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Is there a way to upload files directly from frontend to pinata cloud? #39

Answered by stevedylandev
jithujoshyjy asked this question in Q&A
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Hey there! Yes absolutely! If you take a look at the Next.js quickstart or our uploading files doc we show how you can upload from the client side in a secure fashion. The TL;DR is you can issue a temporary JWT using the keys method on your SDK from your server and send it back to the client for uploading. For example you might have a server endpoint like this:

import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { pinata } from "@/utils/config"; // Import the Pinata SDK instance

export const dynamic = "force-dynamic";

export async function GET() {
  // Handle your auth here to protect the endpoint
  try {
    const uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
    const keyData = await p…

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