Passworder is a simple application that, given a password string and an optional algorithm, will return an encrypted string in Linux /etc/shadow format. An example call would be:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cleartext": "mypassword",
"algorithm": "SHA512",
"random_salt": true
..which would return the following:
"shadow_string": "$6$resttrr_$mIr5dJXI71rS5PLBhuoWZMvyVOLTf3V66LBVHojSDiALab0TrvsVLfrBrakie+6Os3lsyy+WlrpsnFzYUFfayA==",
"salt": "resttrr_"
where the shadow string can be pasted directly into the shadow file or used in a cloud-init setup.
To run, first install the requirements as found in the requirements.txt file. Next, from the passworder folder, use the following command:
Optionally, build and run the included Docker file.
The test API can be found at the listen port (as configured in the settings.yaml file), for example