating
- Madman07 - Code, Models, Uv-mapping
- RononDex - Code "Ships and Model Clipping"
####Credits - Contributions:
- Art Of War - P90 SWEP, Wraith Weapons
- Blazemann - Code
- fdinasty - VGUI "Concept HUDS, SGA Glyphs"
- Gmod4phun - Atlantis Door Frame
- Itbankrock - P90 World Model
- Lotus006 - Facepunch Forum Help
- MarkJaw - Modeling, Uv-mapping, Texturing
- Pac_187 - Texture Help/Base Textures
- ProgSys - Textures, Models
- Remus - TAC Compile
- Strelok - P90 Sounds
- THE DOCTOR - Illustrator Detail, Supergate Event Horizon
- Tiny - Models, Textures
- Zsigmond.daniel - Universe Event Horizon, Models
####Credits - Pre-CAP:
- aVoN - base codes of DHD, gates, ring panels, vehicles, bullets, tracers and much more
- BlackJack - help in the Facepunch thread
- BlackMac - help in the Facepunch thread
- Brophis - event horizon close texture
- Catdaemon - Base code for transport Rings and their Panels and wraith harvester
- Cebt - Tollana Gates, Power Node
- Col Sheppard - sounds
- Dav0r - first Stargate models
- DrFattyJr - Overloader, asuran beam, dakara, naquada bomb, ori cannon, personal shield and more code.
- Flyboi - help in Facepunch thread
- Ice D Angel - help in fp thread
- Jeremy - help in the Facepunch thread
- jdm12989 - original ZPM SENT
- JinTo - Custom Physic Library, inspired aVon with his gmod9 stargate
- KillerRabbit - first Stargate models
- Lantis - new stargate sg1/infinity/movie sounds
- LEETNOOB - NightVision for kino
- Lexi - Janus and Shield Doors Code
- madjawa - making out a world model out of the Zatniktel view model
- micropro - ancient shield generator device, first Stargate models
- miriam - made a worldmodel out of the hand device, first Stargate models
- PyroSpirit - Overloader, asuran beam, dakara, naquadah bomb, ori cannon, personal shield and more code.
- René (Stargate Fan) - sounds
- Roltzy - sodan cloaking device worldmodel
- RononDex - base codes of DHD, gates, ring panels, vehicles, bullets, tracers and much more...
- Rothon - original GDO code
- StargateTC: Legacy Team - Zatniktel Model
- Stargate: The Last Stand Team - Hand Device Model (Vertical Game Studios)
- Shanjaq - Help in the Facepunch thread
- Trekkie0 - Help in the Facepunch thread
- Warkanum - Supergate Base Code
- WeltEnSTurm - Gravity Controller
- Zup - original gates model
Did we forget anyone? If so feel free to send us an email regarding credit statement to: [email protected]