cpp/sdl2 bootstrap project structure and files, to clone and start coding
.1 Fetch this repository files
git --git-dir=/dev/null clone --depth=1 [email protected]:PuKoren/bootstrap-cpp-sdl2.git my-new-project
.2 Init the files you fetched (project name) Replace project_name by your desired binary name (no spaces)
make init NAME=project_name
.3 Git init your project and set remote URL
git init
git remote set-url origin {repo_url}
.4 Push to your repo
git push
.5 Build & run Open the project in your favorite IDE or use the provided Makefile
make build
make run
.6 Start coding
Go to src/Application.cpp
and add your logic
make build
make release
make run
make lint
make format
make tests
Intermediate image to develop will be around 280MB
docker build -t myContainer .
docker run --user `id -u` -v `pwd`:/project myContainer make build
docker run --user `id -u` -v `pwd`:/project myContainer make tests
docker run --user `id -u` -v `pwd`:/project myContainer make release
make lint is not supported yet as Alpine don't have clang-tidy binary in packages yet
sudo pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf
Used for linting and unit tests
sudo pacman -S clang-tools-extra cppunit