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Roles & permissions

In Bileto, the permissions are handled by the Role entity.

Roles are associated to the users via the Authorization entity. An authorization is associated to a role and a user. It also can be associated to an organization.

In Bileto, roles can be created by the administrators in order to customize the access given to the users.

The permissions

The permissions allow the actions of a user in Bileto. For instance, there is a specific permission to create tickets, and another one to update the title of a ticket. Permissions are directly attached to the roles. When creating a role, an administrator can select the permissions that will be attached to the role.

The types of roles

There are three (or four) types of roles:

  • Administrator (and Super): these roles give access to the administration of Bileto. There is one and only one “Super” role which cannot be removed.
  • Agent: these roles give access to the back office and allow users with agent roles to be assigned to tickets.
  • User: these roles are intended to the end-users so they have access to the assistance tools.

The type defines the kind of permissions that can be attached to a role. For instance, an Agent role can “Answer confidentially to tickets”, while User roles cannot.

The authorizations

By default, a user can do nothing in Bileto: it needs to be attached to a role first. A user is attached to a role thanks to an Authorization. An Authorization is the object that attaches a user to a role and an optional organization. The organization defines the scope of the authorization.

The scope of authorizations

An authorization can be limited to a certain organization, or it can be applied globally. It's called the scope of the authorization. The scope is only relevant to the Agent and User roles. Indeed, the Administrator roles give permissions outside of the organizations.

Multiple authorizations

A user can have more than one authorization concerning the same scope. In this case, Bileto combines the permissions given by the different authorizations.

The “Super” role

A special Super role is automatically created in the database and cannot be deleted, nor modified. It has the unique admin:* permission, which means it gives access to everything in the administration. It is especially useful to recover from a mistake. For instance, in the case you've removed the permissions to manage roles from all the other admin roles.

The teams authorizations

Users can be grouped in team of agents. Authorizations can be granted to teams instead of individual users. This allows to manipulate the authorizations by groups. For instance, when a user is added to a team, it gets the authorizations declared at the team level. Note that teams are only available for agents.

See below for the technical aspects of the teams authorizations.

Technical aspects

Granting roles to users

You can grant a role to a user with the Security\Authorizer service;

use App\Security\Authorizer;

$user = /* get some user */;
$role = /* get some role */;

$authorizer->grant($user, $role);

// or, to grant a role scoped to a certain organization
$organization = /* get some organization */;
$authorizer->grant($user, $role, $organization);

The authorizer can also grant a user to a team:

$user = /* get some user */;
$team = /* get some team */;

$authorizer->grantToTeam($user, $team);

Checking permissions with Symfony

Note of caution: the Symfony roles are not related to the Bileto roles and we don't use them. Only the method getRoles() of the User entity returns a "Symfony role" because this method is required by the authentication system.

The Voter


Bileto has a unique Voter to check the permission of a user: AppVoter. It loads the applicable user authorizations and related roles, then it checks that at least one role includes the current checked permission. To improve the performance, the authorizations are cached to avoid too many database calls.

How to check the permissions


To block the access to a controller for the current user based on their permissions:

$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('orga:see', $organization);

To execute code only if permissions are set:

use App\Security\Authorizer;

// Check the permission of the current user
if ($authorizer->isGranted('orga:see', $organization)) {
    // …

// Or to check the permission of a specific user
if ($authorizer->isGrantedToUser($a_user, 'orga:see', $organization)) {
    // …

// Check if the current user is an agent
if ($authorizer->isAgent($organization)) {
    // …

In templates:

{# Check the permission of the current user #}
{% if is_granted('orga:manage', organization) %}
    <a href="...">Delete</a>
{% endif %}

{# Or to check the permission of a specific user #}
{% if is_granted_to_user(a_user, 'orga:manage', organization) %}
    <a href="...">Delete</a>
{% endif %}

{# Check if the current user is an agent #}
{% if is_agent(organization) %}
    <a href="...">Delete</a>
{% endif %}

You can check that a permission is given at least by one authorization by passing any instead of an organization:

$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('orga:see', 'any');

You can check that a permission is applicable in a ticket by passing a Ticket entity instead of an organization:

$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('orga:see', $ticket);

This will check that the user has the permission orga:see in the ticket's organization, and that the user has access to the ticket (either they're involved in the ticket, or they have the orga:see:tickets:all permission in the ticket's organization).

It is also possible to create an error of access manually with:

if (/* some condition */) {
    throw $this->createAccessDeniedException();

Find organizations authorized for a user

Users are authorized to access an organization if they are associated with an “agent” or a “user” role. To load all the organizations for which the user is authorized:

namespace App\Repository\OrganizationRepository;

function someController(OrganizationRepository $orgaRepository)
    $user = $this->getUser();
    $organizations = $orgaRepository->findAuthorizedOrganizations($user);

Adding new permissions

To add new permissions to Bileto, you must add it to the PERMISSIONS constant of the Role entity. A permission is given for a specific type of role.

The admin permissions are completely separated from the other. The permissions of the agent and user roles can overlap though. In this case, you must add the permission in both groups.

Please see below to learn the syntax of the permissions.

Permission syntax

The permissions are represented as strings compounds of several terms separated by colons (:).

The first term is always one of admin or orga. This is to easily check that a permission can be scoped (orga), or only applies to the administration (admin).

The second term must be a verb of action among the following:

  • see to "show" a resource (e.g. an organization, a ticket)
  • list to "list" the resources
  • create to "create" resources
  • update to "update" resources
  • delete to "delete" resources
  • manage to gives rights on all the previous operations

The only exception is for the super permission admin:* where the verb is replaced by a *. This is to take care of the case where new actions appear in the future which would not be included in the manage action.

Several other terms can follow then:

  • a resource, usually in plural form, e.g. orga:create:tickets (to create tickets)
  • an attribute of a resource, e.g. orga:update:tickets:title (to update the title of tickets)
  • a free term to specify a variation, e.g. orga:create:tickets:messages:confidential (to create confidential messages in the tickets)

Translating permissions

When you create a new permission, you must give it a translated label which appears in the "new/edit role" forms. As the translation keys are built dynamically, the Symfony translation:extract cannot extract them. This is why you need to put the translation key corresponding to the permission in a special file: Misc/AdditionalTranslations.php.

How Teams Authorizations work

The teams authorizations are implemented with the TeamAuthorization entity. This entity acts as a template of Authorization for the agents of the team. Indeed, TeamAuthorization has the same relations as Authorization, except that it's linked to a Team instead of a User.

When an agent is added to a team, the TeamAuthorizations of the team are copied to the agent as simple Authorizations. When a TeamAuthorization is created, it's copied as simple Authorizations to the agents of the team.

This system allows to keep the implementation of the AppVoter as straigthforward as possible.

In order to avoid problems, always use the TeamService to add/remove agents or authorizations to/from a team.