Table of Contents
- Ten Simple Rules for Taking Advantage of Git and GitHub
- 常用 Git 命令清单
- 史上最浅显易懂的Git教程! by 廖雪峰
- Git 使用规范流程
- 让你的Git水平更上一层楼的10个小贴士
- 如何高效利用GitHub
- 15 minutes to learn Git
- 使用git和github进行协同开发流程
- GitHub Special: Data Scientists to Follow & Best Tutorials on GitHub
- Pro Git
- git-cheat-sheet
- Making Your Code Citable
- Oh shit, git! - "So here are some bad situations I've gotten myself into, and how I eventually got myself out of them in plain english." e.g. Oh shit, I committed and immediately realized I need to make one small change!
git commit --amend
- Configuring a remote for a fork, and then Syncing a fork when upstream goes ahead.
- Changing a remote's URL
- Undo pushed commits