diff --git a/html/changelog.html b/html/changelog.html
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+++ b/html/changelog.html
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06 May 2020
EdgeLordExe updated:
+ - Nitroglycerin : You now have to use exotic stabilizer.
+ - TaTP : The more you use it, the more powerful it becomes. You now have to stabilize it with exotic stabilizer
+ - RDX : produces slightly bigger heatwave and slightly bigger shockwave. Now requires gold.
+ - Gunpowder : strengthdiv 8 - > 10 (nerf), modifier 2 - > 5 (buff).
+ - Methamphetamine : strengthdiv 6 -> 12 (nerf), modifier 1 - > 5 (buff).
+ - Moved some power from facid to nitric acid.
+ - Hyper-plasmium oxide can be commonly found in lavaland geysers
+ - Exotic stabilizer can now be crafted with hyper-plasmium oxide and stabilizing agent
03 May 2020
ATHATH updated:
+ - The cortex folding and cortex imprint surgeries now check the BIOWARE_CORTEX slot (which is where they actually install their corresponding pieces of bioware) for competing pieces of bioware instead of the BIOWARE_LIGAMENTS slot, as almost certainly intended.
Cartographer-D updated:
+ - New Prison wing for MetaStation!
+ - Visitation room for MetaStation Perma
+ - Incorporates Box Perma balances for MetaStation
DeltaFire15 updated:
+ - exo-locomotion nanites now work again
EgorDinamit updated:
+ - Policy config for cybersun ship ruin is now the only text you will see when you spawn as its crew.
Iamgoofball updated:
+ - The Bogdanoffs have upgraded CRAB-17. You can't escape the dump.
Koshenko updated:
Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Clusters of shrapnel mines will no longer kill the server when set off together.
+ - Shooting over landmines will no longer trigger them
+ - security crates briefly required forensics access instead of proper security access, this has been fixed
+ - Buckshot shells no longer disappear into the void after being fired
+ - Priming shrapnel grenades and then dropping them will no longer exempt you from being shredded by the shrapnel, nor will using shrapnel grenades on explosive lances
+ - Armor penetration works again! Oops!! Turns out that's been broken for a bit
Vondiech (Thank Quantum-M for the sprites) updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has decided to provide the station with tables from their Sunset-Station branch
bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Fixed unstyled messages potentially causing null reference exceptions in runechat.
+ - Fixed a client's qdeletion causing runtimes on chat messages they see.
nemvar updated:
+ - Fixed a bug that caused the hierophant to ignore all armor.
qustinnus updated:
+ - you can craft meat chairs again thank god man i was pretty shocked ngl
uomo91 updated:
+ - Fixed some things with signs, and you can now uncommonly find fountain pens in maint.
02 May 2020
Fikou updated:
+ - you can no longer privately pay for stuff with departmental budgets and cant withdraw money, just deposit
RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Med records populate full from your quirk list
Timberpoes updated:
+ - Due to a need to lower manufacturing costs, all space suits are now made of inferior thermal material and no longer maintain the wearer's temperature indefinitely after their cells run out of charge.
jdawg1290 updated:
+ - canister exports should no longer runtime
willox updated:
+ - borg examine text describing hotkeys now always shows on non-broken doors/portable-turrets
+ - cleans up some accidents around the & operator
+ - Plastic spoons can now break when hitting things
+ - Plastic spoons/forks breaking now shows the correct name of whoever broke them
01 May 2020
ATHATH updated:
+ - Macrobomb implants now have a weak explosion radius of 20 (up from 16).
+ - Macrobomb implants will now no longer refuse to implant themselves in someone that already has a macrobomb implant, and instead will add their stats to that existing macrobomb implant, as they would to a microbomb implant.
Fikou updated:
+ - gorilla cubes, gorilla injector and dna gun are now geneticist and rd uplink items, rather than geneticist and cmo
Ghilker updated:
+ - Canister frames helper descriptions fix
LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - fixes a runtime in the rsf
Niknakflak updated:
+ - Added two new pAIs to BoxStation
RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Foreigner Quirk - Removes Galactic Common
+ - Galactic Uncommon - Given to Human and Felinid foreigners
+ - Inverted Galactic Common sprite for Galactic Uncommon
+ - Quirks sort into medical records rather than just dumping into notes.
+ - Non-human/felinid Foreigners don't get Galuncom
Skoglol updated:
+ - Added a few new smites.
Twaticus updated:
+ - Resprites for existing area icons
+ - Various new area icons
nightred updated:
+ - shivering symptom will now trigger
senjx updated:
+ - MA Arms Inc. has initiated a product recall of all compact combat shotguns due to faulty internal magazines that cause the weapon to explode after firing. Unfortunately, all of the weapons in our stock have already exploded. We're not going to acquire any replacements.
30 April 2020
Goonstation Coders, Beestation, Extools devs updated:
+ - Explosions have been heavily optimized.
actioninja updated:
+ - Auto fit viewport is now the default, and everyone's setting for this has been reset to the default. If you don't know what this means, it's safe to ignore.
29 April 2020
Cenrus updated:
+ - right pews are no longer left pews.
MrDoomBringer with some code stolen from itseasytosee updated:
+ - added the Airlock Authentication Override Card. Use it to open airlocks!
+ - added Syndicate Jaws of Life to the nuke op uplink. Use it in it's crowbar configuration to open as many doors as you'd like!
+ - The cryptographic sequencer can no longer open airlocks :(
RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Lizards now pronounce x's as "kss"
qustinnus updated:
+ - Nerfs the cybersun hardsuit and moves it out of the uplink
uomo91 updated:
+ - You can now craft plaques using gold in hand, and with a fountain pen can engrave a title and description on them. They can be mounted on walls. No good deed shall ever go forgotten now.
+ - Refactored signs heavily. A bunch of sign types previously left out of using a pen on a sign to change it are now included. They're also sorted sensibly now. You can no longer change sign types that shouldn't be changeable (guidance signs, maps, etc)
+ - Signs (and plaques) can now be repaired with a welder.
+ - Signs placed on walls now are only placed on one side of that wall, and are not visible through the wall.
willox updated:
+ - Shaved Mohawk hair-style is now available
+ - deleted redundant "Drill Hair" icon
+ - deleted redundant "Drill Hair" hair-style
28 April 2020
Couls updated:
+ - more islamic prefixes
+ - end of ramadan now follows the islamic calendar
MrDoomBringer updated:
+ - More toys are available from the Autolathe's contraband selection.
stylemistake updated:
+ - Yet another Canister UI rework. But this time, it's perfection.
zxaber updated:
+ - A syndicate cyborg monitor program for modular computers, showing the status of syndicate borgs, is now available from syndicate repositories.
+ - Clients that send a message to a borg using either of the monitor programs will now have it logged under Comms_Log, the same place as PDA logging is located.
27 April 2020
ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Plants above 60 instability with no new mutations will no longer halve their instability if they would otherwise mutate.
Ghilker updated:
+ - Added electrolite components
+ - Added electrolite components to the node tree
+ - changed the electrolyzer circuit board to use 2 electrolite, 2 capacitors, 5 cable coils and 1 glass sheet
+ - reduced h2 gas export gain
+ - Added electrolites sprites (Thanks Trollbreeder!)
+ - Changed the H2 canister sprite
Mickyan updated:
+ - Added descriptions to the curator's hero bundles
Vondiech updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has overhauled Boxstations pipe-grid blueprint, and has so far found that Atmospheric Technicians & Station Engineers has had a decrease in deaths caused by extreme mental exhaustion.
actioninja updated:
+ - traitor uplink works properly in compact mode
stylemistake updated:
+ - Fixed lighting on Camera Console
+ - Fixed lighting on Spy Bug (spy glasses in detective's spy glass kit)
willox updated:
+ - phobias use less regular expressions and don't instantiate them all the time
26 April 2020
Arkatos updated:
+ - Fixed an issue where dextrous guardians lacked some of their HUD elements.
EdgeLordExe updated:
+ - Penthite now can extend your life span or something. Scientists warned me not to mix it with epinephrine or atropine, noone is allowed to tell me what to not do!
Iamgoofball updated:
+ - demos are gone, they were super duper laggy for little gain
RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Snake phobia now includes snake plushie
+ - Lizard phobia now includes lizard shoes, lizard boots
+ - Strangers phobia triggers have been expanded
+ - Heard phobia words no longer drop out
+ - Phobia words can show up multiple times within a phrase
TheSilverNuke updated:
+ - moved AI APC's inside the windoor areas
bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Added a new chat message overlay system; now you can see all those wacky messages people are shouting at you with ease! Welcome to the Runechat era.
itseasytosee updated:
+ - The honk mother is displeased. Clowns must wear their shoes in order to slip people lying down.
25 April 2020
Archanial updated:
+ - Operation computers only recognize humans or monkeys as patients.
Arkatos and actioninja updated:
+ - RCD Access Control now uses tgui.
+ - RCDs are now able to set unrestricted directional access for a newly built airlocks.
Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Meta Cargo Mining's APC is actually wired
+ - More small fixes for Meta Cargo
Ghilker updated:
+ - New frame subtype (tier 3)
+ - Added the ability to deconstruct the canisters (receive items back)
+ - Changed the way canisters are made
+ - Added canister frame tier 0 sprite
LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Fixes teslas not containing properly sometimes
+ - Maybe makes tesla coil power output more sane, not totally sure myself
+ - Refactored tesla code a bit
+ - RSF's now have a radial menu
+ - You can now kill yourself by dispensing cookies
+ - RSF's are now modular
+ - Subtypes of RSFs can now have sublists. Hope it's helpful.
SomeoneYouProbablyKnow updated:
+ - The detective now has all his extra clothes in a vendor and not their locker.
stylemistake updated:
+ - Fixed Malf AI module picker, you can now buy modules.
uomo91 updated:
+ - Felinids now "pounce" instead of "leap" and "tackle" when using gripper gloves.
24 April 2020
ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Railings can now be crafted with metal rods, and deconstructed with wirecutters when unwrenched.
+ - Railings can now be rotated with Alt Click.
Archanial updated:
+ - Cult stun no longer stuns mindshielded personnel. Instead it makes them drop items they are currently holding, applies a dizziness effect and does some stamina damage.
Fikou updated:
+ - you can now craft an improvised pickaxe with a crowbar, a knife and some sticky tape
+ - the jackhammer is now bulky instead of huge
+ - some clothing recipes are now in clothing category
Fikou, Onule updated:
Qustinnus updated:
+ - PKA now gets exp and benefits of/for the mining skill again
RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Quirky Fans can now identify clown/mime pins on-sight
+ - Fan pins no longer show over exosuits
+ - Clown, Mime, and Tiki masks now use radial menus
TheVekter updated:
+ - The Xenobiology department on Metastation has been revamped with a better cold room and an extra slime pen.
willox updated:
+ - Beat cop in families now spawn with a cop dufflebag
+ - box of beanbags now has its correct icon instead of a generic box
+ - Shambler's Vendor now has correctly coloured ominous glow
+ - serving trays are no longer hidden from the autolathe
+ - removed some instances of duplicate variables being defined in types
+ - cargo exports no longer include subtypes when they shouldn't
zxaber updated:
+ - Cyborgs can no longer be synced to an AI on another Z level (except if both Z levels are part of the station as would be the case for multi-Z stations).
23 April 2020
ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Non-sheet items can no longer be sold for their worth in materials.
+ - Added logging to the most common interactions for economy.
Arkatos updated:
+ - Papersacks now use a radial menu to choose their skins.
+ - Dominate is now a cursor-guided spell.
+ - Abyssal Gaze is now a cursor-guided spell.
+ - Pointed spells now have aim assist. If there is a single valid target on a turf user has clicked on, the spell will be automatically redirected to the valid target.
+ - Nullrod variants are now chosen via a radial menu. Fancy!
+ - Cardboard cutouts now use a radial menu to choose their skins.
Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Fixed several issues with the new cargo layout.
+ - Maintenance will not be depressurized above cargo on MetaStation
EOBGames (Inept) updated:
+ - Rich captains can now hire out the NTSS Independence, a swanky cruise shuttle, to make their next evacuation cheerier!
EgorDinamit updated:
+ - captain's empty sleeper, on cybersun ship space ruin, cannot be deconstructed with a wrench now.
Fikou updated:
+ - you can make honeybuns again
+ - goliath saddle has a better sprite
+ - You can no longer gottie people with 200 hands on the ground
Fikou, actioninja, /vg/ spriters (deitylink??) updated:
+ - cult structures use radials
+ - new sprites for cult constructs, stuff relating to them and new narsie sprites, taken from /vg/
Iamgoofball updated:
+ - Removed the recipe for Metalgen.
+ - Fixes saving the Spacecoin Market with the cargo shuttle.
Qustinnus updated:
+ - removes useless bitflag for RnD code
That REALLY Good Soda Flavor updated:
+ - Fix Ramadan so it won't be a week off anymore.
+ - Replaced Hebrew calendar datum with a more generic foreign calendar datum. New calendar types can easily be added.
Thunder12345 and Fikou and spookydonut updated:
+ - Scalpels and surgical drills can be used to eye stab.
Twaticus & Fikou updated:
+ - 4 new stamps! centcom, syndicate, mime and chaplain
+ - chaplain bedsheet, wash a chaplain stamp with a bedsheet to get it
+ - new stamp sprites by Twaticus
bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Cleaned up ninja suit code
nauticalfellow updated:
+ - fixed clown op leaders getting two declare war buttons
tralezab updated:
+ - tableslam now crits in three hits instead of two
uomo91 updated:
+ - Changes "thats" to "that's" on some descriptions of pickaxes.
21 April 2020
ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Botanical Toolbelts can now be made at the biogenerator, and holds most botanical tools.
+ - The Floral Somatoray has been given a new, 3rd mode, able to mutate plant species.
+ - Using a Somatoray on a tray enables you to lock in a specific mutation if a plant has multiple mutations, at the cost of plant endurance.
+ - Plant Analyzers now have a toggle-able mode to scan either the chemical traits or the plant stats, to cut down on chat spam.
+ - Plant Trays and dirt patches now start with 10 units of EZ Nutrient.
+ - Mutagen has been made slightly less toxic overall.
+ - Plant trays now passively decrease their toxicity based on the tray's parts, without randomness.
+ - Science goggles, or any other reagent scanning equipment will enable you to see plant reagent traits on examine.
+ - Instability now affects plants with lower instability tiers. (100 instability would have the effects of the 20, 40, 60,and 80+ instability tiers).
+ - Irrigation now works properly again.
+ - Plant trays with full nutrient tanks can be watered again.
Arkatos updated:
+ - Radial menu options will now always be clearly visible to the user.
Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Completely New Cargo Layout
+ - The Small Security Room by the Vault has been replaced with Maintenance
+ - Crate Returns are now easier to find and use
+ - Tool Storage is smaller but more interesting!
+ - The Mail Room and Offices have been combined
+ - Cargo Warehouse is now more prominent and easier to break into
+ - MULEs now have their own isolated room.
+ - There are now easier ways to mail "packages" to departments
Ghilker updated:
+ - Added H2 gas
+ - Added H2 gas burn (reaction with o2, similar to tritium but without the radiations)
+ - Added Electrolyzer (machine to make H2, requires power cell, once turned on and with h2o in the air will start converting it to h2 and o2 with the reaction 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2. Upgrading the parts will increase the amount of converted H2O and the efficency of the cell)
+ - Added H2 interaction with SM (similar to trit, less radiation emission, same heat production and a bit of heat protection)
+ - H2 reaction with N2 to make ammonia crystals (reaction in open air to make the crystals, temperatures between 0 °C and - 120° C, more N2 than H2)
+ - H2 reaction with bz as catalyst at high heat and pressure (over 1e6 for both) to make metal hydrogen
+ - metallic hydrogen golem (one of endish atmosian goal)
+ - changed fusion to use h2 instead of co2, everything else is still the same
+ - plasma burn now produces h2o too (a quarter of the produced co2)
+ - H2O vapor now slip under 30 °C so that plasma fires are not hellish
+ - added electrolyzer sprites (reuse of some unused ones)
+ - added ammonia crystals sprites remove: fusion no longer generate stim and nitryl
Toastgoats updated:
+ - Nanotrasen's current stock of Buckin' Bronco© applejack liquor has been recalled after studies showed trace amounts of horse meat.
+ - Buckin Bronco Brewing Co has recently announced the release of a new and improved recipe! Be sure to try some at your local Nanotrasen bar!
stylemistake updated:
+ - tgui 3.0
+ - tgui: Fixed the personal crafting interface.
20 April 2020
Capsandi updated:
+ - You can now use metal rods to retract skin during surgery if you are that desperate
+ - forks are now viable alternatives to surgical instruments when extracting organs and implants
Fikou updated:
+ - You can now make shuttle seats with titanium.
Ghilker updated:
+ - Added heat and pressure limit to portable pumps and scrubbers
+ - changed the damage calculation from a max() to a clamp() between 5 and 50
+ - reduced max pressure output of t3 canisters to the same as t2
Mickyan updated:
+ - Fixed botanists dropping their heirlooms on the ground. Plant bag is no longer a heirloom option.
Onule updated:
+ - Recent changes in the manufacture of titanium sheets introduces a fresh new look! Expect your shuttles to look different.
Qustinnus updated:
+ - carps now dont look for 9 tiles around them every process to locate a single piece of plastic that they can only interact with if they're next to it. They're also able to see plastic under them, such advanced creatures.
Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Added AUTO_DEADMIN_TIMEGATE which allows config force deadmin settings to only apply for the first X seconds in a round. Starts disabled
+ - New preference to ignore being summoned as a cult ghost while admin'd, starts disabled
Timberpoes updated:
+ - Enabled new button allowing observers the ability to see chemicals and reagents identical to the health analyzer's chem scan functionality.
+ - Laptops can now utilise the AI Restorer program.
bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Peacekeeper cyborgs have had an update to their firmware which corrects dampening fields remaining active after severe damage or death.
ominousgrace updated:
+ - Mad Scientist Wormhole Projector no longer requires an anomaly core.
tralezab updated:
+ - new secrets button, anonymous names (roundstart required)
+ - things are a bit cleaner in the AI Triumvirate code
19 April 2020
EgorDinamit updated:
+ - Cybersun hardsuit added to traitors(14TC) and nuke ops(8TC) uplinks.
+ - Adds and replaces a few items on the ship, such as firing pins, materials and encryption keys.
+ - Cost and weight values of most space ruins changed.
+ - Cybersun hardsuit armour values increased.
+ - Syndicate ship ruin turrets armour and rate of fire changed.
+ - Empty sleeper, that emits GPS signal is now indestructible.
+ - Adds config to edit "important_info" for both, crewmembers and captain of forgotten ship ruin.
ShizCalev updated:
+ - Food can no longer be grilled repeatedly to the point of breaking their name with an endless string.
18 April 2020
Akrilla updated:
+ - Equipment swapping, defaulted to V. Allows you to equip items while swapping out what you're already wearing after a small delay.
AnturK updated:
Arkatos updated:
+ - Fixed an issue where Artificer spell icon was invisible.
Dennok updated:
+ - Hub layer related coloring
FloranOtten updated:
+ - Deadminned themselves.
Ghilker updated:
+ - Added 3 tiers to the canisters
+ - added canister frames (also tiered)
+ - canisters rupture if there is too much pressure or heat inside (higher tiers have higher thresholds)
+ - added images for frames and overlays
+ - N2O formation reaction (n2 + o2 + bz as catalyst + cold = n2o)
+ - N2O toxic behaviour (if you inhale it you can die in your sleep) changed: NO2 Formation reaction (n2 + o2 + bz + heat = no2)
LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Fixes bolt colors being jank when exposed to high and then low power
+ - The h2o interactions have been polished and readded. Fucking global variables.
Mickyan updated:
+ - Being at the epicenter of explosions no longer damage the contents of storage that is meant to prevent it (most commonly photos inside photo albums)
TheVekter updated:
+ - Anomalies should no longer spawn at the toxins testing range.
+ - Added an R&D console to the Research Director's office on Meta, Pubby, Box, Delta, and Donut.
+ - The CMO should now have a stamp in their office on Metastation
Thunder12345 updated:
+ - Cryo syringes and cryo shotgun darts have been removed from the game
Vondiech updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has decided to re-draw boxstations powergrid blueprint to make it easier to work with, for both the engineers they employ on the station and the engineers who they employ to maintain and work on their blueprints.
actioninja updated:
+ - Tweaked the flashbang ear ring which is used in a few places to be less close to actual tinnitus
17 April 2020
ArcaneMusic updated:
- Crew can now download the Shipping Scanner app, allowing them to print barcodes, identically to a sales tagger.
@@ -1318,80 +1950,6 @@ zxaber updated:
- Fixed drones not being equip-able as hats.
- Fixed pAIs returning to card form when being held or on someone's head leaving a phantom chassis behind.
04 March 2020
ArcaneDefence updated:
- - Head revolutionaries will find that the flashes provided to them by the Syndicate now fit in security webbing and belts. Convenient!
ArcaneDefence for the fucking bughunting/brainstorming updated:
- - Fixes slime wizards being able to reset their spells from anywhere
- - Removes slime people from the wizard mirror.
ArcaneMusic updated:
- - Evidence Bags can no longer hold items that store other items.
- - You can once again use another ID on help intent to purchase an item contained within a vend-a-tray, as intended.
Arkatos updated:
- - Malfuntion tab is gone, all its remaining verbs were either converted to action buttons or removed completely.
- - Removing traitor status from AI now correctly removes all of its malfunction abilities.
Cobby updated:
- - Removes passive charging from defib mounts, allows them to be built roundstart.
- - Adds PENLITE defib mount, which charges. No techweb changes.
Dennok updated:
- - Parallax shows planets and asteroids properly when you use remote vision.
- - Nanotrasen engineering department calibrate nanite deploying system. Now Bluespace Artillery dont shifts on 2 meters on deploy.
Fikou updated:
- - nanotrasen private officers now have nanotrasen hud icons
NecromancerAnne updated:
- - Sleeping Carp costs 17tc again.
- - Sleeping Carp users are distinctly worse against sources of burn damage, except the cold.
- - Sleeping Carp users are extremely vulnerable to being cooked.
Ryll/Shaps updated:
- - Harmful embedded objects will no longer "stick to people" in descriptions, and will look "embedded in" as they should be.
Tharcoonvagh updated:
- - new shoulder holster sprite!
actioninja updated:
- - Glowing overlays no longer render above everything, and mobs and items properly block them
- - Random icons won't inexplicably duplicate everywhere, as vis overlays won't inherit the plane of their parent anymore.
cacogen updated:
- - Fixes a few small map errors, mainly on BoxStation
nightred updated:
- - Created two_handed component
- - Updated all existing two handed items to use the new component
- - fixed vendor hacking related tgui issue
- - random 0 in the tgui on the off station vending machines
- - the captains pirate hat is now named properly
zxaber updated:
- - Ash Walker flavor text now allows invasions again, though prohibiting mass destruction.
- - Ash Walkers can no longer pilot mechs.
- - Ash Walkers now get only one life per player. However, each sacrifice has a 40% chance to give a bonus spawn (limit of one at a time).
- - Dead/incapacitated Ash Walkers that are moved to the nest will be given a new body after a few seconds. This does not require an extra spawn, but also does not count as a sacrifice. Ash Walker bodies without a ghost (should the player have moved on to a new spawner) will be sacrificed as normal.
- - Borgs being gibbed by the Ash Walker tendril will no longer count as a sacrifice, as they do not actually have blood.
GoonStation 13 Development Team
@@ -1405,2035 +1963,3 @@ zxaber updated: