A lambda script to constantly update the Cachet status page at status.projectalt.is.
variable | Description |
username | The username used to check login api. |
password | The password used to check login api. |
login_metric_id | The login metric id |
website_comp_id | The component ID for website |
login_comp_id | The component ID for login |
mongo_comp_id | The component ID for mongo |
mongo_url | The URL to ping for mongo middleware |
mongo_username | the http auth username |
mongo_password | the http auth password |
cachet_token | Cachet token to report statistics |
raven_dsn | Raven DNS for tracking |
zip the contents of the git repo, including the external modules, and upload to a lambda function.
Runtime: Python 3.6
Handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
Role permissions: basic edge Lambda permissions
Timeout: at least 20 seconds
Resources needed: 128 MB (max memory used 30MB)
Triggers: Cloudwatch Events Scheduled expression: cron(* /5 * * * ? *)
MIT licensed. For more information see LICENSE.md.