Value: Name of device in Hex
Value: [white][color][mode][00][speed]
Parameter | Value |
white | 00 => off, ff => white, 01-> ff => saturation of white |
color | color as RGB hex |
mode | 00 = Flash, 01 = Pulse, 02 = Rainbow Jump, 03 = Rainbow Fade |
speed | 46 46-> 01 01 => Slow to Fast (Flash, Rainbow), 1e 1e-> 01 01 => Slow to Fast (Pulse) |
#####Red pulse effect 00ff000001000f0f
Value: [white][color]
Parameter | Value |
white | 00 => off, ff => white, 01-> ff => saturation of white |
color | color as RGB hex |
#####Example 00ff0000 => full red ff000000 => white
Return Value | Interpretation |
BTL300 | Playbulb Candle |
#####Example Response
CSR101x A05
#####Example Response
#####Example Response
Application version
#####Example Response
Mipow Limited