Homework for 01_advanced_basics
Taras Shevchenko
Directory tree | Contents |
src/ | source code |
tests/ | tests |
tests/log | samples for testing needs |
requirements.txt | requirements |
LICENSE | license |
README | this file |
The minimum requirement is python 2.7
No external packages are needed
At first we should go to src/
$cd src
Then she script can be run with the one of the next lines:
$python log_analyzer.py
$python log_analyzer.py -c 'extconfig.json'
$python log_analyzer.py --config 'extconfig.json'
If we do not specify an external configuration file - is taken by default as 'config.json'
The config for a job is the merged version of both - internal and external configs with precedence for external
config.json is:
{ "REPORT_SIZE": 2000, # max number of lines to report sorted by time_sum
"REPORT_DIR": "./reports", # directory for reports
"LOG_DIR": "./log", # directory for logs for parsing
"LOG_FILE": "./analyzer.log", # log file with messages about a job
"TS_FILE": "./log_analyser.ts" # file with timestamps }
Tests can be run from command line with
python -m unittest discover -s . -p test_analyzer.py -t .