From 19ee7cc036a9a29a16a4c26cf187334afc1988e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Petr Vyskocil Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 15:05:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add support to process directories of photos. --- MotionPhoto2.cmd | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/MotionPhoto2.cmd b/MotionPhoto2.cmd index 03fae21..32f7351 100644 --- a/MotionPhoto2.cmd +++ b/MotionPhoto2.cmd @@ -1,2 +1,108 @@ @ECHO OFF -powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -file "%~dp0MotionPhoto2.ps1" -imageFile "%~1" -videoFile "%~2" -outputFile "%~3" \ No newline at end of file +SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion +SETLOCAL EnableExtensions + +IF [%~1] == [] GOTO:Usage +IF EXIST "%~1\*" GOTO:ProcessDirectory + +powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -file "%~dp0MotionPhoto2.ps1" -imageFile "%~1" -videoFile "%~2" -outputFile "%~3" +GOTO:EOF + +:ProcessDirectory +SET _SOURCE=%~f1 +SET _TARGET=%~f1 +IF NOT [%~2] == [] ( + IF NOT EXIST "%~f2\*" ( + ECHO Target directory "%~f2" does not exist! + EXIT /b 1 + ) + SET _TARGET=%~f2 +) +ECHO Processing directory [%~f1] to directory [%_TARGET%] +ECHO. +CALL:strlen _SOURCE _SOURCE_LEN +CALL:strlen _TARGET _TARGET_LEN + +FOR /R "%_SOURCE%" %%a IN (*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.heic,*.heif) DO ( + SET _SOURCEDIR=%%~dpa + REM _TARGETCHK is substring of the file to process of the length of _TARGET. In case target is subdir of source, do not process the files aready in target. + CALL SET "_TARGETCHK=!_SOURCEDIR:~0,%_TARGET_LEN%!" + IF /I "!_TARGETCHK!" NEQ "%_TARGET%" ( + REM _TARGETDIR is set to _TARGET + relative path in _SOURCE (without filename) + CALL SET "_TARGETDIR=%%_TARGET%%!_SOURCEDIR:~%_SOURCE_LEN%!" + FOR %%b IN ("","%%~dpna.mp4") DO ( + IF EXIST "%%~b" ( + IF NOT EXIST "!_TARGETDIR!\*" ( + ECHO Creating target subdirectory [!_TARGETDIR!] + MD "!_TARGETDIR!" || EXIT /b 1 + ) + ECHO Converting [%%~a] and [%%~b] to [!_TARGETDIR!%%~nxa] + powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -file "%~dp0MotionPhoto2.ps1" -imageFile "%%~a" -videoFile "%%~b" -outputFile "!_TARGETDIR!%%~nxa" || EXIT /b 1 + ECHO. + ) + ) + ) +) + +REM And now, that all Live Photos have been converted to MotionPhotos, copy the rest of the files over too... +FOR /R "%_SOURCE%" %%a IN (*.*) DO ( + SET _SOURCEDIR=%%~dpa + CALL SET "_TARGETCHK=!_SOURCEDIR:~0,%_TARGET_LEN%!" + IF /I "!_TARGETCHK!" NEQ "%_TARGET%" ( + CALL SET "_TARGETDIR=%%_TARGET%%!_SOURCEDIR:~%_SOURCE_LEN%!" + IF NOT EXIST "!_TARGETDIR!%%~nxa" ( + SET _VIDEO=false + SET _SKIPCOPY=false + IF /I [%%~xa] == [.mov] SET _VIDEO=true + IF /I [%%~xa] == [.mp4] SET _VIDEO=true + IF [!_VIDEO!] == [true] ( + FOR %%b IN ("%%~dpna.jpeg", "%%~dpna.jpg", "%%~dpna.heic", "%%~dpna.heif") DO IF EXIST "%%~b" SET _SKIPCOPY=true + ) + IF [!_SKIPCOPY!] == [false] ( + IF NOT EXIST "!_TARGETDIR!\*" ( + ECHO Creating target subdirectory [!_TARGETDIR!] + MD "!_TARGETDIR!" || exit /b 1 + ) + ECHO Copying regular file [%%~a] to [!_TARGETDIR!] + COPY "%%~a" "!_TARGETDIR!%%~nxa" > nul || exit /b 1 + ) + ) + ) +) +GOTO:EOF + +:strlen StrVar [RtnVar] + set "s=#!%~1!" + set "len=0" + for %%N in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( + if "!s:~%%N,1!" neq "" ( + set /a "len+=%%N" + set "s=!s:~%%N!" + ) + ) + if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%len%) else echo %len% +GOTO:EOF + +:Usage +ECHO Parameters missing. +ECHO. +ECHO To process a single file: +ECHO %~nx0 image_file.(jpg^|heic) video_file.(mov^|mp4) output_file.(jpg^|heic) +ECHO. +ECHO Example: +ECHO %~nx0 IMG_0001.heic ..\fixed\IMG_0001.heic +ECHO. +ECHO To process a directory: +ECHO %~nx0 input_directory [output_directory] +ECHO. +ECHO Example (note that output directory has to exist as a safety feature): +ECHO MD "Camera Roll\Fixed" +ECHO %~nx0 "Camere Roll" "Camera Roll\Fixed" +ECHO. +ECHO All files in input directory will be copied to output directory, except LivePhotos. +ECHO Those will be merged and saved as MotionPhoto in target. +ECHO Subdirectories are supported. +ECHO In case output directory is missing, files are modified in place. +ECHO This is not really recommended - you'll lose the original file and there +ECHO will also be a now-unneccessary movie files left around. +GOTO:EOF \ No newline at end of file