You are about to change the primary email address associated with this profile. This will change the login email used for this account.
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+Welcome to Planorama, {{currentUser.published_name}}!
You'll be using this site between now and the convention to view and manage your profile, interests and schedule.
-- To get started, click on Profile. -
-- At this point there are 4 tabs in the profile. You will need to visit all of them. -
-- The list of sessions you selected will display here. For each session: +
+ To get started, click on Profile. +
++ At this point there are 4 tabs in the profile. You will need to visit all of them. +
+- Please follow the additional prompt, if present. +
These are interim reports.
+These are interim reports.
+ Description: Sessions and rankings selected by people, one line per person and session
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session title, ranking, ranking notes, area(s) for the session, has person been assigned (y/n), has session been scheduled (y/n)
+ Session data included: any session selected by at least one person
+ Person data included: participant status of applied, probable, vetted, invite_pending, invited, accepted
+ Description: Information in the person's "Availability & Interests" tab (daily limit and con limit, days/times available, special events to attend)
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, attendance type (in-person, virtual, hybrid), availabilities (days/times), limits (daily & con/"global"), exclusions (special events to attend), availability notes
+ Person data included: participant status of applied, probable, vetted, invite_pending, invited, accepted
+ Description: People assigned to sessions, one line per person and session
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session title, person’s role in the session, has session been scheduled (y/n)
+ Session data included: any session with at least one person assigned as moderator, participant, invisible participant, or reserved
+ Person data included: session role of moderator, participant, invisible participant, or reserved
+ Description: List of surveys taken, including day/time submitted, one line per person
+ Fields: Person name, published name, primary email, attendance type, participant status, surveys taken
+ Person data included: participant status of applied, probable, vetted, invite_pending, invited, accepted
+ Description: People who should not be assigned to the same session, one line per person and session; available only to users with permission to view sensitive data
+ Fields: Person name, published name, session title, area(s) of session, names of other people assigned to the session, names of people not to assign to the same session
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants who listed information about who not to assign with
+ Description: People scheduled for more sessions than they specified in their daily and/or con limit, one line per person and daily/con limit exceeded
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, day (including individual days and "All" for con limit), session count (number of assigned sessions), person’s limit (as specified in "Availabilities & Interests")
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants exceeding specified daily or con limit
+ Description: People scheduled for more sessions than the con allows, with some session format exceptions, one line per person
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session count (number of assigned sessions), con limit (maximum number of sessions allowed by con of 6)
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions except those with format of autographing, meetings, readings, rehearsals, and table talks
+ Person data included: moderators, participants exceeding con limit of 6 sessions, not including the format exceptions
+ Description: People with participant status other than "accepted" or "not_set" assigned to scheduled sessions, one line per person and session
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session title, area(s) of session
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants with a participant status that is not "accepted" or "not_set"
+ Description: People with a participant status of accepted, invited, or invite_pending who are not assigned to any sessions, one line per person
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, attendance type (in-person, virtual, hybrid), person’s bio
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: people with a participant status of accepted, invited, or invite_pending who are assigned to no sessions, or who are assigned as invisible participants or reserved on one or more sessions
+ Description: Sessions and rankings selected by people, one line per session and person
+ Fields: Session title, person name, person published name, participant status, ranking, ranking notes, area(s) of session
+ Session data included: all sessions that at least one person selected
+ Person data included: participant status of applied, probable, vetted, invite_pending, invited, accepted
+ Description: Sessions with people already assigned, one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, session format, area(s) of session, moderators, participants, reserves, has session been scheduled (y/n)
+ Session data included: all sessions with at least one person assigned
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, reserved
+ Description: Scheduled sessions with no moderator assigned, one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session format, people assigned (participants, invisible participants), reserved people
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: participants, invisible participants, reserved
+ Description: Scheduled sessions with no assigned moderators or participants, one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, room
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Description: Sessions that are not scheduled but have assigned people, one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Session data included: all unscheduled sessions with at least one person assigned as moderator, participant, and/or invisible participant
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: Scheduled sessions (panel format only) with 3 or fewer assigned people (moderators, participants), one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, participant count, participant count lower bound (3), assigned participants, moderators
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants
+ Description: Scheduled sessions (panel format only) with 6 or more assigned people (moderators, participants), one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, participant count, participant count upper bound (6), assigned participants, moderators
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants
+ Description: The copy-edited status of each session, one line per session
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session status, has session been copy edited (y/n), has session been scheduled (y/n), visibility (visible, not visible)
+ Session data included: all sessions
+ Description: People scheduled on days/times that they did not mark as available, one line per person and session, except where conflict has been marked ignored
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, participant availability (days/times)
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: People assigned to more than one scheduled session at the same time, one line per person and double booking occurrence, except where conflict has been marked ignored
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, time, session title, area(s) of session, room, conflict session title, conflict session area, conflict room
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: People assigned to a session that occurs at the same time as a special event they want to attend, one line per conflict occurrence, except where conflict has been marked ignored
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, conflict session (special event), conflict session (special event) start time
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: People assigned to two sessions in a row (where the second session begins less than 40 minutes after the first ends), one line per session pair, except where conflict has been marked ignored
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session 1 title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, session 2 title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: People assigned to three sessions in a row (where one session begins less than 40 minutes after the previous one), one line per set of 3 sessions
+ Fields: Person name, published name, participant status, session 1 title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, session 2 title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, session 3 title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: Two or more sessions scheduled for the same room at the same day/time, one line per occurrence, except where conflict has been marked ignored
+ Fields: Room, session title, conflict session title, start time
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Description: Ignored conflicts in these categories: people outside of availability, people double booked, person scheduled against a conflict item, back to back), one line per ignored conflict
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, person name, conflict type
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Description: All conflicts in these categories: people outside of availability, people double booked, person scheduled against a conflict item, back to back), one line per conflict
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, person name, conflict type
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: All scheduled sessions, one line per room and day/time
+ Fields: Session title, area(s) of session, session start time, session duration, room, assigned participants, moderators
+ Session data included: all scheduled sessions
+ Person data included: moderators, participants
+ Description: Schedule for each participant, one line per person and session
+ Fields: Person name, publishes name, participant status, session title, area(s) of session, session start time, room, moderator (y/n), invisible participant (y/n)
+ Person data included: moderators, participants, invisible participants
+ Description: People with a participant status that is not rejected, declined, or not_set, with indication whether and when they have approved their draft and firm schedules, with comments if not approved, one line per person
+ Fields: Person name, published name, primary email, attendance type (in-person, virtual, hybrid), participant status, draft approval, draft comments, draft edited time, firm approval, firm comments, firm edited time
+ Person data included: people with a participant status that is not rejected, declined, or not_set, including those who are not assigned to any sessions