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hvolmer edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Essentials Documentation wiki!

Essentials is framework for Crestron control system software development, built upon the Crestron Simpl# Pro framework. It is a configuration-driven framework that can be used to create standalone programs or programs that support Simpl programs running in another program slot.

This area is clearly in-progress right now. Take a look at the links to the right. We are actively working on this documentation, so please be patient with us. If you have any comments, reach out to Heath and Neil.


Open Source Collaborative Workflow

The master branch always contain the latest stable version. The development branch is used for most development efforts.

GitFlow will be used as the workflow for this collaborative project. To contribute, follow this process:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a branch using standard GitFlow branch prefixes (feature/hotfix/bugfix) followed by a descriptive name.
    • Example: feature/add-awesomeness,bugfix/wow-im-dumb or hotfix/really-big-oops
    • When working on a new feature or bugfix, branch from the development branch. When working on a hotfix, branch from master.
  3. Make commits as necessary (often is better). And use concise, descriptive language, leveraging issue notation and/or Closing Keywords to ensure any issues addressed by your work are referenced accordingly.
  4. When the scope of the work for your branch is complete, make sure to rebase your branch in case further progress has been made since the repo was forked
  5. Create a Pull Request to pull your branch into the appropriate branch in the main repository.
  6. Your Pull Request will be reviewed by our team and evaluated for inclusion into the main repository.