Robot Python application for COViRondelle2021
- Communicates with
using ROS
Using Docker prevents having to install the needed dependencies on the system. For testing purposes, it's really simpler.
Otherwise, here are some links for UNIX-based OS :
With Docker :
docker build -t robot .
Without Docker :
pip install -r requirements.txt
With Docker :
docker run robot
Without Docker :
With Docker Compose, from project's root :
Connect after launching Docker-Compose (covirondelle2021_robot_1 is the name of running robot container, can vary, use docker ps
to find container name)
docker exec -it covirondelle2021_robot_1 /bin/bash
Before contributing to the project, please read our contribution guide.
Create new ros package (If you forget a dependency you should create a new package with the good dependencies and copy the source code instead of trying to modify CMakeLists.txt and package.xml)
cd /root/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg <package-name> std_msgs rospy <other-dependencies>
Check code style of a single file
pylint module/
Check code style of a module
pylint module
Run single test file
pytest tests/
Run all test files
pytest tests