From 632ec1f2f556193bff0eff3de729d2642785c286 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fe-r-oz <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:41:18 +0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] implement Bivaraite Bicycle codes using 2BGA as parent

 docs/src/references.bib                       |  11 ++
 .../QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl                |   5 +-
 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl |  44 ++++-
 src/ecc/ECC.jl                                |   1 +
 src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl               |   3 +
 test/test_ecc_base.jl                         |  30 ++-
 test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl  | 173 ++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 260 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl

diff --git a/docs/src/references.bib b/docs/src/references.bib
index 29500a034..b8d1116a0 100644
--- a/docs/src/references.bib
+++ b/docs/src/references.bib
@@ -487,3 +487,14 @@ @article{anderson2014fault
+  title={High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory},
+  author={Bravyi, Sergey and Cross, Andrew W and Gambetta, Jay M and Maslov, Dmitri and Rall, Patrick and Yoder, Theodore J},
+  journal={Nature},
+  volume={627},
+  number={8005},
+  pages={778--782},
+  year={2024},
+  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
index 29e9de8ce..3a3035f72 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ using DocStringExtensions
 import QuantumClifford, LinearAlgebra
 import Hecke: Group, GroupElem, AdditiveGroup, AdditiveGroupElem,
     GroupAlgebra, GroupAlgebraElem, FqFieldElem, representation_matrix, dim, base_ring,
-    multiplication_table, coefficients, abelian_group, group_algebra
+    multiplication_table, coefficients, abelian_group, group_algebra,
+    FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem, one
 import Nemo
 import Nemo: characteristic, matrix_repr, GF, ZZ, lift
 import QuantumClifford.ECC: AbstractECC, CSS, ClassicalCode,
     hgp, code_k, code_n, code_s, iscss, parity_checks, parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z, parity_checks_xz,
-    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes
+    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes, bivariate_bicycle_codes
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index ef09eddbb..223465f4e 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ code_s(c::LPCode) = size(c.repr(zero(c.GA)), 1) * (size(c.A, 1) * size(c.B, 1) +
 Two-block group algebra (2GBA) codes, which are a special case of lifted product codes
 from two group algebra elements `a` and `b`, used as `1x1` base matrices.
-See also: [`LPCode`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref)
+See also: [`LPCode`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
 """ # TODO doctest example
 function two_block_group_algebra_codes(a::GroupAlgebraElem, b::GroupAlgebraElem)
     A = reshape([a], (1, 1))
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Generalized bicycle codes, which are a special case of 2GBA codes (and therefore
 Here the group is chosen as the cyclic group of order `l`,
 and the base matrices `a` and `b` are the sum of the group algebra elements corresponding to the shifts `a_shifts` and `b_shifts`.
-See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref).
+See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
 A [[254, 28, 14 ≤ d ≤ 20]] code from (A1) in Appendix B of [panteleev2021degenerate](@cite).
@@ -189,10 +189,48 @@ Bicycle codes are a special case of generalized bicycle codes,
 where `a` and `b` are conjugate to each other.
 The order of the cyclic group is `l`, and the shifts `a_shifts` and `b_shifts` are reverse to each other.
-See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref).
+See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
 """ # TODO doctest example
 function bicycle_codes(a_shifts::Array{Int}, l::Int)
     GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group(l))
     a = sum(GA[n÷l+1] for n in a_shifts)
     two_block_group_algebra_codes(a, group_algebra_conj(a))
+Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct product
+of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the
+first and second cyclic groups, respectively.
+The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
+See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref),
+[`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`LPCode`](@ref)
+A [[756, 16, ≤ 34]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens; # hide
+julia> l=21; m=18;
+julia> GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]));
+julia> x, y = gens(GA);
+julia> A = [x^3 , y^10 , y^17];
+julia> B = [y^5 , x^3  , x^19];
+julia> c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA);
+julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
+(756, 16)
+function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}, B::Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}, GA::GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem})
+    a = sum(GA(x) for x in A)
+    b = sum(GA(x) for x in B)
+    c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(a,b)
+    return c
diff --git a/src/ecc/ECC.jl b/src/ecc/ECC.jl
index cdda7742e..5a29f136f 100644
--- a/src/ecc/ECC.jl
+++ b/src/ecc/ECC.jl
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export parity_checks, parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z, iscss,
     Shor9, Steane7, Cleve8, Perfect5, Bitflip3,
     Toric, Gottesman, Surface, Concat, CircuitCode, QuantumReedMuller,
     LPCode, two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes,
+    bivariate_bicycle_codes,
     random_brickwork_circuit_code, random_all_to_all_circuit_code,
     CommutationCheckECCSetup, NaiveSyndromeECCSetup, ShorSyndromeECCSetup,
diff --git a/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl b/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
index 338880702..955bc3ff5 100644
--- a/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
@@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ function generalized_bicycle_codes end
 """Implemented in a package extension with Hecke."""
 function bicycle_codes end
+"""Implemented in a package extension with Hecke."""
+function bivariate_bicycle_codes end
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_base.jl b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
index 9f4a5ec9e..0c20e6c31 100644
--- a/test/test_ecc_base.jl
+++ b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using InteractiveUtils
 import Nemo: GF
 import LinearAlgebra
-import Hecke: group_algebra, abelian_group, gens
+import Hecke: group_algebra, abelian_group, gens, one
 # generate instances of all implemented codes to make sure nothing skips being checked
@@ -56,6 +56,32 @@ A[LinearAlgebra.diagind(A, 5)] .= GA(1)
 B = reshape([1 + x + x^6], (1, 1))
 push!(other_lifted_product_codes, LPCode(A, B))
+# A [[72, 12, 6]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+l=6; m=6
+GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+x, y = gens(GA)
+A = [x^3, y, y^2]
+B = [y^3, x, x^2]
+bb1 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+# A [[90, 8, 10]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+l=15; m=3
+GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+x, y = gens(GA)
+A = [x^9   , y   , y^2]
+B = [one(x), x^2 , x^7]
+bb2 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+# A [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]  code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+l=30; m=6
+GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+x, y = gens(GA)
+A = [x^9 , y    ,  y^2]
+B = [y^3 , x^25 , x^26]
+bb3 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+test_bb_codes = [bb1, bb2, bb3]
 const code_instance_args = Dict(
     :Toric => [(3,3), (4,4), (3,6), (4,3), (5,5)],
     :Surface => [(3,3), (4,4), (3,6), (4,3), (5,5)],
@@ -63,7 +89,7 @@ const code_instance_args = Dict(
     :CSS => (c -> (parity_checks_x(c), parity_checks_z(c))).([Shor9(), Steane7(), Toric(4, 4)]),
     :Concat => [(Perfect5(), Perfect5()), (Perfect5(), Steane7()), (Steane7(), Cleve8()), (Toric(2, 2), Shor9())],
     :CircuitCode => random_circuit_code_args,
-    :LPCode => (c -> (c.A, c.B)).(vcat(LP04, LP118, test_gb_codes, other_lifted_product_codes)),
+    :LPCode => (c -> (c.A, c.B)).(vcat(LP04, LP118, test_gb_codes, test_bb_codes, other_lifted_product_codes)),
     :QuantumReedMuller => [3, 4, 5]
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cee31f642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+@testitem "ECC Bivaraite Bicycle as 2BGA" begin
+    using Hecke
+    using Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens, one
+    using QuantumClifford.ECC: bivariate_bicycle_codes, code_k, code_n
+    @testset "Reproduce Table 3 bravyi2024high" begin
+        # [[72, 12, 6]]
+        l=6; m=6
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3, y, y^2]
+        B = [y^3, x, x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        # [[90, 8, 10]]
+        l=15; m=3
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^9   , y   , y^2]
+        B = [one(x), x^2 , x^7]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[108, 8, 10]]
+        l=9; m=6
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y , y^2]
+        B = [y^3 , x , x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 108 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[144, 12, 12]]
+        l=12; m=6
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y , y^2]
+        B = [y^3 , x , x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 144 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        # [[288, 12, 12]]
+        l=12; m=12
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y^2, y^7]
+        B = [y^3 , x  , x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 288 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        # [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]
+        l=30; m=6
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^9 , y    ,  y^2]
+        B = [y^3 , x^25 , x^26]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 360 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        # [[756, 16, ≤ 34]]
+        l=21; m=18
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y^10 , y^17]
+        B = [y^5 , x^3  , x^19]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 756 &&  code_k(c) == 16
+    end
+    @testset "Reproduce Table 1 berthusen2024toward" begin
+        # [[72, 8, 6]]
+        l=12; m=3
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^9   , y ,  y^2]
+        B = [one(x), x , x^11]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[90, 8, 6]]
+        l=9; m=5
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^8 , y^4 ,  y]
+        B = [y^5 , x^8 , x^7]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[120, 8, 8]]
+        l=12; m=5
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^10  , y^4,   y]
+        B = [one(x), x  , x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 120 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[150, 8, 8]]
+        l=15; m=5
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^5 , y^2 , y^3]
+        B = [y^2 , x^7 , x^6]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[196, 12, 8]]
+        l=14; m=7
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^6   , y^5 ,  y^6]
+        B = [one(x), x^4 , x^13]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 196 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+    end
+    @testset "Reproduce Table 1 wang2024coprime" begin
+        # [[54, 8, 6]]
+        l=3; m=9
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [one(x), y^2, y^4]
+        B = [y^3   , x  , x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 54 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[98, 6, 12]]
+        l=7; m=7
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y^5 , y^6]
+        B = [y^2 , x^3 , x^5]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 98 &&  code_k(c) == 6
+        # [[126, 8, 10]]
+        l=3; m=21
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [one(x), y^2, y^10]
+        B = [y^3   , x  ,  x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 126 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[150, 16, 8]]
+        l=5; m=15
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [one(x), y^6, y^8]
+        B = [y^5   , x  , x^4]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 16
+        # [[162, 8, 14]]
+        l=3; m=27
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [one(x), y^10, y^14]
+        B = [y^12  , x   ,  x^2]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 162 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        # [[180, 8, 16]]
+        l=6; m=15
+        GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
+        x, y = gens(GA)
+        A = [x^3 , y   , y^2]
+        B = [y^6 , x^4 , x^5]
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        @test code_n(c) == 180 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+    end

From 554bd24afeadfad8e5eb40c68e95b4a969f3040b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fe-r-oz <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:39:58 +0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] improve code quality by defining const types for
 FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem

 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 2 +-
 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl          | 4 ++++
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 223465f4e..4708d3899 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
 (756, 16)
-function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}, B::Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}, GA::GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem})
+function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::VectorGroupAlgebraElem, B::VectorGroupAlgebraElem, GA::FqFieldFinGenAbGroupElemGroupAlgebra)
     a = sum(GA(x) for x in A)
     b = sum(GA(x) for x in B)
     c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(a,b)
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
index ecd0d7a68..6c22c8935 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ const FqFieldGroupAlgebraElemMatrix = Union{
+const VectorGroupAlgebraElem = Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}
+const FqFieldFinGenAbGroupElemGroupAlgebra = GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}
 Compute the conjugate of a group algebra element.
 The conjugate is defined by inversing elements in the associated group.

From a245163db006c84aae3fcc283750d551e0c10f10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Krastanov <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 22:51:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] fix ECC zoo link

 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 4708d3899..b0df73c74 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct p
 of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the
 first and second cyclic groups, respectively.
-The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
+The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
 See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref),
 [`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`LPCode`](@ref)

From 8b5813f27e143ee61c48ed059a2d8d7c212198d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fe-r-oz <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 10:49:24 +0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] add wonderful codereview suggestion

 docs/src/references.bib                       |  21 ++--
 docs/src/                        |   2 +
 .../QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl                |   7 +-
 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl |  12 +-
 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl          |   4 -
 test/test_ecc_base.jl                         |  20 ++--
 test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl  | 108 +++++++++---------
 7 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/src/references.bib b/docs/src/references.bib
index e1a3c9521..635ca65ee 100644
--- a/docs/src/references.bib
+++ b/docs/src/references.bib
@@ -513,16 +513,6 @@ @article{anderson2014fault
-  title={High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory},
-  author={Bravyi, Sergey and Cross, Andrew W and Gambetta, Jay M and Maslov, Dmitri and Rall, Patrick and Yoder, Theodore J},
-  journal={Nature},
-  volume={627},
-  number={8005},
-  pages={778--782},
-  year={2024},
-  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}
   title={Quantum two-block group algebra codes},
   author={Lin, Hsiang-Ku and Pryadko, Leonid P},
@@ -533,3 +523,14 @@ @article{lin2024quantum
+  title={High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory},
+  author={Bravyi, Sergey and Cross, Andrew W and Gambetta, Jay M and Maslov, Dmitri and Rall, Patrick and Yoder, Theodore J},
+  journal={Nature},
+  volume={627},
+  number={8005},
+  pages={778--782},
+  year={2024},
+  publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
index 35e944a21..049f222b5 100644
--- a/docs/src/
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ For quantum code construction routines:
 - [steane1999quantum](@cite)
 - [campbell2012magic](@cite)
 - [anderson2014fault](@cite)
+- [lin2024quantum](@cite)
+- [bravyi2024high](@cite)
 For classical code construction routines:
 - [muller1954application](@cite)
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
index d6157d1fc..99540362d 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
@@ -5,15 +5,14 @@ using DocStringExtensions
 import QuantumClifford, LinearAlgebra
 import Hecke: Group, GroupElem, AdditiveGroup, AdditiveGroupElem,
     GroupAlgebra, GroupAlgebraElem, FqFieldElem, representation_matrix, dim, base_ring,
-    multiplication_table, coefficients, abelian_group, group_algebra, rand,
-    FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem, one
+    multiplication_table, coefficients, abelian_group, group_algebra, rand
 import Nemo
 import Nemo: characteristic, matrix_repr, GF, ZZ, lift
 import QuantumClifford.ECC: AbstractECC, CSS, ClassicalCode,
     hgp, code_k, code_n, code_s, iscss, parity_checks, parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z, parity_checks_xz,
-    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes, bivariate_bicycle_codes,
-    check_repr_commutation_relation
+    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes, check_repr_commutation_relation,
+    bivariate_bicycle_codes
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 807e4f9a8..9851d7585 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -238,19 +238,17 @@ julia> GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]));
 julia> x, y = gens(GA);
-julia> A = [x^3 , y^10 , y^17];
+julia> A = x^3 + y^10 + y^17;
-julia> B = [y^5 , x^3  , x^19];
+julia> B = y^5 + x^3  + x^19;
-julia> c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA);
+julia> c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B);
 julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
 (756, 16)
-function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::VectorGroupAlgebraElem, B::VectorGroupAlgebraElem, GA::FqFieldFinGenAbGroupElemGroupAlgebra)
-    a = sum(GA(x) for x in A)
-    b = sum(GA(x) for x in B)
-    c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(a,b)
+function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::GroupAlgebraElem, B::GroupAlgebraElem)
+    c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
     return c
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
index 6c22c8935..ecd0d7a68 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/types.jl
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ const FqFieldGroupAlgebraElemMatrix = Union{
-const VectorGroupAlgebraElem = Vector{GroupAlgebraElem{FqFieldElem, GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}}}
-const FqFieldFinGenAbGroupElemGroupAlgebra = GroupAlgebra{FqFieldElem, FinGenAbGroup, FinGenAbGroupElem}
 Compute the conjugate of a group algebra element.
 The conjugate is defined by inversing elements in the associated group.
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_base.jl b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
index 1884f4ce8..bfa759fe7 100644
--- a/test/test_ecc_base.jl
+++ b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using InteractiveUtils
 import Nemo: GF
 import LinearAlgebra
-import Hecke: group_algebra, abelian_group, gens, one
+import Hecke: group_algebra, abelian_group, gens
 # generate instances of all implemented codes to make sure nothing skips being checked
@@ -62,25 +62,25 @@ push!(other_lifted_product_codes, LPCode(A, B))
 l=6; m=6
 GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
-A = [x^3, y, y^2]
-B = [y^3, x, x^2]
-bb1 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+A = x^3 + y + y^2
+B = y^3 + x + x^2
+bb1 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
 # A [[90, 8, 10]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
 l=15; m=3
 GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
-A = [x^9   , y   , y^2]
-B = [one(x), x^2 , x^7]
-bb2 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+A = x^9 + y   + y^2
+B = 1   + x^2 + x^7
+bb2 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
 # A [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]  code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
 l=30; m=6
 GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
-A = [x^9 , y    ,  y^2]
-B = [y^3 , x^25 , x^26]
-bb3 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+A = x^9 + y    + y^2
+B = y^3 + x^25 + x^26
+bb3 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
 test_bb_codes = [bb1, bb2, bb3]
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
index cee31f642..670533b9e 100644
--- a/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
+++ b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
@@ -8,63 +8,63 @@
         l=6; m=6
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3, y, y^2]
-        B = [y^3, x, x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y + y^2
+        B = y^3 + x + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 12
         # [[90, 8, 10]]
         l=15; m=3
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^9   , y   , y^2]
-        B = [one(x), x^2 , x^7]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^9 + y   + y^2
+        B = 1   + x^2 + x^7
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[108, 8, 10]]
         l=9; m=6
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y , y^2]
-        B = [y^3 , x , x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y + y^2
+        B = y^3 + x + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 108 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[144, 12, 12]]
         l=12; m=6
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y , y^2]
-        B = [y^3 , x , x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y + y^2
+        B = y^3 + x + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 144 &&  code_k(c) == 12
         # [[288, 12, 12]]
         l=12; m=12
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y^2, y^7]
-        B = [y^3 , x  , x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y^2 + y^7
+        B = y^3 + x   + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 288 &&  code_k(c) == 12
         # [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]
         l=30; m=6
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^9 , y    ,  y^2]
-        B = [y^3 , x^25 , x^26]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^9 + y    + y^2
+        B = y^3 + x^25 + x^26
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 360 &&  code_k(c) == 12
         # [[756, 16, ≤ 34]]
         l=21; m=18
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y^10 , y^17]
-        B = [y^5 , x^3  , x^19]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y^10 + y^17
+        B = y^5 + x^3  + x^19
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 756 &&  code_k(c) == 16
@@ -73,45 +73,45 @@
         l=12; m=3
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^9   , y ,  y^2]
-        B = [one(x), x , x^11]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^9 + y + y^2
+        B = 1   + x + x^11
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[90, 8, 6]]
         l=9; m=5
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^8 , y^4 ,  y]
-        B = [y^5 , x^8 , x^7]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^8 + y^4 + y
+        B = y^5 + x^8 + x^7
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[120, 8, 8]]
         l=12; m=5
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^10  , y^4,   y]
-        B = [one(x), x  , x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^10 + y^4 + y
+        B = 1    + x   + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 120 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[150, 8, 8]]
         l=15; m=5
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^5 , y^2 , y^3]
-        B = [y^2 , x^7 , x^6]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^5 + y^2 + y^3
+        B = y^2 + x^7 + x^6
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[196, 12, 8]]
         l=14; m=7
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^6   , y^5 ,  y^6]
-        B = [one(x), x^4 , x^13]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^6 + y^5 + y^6
+        B = 1   + x^4 + x^13
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 196 &&  code_k(c) == 12
@@ -120,54 +120,54 @@
         l=3; m=9
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [one(x), y^2, y^4]
-        B = [y^3   , x  , x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = 1   + y^2 + y^4
+        B = y^3 + x   + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 54 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[98, 6, 12]]
         l=7; m=7
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y^5 , y^6]
-        B = [y^2 , x^3 , x^5]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y^5 + y^6
+        B = y^2 + x^3 + x^5
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 98 &&  code_k(c) == 6
         # [[126, 8, 10]]
         l=3; m=21
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [one(x), y^2, y^10]
-        B = [y^3   , x  ,  x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = 1   + y^2 + y^10
+        B = y^3 + x  +  x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 126 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[150, 16, 8]]
         l=5; m=15
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [one(x), y^6, y^8]
-        B = [y^5   , x  , x^4]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = 1   + y^6 + y^8
+        B = y^5 + x   + x^4
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 16
         # [[162, 8, 14]]
         l=3; m=27
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [one(x), y^10, y^14]
-        B = [y^12  , x   ,  x^2]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = 1    + y^10 + y^14
+        B = y^12 + x    + x^2
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 162 &&  code_k(c) == 8
         # [[180, 8, 16]]
         l=6; m=15
         GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
         x, y = gens(GA)
-        A = [x^3 , y   , y^2]
-        B = [y^6 , x^4 , x^5]
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B,GA)
+        A = x^3 + y   + y^2
+        B = y^6 + x^4 + x^5
+        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
         @test code_n(c) == 180 &&  code_k(c) == 8

From 3082dbd140ac2d0f7da4c220132cabea3b42d83f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fe-r-oz <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 11:58:16 +0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] further simplification

 .../QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl                |  3 +-
 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 71 ++++++++----------
 src/ecc/ECC.jl                                |  1 -
 src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl               |  3 -
 test/test_ecc_base.jl                         |  7 +-
 test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl  | 74 +++++++++----------
 6 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
index 99540362d..b8508ff66 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt.jl
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import Nemo: characteristic, matrix_repr, GF, ZZ, lift
 import QuantumClifford.ECC: AbstractECC, CSS, ClassicalCode,
     hgp, code_k, code_n, code_s, iscss, parity_checks, parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z, parity_checks_xz,
-    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes, check_repr_commutation_relation,
-    bivariate_bicycle_codes
+    two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes, check_repr_commutation_relation
diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 9851d7585..1a9f04bb3 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -175,7 +175,36 @@ julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
 (56, 28)
-See also: [`LPCode`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
+# Examples of 2BGA Code subfamilies
+Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct product
+of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the
+first and second cyclic groups, respectively.
+The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
+A [[756, 16, ≤ 34]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens; # hide
+julia> l=21; m=18;
+julia> GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]));
+julia> x, y = gens(GA);
+julia> A = x^3 + y^10 + y^17;
+julia> B = y^5 + x^3  + x^19;
+julia> c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B);
+julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
+(756, 16)
+See also: [`LPCode`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref).
 function two_block_group_algebra_codes(a::GroupAlgebraElem, b::GroupAlgebraElem)
     LPCode([a;;], [b;;])
@@ -186,7 +215,7 @@ Generalized bicycle codes, which are a special case of 2GBA codes (and therefore
 Here the group is chosen as the cyclic group of order `l`,
 and the base matrices `a` and `b` are the sum of the group algebra elements corresponding to the shifts `a_shifts` and `b_shifts`.
-See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
+See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`bicycle_codes`](@ref).
 A [[254, 28, 14 ≤ d ≤ 20]] code from (A1) in Appendix B of [panteleev2021degenerate](@cite).
@@ -209,46 +238,10 @@ Bicycle codes are a special case of generalized bicycle codes,
 where `a` and `b` are conjugate to each other.
 The order of the cyclic group is `l`, and the shifts `a_shifts` and `b_shifts` are reverse to each other.
-See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`bivariate_bicycle_codes`](@ref)
+See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref).
 """ # TODO doctest example
 function bicycle_codes(a_shifts::Array{Int}, l::Int)
     GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group(l))
     a = sum(GA[n÷l+1] for n in a_shifts)
     two_block_group_algebra_codes(a, group_algebra_conj(a))
-Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct product
-of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the
-first and second cyclic groups, respectively.
-The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
-See also: [`two_block_group_algebra_codes`](@ref), [`generalized_bicycle_codes`](@ref),
-[`bicycle_codes`](@ref), [`LPCode`](@ref)
-A [[756, 16, ≤ 34]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
-julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens; # hide
-julia> l=21; m=18;
-julia> GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]));
-julia> x, y = gens(GA);
-julia> A = x^3 + y^10 + y^17;
-julia> B = y^5 + x^3  + x^19;
-julia> c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B);
-julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
-(756, 16)
-function bivariate_bicycle_codes(A::GroupAlgebraElem, B::GroupAlgebraElem)
-    c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
-    return c
diff --git a/src/ecc/ECC.jl b/src/ecc/ECC.jl
index 2e236c09f..ff4444694 100644
--- a/src/ecc/ECC.jl
+++ b/src/ecc/ECC.jl
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ export parity_checks, parity_checks_x, parity_checks_z, iscss,
     Shor9, Steane7, Cleve8, Perfect5, Bitflip3,
     Toric, Gottesman, Surface, Concat, CircuitCode, QuantumReedMuller,
     LPCode, two_block_group_algebra_codes, generalized_bicycle_codes, bicycle_codes,
-    bivariate_bicycle_codes,
     random_brickwork_circuit_code, random_all_to_all_circuit_code,
     CommutationCheckECCSetup, NaiveSyndromeECCSetup, ShorSyndromeECCSetup,
diff --git a/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl b/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
index 955bc3ff5..338880702 100644
--- a/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/src/ecc/codes/lifted_product.jl
@@ -17,6 +17,3 @@ function generalized_bicycle_codes end
 """Implemented in a package extension with Hecke."""
 function bicycle_codes end
-"""Implemented in a package extension with Hecke."""
-function bivariate_bicycle_codes end
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_base.jl b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
index bfa759fe7..ca423aa25 100644
--- a/test/test_ecc_base.jl
+++ b/test/test_ecc_base.jl
@@ -58,13 +58,14 @@ A[LinearAlgebra.diagind(A, 5)] .= GA(1)
 B = reshape([1 + x + x^6], (1, 1))
 push!(other_lifted_product_codes, LPCode(A, B))
+# Bivariate Bicycle codes
 # A [[72, 12, 6]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
 l=6; m=6
 GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
 A = x^3 + y + y^2
 B = y^3 + x + x^2
-bb1 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
+bb1 = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
 # A [[90, 8, 10]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
 l=15; m=3
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
 A = x^9 + y   + y^2
 B = 1   + x^2 + x^7
-bb2 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
+bb2 = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
 # A [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]  code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
 l=30; m=6
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([l, m]))
 x, y = gens(GA)
 A = x^9 + y    + y^2
 B = y^3 + x^25 + x^26
-bb3 = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
+bb3 = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
 test_bb_codes = [bb1, bb2, bb3]
diff --git a/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
index 670533b9e..ffeac975a 100644
--- a/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
+++ b/test/test_ecc_bivaraite_bicycle_as_twobga.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 @testitem "ECC Bivaraite Bicycle as 2BGA" begin
     using Hecke
     using Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens, one
-    using QuantumClifford.ECC: bivariate_bicycle_codes, code_k, code_n
+    using QuantumClifford.ECC: two_block_group_algebra_codes, code_k, code_n
     @testset "Reproduce Table 3 bravyi2024high" begin
         # [[72, 12, 6]]
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y + y^2
         B = y^3 + x + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 72 && code_k(c) == 12
         # [[90, 8, 10]]
         l=15; m=3
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^9 + y   + y^2
         B = 1   + x^2 + x^7
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 90 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[108, 8, 10]]
         l=9; m=6
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y + y^2
         B = y^3 + x + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 108 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 108 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[144, 12, 12]]
         l=12; m=6
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y + y^2
         B = y^3 + x + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 144 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 144 && code_k(c) == 12
         # [[288, 12, 12]]
         l=12; m=12
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y^2 + y^7
         B = y^3 + x   + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 288 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 288 && code_k(c) == 12
         # [[360, 12, ≤ 24]]
         l=30; m=6
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^9 + y    + y^2
         B = y^3 + x^25 + x^26
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 360 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 360 && code_k(c) == 12
         # [[756, 16, ≤ 34]]
         l=21; m=18
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y^10 + y^17
         B = y^5 + x^3  + x^19
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 756 &&  code_k(c) == 16
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 756 && code_k(c) == 16
     @testset "Reproduce Table 1 berthusen2024toward" begin
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^9 + y + y^2
         B = 1   + x + x^11
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 72 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 72 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[90, 8, 6]]
         l=9; m=5
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^8 + y^4 + y
         B = y^5 + x^8 + x^7
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 90 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 90 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[120, 8, 8]]
         l=12; m=5
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^10 + y^4 + y
         B = 1    + x   + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 120 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 120 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[150, 8, 8]]
         l=15; m=5
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^5 + y^2 + y^3
         B = y^2 + x^7 + x^6
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 150 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[196, 12, 8]]
         l=14; m=7
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^6 + y^5 + y^6
         B = 1   + x^4 + x^13
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 196 &&  code_k(c) == 12
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 196 && code_k(c) == 12
     @testset "Reproduce Table 1 wang2024coprime" begin
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = 1   + y^2 + y^4
         B = y^3 + x   + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 54 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 54 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[98, 6, 12]]
         l=7; m=7
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y^5 + y^6
         B = y^2 + x^3 + x^5
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 98 &&  code_k(c) == 6
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 98 && code_k(c) == 6
         # [[126, 8, 10]]
         l=3; m=21
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = 1   + y^2 + y^10
         B = y^3 + x  +  x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 126 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 126 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[150, 16, 8]]
         l=5; m=15
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = 1   + y^6 + y^8
         B = y^5 + x   + x^4
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 150 &&  code_k(c) == 16
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 150 && code_k(c) == 16
         # [[162, 8, 14]]
         l=3; m=27
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = 1    + y^10 + y^14
         B = y^12 + x    + x^2
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 162 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 162 && code_k(c) == 8
         # [[180, 8, 16]]
         l=6; m=15
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
         x, y = gens(GA)
         A = x^3 + y   + y^2
         B = y^6 + x^4 + x^5
-        c = bivariate_bicycle_codes(A,B)
-        @test code_n(c) == 180 &&  code_k(c) == 8
+        c = two_block_group_algebra_codes(A,B)
+        @test code_n(c) == 180 && code_k(c) == 8

From 3f932143996fd928540bb6ada6efed1a6f6c85ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fe-r-oz <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 12:21:58 +0500
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] formatting fix: use code not Code

 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 1a9f04bb3..8c07be309 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
 (56, 28)
-# Examples of 2BGA Code subfamilies
+# Examples of 2BGA code subfamilies
 Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct product
 of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the

From 0e8c8fbf46c87eede517daf44b9b04ebd10a5514 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Krastanov <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 07:46:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] more consistent use of headers

 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 14 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 8c07be309..31e76bd05 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -150,14 +150,18 @@ code_n(c::LPCode) = size(c.repr(zero(c.GA)), 2) * (size(c.A, 2) * size(c.B, 1) +
 code_s(c::LPCode) = size(c.repr(zero(c.GA)), 1) * (size(c.A, 1) * size(c.B, 1) + size(c.A, 2) * size(c.B, 2))
-Two-block group algebra (2GBA) codes, which are a special case of lifted product codes
+Two-block group algebra (2BGA) codes, which are a special case of lifted product codes
 from two group algebra elements `a` and `b`, used as `1x1` base matrices.
+## Examples of 2BGA code subfamilies
+### [lin2024quantum](@cite)
 Here is an example of a [[56, 28, 2]] 2BGA code from Table 2 of [lin2024quantum](@cite)
 with direct product of `C₄ x C₂`.
-julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens;
+julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens
 julia> GA = group_algebra(GF(2), abelian_group([14,2]));
@@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ julia> code_n(c), code_k(c)
 (56, 28)
-# Examples of 2BGA code subfamilies
+### Bivariate Bicycle codes
 Bivariate Bicycle codes are a class of Abelian 2BGA codes formed by the direct product
 of two cyclic groups `ℤₗ × ℤₘ`. The parameters `l` and `m` represent the orders of the
@@ -183,10 +187,10 @@ first and second cyclic groups, respectively.
 The ECC Zoo has an [entry for this family](
-A [[756, 16, ≤ 34]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite).
+A [[756, 16, ≤ 34]] code from Table 3 of [bravyi2024high](@cite):
-julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens; # hide
+julia> import Hecke: group_algebra, GF, abelian_group, gens
 julia> l=21; m=18;

From 2f57c531dacd315c589f950ceaa7978b42814a9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Krastanov <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 07:50:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] maybe a more descriptive name, I do not know, I am not
 knowledgeable about this

 ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
index 31e76bd05..f67bf9d39 100644
--- a/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
+++ b/ext/QuantumCliffordHeckeExt/lifted_product.jl
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ from two group algebra elements `a` and `b`, used as `1x1` base matrices.
 ## Examples of 2BGA code subfamilies
-### [lin2024quantum](@cite)
+### `C₄ x C₂`
 Here is an example of a [[56, 28, 2]] 2BGA code from Table 2 of [lin2024quantum](@cite)
 with direct product of `C₄ x C₂`.