Releases: RLOpenCatalyst/rgdeploy
Enhancements :
1.Select User-Created Studies to Mount. Users now have the ability to choose up to 5 studies that will be mounted to the work spaces being created. With this feature, the “Bring Your Own Bucket “ (BYOB) feature is now complete. This powerful feature allows users to create their own studies, assign them to specific projects, choose which studies to mount while creating work spaces, and finally use the mounted studies to read the data from their work spaces.
2.Current Month Cost in Daily EOD Report. Users are always sensitive to cost in the AWS cloud environment. To help them be aware of the costs, we have created an End of Day report to the principal investigator, which will give them the current month direct costs as well as the AWS current month to date billing. This is expected to help users keep better track of their project budgets.
3.Budget Screen Enhancements. Budget screens will also show the current month direct costs in line with the feature above.
4.Edit User-Created Studies. This allows users to reuse the studies they create by assigning new projects to the same study. A classic use-case is when a professor wants to use a dataset for a semester project by his students. Each semester the project and students would change but the dataset created as a study would remain the same.
5.Export Project Budget Details. This feature is being done for a Singapore based university using the Research Gateway product. They wanted the details of the budget consumption to be exported in a form that can be used for analysis using the Excel or other tools.
Bug-fixes :
1.Organization Id to be added to all Audit Trail events to allow filtering by OU.
2.Project sync was not working when more than 200 products exist in Service Catalog.
3.Invalid URL typed by user should show error message.
4.KMS ARN field should be validated in Add/Edit Internally Study screen.
5.Updates to project catalog should be restricted when one update is in progress.
6.Product Cost Trends chart should show dates in ascending order.
7.S3 Explore: Copy to clipboard action getting duplicated.
8.SSH action links should be accessible only to owners
9.Security fixes. This includes some technology refresh in major third-party technologies used like MongoDB, npm packages, node.js etc. The chief among these is an upgrade to MongoDB v4.0.0 that also allows us to upgrade to Node.js v18. Database passwords are now stored using AWS Secret Manager service, providing an additional layer of security, in line with AWS recommended best practices.
1.Amazon EFS added to standard catalog. You can now provision high performance NFS based file-system (Amazon EFS) for computational needs that needs high-performance shared storage.
2.Project storage creation made optional during project creation.
3.Project catalog automatically picks up new attributes like tags during daily sync when there is an update.
4.New audit trail events for product provisioning success and failure.
5.Image Builder pipeline support for PCluster AMI creation in Enterprise Mode.
6.Optimization of Service Catalog API calls to reduce costs. Catalog sync now only happens when manually initiated from Project Sync action.
7.Users will now receive email notification of provisioning completion (success or failure) on their verified email ids.
Bug-fixes for existing issues :
1.User Management: User should be added to the DB only after cognito signup is successful
2.User id should be case insensitive
3.Notificationsink: Product Provisioning events should only be sent to the PI and Researchers
4.N0tificationsink: product events not getting updated when is Deleted flag is set to true
4.Users Screen: Add User :Error toaster message changes.
5.Security vulnerability for the Passport-Cognito package in the Node Js Server Side Code
6.Security fixes related to OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
1.PCluster enhancements. The cluster head-node by default has NICE DCV installed which allows you to connect to the head-node via a GUI interface. This is especially useful to visualize results of the jobs that you run on the cluster (e.g. using Paraview to view the results of OpenFOAM jobs). The URL to the NICE DCV server on the head-node will be secured using SSL if you choose that option while adding your AWS account as a setting in Research Gateway. The pcluster head node also updates the latest security patches during provisioning so that you do not have to worry about open vulnerabilities. PCluster provisioning now also provides control over Hyperthreading and ElasticFabricAdapter support based on the instance types chosen for the compute nodes.
2.Support to add your own external studies and link them to projects. A new study type called external study has been introduced. This allows you to bring in any existing bucket in your project account as a study even if the bucket was not provisioned via the Research Gateway interface (e.g. you can bring in existing data). External buckets can be linked to projects and are auto-mounted to all workspaces in the project just like ProjectStorage.
3.ProjectStorage can be deleted while archiving a project. You will now be prompted for deletion of the projectstorage when you archive a project. Select the checkbox if you want to delete the projectstorage bucket along with all of its contents.
4.Daily cost trends for each product (workspace) are now available in the Cost tab (new feature). See the daily cost for the workspace from the date of creation to current date in both chart and table form. Select the date range you want to view the information for (the default is seven days).
5.NICE DCV standalone workspace also supports secure connections using SSL (if the project has opted for SSL).
6.Security fixes - Many of the third-party packages used have been updated to address vulnerabilities found during security scans so that users can rest assured that their data and workspaces are secure.
Bug-fixes ( bug-fixes-for-existing-issues)
1.If a user has active products in which they are the “owner” of the share provisioned product, PI should not be allowed to remove them from the project.
2.Page refresh in Studies:Explore:Folder was causing loader issues.
3.Connect URL button showing for stopped workspaces of type NICE DCV
4.Change Icon for FSx product
5.Subnet ID mismatch when multiple subnets are required in the CFT input
6.In Users Screen: Download CSV format action is not working
7.Studies : Public Study : Explore : Folder: Page Refresh is showing Create new button
8.Studies Page : explore action : Folder : showing no data available : once click on refresh action which is available in the UI it will show content
9.For workspaces that connect to DCV, the button should read “Remote Desktop” rather than “Connect DCV”
10.PI Login : Archive project : Delete project storage S3 bucket
11.Subnet ID mismatch when multiple subnets are required in the CFT input
12.UI changes required in Public studies.
13.s3 : explore: upload: create an audit trail event for failure.
14.PCluster:Latest AMI causing stack to fail if there is a fileSystemId as input parameter when scheduler is aws batch, need to fix
1.Add FSx For Luster product in standard catalog.
2.PCluster :HPC clusters should support EFS and FSx Lustre storage.
3.Custom Cost Tag of “cost_resource” applied to all the Standard Catalog Products.
Bug fixes:
1.S3 Explore Action : Pull the s3 object directly from AWS API and Remove the S3 sync functionality.
2.S3 share button should be able to add multiple users one by one, S3 upload action should be visible in action area.
3.S3 Share : If a product is shared by the Product Owner to one of the researchers, that researcher can be unassigned from the project.
4.Project detail page the tab indicator should be active by default on the My Products. The indicator should not move to the right after page load.
5.Amazon Sage maker:start action is not working.
1.Add PCluster Manager as a product in RG
2.Angular Upgrade to 13
3.session timeout - for admin login --------- navigating from settings page to catalog screen , could see 2 red toaster cards
4.Notification sink: Add custom resource to pcluster product
5.Mount BYOB studies during workspace launch
6.Daily wise budget breakdown
7.Notification sink: Change log format to ISO
8.PI/Researcher should be able to share a workspace with another project member
9.Back end API for BYOB feature
10.AWS Parallel Cluster
Bug fixes:
1.Create Page not found component for all user type.
2.PI login - EC2 windows product RDP Action not working
1.Notification sink: Restrict type of events for S3 event bridge rules.
2.Create an API to update and delete event bridge rules for existing products.
3.Usability: Filter for All/Active/Terminated is not obvious. Also store the last chosen value.
4.S3 Explore: Give the ability to select multiple files/folder and copy the file-names/Folder-Names to clipboard.
5.User Management: Allow adding tags to users via the UI.
6.User should be able to change Instance Type on EC2 based resources.
7.Audit trail for researcher.
8.Next flow product: If the user has clicked stop we should set the desired CPU and min CPU's on the ASG to zero.
9.Added Docker on Amazon-Ec2,MySQL, Ubuntu 20.04 on EC2 ,products to standard catalog items.
Bug fixes:
1.Settings Creation failing when we added a new account for the first time.
2.Admin and PI login-users-add new user form - UI alignment .
3.Products getting marked as deleted during sync.
4.Audit trail should show only PI O.U related logs.
1.Principal Investigator should be able to view Audit Trail
2.Project Creation Screen: The project name field should be restrict to 32 characters and later if user wants to pass any character throw error message accordingly
3.User Management: PI and Admin user should be able to import bulk users into the system
4.Principal Investigator should be able to add a budget amount to the project.
5.notificationsink: Skip S3 even bridge rule creation for products other than S3
6.notificationsink: Skip S3 even bridge incoming rules for products other than S3
7.cromwell advanced : showing blank when clicked on view outputs button for cromwell advanced
8.Admin-Settings page: we should provide link option beside the account button, when you click on it it should show project details
9.My Products Tab - Filter: The products which are updated in the last 30 minutes should come under active filter.
10.We should put friendly name for the bucket
11.Nextflow launch form- Input DataLocationField: We should list s3 buckets +project storage buckets related to that project only.
12.Catalog: If any product is assigned/updated to a project, an audit trail event should be created.
13.Nextflow: Modify the queue name according to project name + workspace name + namespace. The project name and workspace name will be each 9 characters.
Bug Fixes
1.Project details : User search is not working
2.Admin login-settings page: When assign OU to the account it was throwing error
3.EC2-linux related products-Product Details Page-Explore action: When i click on "Explore" unable to see product name and sync button
4.Add Account : Update CFT bucket policy error
- Budget consumed is displayed for each provisioned product on the product details page
- Add organization page: Remove the existing account check before adding the organization
- Project details page : Add Created On, Project Owner fields
- Mount Project storage in custom user directory for Rstudio product
- Product Launch : Check for the latest AMI ids and update it.
- Auto stop resource on idle for RStudio product
- Cost control feature - a project can be set up to automatically Stop when a budget threshold is reached.
- Admin- settings page : When account linked to the project , we should show details option and it should show project details in a window
- We should use "Amortized" costs rather than "Unblended" costs for all API calls made to CostExplorer.
- Implemented Explore action for EC2-linux based products when project storage mounted.
- Nextflow Advanced launch form: All standard pipelines should automatically populate the Container
- RG supports 3 new catalog items- Docker on Amazon EC2-linux, MySQL, Ubuntu 20.04 on EC2 in the catalogs page
- Budgets: Show the exact numbers to 2 decimals in all budget screens.
- Provisioned product details page: Changed the icons for monitor pipeline and view outputs action in the Nextflow Advanced product
- Create new version of a product when a CFT gets updated.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some validations and race conditions
- Admin should be able to disable a user who is "Enabled" before email verification
- Alignment issues, UI inconsistencies
- A PI who is assigned to a project but is not the creator of the project should be able to update the products to the project catalog
- RG shouldn't show the "explore" button in the product details page when we don't have s3 mount feature.
- Add a retry mechanism while checking for bucket access to the Template bucket during project creation.
- Refactor project creation code.
- Cromwell product added to Standard Catalog Items.
- Simplification of deployment scripts, configs are not created locally rather than on the EC2 instance.
Bug fixes:
- Code clean-up
- Removed the Create Study button
- Fixed some validations and race conditions