diff --git a/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-updatereadme-caller.yml b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-updatereadme-caller.yml
index 3cba416..e3680bd 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-updatereadme-caller.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/essentialsplugins-updatereadme-caller.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ on:
- uses: PepperDash/workflow-templates/.github/workflows/update-readme.yml@1beyond-automate-joinmap
+ uses: PepperDash/workflow-templates/.github/workflows/update-readme.yml@development
target-branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d115b04..ed70dda 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,58 +1,201 @@
-# Essentials Plugin Template (c) 2020
-## License
-Provided under MIT license
-## Overview
-Fork this repo when creating a new plugin for Essentials. For more information about plugins, refer to the Essentials Wiki [Plugins](https://github.com/PepperDash/Essentials/wiki/Plugins) article.
-This repo contains example classes for the three main categories of devices:
-* `EssentialsPluginTemplateDevice`: Used for most third party devices which require communication over a streaming mechanism such as a Com port, TCP/SSh/UDP socket, CEC, etc
-* `EssentialsPluginTemplateLogicDevice`: Used for devices that contain logic, but don't require any communication with third parties outside the program
-* `EssentialsPluginTemplateCrestronDevice`: Used for devices that represent a piece of Crestron hardware
-There are matching factory classes for each of the three categories of devices. The `EssentialsPluginTemplateConfigObject` should be used as a template and modified for any of the categories of device. Same goes for the `EssentialsPluginTemplateBridgeJoinMap`.
-This also illustrates how a plugin can contain multiple devices.
-## Cloning Instructions
-After forking this repository into your own GitHub space, you can create a new repository using this one as the template. Then you must install the necessary dependencies as indicated below.
-## Dependencies
-The [Essentials](https://github.com/PepperDash/Essentials) libraries are required. They referenced via nuget. You must have nuget.exe installed and in the `PATH` environment variable to use the following command. Nuget.exe is available at [nuget.org](https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe).
-### Installing Dependencies
-To install dependencies once nuget.exe is installed, run the following command from the root directory of your repository:
-`nuget install .\packages.config -OutputDirectory .\packages -excludeVersion`.
-Alternatively, you can simply run the `GetPackages.bat` file.
-To verify that the packages installed correctly, open the plugin solution in your repo and make sure that all references are found, then try and build it.
-### Installing Different versions of PepperDash Core
-If you need a different version of PepperDash Core, use the command `nuget install .\packages.config -OutputDirectory .\packages -excludeVersion -Version {versionToGet}`. Omitting the `-Version` option will pull the version indicated in the packages.config file.
-### Instructions for Renaming Solution and Files
-See the Task List in Visual Studio for a guide on how to start using the template. There is extensive inline documentation and examples as well.
-For renaming instructions in particular, see the XML `remarks` tags on class definitions
-## Build Instructions (PepperDash Internal)
-## Generating Nuget Package
-In the solution folder is a file named "PDT.EssentialsPluginTemplate.nuspec"
-1. Rename the file to match your plugin solution name
-2. Edit the file to include your project specifics including
- 1. PepperDash.Essentials.Plugin.MakeModel Convention is to use the prefix "PepperDash.Essentials.Plugin" and include the MakeModel of the device.
- 2. https://github.com/PepperDash/EssentialsPluginTemplate Change to your url to the project repo
-There is no longer a requirement to adjust workflow files for nuget generation for private and public repositories. This is now handled automatically in the workflow.
-__If you do not make these changes to the nuspec file, the project will not generate a nuget package__
\ No newline at end of file
+# Essentials Plugin Template (c) 2020
+## License
+Provided under MIT license
+## Overview
+Fork this repo when creating a new plugin for Essentials. For more information about plugins, refer to the Essentials Wiki [Plugins](https://github.com/PepperDash/Essentials/wiki/Plugins) article.
+This repo contains example classes for the three main categories of devices:
+* `EssentialsPluginTemplateDevice`: Used for most third party devices which require communication over a streaming mechanism such as a Com port, TCP/SSh/UDP socket, CEC, etc
+* `EssentialsPluginTemplateLogicDevice`: Used for devices that contain logic, but don't require any communication with third parties outside the program
+* `EssentialsPluginTemplateCrestronDevice`: Used for devices that represent a piece of Crestron hardware
+There are matching factory classes for each of the three categories of devices. The `EssentialsPluginTemplateConfigObject` should be used as a template and modified for any of the categories of device. Same goes for the `EssentialsPluginTemplateBridgeJoinMap`.
+This also illustrates how a plugin can contain multiple devices.
+## Cloning Instructions
+After forking this repository into your own GitHub space, you can create a new repository using this one as the template. Then you must install the necessary dependencies as indicated below.
+## Dependencies
+The [Essentials](https://github.com/PepperDash/Essentials) libraries are required. They referenced via nuget. You must have nuget.exe installed and in the `PATH` environment variable to use the following command. Nuget.exe is available at [nuget.org](https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe).
+### Installing Dependencies
+To install dependencies once nuget.exe is installed, run the following command from the root directory of your repository:
+`nuget install .\packages.config -OutputDirectory .\packages -excludeVersion`.
+Alternatively, you can simply run the `GetPackages.bat` file.
+To verify that the packages installed correctly, open the plugin solution in your repo and make sure that all references are found, then try and build it.
+### Installing Different versions of PepperDash Core
+If you need a different version of PepperDash Core, use the command `nuget install .\packages.config -OutputDirectory .\packages -excludeVersion -Version {versionToGet}`. Omitting the `-Version` option will pull the version indicated in the packages.config file.
+### Instructions for Renaming Solution and Files
+See the Task List in Visual Studio for a guide on how to start using the template. There is extensive inline documentation and examples as well.
+For renaming instructions in particular, see the XML `remarks` tags on class definitions
+## Build Instructions (PepperDash Internal)
+## Generating Nuget Package
+In the solution folder is a file named "PDT.EssentialsPluginTemplate.nuspec"
+1. Rename the file to match your plugin solution name
+2. Edit the file to include your project specifics including
+ 1. PepperDash.Essentials.Plugin.MakeModel Convention is to use the prefix "PepperDash.Essentials.Plugin" and include the MakeModel of the device.
+ 2. https://github.com/PepperDash/EssentialsPluginTemplate Change to your url to the project repo
+There is no longer a requirement to adjust workflow files for nuget generation for private and public repositories. This is now handled automatically in the workflow.
+__If you do not make these changes to the nuspec file, the project will not generate a nuget package__
+### Minimum Essentials Framework Versions
+- 1.12.8
+### Config Example
+ "key": "GeneratedKey",
+ "uid": 1,
+ "name": "GeneratedName",
+ "type": "oneBeyondAutomateVx",
+ "group": "Group",
+ "properties": {
+ "control": "SampleValue"
+ }
+### Supported Types
+- oneBeyondAutomateVx
+### Join Maps
+#### Digitals
+| Join | Description |
+| 1 | Successfully authenticated to Automate VX server |
+| 2 | Pulse input to enable auto switch. FB high when enabled |
+| 3 | Pulse input to disable auto switch. FB high when disabled |
+| 4 | Pulse input to start recording. FB high when recording |
+| 5 | Pulse input to pause recording |
+| 6 | Pulse input to stop recording. FB high when not recording |
+| 7 | Pulse input to start ISO Recording. FB high when enabled |
+| 8 | Pulse input to stop ISO Recording. FB high when disabled |
+| 9 | Pulse input to start stream. FB high when enabled |
+| 10 | Pulse input to stop stream. FB high when disabled |
+| 11 | Pulse input to start stream. FB high when enabled |
+| 12 | Pulse input to stop stream. FB high when disabled |
+| 13 | Pulse input call the home shot in the system |
+| 14 | Pulse input call the home shot in the system |
+| 15 | Pulse input call the home shot in the system |
+| 16 | Gets current status |
+| 17 | Gets current status |
+| 18 | Gets current status |
+| 19 | Gets current status |
+| 20 | Gets current status |
+| 21 | Gets current status |
+| 22 | Gets available layouts |
+| 23 | Gets current status |
+| 24 | Gets available cameras |
+| 25 | Recalls the preset specified by the CameraPresetToRecall and CameraToRecallPresetOn analog joins. |
+| 26 | Trigger copying of files. |
+| 27 | Pulses when copy is successful. |
+| 27 | Set High to have files deleted after copy files operation |
+#### Analogs
+| Join | Description |
+| 1 | Specifies the desired layout and provides feedback for current layout. Valid values 1-26 correspond to A-Z |
+| 2 | Reports the number of layouts stored on the Automate server |
+| 3 | Specifies the desired room config and provides feedback for current config. Valid values 1-99. |
+| 4 | Forces the desired room config. Valid values 1-99. |
+| 5 | Reports the number of configs stored on the Automate server |
+| 6 | Specifies the desired camera and provides feedback for current camera. |
+| 7 | Reports the number of cameras available on the Automate server |
+| 8 | Specifies preset for the current camera. |
+| 9 | Specifies preset to recall on CameraToRecallPresetOn. Pulse RecallCameraPreset join to execute. |
+| 10 | Specifies camera to recall preset on specified by CameraPresetToRecall.. Pulse RecallCameraPreset join to execute. |
+| 11 | Reports the remaining storage space in GB |
+| 12 | Reports the total storage space in GB |
+#### Serials
+| Join | Description |
+| 1 | Error message from device |
+| 2 | Success message from device |
+| 3 | The location to copy files to |
+| 3 | The location for the log file for the copy files operation |
+| 5 | Name of each layout [A-Z] |
+| 101 | Name of each room config [1-99] |
+### Interfaces Implemented
+- ID
+### Base Classes
+- JoinMapBaseAdvanced
+- EssentialsBridgeableDevice
+- EventArgs
+### Public Methods
+- public void GetToken()
+- public void ClearToken()
+- public void GetAutoSwitchStatus()
+- public void SetAutoSwitch(bool state)
+- public void GetRecordStatus()
+- public void SetRecord(eRecordOperation operation)
+- public void GetIsoRecordStatus()
+- public void SetIsoRecord(bool state)
+- public void GetStreamStatus()
+- public void SetStream(bool state)
+- public void GetOutputStatus()
+- public void SetOutput(bool state)
+- public void GetLayouts()
+- public void GetLayoutStatus()
+- public void SetLayout(string layout)
+- public void GetRoomConfigStatus()
+- public void GetRoomConfigs()
+- public void SetRoomConfig(uint id)
+- public void ForceSetRoomConfig(uint id)
+- public void GoHome()
+- public void GetCameras()
+- public void GetCameraStatus()
+- public void SetCamera(uint address)
+- public void SetCameraPreset(uint camId, uint presetId)
+- public void SaveCameraPreset(uint camId, uint presetId)
+- public void ImportCameraPresets()
+- public void ExportCameraPresets()
+- public void CopyFiles(string dest, string logDest, bool delete)
+- public void GetStorageSpaceAvailable()
+- public void GetRecordingSpaceAvailable()
+- public void SetSleep()
+- public void SetWake()
+- public void Restart()
+- public void SetCloseWirecast()
+- public void GetScenarios()
+- public void GetScenarioStatus()
+- public void SetScenario(uint id)