A R-based Crawler which could extract the paper titles and journal names from PubMed.
I wrote this script for checking the publish of our group. But I decided to git it when I realized it could be helpful for PhD applicants to know their ideal superviors and those who are struggling with meta-analysis.
- It allows you to input keywords in Rstudio instead of approaching the pubmed website to start your search.
- PubMed_Crawler collects the paper titles, journal names and publish Date, then write them down into a CSV file.
- PubMed_Crawler also does some visualization, which use wordcloud to show the frequency of journal names.
- PubMed_Crawler requires selenium to control the browser, please make sure selenium has been install properly in your OS.
- PubMed_Crawler also needs the java environment to run rJAVA.
- PubMed_Crawler uses the GUI in Rstudio, so do not run PubMed_Crawler with other IDEs.
- PubMed_Crawler just be tested on windows 10 platform.
I am not a high-level player of R, if you have any comment on this project, please let me know.
My Email address: [email protected]