diff --git a/src/ecc/codes/group_presentation.jl b/src/ecc/codes/group_presentation.jl index d6d6fdb3b..2b7b8e7ce 100644 --- a/src/ecc/codes/group_presentation.jl +++ b/src/ecc/codes/group_presentation.jl @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Implemented as a package extension with Oscar. Check the [QuantumClifford docume function twobga_from_fp_group(args...) ext = Base.get_extension(QuantumClifford, :QuantumCliffordOscarExt) if isnothing(ext) - throw("The `twobga_from_fp_group` depends on the package `Oscar` but you have not installed or imported it yet. Immediately after you import `Oscar`, the `LiftedCode` will be available.") + throw("The `twobga_from_fp_group` depends on the package `Oscar` but you have not installed or imported it yet. Immediately after you import `Oscar`, the `twobga_from_fp_group` will be available.") end return ext.twobga_from_fp_group(args...) end