This Django website aims to simulate a patient on a ventilator.
Design specification for the simulation are here and for the PIRCS/PIRDS endpoints here.
This is a vanilla Django website which includes good support for running the site on your local machine.
Simply clone the repo, create a python "environment", install dependancies, create a superuser with these commands:
cd [working folder]
git clone [repo]
cd [project folder]
# create and activate venv
python3 -m venv ventosapivenv
source ventosapivenv/bin/activate
# install dependancies and create superuser (follow prompts)
pipenv install
./ createsuperuser
# install pandas and matplotlib
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
pip install pynverse
Then to run a local server:
./ runserver
This will make the admin visible here:
In order to run this application as a web service, for our own personal ease and to reuse an existing site, we are currently only deploying the main module.
Erich is currently doing this by rsyncing files with server and vica versa:
rsync -au /home/erich/ventos_api/main erich@drop1:/home/erich/accord1
rsync -au erich@drop1:/home/erich/accord1/main /home/erich/ventos_api
Then a restart of the gunicorn and nginx service:
The endpoints are visible at this temporary home: