+ Traditional Games Space Station 13
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+ Thanks to: Baystation 12, /vg/station, NTstation, CDK Station devs, FacepunchStation, GoonStation devs, the original Space Station 13 developers, Invisty for the title image and the countless others who have contributed to the game, issue tracker or wiki over the years.
+ Have a bug to report? Visit our Issue Tracker.
+ Please search first to ensure that the bug has not already been reported.
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+ 03 May 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - The cortex folding and cortex imprint surgeries now check the BIOWARE_CORTEX slot (which is where they actually install their corresponding pieces of bioware) for competing pieces of bioware instead of the BIOWARE_LIGAMENTS slot, as almost certainly intended.
+ Cartographer-D updated:
+ - New Prison wing for MetaStation!
+ - Visitation room for MetaStation Perma
+ - Incorporates Box Perma balances for MetaStation
+ DeltaFire15 updated:
+ - exo-locomotion nanites now work again
+ EgorDinamit updated:
+ - Policy config for cybersun ship ruin is now the only text you will see when you spawn as its crew.
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - The Bogdanoffs have upgraded CRAB-17. You can't escape the dump.
+ Koshenko updated:
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Clusters of shrapnel mines will no longer kill the server when set off together.
+ - Shooting over landmines will no longer trigger them
+ - security crates briefly required forensics access instead of proper security access, this has been fixed
+ - Buckshot shells no longer disappear into the void after being fired
+ - Priming shrapnel grenades and then dropping them will no longer exempt you from being shredded by the shrapnel, nor will using shrapnel grenades on explosive lances
+ - Armor penetration works again! Oops!! Turns out that's been broken for a bit
+ Vondiech (Thank Quantum-M for the sprites) updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has decided to provide the station with tables from their Sunset-Station branch
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Fixed unstyled messages potentially causing null reference exceptions in runechat.
+ - Fixed a client's qdeletion causing runtimes on chat messages they see.
+ nemvar updated:
+ - Fixed a bug that caused the hierophant to ignore all armor.
+ qustinnus updated:
+ - you can craft meat chairs again thank god man i was pretty shocked ngl
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - Fixed some things with signs, and you can now uncommonly find fountain pens in maint.
+ 02 May 2020
+ Fikou updated:
+ - you can no longer privately pay for stuff with departmental budgets and cant withdraw money, just deposit
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Med records populate full from your quirk list
+ Timberpoes updated:
+ - Due to a need to lower manufacturing costs, all space suits are now made of inferior thermal material and no longer maintain the wearer's temperature indefinitely after their cells run out of charge.
+ jdawg1290 updated:
+ - canister exports should no longer runtime
+ willox updated:
+ - borg examine text describing hotkeys now always shows on non-broken doors/portable-turrets
+ - cleans up some accidents around the & operator
+ - Plastic spoons can now break when hitting things
+ - Plastic spoons/forks breaking now shows the correct name of whoever broke them
+ 01 May 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - Macrobomb implants now have a weak explosion radius of 20 (up from 16).
+ - Macrobomb implants will now no longer refuse to implant themselves in someone that already has a macrobomb implant, and instead will add their stats to that existing macrobomb implant, as they would to a microbomb implant.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - gorilla cubes, gorilla injector and dna gun are now geneticist and rd uplink items, rather than geneticist and cmo
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Canister frames helper descriptions fix
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - fixes a runtime in the rsf
+ Niknakflak updated:
+ - Added two new pAIs to BoxStation
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Foreigner Quirk - Removes Galactic Common
+ - Galactic Uncommon - Given to Human and Felinid foreigners
+ - Inverted Galactic Common sprite for Galactic Uncommon
+ - Quirks sort into medical records rather than just dumping into notes.
+ - Non-human/felinid Foreigners don't get Galuncom
+ Skoglol updated:
+ - Added a few new smites.
+ Twaticus updated:
+ - Resprites for existing area icons
+ - Various new area icons
+ nightred updated:
+ - shivering symptom will now trigger
+ senjx updated:
+ - MA Arms Inc. has initiated a product recall of all compact combat shotguns due to faulty internal magazines that cause the weapon to explode after firing. Unfortunately, all of the weapons in our stock have already exploded. We're not going to acquire any replacements.
+ 30 April 2020
+ Goonstation Coders, Beestation, Extools devs updated:
+ - Explosions have been heavily optimized.
+ actioninja updated:
+ - Auto fit viewport is now the default, and everyone's setting for this has been reset to the default. If you don't know what this means, it's safe to ignore.
+ 29 April 2020
+ Cenrus updated:
+ - right pews are no longer left pews.
+ MrDoomBringer with some code stolen from itseasytosee updated:
+ - added the Airlock Authentication Override Card. Use it to open airlocks!
+ - added Syndicate Jaws of Life to the nuke op uplink. Use it in it's crowbar configuration to open as many doors as you'd like!
+ - The cryptographic sequencer can no longer open airlocks :(
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Lizards now pronounce x's as "kss"
+ qustinnus updated:
+ - Nerfs the cybersun hardsuit and moves it out of the uplink
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - You can now craft plaques using gold in hand, and with a fountain pen can engrave a title and description on them. They can be mounted on walls. No good deed shall ever go forgotten now.
+ - Refactored signs heavily. A bunch of sign types previously left out of using a pen on a sign to change it are now included. They're also sorted sensibly now. You can no longer change sign types that shouldn't be changeable (guidance signs, maps, etc)
+ - Signs (and plaques) can now be repaired with a welder.
+ - Signs placed on walls now are only placed on one side of that wall, and are not visible through the wall.
+ willox updated:
+ - Shaved Mohawk hair-style is now available
+ - deleted redundant "Drill Hair" icon
+ - deleted redundant "Drill Hair" hair-style
+ 28 April 2020
+ Couls updated:
+ - more islamic prefixes
+ - end of ramadan now follows the islamic calendar
+ MrDoomBringer updated:
+ - More toys are available from the Autolathe's contraband selection.
+ stylemistake updated:
+ - Yet another Canister UI rework. But this time, it's perfection.
+ zxaber updated:
+ - A syndicate cyborg monitor program for modular computers, showing the status of syndicate borgs, is now available from syndicate repositories.
+ - Clients that send a message to a borg using either of the monitor programs will now have it logged under Comms_Log, the same place as PDA logging is located.
+ 27 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Plants above 60 instability with no new mutations will no longer halve their instability if they would otherwise mutate.
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added electrolite components
+ - Added electrolite components to the node tree
+ - changed the electrolyzer circuit board to use 2 electrolite, 2 capacitors, 5 cable coils and 1 glass sheet
+ - reduced h2 gas export gain
+ - Added electrolites sprites (Thanks Trollbreeder!)
+ - Changed the H2 canister sprite
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Added descriptions to the curator's hero bundles
+ Vondiech updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has overhauled Boxstations pipe-grid blueprint, and has so far found that Atmospheric Technicians & Station Engineers has had a decrease in deaths caused by extreme mental exhaustion.
+ actioninja updated:
+ - traitor uplink works properly in compact mode
+ stylemistake updated:
+ - Fixed lighting on Camera Console
+ - Fixed lighting on Spy Bug (spy glasses in detective's spy glass kit)
+ willox updated:
+ - phobias use less regular expressions and don't instantiate them all the time
+ 26 April 2020
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Fixed an issue where dextrous guardians lacked some of their HUD elements.
+ EdgeLordExe updated:
+ - Penthite now can extend your life span or something. Scientists warned me not to mix it with epinephrine or atropine, noone is allowed to tell me what to not do!
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - demos are gone, they were super duper laggy for little gain
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Snake phobia now includes snake plushie
+ - Lizard phobia now includes lizard shoes, lizard boots
+ - Strangers phobia triggers have been expanded
+ - Heard phobia words no longer drop out
+ - Phobia words can show up multiple times within a phrase
+ TheSilverNuke updated:
+ - moved AI APC's inside the windoor areas
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Added a new chat message overlay system; now you can see all those wacky messages people are shouting at you with ease! Welcome to the Runechat era.
+ itseasytosee updated:
+ - The honk mother is displeased. Clowns must wear their shoes in order to slip people lying down.
+ 25 April 2020
+ Archanial updated:
+ - Operation computers only recognize humans or monkeys as patients.
+ Arkatos and actioninja updated:
+ - RCD Access Control now uses tgui.
+ - RCDs are now able to set unrestricted directional access for a newly built airlocks.
+ Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Meta Cargo Mining's APC is actually wired
+ - More small fixes for Meta Cargo
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - New frame subtype (tier 3)
+ - Added the ability to deconstruct the canisters (receive items back)
+ - Changed the way canisters are made
+ - Added canister frame tier 0 sprite
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Fixes teslas not containing properly sometimes
+ - Maybe makes tesla coil power output more sane, not totally sure myself
+ - Refactored tesla code a bit
+ - RSF's now have a radial menu
+ - You can now kill yourself by dispensing cookies
+ - RSF's are now modular
+ - Subtypes of RSFs can now have sublists. Hope it's helpful.
+ SomeoneYouProbablyKnow updated:
+ - The detective now has all his extra clothes in a vendor and not their locker.
+ stylemistake updated:
+ - Fixed Malf AI module picker, you can now buy modules.
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - Felinids now "pounce" instead of "leap" and "tackle" when using gripper gloves.
+ 24 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Railings can now be crafted with metal rods, and deconstructed with wirecutters when unwrenched.
+ - Railings can now be rotated with Alt Click.
+ Archanial updated:
+ - Cult stun no longer stuns mindshielded personnel. Instead it makes them drop items they are currently holding, applies a dizziness effect and does some stamina damage.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - you can now craft an improvised pickaxe with a crowbar, a knife and some sticky tape
+ - the jackhammer is now bulky instead of huge
+ - some clothing recipes are now in clothing category
+ Fikou, Onule updated:
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - PKA now gets exp and benefits of/for the mining skill again
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Quirky Fans can now identify clown/mime pins on-sight
+ - Fan pins no longer show over exosuits
+ - Clown, Mime, and Tiki masks now use radial menus
+ TheVekter updated:
+ - The Xenobiology department on Metastation has been revamped with a better cold room and an extra slime pen.
+ willox updated:
+ - Beat cop in families now spawn with a cop dufflebag
+ - box of beanbags now has its correct icon instead of a generic box
+ - Shambler's Vendor now has correctly coloured ominous glow
+ - serving trays are no longer hidden from the autolathe
+ - removed some instances of duplicate variables being defined in types
+ - cargo exports no longer include subtypes when they shouldn't
+ zxaber updated:
+ - Cyborgs can no longer be synced to an AI on another Z level (except if both Z levels are part of the station as would be the case for multi-Z stations).
+ 23 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Non-sheet items can no longer be sold for their worth in materials.
+ - Added logging to the most common interactions for economy.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Papersacks now use a radial menu to choose their skins.
+ - Dominate is now a cursor-guided spell.
+ - Abyssal Gaze is now a cursor-guided spell.
+ - Pointed spells now have aim assist. If there is a single valid target on a turf user has clicked on, the spell will be automatically redirected to the valid target.
+ - Nullrod variants are now chosen via a radial menu. Fancy!
+ - Cardboard cutouts now use a radial menu to choose their skins.
+ Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Fixed several issues with the new cargo layout.
+ - Maintenance will not be depressurized above cargo on MetaStation
+ EOBGames (Inept) updated:
+ - Rich captains can now hire out the NTSS Independence, a swanky cruise shuttle, to make their next evacuation cheerier!
+ EgorDinamit updated:
+ - captain's empty sleeper, on cybersun ship space ruin, cannot be deconstructed with a wrench now.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - you can make honeybuns again
+ - goliath saddle has a better sprite
+ - You can no longer gottie people with 200 hands on the ground
+ Fikou, actioninja, /vg/ spriters (deitylink??) updated:
+ - cult structures use radials
+ - new sprites for cult constructs, stuff relating to them and new narsie sprites, taken from /vg/
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - Removed the recipe for Metalgen.
+ - Fixes saving the Spacecoin Market with the cargo shuttle.
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - removes useless bitflag for RnD code
+ That REALLY Good Soda Flavor updated:
+ - Fix Ramadan so it won't be a week off anymore.
+ - Replaced Hebrew calendar datum with a more generic foreign calendar datum. New calendar types can easily be added.
+ Thunder12345 and Fikou and spookydonut updated:
+ - Scalpels and surgical drills can be used to eye stab.
+ Twaticus & Fikou updated:
+ - 4 new stamps! centcom, syndicate, mime and chaplain
+ - chaplain bedsheet, wash a chaplain stamp with a bedsheet to get it
+ - new stamp sprites by Twaticus
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Cleaned up ninja suit code
+ nauticalfellow updated:
+ - fixed clown op leaders getting two declare war buttons
+ tralezab updated:
+ - tableslam now crits in three hits instead of two
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - Changes "thats" to "that's" on some descriptions of pickaxes.
+ 21 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Botanical Toolbelts can now be made at the biogenerator, and holds most botanical tools.
+ - The Floral Somatoray has been given a new, 3rd mode, able to mutate plant species.
+ - Using a Somatoray on a tray enables you to lock in a specific mutation if a plant has multiple mutations, at the cost of plant endurance.
+ - Plant Analyzers now have a toggle-able mode to scan either the chemical traits or the plant stats, to cut down on chat spam.
+ - Plant Trays and dirt patches now start with 10 units of EZ Nutrient.
+ - Mutagen has been made slightly less toxic overall.
+ - Plant trays now passively decrease their toxicity based on the tray's parts, without randomness.
+ - Science goggles, or any other reagent scanning equipment will enable you to see plant reagent traits on examine.
+ - Instability now affects plants with lower instability tiers. (100 instability would have the effects of the 20, 40, 60,and 80+ instability tiers).
+ - Irrigation now works properly again.
+ - Plant trays with full nutrient tanks can be watered again.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Radial menu options will now always be clearly visible to the user.
+ Cartographer-D updated:
+ - Completely New Cargo Layout
+ - The Small Security Room by the Vault has been replaced with Maintenance
+ - Crate Returns are now easier to find and use
+ - Tool Storage is smaller but more interesting!
+ - The Mail Room and Offices have been combined
+ - Cargo Warehouse is now more prominent and easier to break into
+ - MULEs now have their own isolated room.
+ - There are now easier ways to mail "packages" to departments
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added H2 gas
+ - Added H2 gas burn (reaction with o2, similar to tritium but without the radiations)
+ - Added Electrolyzer (machine to make H2, requires power cell, once turned on and with h2o in the air will start converting it to h2 and o2 with the reaction 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2. Upgrading the parts will increase the amount of converted H2O and the efficency of the cell)
+ - Added H2 interaction with SM (similar to trit, less radiation emission, same heat production and a bit of heat protection)
+ - H2 reaction with N2 to make ammonia crystals (reaction in open air to make the crystals, temperatures between 0 °C and - 120° C, more N2 than H2)
+ - H2 reaction with bz as catalyst at high heat and pressure (over 1e6 for both) to make metal hydrogen
+ - metallic hydrogen golem (one of endish atmosian goal)
+ - changed fusion to use h2 instead of co2, everything else is still the same
+ - plasma burn now produces h2o too (a quarter of the produced co2)
+ - H2O vapor now slip under 30 °C so that plasma fires are not hellish
+ - added electrolyzer sprites (reuse of some unused ones)
+ - added ammonia crystals sprites remove: fusion no longer generate stim and nitryl
+ Toastgoats updated:
+ - Nanotrasen's current stock of Buckin' Bronco© applejack liquor has been recalled after studies showed trace amounts of horse meat.
+ - Buckin Bronco Brewing Co has recently announced the release of a new and improved recipe! Be sure to try some at your local Nanotrasen bar!
+ stylemistake updated:
+ - tgui 3.0
+ - tgui: Fixed the personal crafting interface.
+ 20 April 2020
+ Capsandi updated:
+ - You can now use metal rods to retract skin during surgery if you are that desperate
+ - forks are now viable alternatives to surgical instruments when extracting organs and implants
+ Fikou updated:
+ - You can now make shuttle seats with titanium.
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added heat and pressure limit to portable pumps and scrubbers
+ - changed the damage calculation from a max() to a clamp() between 5 and 50
+ - reduced max pressure output of t3 canisters to the same as t2
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Fixed botanists dropping their heirlooms on the ground. Plant bag is no longer a heirloom option.
+ Onule updated:
+ - Recent changes in the manufacture of titanium sheets introduces a fresh new look! Expect your shuttles to look different.
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - carps now dont look for 9 tiles around them every process to locate a single piece of plastic that they can only interact with if they're next to it. They're also able to see plastic under them, such advanced creatures.
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Added AUTO_DEADMIN_TIMEGATE which allows config force deadmin settings to only apply for the first X seconds in a round. Starts disabled
+ - New preference to ignore being summoned as a cult ghost while admin'd, starts disabled
+ Timberpoes updated:
+ - Enabled new button allowing observers the ability to see chemicals and reagents identical to the health analyzer's chem scan functionality.
+ - Laptops can now utilise the AI Restorer program.
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Peacekeeper cyborgs have had an update to their firmware which corrects dampening fields remaining active after severe damage or death.
+ ominousgrace updated:
+ - Mad Scientist Wormhole Projector no longer requires an anomaly core.
+ tralezab updated:
+ - new secrets button, anonymous names (roundstart required)
+ - things are a bit cleaner in the AI Triumvirate code
+ 19 April 2020
+ EgorDinamit updated:
+ - Cybersun hardsuit added to traitors(14TC) and nuke ops(8TC) uplinks.
+ - Adds and replaces a few items on the ship, such as firing pins, materials and encryption keys.
+ - Cost and weight values of most space ruins changed.
+ - Cybersun hardsuit armour values increased.
+ - Syndicate ship ruin turrets armour and rate of fire changed.
+ - Empty sleeper, that emits GPS signal is now indestructible.
+ - Adds config to edit "important_info" for both, crewmembers and captain of forgotten ship ruin.
+ ShizCalev updated:
+ - Food can no longer be grilled repeatedly to the point of breaking their name with an endless string.
+ 18 April 2020
+ Akrilla updated:
+ - Equipment swapping, defaulted to V. Allows you to equip items while swapping out what you're already wearing after a small delay.
+ AnturK updated:
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Fixed an issue where Artificer spell icon was invisible.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Hub layer related coloring
+ FloranOtten updated:
+ - Deadminned themselves.
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added 3 tiers to the canisters
+ - added canister frames (also tiered)
+ - canisters rupture if there is too much pressure or heat inside (higher tiers have higher thresholds)
+ - added images for frames and overlays
+ - N2O formation reaction (n2 + o2 + bz as catalyst + cold = n2o)
+ - N2O toxic behaviour (if you inhale it you can die in your sleep) changed: NO2 Formation reaction (n2 + o2 + bz + heat = no2)
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Fixes bolt colors being jank when exposed to high and then low power
+ - The h2o interactions have been polished and readded. Fucking global variables.
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Being at the epicenter of explosions no longer damage the contents of storage that is meant to prevent it (most commonly photos inside photo albums)
+ TheVekter updated:
+ - Anomalies should no longer spawn at the toxins testing range.
+ - Added an R&D console to the Research Director's office on Meta, Pubby, Box, Delta, and Donut.
+ - The CMO should now have a stamp in their office on Metastation
+ Thunder12345 updated:
+ - Cryo syringes and cryo shotgun darts have been removed from the game
+ Vondiech updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has decided to re-draw boxstations powergrid blueprint to make it easier to work with, for both the engineers they employ on the station and the engineers who they employ to maintain and work on their blueprints.
+ actioninja updated:
+ - Tweaked the flashbang ear ring which is used in a few places to be less close to actual tinnitus
+ 17 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Crew can now download the Shipping Scanner app, allowing them to print barcodes, identically to a sales tagger.
+ - A new app is available for modular computers, the Bot Remote Controller, similar to the PDA Bot Control function.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - you can no longer put cameras and gps on the supply shuttle
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - Fixes announcement spam in Families.
+ - Fixes the stars not showing up in Families for Cops and Gangsters. experimental: Space Cops now arrive earlier the higher the wanted level gets.
+ stylemistake updated:
+ - tgui now has new components: Knobs and Sliders
+ - Improved SMES interface with new Slider component.
+ - Improved Canister interface with new Knob component.
+ - tgui performance improvements, up to 25%.
+ - Fixed Flex component bugs on IE11.
+ - Box property, "content", is now deprecated.
+ - Grid component is now deprecated.
+ 08 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Seed Extractors now show seed instability.
+ - Botany can now print shears capable of removing plant genes, after researching the botany node.
+ - Uranium can now be solidified in a chemical reaction, similar to gold and plasma.
+ - Removed Plant Thinner and Trait Thinner chemicals (Unused)
+ - Hydroponics trays now have a starting chemical capacity of 20.
+ - Using a beaker on a hydroponics tray while the tray is full no longer acts like it's transferring reagents.
+ - Ctrl-Clicking a tray will only enable autogrow when it's anchored.
+ Krysonism updated:
+ - The hazard cone has a new object sprite.
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Fixed Cortex Folding surgery having the same effect as Cortex Imprint.
+ 07 April 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Strange reagent no longer deals toxin damage to slimepeople when reviving them. That was strange!
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - You can no longer make the board for the plant gene manipulator.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - you can no longer fireman carry someone who you are grabbing by neck or choking and they cant climb on you when being grabbed by neck or choked
+ LemonInTheDark, with thanks to: Hugbug for helping me reproduce and test untold times, Dennok for brainstorming the round() issue, duncathan for guiding me through QUANTIZE changes, Ghilker for helping me test the more arcane atmos stuff, as334 for assisting with debugging. Thank you all. updated:
+ - Outlaws negative molar counts from the atmos system.
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Opaque curtains now block view when closed
+ - Added crafting recipe for cloth curtains
+ Tetr4 updated:
+ - Silicons can control- and alt-click pumps and other atmos devices wirelessly to turn them on and max them.
+ Timberpoes updated:
+ - DNA Consoles have received hardware upgrades and have a shiny new interface as a result.
+ - New hardware has dropped legacy support for reading the genetic sequences of the dead and has only limited support for reading the genetic sequences of monkeys.
+ - Weapons should now spawn chambered and with full magazines.
+ TiviPlus updated:
+ - All Maps now have an Altar of the gods
+ - New "Kotahi" card game now available in fun vendors
+ - Cards stacks will now display the top 3 cards in your hand instead of a static image
+ actioninja updated:
+ - Replay recorder backend
+ antropod updated:
+ - Six new skins for medical gels. Default skin changed to gray. Alt+click to reskin. Medical gels bought from vendors cannot be reskinned.
+ itseasytosee updated:
+ - pestles are now small items
+ necromanceranne updated:
+ - You need a bluespace anomaly core to make a bag of holding.
+ - Some minor fixes for Sleeping Carp.
+ tmtmtl30 updated:
+ - Distraught employees on Nanotransen stations have been observed consuming monkey cubes as a means of suicide. Nanotransen reminds employees to remain upbeat, and to not use monkey cubes for anything but their intended purpose.
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - On Delta station, the two maintenance doors near the Psychology office now permit medbay staff to access them.
+ - A maintenance door in Delta's Service Hall has been changed from general maintenance access, to service job access, and renamed accordingly.
+ - On Delta, the door leading to the Service Hall from the theater is now labeled "Service Hall" instead of "Theater Backstage", and all of service is now able to use it.
+ zxaber updated:
+ - A cyborg remote monitor program is now available for modular computer devices (including tablets).
+ 06 April 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - Clown ops are no longer clumsy by default.
+ - Clown ops now spawn with a clumsiness injector and a box of ultra hilarious firing pins in their backpack.
+ - Ultra hilarious firing pins and super ultra hilarious firing pins have been added to the list of clown op and traitor clown items.
+ - Clumsiness injectors have been added as a 1 TC traitor clown (and clown op) item for traitor clowns who wish to become clumsy again.
+ - Clown ops can no longer buy traitor syndi-kits, miniature energy crossbows, sleepy pens, or infiltrator cases.
+ Akrilla updated:
+ - Fixes resting and projectiles.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Mining and service borgs now use a radial menu to select their module skins.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - on april fools laughter demons embrace their clown nature to the fullest degree
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Hot ice burn in fires (made a change to obj_defense.dm where in the obj/fire_act proc i added at the end of the proc . = ..(), allowing it to call for the parent, i initially put it at the start obj/fire_act proc but it caused hot ice to runtime when burned. This change will affect everything that uses fire_act and fire_react procs)
+ - Removed hot ice ability to make furnitures (to do this i had to add a new flag to all the base mats that had the MAT_CATEGORY_RIGID flag, the new flag is MAT_CATEGORY_BASE_RECIPES, if this flag is true then the four basic recipes will appear, otherwhise it wont)
+ - changed the value of the hot ice basemat from 0.75 to 0.2
+ - changed the beauty value of the hot ice basemat from 0.75 to 0.2
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - Families wanted stars now only show up when you are involved in it, and announcements for wanted level changes
+ - hovering over wanted stars tells you what they are through a tooltip
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - fixes a spelling mistake in taste description for lean
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - The *circle emote now has additional functionality! Go prank your friends!
+ Tetr4 and Dennok updated:
+ - Passive vents now transfer based on each individual gases partial pressure, i.e. they will now mix gases internally and externally if internal and external pressures are the same.
+ TiviPlus updated:
+ - RnD consoles can no longer be screwdrivered to reenable research
+ cacogen updated:
+ - Material floors are now correctly called floors and not plating
+ - Buffs material floor tiles' throwforces from 1 to 10 (same as iron) to better showcase the effect of different materials (e.g. meat vs. titanium)
+ - Radioactive items no longer output a single . when examined at a distance
+ zxaber updated:
+ - The Clarke mech's tracks now slightly damage floor tiles.
+ 05 April 2020
+ Akrilla updated:
+ - Readds the dropoff locator - points to where you need to dropoff your target.
+ - Contract tablet hides other contracts while there's an active one.
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Attempting to fireman's carry someone that is buckled to an object will fail.
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - The new food item, Royal Cheese, can be now be made.
+ - Feeding a mouse a Royal Cheese can have dangerous, but lucrative effects.
+ - Plant grafts, instability, plant crosspollination all work correctly again.
+ - EZ nutrient and Robust Harvest have had their stat adjustments tweaked closer to their original intention.
+ - The PDA Atmos Scanner can now be downloaded and used on modular computers.
+ Cruix updated:
+ - Fixed some phobia reactions forcing people with abductor tongues to speak out loud
+ - Causing a monkey powder reaction in a monkey cube now deletes the monkey cube
+ - Mech teleporters can now only select a destination within 7 tiles and on the same Z-level
+ - Space ninjas can now properly extract research data from technology disks
+ - You can no longer attempt to tackle items that are in your inventory
+ IndieanaJones updated:
+ - Carp Rifts now allow infinite carp spawns upon a Space Dragon completing his objective.
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - bubblegum can correctly be stored in gum boxes
+ YakumoChen updated:
+ - Fixes ancient egregious (possibly lawyer-unfriendly) soda advertising poster.
+ nemvar updated:
+ - tgui interface for the automated announcement console.
+ wesoda25 updated:
+ - You no longer hit fermenting barrels when taking reagents from them
+ 04 April 2020
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - The entirety of hydroponics works again!
+ - Plants can now Cross-Pollinate, via adjacency. This causes plant stats of average into each-other.
+ - Plants now have a new stat, Instability. Instability allows for gradual mutations to a plant's stats at certain thresholds, and a chance of mutation, or gaining new random traits at even higher thresholds.
+ - Plants can be grafted when ready to harvest, and grafts can be applied to plants in order to share unique traits, or share stat changes.
+ - The Plant DNA Manipulator is dead. Long Live the DNA manipulator.
+ - Hydroponics trays now have their own internal beaker for holding chemical reagents. As such, chemical affects on plants are gradual, and slowly alter seed stats over generations.
+ - Several chemicals are adjusted to match the new system. Experiment!
+ EOBGames (Inept) updated:
+ - A whole bunch of materials are now datumised! Check out bronze, runed metal, sand, sandstone, snow, paper, cardboard, bone and bamboo. Oh, and pizza. Yes, pizza.
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Adds stingbangs to cargo (and one in the sec vendor premium), premium less-lethal grenades that shoot off a giant swarm of stingball pellets to help incapacitate swarms of people in tight quarters. You can jump on top of a live one to be a hero and absorb a bunch of shrapnel, same with frag grenades. There's even an achievement for dying to a grenade you jumped on!
+ - Projectiles can now embed in people! Or at least grenade shrapnel and the new .38 DumDum ammo, now available in cargo, can. DumDum rounds excel against unarmored targets, but are pricey and do poorly against armored targets.
+ - Bullets can now ricochet! Or at least, standard .38 and the new .38/L6 Match Grade ammo can. Match Grade ammo is finely tuned to ricochet easier and seek targets off bounces better, and can be purchased from cargo (for the .38) or nuke ops uplink (for the L6), but standard .38 ammo has a chance to ricochet as well.
+ - Frag grenades now have smaller explosions but shoot off a bunch of devastating shrapnel, excellent for soft targets!
+ - Shotguns and other multi-pellet guns now print aggregate messages, so you'll get one "You've been hit by 6 buckshot pellets!" rather than 6 "You've been hit by the buckshot pellet in the X!" messages. Bye bye lag!
+ - Armor can now protect against embedding weapons, taking the best of either the bullet or bomb armor for the limb in question away from the embed chance. Some weapons are better at piercing armor than others!
+ - Due to pressure from various organizations, Nanotrasen is implementing a new ban on the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products for crewmembers under the age of 20 onboard its Spinward space stations. Please remember that providing alcohol or tobacco products to underage crewmembers is against Space Law, and remember to check those cards bartenders!
+ - Standard Nanotrasen IDs now display the registered age of the holder, which you can change at the HoP's access console.
+ 03 April 2020
+ ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone updated:
+ - You are now truly incapacitated while stamcritted.
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Most storage bags can no longer be stored inside backpacks
+ Time-Green updated:
+ - plumbing now properly rotates, I promise
+ 02 April 2020
+ Dennok updated:
+ - multiZlayer cable hub
+ - Multilayer cable hub to connect different cable layers.
+ - Renamed connect_wire() to Connect_cable()
+ - Create Disconnect_cable() inverse to Connect_cable()
+ - separate machinery_layer flag to determine machinery connection
+ - Removed old cable bridge, replaced by multilayer cable hub
+ Fikou updated:
+ - posibrains now use get_policy for their laws
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - Fixes some grammatical issues in the code for instruments, misc, clusterbang, and spawnergrenade
+ trollbreeder updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has asked to return all first-aid kits produced before 2559 as they've been recalled due to potential risk of lead acetate poisoning.
+ - Medical doctors have been seen emotionally attached to these outdated first-aid kits.
+ - Nanotrasen reports fewer cases of necrophillia, as medical doctors no longer feel any emotions towards body bags.
+ - Nanotrasen also reports that medical doctors are no longer attached to 21st century heart listening devices.
+ - Ancient medkits are now properly ancient in design.
+ 01 April 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Mothpeople will now grow larger wings when using a potion of flight if their wings aren't already burnt off.
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - The Nanotrasen cargo and export division has discovered a new recycling method, enabling significantly more exports off station.
+ - Wood's export value per unit has been lowered.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Curse of the Barnyard is now a cursor-guided spell. Oink.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - armor values on helmet and vest are now the same in the security and infiltrator pairs and winter hoods
+ Ghommie updated:
+ - The spraycan color input can now be triggered with ctrl-click while it's on your person.
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - Admins can now set custom gamemode policy for Gangsters and Undercover Cops.
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Failing unlacing someone's shoes and getting your hand stepped on is a bit more punishing
+ - You can no longer untie and knot peoples' shoes from across the world, nor can you queue a bunch of unties to knot them quicker.
+ - Moving while your shoes are being tampered with will properly trigger stamping on the saboteur's hand
+ SteelSlayer updated:
+ - Updates various machines, which currently use SSfastprocess, so that they only start processing when it's necessary. Some of these updated machines have been changed so that they don't ever need to process.
+ - Replaces the speed_process var with two new variables. The processing_flags variable stores bitflags with information about a machine's preferences on when it should start processing. The subsystem_type var holds the path to which type of subsystem that machine should use.
+ Time-Green updated:
+ - Plumbing stuff shouldnt have misleading directions and CONSTANTLY SPIN EVERYWHERE
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Added the Cortex Imprint experimental surgery; it causes the patient's brain to regenerate damage and mild traumas over time.
+ - Added the Cortex Folding experimental surgery; it increases the chance of obtaining special traumas instead of severe, and makes them require surgery to cure.
+ 31 March 2020
+ Akrilla updated:
+ - Stamcrit immediately stuns again
+ 30 March 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - Starting a suicide attempt with a spray bottle, then aborting it partway through because you had a revelation and decided that life was worth living after all no longer causes you to commit suicide anyway.
+ - The Lightning Bolt spell is now robeless, has lower cooldowns, and is cheaper.
+ - "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" is now renamed to "Thrown lightning".
+ Archanial updated:
+ - You can now take out disks from nanite consoles by alt-clicking.
+ - When exchanging disks in nanite machines, it lands in your hand instead of on the top it.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Mouse pointer icons were reorganized to be more easily used in the future.
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Fixed a supermatter zap runtime
+ LeonSpilogale updated:
+ - reagant_add line to line 17, allowing Tea Aspera to produce tea powder and vitamins
+ MrStonedOne updated:
+ - Midnight server time will no longer confuse the server, we hope, maybe™
+ Skoglol updated:
+ - Grinders now work again.
+ TiviPlus updated:
+ - Blueprints may no longer edit noteleport areas
+ Tlaltecuhtli updated:
+ - curator,chaplain,lawyer,genetist no longer pay for RP important supply of fluff items
+ bandit updated:
+ - The Create Command Report dialog now tells you the current CentCom name.
+ lordpidey updated:
+ - The F.R.A.M.E. cartridge once again creates an unlocked uplink.
+ 29 March 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Malfunctioning AIs will no longer be effectively blinded when choosing to use the camera upgrade module.
+ Coconutwarrior97 updated:
+ - Summon events now has only one use at a cost of 2 points.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - open/space/bluespace no more can drop server.
+ Gamer025 updated:
+ - Pressing "Show alerts" in chat now works for borgs
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added cargo worth for freon
+ - changed the value of hot ice (increased to mythril level)
+ - increased the amount of plasma released from hot ice to 150 moles per sheet
+ - increased the amoung of plasma (chem) from hot ice to 300 moles per sheet in grinding
+ - changed hypernob canister sprite to differenciate it from the freon one
+ - made hot ice easier to make (range of temperatures to 120-160 K and halved the rate of cooling of freon/o2 reaction)
+ - fixed hot ice not showing up over 34 sheet in the stack
+ - fixed negative temperature issue caused by bad coding the cap, increasing the minimum temperature and changed the energy used by the reaction
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Due to a new clause in the Crew Satisfaction Program, the clown has been given full control over station decorations during April Fools
+ - Added randomly colored tile decals for mapping
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - achievements spam you no more
+ 28 March 2020
+ Fikou updated:
+ - Medical crew now gets medical breathing masks in their internals box
+ Skoglol updated:
+ - Grinder and biogen now rangecheck before ejecting beaker into hand.
+ trollbreeder updated:
+ - Nanotrasen reminds it's employees that consumption of any toys produced by it, and it's subsidiaries may result in choking or asphyxiation.
+ - In other news, the Toy Singularity Eating Challenge is hot on the rise! Challenge your friends!
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has increased the Psychology budget, the Psychologist now starts the shift with a small stock of useful medications.
+ 27 March 2020
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Mind Transfer is now a cursor-guided spell. That input menu is gone, forever.
+ F-OS updated:
+ - corrects literaly to literally in the description for the Permabrig's plate press
+ Fikou updated:
+ - the hop now gets a silver trophy as his family heirloom! show how much of a second place your family is!
+ - civilian and service department have been merged
+ - fixes things being called civillian and not civilian
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Changed the look of arrow trimline decals
+ MrStonedOne updated:
+ - Browser resources (images/css/javascript) will no longer be needlessly resent to all clients between rounds and reconnections
+ - Reduced the number of single use html files saved to the Browser Resource folder (tmp12345) on player machines.
+ 26 March 2020
+ Dennok updated:
+ - now copy_from(target, partial) can copy part of target gas moles
+ Detective-Google updated:
+ - shotgun's weapon_weight variable being defined twice
+ Fikou updated:
+ - swat helmet now has the same armor as the swat suit
+ - people scared of conspiracies are now scared of research directors, instead of conspiring about a head of research
+ Garen7 updated:
+ - Caltrop effects such as stepping on broken glass without shoes now require the person to be standing to take effect.
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Removed prisoners from late round dynamic Head Rev rolls.
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - New holy book for chaplain(Guru Granth Sahib)
+ tralezab updated:
+ - The Psychology Office now has a small positive moodlet, and some ambience
+ 24 March 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Vapes loaded with welding fuel no longer prevent you from being further set on fire from other sources.
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Fixed runtime on donutstation caused by mistype in dmm file
+ 23 March 2020
+ Capsandi updated:
+ - Sheetifier may now be unanchored and deconstructed
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Airlocks now try close self on power up.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - Bubblegum Gum, available at your nearest mining vendor for 100 points! Good for people with blood deficiency
+ - basic gum packet sprite
+ Indie-ana Jones updated:
+ - Venus Human Traps have mutated to better hunt their prey, becoming smarter and able to attach vines to their prey.
+ - Plant-based creatures being affected by kudzu has been fixed.
+ Mickyan, Fikou updated:
+ - Space Carps can now be tamed by feeding them meat
+ - Added a new choice for the curator's beacon: the Carp Hunter. That's a pretty misleading name, it's all about making friends with the carps instead of murdering them. You wouldn't do that anyway, would you?
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - Modified the recipe for Stinger instead of 10 units of Whiskey its now 10 units of Cognac. Modified the description and taste for Irish Car Bomb, Green Beer, Goldschlager, Blood Mead, Mead, and Grape Soda.
+ Rohesie updated:
+ - You can now thow people you are fireman-carrying, or have them interact with tables depending on intent (smashing their face if on harm, placing them gently if on help, carelessly dropping them else).
+ - You can now again strip mobs you have in an aggressive grab or superior. When on grab intent you'll try to fireman carry as usual, and on other intents you'll open the strip panel instead.
+ Tetr4 updated:
+ - Air alarm alert thresholds are more generous
+ actioninja updated:
+ dablusniper updated:
+ - removed old trumpet sprite which wasn't even a trumpet (it was a bugle goddamnit)
+ - added a new sprite and inhands for trumpets
+ - added a new sprite and inhands for spectral trumpets (they real spooky now)
+ - fixed trumpets not having their own inhands and using trombone sprites
+ - added a bridge between atmos and incinerator on boxstation
+ - added an airlock in North incinerator maint to maintain access to gas storage tanks
+ - fixed fusion radiation leaking into chem factory by moving incinerator one tile to the left
+ - cleaned up piping in the incinerator room on box
+ kriskog updated:
+ - New Camera Console UI (an embedded game view inside tgui window).
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - The CMO and HoP now have access to the Psychologist's office on highpop shifts.
+ wesoda25 updated:
+ - Black gloves are now available in the SecDrobe
+ zxaber updated:
+ - Sprite change for the Clarke's ore manager
+ 21 March 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Reports have been coming in that the "adorable moth plushies" have on occasion "consumed souls and ascended to godhood."
+ - The abductor ship telepad requires a moment to cool down between uses, and can no longer teleport the console user to multiple locations.
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Burning clothes no longer burn forever if you're set on fire for too long.
+ - Modular Computers will now sell on the cargo shuttle.
+ - Removes all core RnD Consoles from the Map, except for the bridge.
+ - Replaces a console with a Core Console on each map's bridge.
+ - Funky 80s flooring can now be earned from the arcade game.
+ - adjusting the price of vend-a-trays is now more responsive.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Added new type of spells - Pointed, which use direct cursor guidance to find its target!
+ - Blind spell is now pointed spell. No more clumsy input menu.
+ - Observers can now properly view Electropack UI.
+ - You must now hold Assemblies, TTV and Electropack in your hands in order to use their UIs.
+ - Currently selected changeling stings will now show proper frame background.
+ - SlimeHUD removed, as all its features are already contained in the generic HUD version.
+ - Lavaland EliteHUD removed, as all its features are already contained in the generic HUD version.
+ - Mobs with a generic UI style will now properly show background frame for hide/show action button.
+ Denton updated:
+ - Added logging for the supply shuttle loan event
+ EgorDinamit updated:
+ - Long-range scanners found unknown armed ship near the station. Caution should be taken while investigating the object.
+ - Recent operations discovered syndicate storage pods all around the universe. It seems that in your location might be one, containing experimental hardsuit made by Cyber Sun industries long ago.
+ - Discovering that there is no need to use soldiers as security officers, Nanotrasen hired most professional units into the new formed assault force.
+ - Added icons for Cybersun hardsuit.
+ - Added icons for new NT NPCs subtypes: Assault and Elite(ERT suit) officers.
+ - Added forgottenship ruin to spaceruinblacklist config.
+ - Forgotten ship ruin now additionally contains: Deluxe stock parts box, box with beakers, 3 toolboxes, box with basic firing pins and a little bit more of resources in a protected vault and so on, find it out!
+ - Replaces interrogation room with medbay.
+ - Fixed cybersun hardsuits by adding thermo-regulation button to it.
+ Eskjjlj updated:
+ - Now you have to take defibrillators out of their mounts to deconstruct them.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - knight armour now has an unique list of stuff you can put in its suit storage
+ - Enchanted gloves! they are reskinned to be cooler combat gloves, you get them for free if you buy a wizard hardsuit or battlesuit
+ - if you buy a wizard hardsuit you get an oxygen tank, if you buy a wizard battlesuit you get sandals
+ - wizard now has an internals box
+ - removes the posibrain tech node, posibrains are now in advanced robotics
+ - borg upgrade nodes got switched around, 2 nodes were removed and a bunch of stuff switched places
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - Added Freon
+ - Added Hot Ice
+ - Added interactions of freon with SM and reactions with other gases
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - There is now a preference for Families Antagonist roles.
+ - There is now one Undercover Cop per Family.
+ - Police can no longer join Families. They will, however, fake join it if they use the induction package to get the uniform to stay undercover.
+ - The Space Cops are reminded that they are NOT Nanotrasen employees.
+ - Dead gangs or gangs with 1 member no longer count towards the auto-balance to avoid issues with AFK players or dead gangs limiting the rest of the active gangs.
+ - The Space Cops now have ballistic weaponry outside of 5 stars.
+ - The shuttle will now no longer take off in Families until after an hour and 10 minutes.
+ - Fixes the price on SOUTH. BRONX. PARADIIIISE!
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Should fix mega-boh bombs
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - Added the Smooth-Headed quirk. Make sure nobody finds out that you're very, very bald.
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - Chef's now can make another type of pastry which is the world famous cannoli which originates from the land of Sicily.
+ - Added a new lean recipe which can be accessed in the crafting menu under drinks
+ - Fixes some grammatical mistakes in the code for drug_events and generic_negative_event
+ Rohesie updated:
+ - You no longer nyooom around after using a survival medipen and several other objects.
+ - Morphine, changeling adrenaline, traitor adrenals and holding a traitor hold potato all make you ignore damage slowdown. Red stabilized slime extracts make you ignore equipment speed variations.
+ Sylphet updated:
+ - Added poutine recipe, and a new gravy reagent to go along with it.
+ Whoneedspacee updated:
+ - The singularity no longer stops moving when it hits machinery objects that drop their machine frames.
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Positronic brains can now be given a "personality seed" by Alt-clicking them. Effectively, this tells ghosts what you plan on using the posibrain for, to advertise and prevent misunderstandings.
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Discord role auto enrollment can now be configured to require a certain number of living hours.
+ bobubeu updated:
+ - Adds a strawberry ice cream sandwich sprite
+ - Strawberry ice cream sandwich crafting recipe
+ - Strawberry ice cream sandwich cargo bounty
+ dablusniper updated:
+ - Slightly changed N2 to Airmix/Pure piping in atmos on Metastation to make it look more organised.
+ - you can no longer get trapped inside the ferry bridge on donutstation as new buttons have been added on the inside
+ - the ferry bridge now opens and closes properly
+ - moved vents in ferry bridge to no loner leak air into space when the bridge is open
+ - removed airlocks from the ferry bridge to make it look better
+ - added missing pipes South of holodeck to connect North research maint to the donutstation pipenet
+ - moved an exposed electrified grille in maint so it's no longer electrified
+ - Added "Reset" AI module to Donutstation upload
+ - Geneticist now has medical access on Donutstation
+ - fixed #49688, geneticists can now enter genetics through medbay and genetics maint
+ - fixed #49551, cell 2 and 3 on metastation now function independently
+ - fixed #49437, mining access now gives access to the bar area in the luxury bluespace shelter
+ mrhugo13 updated:
+ - You can now crack your knuckles with *crack
+ necromanceranne updated:
+ - Fixes the infiltrator mask giving you a permanent diagnostic hud.
+ nemvar updated:
+ - You can now anchor/unanchor railings without bludgeoning them.
+ - Rolling paper boxes no longer become invisible.
+ - Renamed wet leather to wet hide.
+ - Removed invisible critter crates.
+ qustinnus updated:
+ - hygienebot no longer chomps up all your fluid ducts in construction
+ uomo91 updated:
+ - There is now a Psychologist job and a Psychology office in medbay on every map. Help the crew get their head straight!
+ wesoda25 updated:
+ - You can now throw plungers into peoples faces!
+ - The speed buffs of antag chems as well as the yellow orb have been reduced.
+ - You can no longer spam drain power sources as an ethereal.
+ - Minor ethereal powersource drain time tweaks.
+ 20 March 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - Cyborgs (and other silicons) can now unbuckle people from chairs, beds, and other objects.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - removed a space in ert prompt
+ Fikou (thanks to Shadowmech88 for idea and RealestEstate/ValkyrieSkies for sprites) updated:
+ - Clarke Mech!
+ - You can now salvage Phazon parts
+ - Firefighter Mech, rest in peace
+ - Ripley MK-II now has similar armor values to firefighter, but without the fireproof stuff
+ Indie-ana Jones updated:
+ - Reports coming in indicate that the Space Dragon entity harassing stations has changed tactics, and is now attempting to flood stations with space carp.
+ - Space Dragon preference is no longer shared with xenos, and is instead an independent option.
+ Time-Green updated:
+ nemvar updated:
+ - Fixed fucky wucky that gave all heads all access.
+ 19 March 2020
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Small UI resizes for Bank Machine, Teleporter and Equipment Reclaimer Station UIs.
+ - You now do a confirmatory Button click to lockdown/detonate cyborgs instead of swimming in the input menu.
+ - Small cleanup of Remote Robot Control, Equipment Reclaimer Station, Robotics Control Console and Exosuit Control Console UIs.
+ kevinz000 updated:
+ - movespeed modifiers are now datums and not lists and support global caching.
+ 18 March 2020
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - Aggressive grabs from pacifists now make people drop their items, just like aggressive grabs from non-pacifists do.
+ - The chances to break out of aggressive, neck, and kill grabs have been modified slightly, and having large amounts of damage should actually affect how hard it is to break out of a kill grab now.
+ - All types of damage now affect how hard it is to break out of a grab, not just brute and stamina damage. Stamina damage is, as before, weighted twice as much as the other damage types in the grab escape chance calculation(s).
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Deconstructing plastic and wooden tables now gives the correct materials.
+ - Snow tiles now show the correct sprite when burned or damaged.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - AI shells will now have consistent names across deployments.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Now some effects on open space shown properly.
+ - Cronowarriors no more blind after exit from out of time-bluespace.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - unstable mutagen no longer mutates rad immune species
+ - liquid gibs are now meat material with metalgen
+ - radium isnt uranium with metalgen anymore
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - There is now a preference for Families Antagonist roles.
+ - There is now one Undercover Cop per Family.
+ - Police can no longer join Families. They will, however, fake join it if they use the induction package to get the uniform to stay undercover.
+ - The Space Cops are reminded that they are NOT Nanotrasen employees.
+ - Dead gangs or gangs with 1 member no longer count towards the auto-balance to avoid issues with AFK players or dead gangs limiting the rest of the active gangs.
+ - The Space Cops now have ballistic weaponry outside of 5 stars.
+ - The shuttle will now no longer take off in Families until after an hour and 10 minutes.
+ JJRcop updated:
+ - Drone hacking is now fixed
+ - Fixed drone reactivation
+ NecromancerAnne and zawo updated:
+ - The Infiltrator Bundle, an armor kit for 6TC. Murder people in style!
+ - Some pajamas for nukies to get plenty of bed rest.
+ RiskySikh updated:
+ - reagents.end_metabolization which ensures that the reagents will stop metabolization upon death
+ Skoglol updated:
+ - Prevents revs being rolled twice in dynamic.
+ - Drinks dispensers now only show the container they are holding.
+ Timberpoes updated:
+ - DNA Consoles have had a firmware update. Mutations can once again be removed properly from the selection list of Advanced Injectors and chromosomes can be removed from storage in any order.
+ - Chromosomes can now be added to all activated mutations on a test subject using the DNA Console instead of just the last activated mutation in the list.
+ - Advanced Injectors no longer super-hyper-mega-ultra-expend themselves and will now only expend themselves once.
+ - Genetic data from used Mutation Activators may now be too limited to extract a new chromosome at DNA Consoles.
+ - Chromosomes now always insert themselves into DNA Consoles when created, unless the console storage buffer is full in which case the chromosome is left on top of the console.
+ - There are now additional feedback messages during the chromosome creation process to keep the user informed.
+ - DNA Consoles have had another firmware update. They are now able to accurately predict and output which chromosomes than an activated genetic mutation is compatible with.
+ TiviPlus updated:
+ - The ablative trenchcoat hood will actually deflect lasers now
+ - Fixed some grammar
+ necromanceranne updated:
+ - Fixes batons targeting limbs when they should be applying the stamina damage to the chest.
+ 17 March 2020
+ Archanial updated:
+ - Deleted minor and major crimes (they are just crimes now).
+ - Adding a crime (via sec huds) is now only 1 pop-up, seriously try it.
+ - You can now add crime details in security consoles.
+ Ghilker updated:
+ - SM now interact with the H2O gas
+ Indie-ana Jones updated:
+ - Reports show Hazard-5 entities have mutated to keep their important cells protected from lava. Reports also indicate that these Hazard-5 entities are now take longer to detect from Central Command, among other things.
+ LemonInTheDark updated:
+ - Temporarily reverts h2o support in the sm. We need to work out some kinks.
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - Ethereals have started growing slightly transparent hair in a new mutation of the lifeform.
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - You can now untie and knot up people's shoelaces! You can do so by laying down next to the person, dragging their sprite onto yours, then clicking "untie/knot shoes" next to their shoes.
+ Skoglol updated:
+ - OOC preferences should now be saving properly again.
+ Time-Green updated:
+ - Ducts can now be hidden under tiles
+ - tile hiding is now an element and way cooler and sexier
+ - fixes all atmos pipes being hidden under tiles
+ Whoneedspacee updated:
+ - Permanent Portal fixes and One-Way Portal improvements for mapping.
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Added the Stray Cargo Pod event, which drops a pod containing a random cargo crate into a random location. Rarely, one might even contain assorted syndicate gear!
+ zxaber updated:
+ - Borg upgrade cards are now small items.
+ 16 March 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Pacifists will no longer mutilate their fellow spacemen when attempting to share energy cake
+ Fikou updated:
+ - hunter spider now has doubled poison injections
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Fixed nanite voice sensors not working.
+ 15 March 2020
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Cargo Hold Terminal now uses tgui.
+ - Robotics Control Console now uses tgui.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Now title screen appears correctly.
+ LemonInTheDark, with theft from Mickyan. updated:
+ TheMythicGhost updated:
+ - Adds a way to turn off end of round sounds. Finally, peace has returned to eardrums everywhere.
+ cacogen updated:
+ - Items with no throwforce no longer trigger the "armour softened hit" message
+ - Geiger counter no longer does the attack animation when scanning, like the health analyser
+ copypasting Kryson sprite into game updated:
+ - meat texture is now brightened
+ 14 March 2020
+ Bawhoppen updated:
+ - Permabrig redesigned for Boxstation. (Other maps hopefully coming in time...)
+ - Prisoners now may start with some contraband hidden around on Box.
+ - Box Permabrig now has a license plate pressing machine, which allows raw license plates (from cargo), to be exported for a profit. Of course, this requires some effort on the prisoner's part.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Now you can use radial again to close radial menu
+ - get_cable_node() can take custom layer to check
+ - cable layers bitwise suitable
+ - RCD say that it need connection to silo.
+ - Some parallax issues
+ Fikou updated:
+ - fixes typo in wisdom cow
+ Iamgoofball updated:
+ - families now actually has a player minimum
+ LemonInTheDark with thanks to ArcaneDefense updated:
+ - Makes borg mesons non full-bright
+ - Fixes mining drone mesons being non full-bright
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - Hitting people with a wig lets you copy their hairstyle
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Prisoners are now protected from rolling antag on Dynamic
+ ShizCalev updated:
+ - Fixed IEDs spawned in maintenance at roundstart or via slime cores not having cans.
+ - Fixed beatcop/gangster sunglasses not giving you flash protection.
+ TetraK1 updated:
+ - Possibility of calling shuttle is now checked before entering shuttle reason
+ nightred updated:
+ - damage calculation runtime in fever/shivers
+ spookydonut updated:
+ - barometer timers should be more accurate
+ tralezab updated:
+ - AI's go up and down commands finally work
+ wesoda updated:
+ - Winter Biodome Bathroom looks better
+ wesoda25 updated:
+ - Adds a couple new mood events for being held up and put in an electric chair/guillotine.
+ 13 March 2020
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Ladder radial buttons now red arrow
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - prisoner slots can no longer be opened on the HOP console
+ cacogen updated:
+ - Wand of nothing on the theatre stage on Donut can now be used by pacifists
+ 12 March 2020
+ CDranzer updated:
+ - Empty tape recorders no longer get stuck on pocket and belt slots
+ Fikou updated:
+ - rcd silo link tech node now costs 5000 points instead of 25000
+ Ghommie updated:
+ - The flying speed slowdown while hurt now actually affects flying mobs and not floating ones.
+ RaveRadbury updated:
+ - Hugging someone colder than you now warms them correctly.
+ SteelSlayer updated:
+ - Fixes up the label component's code to work as it was intended to.
+ Tlaltecuhtli updated:
+ - aloe plant
+ - aloe plant cream (microwaved /bonfired aloe)
+ - advanced healing mesh (made with aloe juice + cellulose + sterilizine)
+ - lowered price of polypypyr suture to require less formaldeyhde and less popolypyyr
+ 11 March 2020
+ LemonInTheDark: applying head to wall, ArcaneDefence: doing the brunt of the debugging and work updated:
+ - Fixes Strange Reagent's inconsistent revival.
+ 10 March 2020
+ 4dplanner updated:
+ - dextrous simple animal hud works with > 2 hands
+ ATHATH updated:
+ - The revival surgery is now a basic surgery instead of an advanced one, so you can now perform it without needing an operating computer (or the Advanced Surgery tech).
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Pacifists trained in CQC will no longer automatically upgrade their aggressive grab to a neck grab when putting someone into a chokehold
+ - Arcade machines have been stocked with a new toy- A moth plushie!
+ - The secway key now has a unique suicide
+ - The janicart key now has a uniquer suicide that respects janitorial skill
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Shady individuals, rejoice! A new hardsuit has been seen available for purchase on the black market, for a hefty fee. (Sprites provided by the talented Kryson)
+ - Fixed several issues with the Heck Factory ruin.
+ - Cargo can now sell more advanced tools from RnD, for a higher profit.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Exosuit Control Console now uses tgui.
+ - Radioactive Microlaser UI now has Syndicate theme.
+ - You must hold Radioactive Microlaser in your hands in order to use its UI.
+ Arkatos and actionninja updated:
+ - AI system integrity restorer now uses tgui.
+ Bokkiewokkie updated:
+ - Bronze sheets are now just as strong as normal sheets when smacking people.
+ - Nanotrasen have recently discovered a technique to observe what kind of sheet someone is holding in their hand, this has now been integrated in the basic spessman training programme.
+ Cobbtholicism updated:
+ - Religious Sects are now Added! Religious sects tailor your chaplain experience and reward you for playing in a particular playstyle as a convert/priest/highpriest! (Currently Admin Only, Requires Spawning altar_of_god)
+ - The Technophile Sect is now added! These machine lovers refuse to heal organic limbs, but they recharge borgs and augmented ones! Sacrifice enough power in order to perform an ancient rite...
+ Cobby updated:
+ - TW gives less XP and scales with amount healed instead of repeated iterations.
+ - pAI medibots can no longer queue the tending like the madmen they are.
+ - You will tend to miss attacks if trying to stun someone with a baton recently after using a different baton to stun them.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Now spacemans don't try push things around to propel yourself, when use jetpack.
+ - Now jetpacks don't use air in gravity area or when you just inertia flying in space.
+ - Now jetpacks generate trails only on air use.
+ - Hand Tele try place portal ahead of user now.
+ - try_move_adjacent can take desirable dir
+ - Now RCD constructing effect unclickable.
+ - Slimes try don't split while not in suitable container.
+ - On slime split new slimes appears in turf.
+ - On slime death new slime appears in turf.
+ - Now ladders has radial menu
+ - Some effect visuals.
+ - fake plasma flood hallucination no more blocks clicking on things
+ - Now possible place cable over openspace on catwalk
+ - Now you can change cable layer only in hand.
+ EdgeLordExe updated:
+ - Scientist have found a way to identify ash around you to determine what ores are in it.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - hivelord stands are replaced with new mining ones, they spin!
+ - fixed being able to change your stand name/color on every reconnect
+ - removed most of the old holopara/guardian spirit sprites except for 2 example ones since they aren't used anymore
+ - renames the pirate captain
+ - you can now put plastic in the autolathe to print sticky tape
+ Iamgoofball, Robustin, sprites by thatguythere03 updated:
+ - A new gamemode is hitting the station, Families.
+ - In this gamemode, 3 different crime families will be spawned on board the station. At the 2 minute mark, it will be announced, and a 1 hour timer will start.
+ - During this hour, all 3 crime families need to work to gain as many Points as possible, and beat out the other families.
+ - The crime families each have a unique objective tailored to their theme. They will need to complete these objectives in order to qualify for the final win conditions.
+ - Joining a family is 100% voluntary. There's no forced conversion. To join a family, simply ask a gangster to induct you to the family
+ - Points can be gained by tagging turf, holding turf, wearing your colors, convincing civilians or rival gangsters to join up or just wear the colors, rolling around in a crew, and other various methods of criminal activity!
+ - At the end of the hour, the Space Cops arrive! Ranging from some beat cops to the space military, these folks will be weaker or stronger based on how deadly the gangs were in the round!
+ - You can see how powerful the space cops will be by checking the station's Notoriety level with the handy UI element in the top right of the screen. experimental: This gamemode will require 30 players.
+ Indie-ana Jones updated:
+ - The Wizard Federation reports that the paper wizard has completely, "lost it", making any form of sentience potion or mindswap potion useless on him.
+ LemonInTheDark; Code. OFC; Idea stream and blessed sprites updated:
+ - Added some pretty colors. Red and blue to be exact.
+ - The SM's bolts are more deadly now, they can do more damage, emp stuff, and blow shit up. Be very careful with high power setups. By high power I mean 2k eer above the zap threshold. This comes with a buff to tesla coils and the zaps, at least in the higher colors. Go to town.
+ Luduk updated:
+ - Bookmanagement console shows the correct amount of popups(precisely one)
+ Mickyan updated:
+ - You can now use the strip menu to adjust the jumpsuit style of other people
+ - Humans with robot torsos can have their belt, ID, pockets slots correctly accessed through the strip menu
+ - Deltastation library windoors now correctly require library access
+ - Fixed Pubbystation private art exhibit overpressurizing
+ PKPenguin321 updated:
+ - Gaming skill has been added, level it by playing video games. Are you a bad enough dude to become a legendary gamer?
+ Qustinnus updated:
+ - Adds a license press, make those prisoners do something useful!
+ - A wise cow can be found visiting the station sometimes now. Be sure to ask him for advice
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Adds new special gloves that allow tackling! Actual implementation details to be finalized.
+ - "Holy shit! We just accidentally killed the Captain! Here, uhh... oh god, stuff him in that wheelchair over there, before anyone comes in. Yeah, yeah! Get his sunglasses, cover his face. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. No one will be able to tell, he looks sorta fine, right? Right?"
+ - You can now Weekend at Bernies dead people with a wheelchair and tinted glasses.
+ - Operatives no longer receive free Guerrilla Gloves, but can purchase a pair for 2TC.
+ - It's guerrilla not guerilla!
+ ShizCalev updated:
+ - Added prisoner ID's in Donutstation's gulaging area.
+ SteelSlayer updated:
+ - Adds the label component, which gets added to objects you label with the hand labeler. It is used to keep track of the label that was applied to it can be removed later on.
+ - Adds a sound for labeling an object with the hand labeler
+ - Adds a sound for removing a label from an object with the hand labeler
+ - Limits the amount of labels an object can have to one.
+ - You can now remove labels from objects, by hitting it with the hand labeler, while it's off.
+ TheVekter updated:
+ - Made it more apparent when someone is using the wrong item to finish the Phazon mech's construction.
+ XDTM updated:
+ - Fixed nanite comm remotes not working at all.
+ - Fixed Regenerative Coma being permanent if the virus gets cured during a coma.
+ bandit updated:
+ - The uptick of long-term detainees in Nanotrasen brigs has resulted in prisoners reviving the ancient, illegal tradition of brewing prison wine from fruit, mold, water, and despair. Security personnel should keep an eye out for this contraband.
+ - All Nanotrasen permanent confinement facilities have been given garbage bags, and prisoners have been allotted bread with their meals. This has absolutely nothing to do with the above.
+ bobbahbrown updated:
+ - Nanotrasen has recently retrofitted all disposal bins with built-in vacuum units, allowing brooms to sweep garbage into them!
+ - Push brooms can now be manufactured in the service protolathe and any autolathe.
+ - Fixed ability to escape any sanitized string in goonchat
+ cacogen updated:
+ - Space's big players are more beholden to OSH than one might've thought. Newly manufactured clothing now comes with a tag listing its protection ratings (if applicable). Deciding which armour to "borrow" from the armoury has never been easier.
+ - Removes two Box chem factory cameras from xeno and RD networks
+ - Adds Box chem factory, pharmacy and med sec post to medbay network (listed on CMO telescreen)
+ emptyexpression updated:
+ - Added simple indicator for incomplete DNA blocks
+ nightred updated:
+ - offhand placeholder should not be droppable
+ - no more holding objects in two hands with your mind
+ qustinnus updated:
+ - you can actually make the hygienebot now
+ qustinnus & 4Dplanner updated:
+ - meat material. yes.
+ - materials can now be used to build walls/floors. meat house
+ - edible component now does not try to attack if you eat something with it
+ - Texture support for mat datums with thanks to 4DPlanner!
+ - you no longer hit yourself with organs when eating
+ tralezab updated:
+ - Martyrdom and HADS are in the pool!
+ - caltrop component now sends a visible message before damage instead of the other way around
+ - tweaked a few things about emojis. some have more reasonable names, some are no longer blurry, stuff like that.
+ - nightmare name not getting added: FINALLY FIXED
+ zxaber updated:
+ - AI Core boards (used to make new AIs) no longer require gold and bluespace crystals.
+ - Drones and pAI holoforms are now suitable borg hats (though they require a humanoid's help to get there).
+ - Fixed drones not being equip-able as hats.
+ - Fixed pAIs returning to card form when being held or on someone's head leaving a phantom chassis behind.
+ 04 March 2020
+ ArcaneDefence updated:
+ - Head revolutionaries will find that the flashes provided to them by the Syndicate now fit in security webbing and belts. Convenient!
+ ArcaneDefence for the fucking bughunting/brainstorming updated:
+ - Fixes slime wizards being able to reset their spells from anywhere
+ - Removes slime people from the wizard mirror.
+ ArcaneMusic updated:
+ - Evidence Bags can no longer hold items that store other items.
+ - You can once again use another ID on help intent to purchase an item contained within a vend-a-tray, as intended.
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Malfuntion tab is gone, all its remaining verbs were either converted to action buttons or removed completely.
+ - Removing traitor status from AI now correctly removes all of its malfunction abilities.
+ Cobby updated:
+ - Removes passive charging from defib mounts, allows them to be built roundstart.
+ - Adds PENLITE defib mount, which charges. No techweb changes.
+ Dennok updated:
+ - Parallax shows planets and asteroids properly when you use remote vision.
+ - Nanotrasen engineering department calibrate nanite deploying system. Now Bluespace Artillery dont shifts on 2 meters on deploy.
+ Fikou updated:
+ - nanotrasen private officers now have nanotrasen hud icons
+ NecromancerAnne updated:
+ - Sleeping Carp costs 17tc again.
+ - Sleeping Carp users are distinctly worse against sources of burn damage, except the cold.
+ - Sleeping Carp users are extremely vulnerable to being cooked.
+ Ryll/Shaps updated:
+ - Harmful embedded objects will no longer "stick to people" in descriptions, and will look "embedded in" as they should be.
+ Tharcoonvagh updated:
+ - new shoulder holster sprite!
+ actioninja updated:
+ - Glowing overlays no longer render above everything, and mobs and items properly block them
+ - Random icons won't inexplicably duplicate everywhere, as vis overlays won't inherit the plane of their parent anymore.
+ cacogen updated:
+ - Fixes a few small map errors, mainly on BoxStation
+ nightred updated:
+ - Created two_handed component
+ - Updated all existing two handed items to use the new component
+ - fixed vendor hacking related tgui issue
+ - random 0 in the tgui on the off station vending machines
+ - the captains pirate hat is now named properly
+ zxaber updated:
+ - Ash Walker flavor text now allows invasions again, though prohibiting mass destruction.
+ - Ash Walkers can no longer pilot mechs.
+ - Ash Walkers now get only one life per player. However, each sacrifice has a 40% chance to give a bonus spawn (limit of one at a time).
+ - Dead/incapacitated Ash Walkers that are moved to the nest will be given a new body after a few seconds. This does not require an extra spawn, but also does not count as a sacrifice. Ash Walker bodies without a ghost (should the player have moved on to a new spawner) will be sacrificed as normal.
+ - Borgs being gibbed by the Ash Walker tendril will no longer count as a sacrifice, as they do not actually have blood.
+ 02 March 2020
+ Arkatos updated:
+ - Remote Robot Control now uses tgui.
+GoonStation 13 Development Team
+ Coders: Stuntwaffle, Showtime, Pantaloons, Nannek, Keelin, Exadv1, hobnob, Justicefries, 0staf, sniperchance, AngriestIBM, BrianOBlivion
+ Spriters: Supernorn, Haruhi, Stuntwaffle, Pantaloons, Rho, SynthOrange, I Said No
+ Except where otherwise noted, Goon Station 13 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Rights are currently extended to SomethingAwful Goons only.
+Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane. All rights reserved. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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