List of available configuration options.
- debug: True/False. Set whether in debug mode or not (Don't know what debug does though...?)
- dryrun: True/False. Doesn't actually submit jobs.
- address: Address of the glidein server, which keeps track of the global condor queue.
- uuid: The UUID of the glidein.
- site: Name of the site this config is for (ex. Cedar)
- delay: How long to wait before considering the next set of jobs; if should be run by cron, then use -1
- user: User under which jobs are being submitted.
- os: The name of the OS on the cluster (ex. RHEL6, Ubuntu_16.04).
- cvmfs: True/False. Whether the site has access to cvmfs or not.
- limit_per_submit: The max number of jobs that can be submitted at once.
- submit_command: Command used to submit jobs on this cluster (ex. condor_submit, sbatch...)
- mem_only: True/False. Set only mem requirement for PBS (default: False).
- vmem_only: True/False. Virtual memory only; applies to PBS-like clusters.
- set_gpu_req: True/False. Set gpus requirement for PBS (default: True).
- scheduler: Name of scheduler (ex. slurm, HTCondor, LSF...)
- walltime_hrs: Max number of hours to run as integer (may not be enforced)
- group_jobs: True/False. Submits multiple glideins with the same config.
- running_cmd: Command needed to determine number of jobs running (ex. squeue ...).
- partitions: ExamplePartition (Where ExamplePartition correspond to labelled section below). User-defined configurations included in this file.
- pmem_only: True/False. Physical memory; a compliment to vmem_only.
- pvmem: True/False. ???
- prioritize_jobs: Array of strings representing priorities in order of priority (ex. ["memory", "disk"])
- node_property: ???
- cleanup: True/False. Whether to cleanup after finishing or not.
- dir_cleanup: Absolute path to directory to clean.
- cpu_only: True/False. If only CPUs are used or not.
- gpu_only: True/False. If only GPUs are used or not.
- max_cpus_per_job: Max number of CPUs to use for each job.
- max_gpus_per_job: Max number of GPUs to use for each job.
- max_memory_per_job: Max number of Megabytes of memory to use for each job.
- max_disk_per_job: Max number of Megabytes of disk space to use per job.
- whole_node: True/False. Use a fixed size of resources.
- whole_node_cpus: The amount of CPUs for the glidein.
- whole_node_gpus: The amount of GPUs for the glidein.
- whole_node_memory: Number of Megabytes of memory for glidein.
- mem_per_core: Number of Megabytes of memory per allocated per core.
- whole_node_disk: Number of Megabytes of disk space.
- running_cmd: Command needed to determine number of jobs running.
- idle_cmd: Command needed to determine number of jobs idle.
- max_total_jobs: Number of total jobs in any state as integer.
- max_idle_jobs: Number of jobs that can be in idle state as integer.
- limit_per_submit: Number of jobs that can be submitted per run as integer.
- submit_command: Command to issue on submission.
- log: Absolute path to log file for submission.
- filename: The name of the submit file (ex. submit.pbs)
- env_wrapper_name: Name of the env_wrapper file to clean the environment (and sets variables).
- requirements: List of requirements for submission (ex. CUDACapability)
- executable: Absolute path to executable to be run.
- custom_middle: Custom extra line(s) needed for cluster.
- custom_end: Custom extra line(s) needed at the end of job.
- mem_scale: Conversion from KB to MB, because LSF scheduler uses KB values but we need MB by default.
- local_dir: Absolute path to temporary directory that will be used.
- gpu_submit: GPU request command.
- custom_header: To add something to the submit file BEFORE the automated entry (prefix on the submit file)
- ref_host: ???
- mem_safety_scale: ???
- enable_startd_checks: True/False. Enable or disable Startd monitoring checks.
- bucket: String. Name of S3 bucket
- send_startd_logs: True/False. Send Startd Logs to S3 endpoint
- url: String. URL of S3 endpoint.
- List custom environment variables here
- http_proxy: The address to a required proxy.
- SINGULARITY_BIN: The absolute path to singularity (for use in container configs)
- CONTAINER: The absolute path to the singularity image to use.
- GROUP: This corresponds to the Affiliation classad in the Condor job. This is for ranking ONLY. (ex. Alberta)